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Official Jan 2008 NPD Thread - HW Shortages + Spectacular SW


Question is: What's the PS3's bigger selling point? Its Blue-Ray player or its software?

I'm thinking it's the Blue-Ray player, even though the PS3 has some respectable software.

I have no idea why, though... Just a feeling.
Without taking into account anyone else - the PS3's numbers are pretty strong. More than last year's 5 week month which is encouraging for Sony. Can't conclude much else on this month alone - will be interesting to see the next few month's. Pretty good thread / reaction from both camps though - many pages to come I think.

All within 44k is funny.


Scooter said:
PS3 kicked ass!

No wonder Microsoft released that damage control yesterday.

So awesome.
Reilly said:
Yes, now port NMH to PS2, plz.

Yeah great idea, let's port it to a far less powerful console with gimped controls!

Oh and :lol @ the Nunchuck outselling the Wiimote (Yes I know that Wii Play is probably to blame but it's still funny!)

Uncharted, Z&W, FE, Advance Wars DOR and Mass Effect Numbers would be much appreciated!


/me on prediction thread:

I don't know. I'm probably wrong, but, im expecting a particurlaly good month for ps3. For a couple reasons. Sony had the free blu-ray giveaway for the entire period, ps3 sold consistently better on amazon.com than the xbox and even compared to itself on previous months, and finally its lower price point, appeal more to impulsive sales on brick-and-mortar stores.

There was a lot of small factors, that when combined, had a considerable effect on ps3 sales.


_Alkaline_ said:

So it was a mod? Well that's good news then, should be pretty reliable numbers.

So when does Suda release a statement taking back what he said about the Wii?

Fredescu said:
I thought 300k WW shipped was about all we knew.

Then there's a shit ton of Killer7 boxes lying around somewhere.
Liquid said:
until you can honestly say without a doubt that sony kicked as on their own and not because of anything else then meh. i mean can you say that if wii and 360 were well stocked sony would look as good? hell no. they'd still have the lowest amount of next gen hardware sold.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
Draft said:
MS has had it up to here with you people rejecting the asstastic Halo 3 Special Edition Deluxe. They will manufacture no other models until you cooperate.

Sounds as good as any other theory.
_Alkaline_ said:
626k really isn't THAT bad. It will probably sell about 700k when it's finished and done in USA, maybe even a little bit more. Add ok sales in Europe, and the obligatory crappy sales in Japan, and the title will pass 1 million, which isn't so bad.
I just think Nintendo dropped the ball with the marketing on this one. It's one of their main franchises yet I don't remember any real advertisements for it. Another factor that might have had an effect on its launch sells was that it came out a week after Bioshock, not good when you're game is mostly targeted towards hardcore gamers.


Game-Biz said:
Question is: What's the PS3's bigger selling point? Its Blue-Ray player or its software?

I'm thinking it's the Blue-Ray player, even though the PS3 has some respectable software.

I have no idea why, though... Just a feeling.

Both, the PS3 is a double threat.


Yep we have had wii shortages all year round, and they still continued to outsell both 360 and ps3.

MS flooded the channel last year and have obviously been still manufacturing new 360's the year round.

So two months of high 360 sales ( november and december ) creates a sudden shortage of 360's, and MS's statement and the timing of its release are suspect, why wait to the day before to come out with this news, if shortages have been a problem for the past month why not release news of the situation earlier.

We shall see the NPD results for the rest of the coming months and when MGS4 releases and PS3 sales out do the 360 then, will we have a shortage of 360's again ?

Would be conveinent to say the least.
Dark FaZe said:
Kind of a boring month. Great job for the Ps3, buts its yet to have proven anything.
It improved very well over last year, and the big multiplatform software sells to a higher percentage of its userbase than on 360.


ivysaur12 said:
So when does Suda release a statement taking back what he said about the Wii?
he already did. Nintendo ninjas got to him.
This should definitely put a smile on his face though and bodes well for FF4.
Game-Biz said:
Question is: What's the PS3's bigger selling point? Its Blue-Ray player or its software?

I'm thinking it's the Blue-Ray player, even though the PS3 has some respectable software.

I have no idea why, though... Just a feeling.


NekoFever said:
Holy crap at the Sony brigade coming out of the woodwork. Jesus :lol

Lots of pent up frustration? :lol

Can't wait till next month when stock goes up and ps3 is 3rd (or second) AGAIN :lol


dr3upmushroom said:
I just think Nintendo dropped the ball with the marketing on this one. It's one of their main franchises yet I don't remember any real advertisements for it. Another factor that might have had an effect on its launch sells was that it came out a week after Bioshock, not good when you're game is mostly targeted towards hardcore gamers.

Yeah, they definitely messed up with Corruption advertising. What's done is done, I'm afraid.


Wow. I knew the 360 was supply constrained, but I never would've imagined it was this bad.

The 360 would've probably outsold the PS3 if it wasn't for supply problems, but seperate from that, the PS3 number is good. I'm glad for Sony.

This is only one months sales, and while i agree that it's great news for Sony. There's no need for 'empire strikes back' gifs and comments. Get a grip people!

Lol why? they're doing such an awesome job of winding up all the xbox/nintendo fanboys.


Mrbob said:
Hahahah wow.

It is amazing MS didn't see this coming. They are self owning at the moment, at the same time the PS3 is heating up. Not a good combination.

HAD to be because of a new SKU. They couldnt have been this incompetent.

No clue about the controls... but are you calling NMH graphically intensive

He didnt say that. He said port it to a less powerfull console.
ROCK BANDDDDDDDDDDD! Yay. Outselling the GH3 bundle is the best thing ever.

Anyways, the PS3 doing this again in February or March will be the real news; far too many strange things going down in January for this to be anything other than the exception to the rule.


this has got to be the most even month for consoles sales ever

It's like everyone just said lets sell 250k and say fuck it


Shortages through February? Astounding. What happened? Did they get a shipment of fans that weren't loud enough?


This thread will be a gold mine of super-special-awesome quotes. I want them all cataloged when we reach the 50 page milestone.


sparkle this bitch
OMG, Tabris Avatar was right!!! :lol

Sony sold more then I expected...I expected around 200k...MS sadly enough, about on par. Wii...underwhelm. Software sales Still its kind of funny that PS3 was the only one in stock for the month:lol I await for next month...DMC4 FIGURES!!! Fanboys Will Cry!!!


dr3upmushroom said:
I just think Nintendo dropped the ball with the marketing on this one. It's one of their main franchises yet I don't remember any real advertisements for it. Another factor that might have had an effect on its launch sells was that it came out a week after Bioshock, not good when you're game is mostly targeted towards hardcore gamers.
Aren't those numbers actually up from MP2?
I remember hearing that last month (or maybe 2 months ago).


Nork unification denier
Odysseus said:
through february?

has to be a new design.

Wouldn't it have leaked by now, though? I mean, I'm hoping for one just as much as everyone, but I think it's more likely they're stockpiling for a price cut or new bundle.

Eteric Rice

typhonsentra said:
No clue about the controls... but are you calling NMH graphically intensive? :lol


It wouldn't work well on the PS2, considering the controls are what makes it fun in the first place.
gofreak said:
MS is out quick with more on supply...they expect this to effect them through Feb:


But maybe they're just trying to lower expectations again for a bounceback in Feb..?

Sony did the same last year with PS3 sales when they stated they were "supply constrained"


NekoFever said:
Holy crap at the Sony brigade coming out of the woodwork. Jesus :lol

Lots of pent up frustration? :lol

I seem to remember reading many, many quotes from the Sony brigade how they didn't care about sales threads and how they were a waste of time...

Arthas said:
Can't wait till next month when stock goes up and ps3 is 3rd (or second) AGAIN :lol

Lots of quotes will be logged in this thread for future crow eating.


in all honesty I can't be impressed with Sony numbers considering that through the entire month we had people calling for 360s Wiis and DSs, psps as well. Everything was crazy low instock except for the ps2 and ps3.
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