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Official Madden '16 PS4 Online league thread: DOTA says

"Oops I didn't mean to take this guy. It'll be my first time using him"
The first guy on my team selecting Earth Spirit. This doesn't end well does it?
I didnt brick mine. Im telling you GL.

Advanced mobos do but yours is older. Might wanna check ASUS website for your board. When BIOS is involved theres always a chance of fuckery.

oh, lol.

I'll take care, although the ASUS site hasn't had an updated BIOS for this board since 2012.

BigBoss is already on the waiting list if you wanted one of those people.

You should have known that Crazy always searches to see if they are being talked about after y0shi.



played 2 minutes of CoD and turned off my system

all that aim assist is a joke - you don't even have to try
So im assuming you went 30+/2 in each game amirite
he isn't wrong. The game is fun but getting good really comes down to knowing the map and where people probably are. The level of skill required with the guns in that game compared to counterstrike is a complete joke


So im assuming you went 30+/2 in each game amirite
I played 2 minutes, so I didn't even finish a game!

this guy was running across the wall, and my crosshairs were in his general direction when they tracked him all the way across for me to just hold R2 for a kill


intangibles, motherfucker
Bryan Wiedey ‏@pastapadre 8m8 minutes ago
MyLeague Online in NBA 2K16 supports 1-30 user teams, fantasy drafts, robust admin controls. But just 1-2 seasons (no draft or free agency)



he isn't wrong. The game is fun but getting good really comes down to knowing the map and where people probably are. The level of skill required with the guns in that game compared to counterstrike is a complete joke


You cant just hop in and be like herp this is so easy! The most likely out come is you're going to die often and repeatedly despite hpw "easy" it is to use the guns. This usually leads to "this game sucks", "omg i died and from a no skill kid" etc. Thats why i said im assuming he had some godly stat line in each game since it's so easy to play and dominate. Now if just dont "like" the game. That's valid.

No matter how much aim assist there is it takes a decent amount of playtime to know the maps, combination of perks, streaks etc.

Counter strike is a completely different type of game in a completely different type of environment. Im not even sure how CoD even fits in that comparison.


how can an online sports game get away with only 2 seasons?

whats so hard about doing franchise modes?

Didn't 2K have one year where franchise worked fine (after several patches that is) but you couldn't do the playoffs at all due to a bug? Which no one knew until the online league actually made it to the playoffs.

Two seasons is like the longest franchise they've put together!


2k online leagues been ded who cares. I am still the undisputed GAF champion until the end of time.

All about PRO-AM and Park


Bryan Wiedey ‏@pastapadre 8m8 minutes ago
MyLeague Online in NBA 2K16 supports 1-30 user teams, fantasy drafts, robust admin controls. But just 1-2 seasons (no draft or free agency)

To be fair, that's how long a GAF 2k league would last anyway.



You cant just hop in and be like herp this is so easy! The most likely out come is you're going to die often and repeatedly despite hpw "easy" it is to use the guns. This usually leads to "this game sucks", "omg i died and from a no skill kid" etc. Thats why i said im assuming he had some godly stat line in each game since it's so easy to play and dominate. Now if just dont "like" the game. That's valid.

No matter how much aim assist there is it takes a decent amount of playtime to know the maps, combination of perks, streaks etc.

Counter strike is a completely different type of game in a completely different type of environment. Im not even sure how CoD even fits in that comparison.
it's ok, Smokey!
Bryan Wiedey ‏@pastapadre 8m8 minutes ago
MyLeague Online in NBA 2K16 supports 1-30 user teams, fantasy drafts, robust admin controls.

holy shit!!!

But just 1-2 seasons

alright, I guess I could live with that.

(no draft)

they can fuck right off

2k Pro-AM will get my time then


You cant just hop in and be like herp this is so easy! The most likely out come is you're going to die often and repeatedly despite hpw "easy" it is to use the guns. This usually leads to "this game sucks", "omg i died and from a no skill kid" etc. Thats why i said im assuming he had some godly stat line in each game since it's so easy to play and dominate. Now if just dont "like" the game. That's valid.

No matter how much aim assist there is it takes a decent amount of playtime to know the maps, combination of perks, streaks etc.

Counter strike is a completely different type of game in a completely different type of environment. Im not even sure how CoD even fits in that comparison.

CS fits in comparison because they're both shooters. But yeah they're completely different games.

Games like COD just aren't really my cup of tea I found after this beta. I think I'll still get it and play it, but probably the zombies mode mostly. When I shot and killed people it felt super cheap, but the joysticks aren't as precise as mice so I guess it was helpful. I didn't know the maps at all but I don't think I will really care to want to learn them because I'm more than likely going to be spending most of my time on other stuff. Also I never ever liked the perks myself, but I think I have just grown up and liked the more bare-bones presentation of CS. CS to me feels like the golf club of shooters, no bullshit

2k online leagues been ded who cares. I am still the undisputed GAF champion until the end of time.

All about PRO-AM and Park

Yeah funny how these leagues were dead when the Rockets were trash and the Heat had a super team equivalent to having video game Yao and T-Mac...
aim assist is a cancer that has infested all console shooters to make players feel "powerful".

It's really staggering how so many people like the game playing itself. I think the worst aim assist I've had was in Destiny with the hand cannon, shit would just warp to the nearest head.


Games like COD just aren't really my cup of tea I found after this beta. I think I'll still get it and play it, but probably the zombies mode mostly. When I shot and killed people it felt super cheap, but the joysticks aren't as precise as mice so I guess it was helpful. I didn't know the maps at all but I don't think I will really care to want to learn them because I'm more than likely going to be spending most of my time on other stuff. Also I never ever liked the perks myself, but I think I have just grown up and liked the more bare-bones presentation of CS. CS to me feels like the golf club of shooters, no bullshit

Which is all fine and why i said if you just dont "like" the game that works.i was coming at it more from "this game is so easy i dont even have to play!" perspective.


Which is all fine and why i said if you just dont "like" the game that works.i was coming at it more from "this game is so easy i dont even have to play!" perspective.

It's so easy, I don't even have to play!

*smashes controller into fifth game*
Which is all fine and why i said if you just dont "like" the game that works.i was coming at it more from "this game is so easy i dont even have to play!" perspective.

You know what Greg was really saying though. He was honed in on auto-aim trash.
I'm sorry I prefer good shooting mechanics in my shooters

CoD aiming is like no huddle and user d-line play!

whoa, hey now, lets not get that extreme! d-line is a legit strategy, it takes exact precision to press R2 and forward, having the game throw either an X or Square!
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