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OK nerds, you win. Song of Ice and Fire is gud.

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kathode said:
Sorry for the bump, but I'm wondering if someone could explain what happened with Bran and his brother at the end of book 2. Just finished it the other night, and it was great but I'm confused on that point.

Big spoilers behind this block for anyone who hasn't completed Clash of Kings--

So apparently they're not actually dead, but how did that happen? Maester Luwin alludes to some other boy. A decoy? He says something about "his poor leg muscles" or something like that. I didn't get it. Seems like Theon would have known if it was a decoy.

Also, I didn't understand how Reke knew where to find them. He had a box with some kind of wolf charm in it, but I didn't get what it was or how it led them to the mill.

Reke knew they would never find Bran and the others, so he thought ahead and ran and grabbed some of his stuff before leaving Winterfell. When he showed the wolf broach to Theon he was basically suggesting to Theon that they go with plan B (fake Stark corpses.) They murdered the unfortunate family who lived at the mill and put those things on the corpses. Theon and Reke then use those bodies to convince the residents of Winterfell that Bran and the others were captured and killed.


Black Canada Mafia
Westonian said:
Reke knew they would never find Bran and the others, so he thought ahead and ran and grabbed some of his stuff before leaving Winterfell. When he showed the wolf broach to Theon he was basically suggesting to Theon that they go with plan B (fake Stark corpses.) They murdered the unfortunate family who lived at the mill and put those things on the corpses. Theon and Reke then use those bodies to convince the residents of Winterfell that Bran and the others were captured and killed.

To add to that -
the bodies were skinned if I remember correctly, and tarred as well before put on the pikes - at this point, one dead skinned boy, covered in tar, looks like another.


I need to get back into the series. It's been almost a year since I was reading A Storm of Swords. I hope I can recall what was going on because I refuse to go back from scratch.


newsguy said:
I need to get back into the series. It's been almost a year since I was reading A Storm of Swords. I hope I can recall what was going on because I refuse to go back from scratch.

Listen to the audiobooks for the first 2 books to get you back up to speed.


sparkle this bitch
dragonlife29 said:
I just bought the first two books today since I saw them mentioned in GAF's What are you reading? threads.

I hope I enjoy 'em!
Don't do it!!! Don't read them. Doom awaits you....You can join the ranks of waiting fans =[


Subconscious Brolonging
dragonlife29 said:
I just bought the first two books today since I saw them mentioned in GAF's What are you reading? threads.

I hope I enjoy 'em!

It's a trap!

Your love for these books will quickly turn to agony as you realize you'll have to wait years for each new installment, each day another loop in the downward spiral of your pained, tortured existence.
Spire said:
It's a trap!

Your love for these books will quickly turn to agony as you realize you'll have to wait years for each new installment, each day another loop in the downward spiral of your pained, tortured existence.

After reading the posts following mine, I'll have to make a trip to Wikipedia to see just how convoluted this series is :lol

Thanks for the heads-up nonetheless, guys...I'll suffer with you all when I get to them.


I'll ask this question here cos I don't want to bump the other thread,

For the HBO series, If it were to go ahead. How similar would it be to the BBC series Merlin, in terms of budget and production do you think?

Because I'm quite unimpressed with Merlin, it doesn't seems epic at all from any of the costumes or set designs it comes across very flat to me. And I would hope that any CG in AGOT would hopefully be better than the dragon in Merlin.


Spire said:
It's a trap!

Your love for these books will quickly turn to agony as you realize you'll have to wait years for each new installment, each day another loop in the downward spiral of your pained, tortured existence.
I wish someone told me this before I jumped in back in May. Now here I am, waiting......


Subconscious Brolonging
dragonlife29 said:

After reading the posts following mine, I'll have to make a trip to Wikipedia to see just how convoluted this series is :lol

Thanks for the heads-up nonetheless, guys...I'll suffer with you all when I get to them.

Don't do that, spoilers abound. The books are damn good and well worth reading, the author is just taking his sweet ass time to finish the series.

I'll ask this question here cos I don't want to bump the other thread,

For the HBO series, If it were to go ahead. How similar would it be to the BBC series Merlin, in terms of budget and production do you think?

Because I'm quite unimpressed with Merlin, it doesn't seems epic at all from any of the costumes or set designs it comes across very flat to me. And I would hope that any CG in AGOT would hopefully be better than the dragon in Merlin.

Merlin came out in 1998. TV special effects have come a long way since then, just take a look at some of the stuff BSG was able to pull off. Plus AGOT will be on HBO and will probably have sky-high production values. I would not worry about it being low-rent and cheesy.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I finally finished A Storm of Swords. Man that was awesome. It is definitely my favorite of the series so far with A Game of Thrones in second.

I started on A Feast for Crows and while I have been enjoying the first couple of chapters, I already know it is going to be a pain to wait until who knows when to find out what happens to some of my favorite characters that aren't featured in AFFC. I really hope the new book comes sometime this year. I'm sure some of you have been hoping the same thing for the past 4 years.
finish the fucking book i mean jesus christ

i remember going to a book signing in November 2005 for AFFC, with DoD scheduled for Summer '06. wtf is he doing

and he has 2 more after Dance? Yeah, I'll be collecting fucking SSI by then and he'll be dead so I guess it won't matter anyway


Is there any place were you can read the first few pages of "A games of thrones"?

I just noticed that they will not continue to translate to my language and I want to check what level the English is, so it might not be to frustrating.

EDIT: Nevermind, found it.


Holy FUCK.

Storm of Swords is like the game-changer. I just finished the "Red Wedding". It's the Empire Strikes Back of the books. Things are either going to be more interesting at this point or less so.


fanboi said:
I just noticed that they will not continue to translate to my language and I want to check what level the English is, so it might not be to frustrating.

Shit, sorry to hear that. :(

I hope you won't have trouble following it in English though.


bengraven said:
Holy FUCK.

Storm of Swords is like the game-changer. I just finished the "Red Wedding". It's the Empire Strikes Back of the books. Things are either going to be more interesting at this point or less so.

I reread the chapter twice right after finishing it. I was like wait, what? WHAT?

fanboi said:
Is there any place were you can read the first few pages of "A games of thrones"?

I just noticed that they will not continue to translate to my language and I want to check what level the English is, so it might not be to frustrating.

EDIT: Nevermind, found it.

It's nothing too hard, I think. I read it slowly and never found a problem except maybe a few words/sentences each book. Good way to improve english, really.
ShadyMilkman said:
finish the fucking book i mean jesus christ

i remember going to a book signing in November 2005 for AFFC, with DoD scheduled for Summer '06. wtf is he doing

and he has 2 more after Dance? Yeah, I'll be collecting fucking SSI by then and he'll be dead so I guess it won't matter anyway

I'm worried too. The only good news thus far is that he has set a goal to finish it by June 30, 2009. We'll know in a few weeks whether or not he'll miss that deadline too.

It's been a horrible year for fantasy because The Republic of Thieves and A Wise Man's Fear have been delayed too.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Mockingbird said:
I'm worried too. The only good news thus far is that he has set a goal to finish it by June 30, 2009. We'll know in a few weeks whether or not he'll miss that deadline too.

It's been a horrible year for fantasy because The Republic of Thieves and A Wise Man's Fear have been delayed too.

Thank god Erikson is still churning out books once a year. Reread Name of the Wind recently, and I'm really bummed about that delay.

On the bright side a new Abercrombie is out.

...I also remember picking up Game of Thrones in hardback when it originally came out. Stupid waits! :(


duckroll said:
Shit, sorry to hear that. :(

I hope you won't have trouble following it in English though.

Found that you can read the first 40 pages or so, and it seems to be easy enough to follow.


The fist three books are in Swedish, I have the first one, but I will move over to the English version when I'm done with the first book.

Anyway, GREAT book so far (read first 300 pages of the first book).


vareon said:
I reread the chapter twice right after finishing it. I was like wait, what? WHAT?

I had already had one of the deaths spoiled
Robb, but not his mother
. 1000 page books bring up questions in my mind I end up looking up online and end up getting spoiled about events thousands more pages away.

I'm just past the trial of
. Nearly done. But I already know, based on some jackass who didn't spoiler tag something on another forum that
Baelish is going to murder Lysa Tully, Cat is going to come back to life though mute and inhuman, and Tyrion is going to kill his own father.
I'm hoping these things come soon so I can have a few hundred spoiler free pages.
Mockingbird said:
I'm worried too. The only good news thus far is that he has set a goal to finish it by June 30, 2009. We'll know in a few weeks whether or not he'll miss that deadline too.

It's been a horrible year for fantasy because The Republic of Thieves and A Wise Man's Fear have been delayed too.

Where the FUCK is A Wise Mans Fear?

I want to read Wise Mean's Fear and Dance back to back and cream myself to sleep.

Keen said:
Thank god Erikson is still churning out books once a year. Reread Name of the Wind recently, and I'm really bummed about that delay.

On the bright side a new Abercrombie is out.

<3 Abercrombie. Looking forward to this.

:( @ a lack of updates by George so far. It's not looking good guys...wow.

The only thing that would make feel good is if George announces that he somehow finished Dragons AND the next book after that which will be released a year after Dragons. Anything less pretty much means that after I finish Dragons it'll go on my "wonderful series to forget about until absolutely finished" with Berserk.
bengraven said:
I had already had one of the deaths spoiled
Robb, but not his mother
. 1000 page books bring up questions in my mind I end up looking up online and end up getting spoiled about events thousands more pages away.

I'm just past the trial of
. Nearly done. But I already know, based on some jackass who didn't spoiler tag something on another forum that
Baelish is going to murder Lysa Tully, Cat is going to come back to life though mute and inhuman, and Tyrion is going to kill his own father.
I'm hoping these things come soon so I can have a few hundred spoiler free pages.

So why are you posting in this thread, seriously? That first mentioned spoiler is one of the most shocking scenes in the entire series.

I still have hope for it coming out this holiday season. The June 30 date is a self-given deadline. George could finish the book in July and have it out this year, IF things are currently going well of course.
funk0ar said:
I'll ask this question here cos I don't want to bump the other thread,

For the HBO series, If it were to go ahead. How similar would it be to the BBC series Merlin, in terms of budget and production do you think?

Because I'm quite unimpressed with Merlin, it doesn't seems epic at all from any of the costumes or set designs it comes across very flat to me. And I would hope that any CG in AGOT would hopefully be better than the dragon in Merlin.

Late on this, but I'd imagine it'll be similar to Rome, which I thought was rather well done.


Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
Late on this, but I'd imagine it'll be similar to Rome, which I thought was rather well done.

Agreed, I picture King's Landing very "Rome-like", both the pretty parts and Flea Bottom.

So why are you posting in this thread, seriously? That first mentioned spoiler is one of the most shocking scenes in the entire series.

Honestly, becuase they do take so long to get through and are such fantastic reads, I want to talk about them.
New update

Guarded Optimism

I almost hate to say anything here, for fear of jinxing it... but for what it's worth, the last six weeks or so have been the most productive period I've had on A DANCE WITH DRAGONS in... well... a year at least, maybe several. In the last three days I've completed three new chapters. Not from scratch, mind you, these were all chapters that had been partially written, and in some cases rewritten, for months if not years. But they're finally done, and I've just reread them, and I'm almost convinced that they're Not Crap.

We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

Anyway, I know I don't talk about DANCE frequently here, and that's not going to change. Sorry, but I'm never going to be one of these writers who blogs daily about how many words they produced today. I don't like to talk about the good days for fear of jinxing myself (all writers are superstitious at heart, just like baseball players), and I don't like to talk about the bad days... well, just because. Writing is like sausage making in my view; you'll all be happier in the end if you just eat the final product without knowing what's gone into it.

But I am making a small exception now because... well, I'm feeling rather jazzed right now, and for the first time in a very long while, I think I can see a glimmering that might just be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Now if I can only slash through the Meereenese knot that I've been worrying at since 2005, I may actually start to get excited.

Dunno what to make of this, at least how it relates to the book's 09 chances. Definitely sounds like he's hit a positive stride, I just hope it's not too late.


Hurry uppppp....

Erikson's Ninth book is supposedly done. That's what? 3 or 4 1000-page quality books while Martin spend his time writing his.


Just kill the character giving him trouble. Hand-wave it. Fuck, I don´t care, I just NEED the new book :lol

And he´s not only old, but damn unhealthy D: I don´t think the series will ever be done. I´d even bet on it, but that would be in bad taste.
Binabik15 said:
Just kill the character giving him trouble. Hand-wave it. Fuck, I don´t care, I just NEED the new book :lol

And he´s not only old, but damn unhealthy D: I don´t think the series will ever be done. I´d even bet on it, but that would be in bad taste.

He's said he struggles with [incoming spoilers if you haven't finished A Clash of Kings]:

Bran chapters. His pov ended on such an enormous cliff hanger in the third book, I was kinda annoyed that there were so few chapters for him in there. I can imagine Bran might end up being a total badass by the end of the series
Amir0x said:
Well every writer is different.

Still, I wish he wasn't so damned old

Well the biggest scare here is having a bunch of chapters nearly done and then taking years and years to complete them. If he's taking this long on a body of work that was largely finished then just imagine the dude after he releases Dance with almost no foundation available for the next book. Not a good thing at all.

PhoenixDark said:
New update


Dunno what to make of this, at least how it relates to the book's 09 chances. Definitely sounds like he's hit a positive stride, I just hope it's not too late.

Do we have any idea about the ballpark for this book in terms of pagecount?

This news is bitter sweet. On one hand he managed to post some bullshit and not even bring up the fact that he said he thought he could finish the book in June and we're nearly a month past that...

He listed October as a publishing date IF he finished by June. We're a month past that so it would release around November at the earliest if he finished by July.

I think it's pretty safe to say that we can expect this book around late Spring or mid summer of 2010. I'd be surprised if it slipped past August but right now that's the latest date I have in my mind.

The worst part for me personally is that while I'm hyped as hell for this book this is still Part 2 of Crows bullshit. Feast was an enjoyable book to me but the chances of getting Storm/Clash/Thrones quality without including the entire cast is pretty low. I think it'll be a great book but I'm pretty sure that The Winds of Winter is the next REAL second coming of a Storm of Swords in terms of quality and the thought that that book might not ever come to fruition sucks ass.
From what he's said in the past, he has a framework for the book after Dance; awhile ago he said he took a Sansa chapter (detailing a marriage) out of Dance, saving it for Winter. And he's said the Tyrells will play a big role in Winter.

Most of the characters who provided the most amazing scenes in ASOS will see their continuations in ADWD, and Martin has also said he'll address the Feast cliffhangers as well. So with that in mind I really think this will be a successor to ASOS, simply because we'll finally know what happens in the north plus Daeny/Tyrion.

btw I loved Feast. Featured many amazing scenes, and I thought it was very well written. There were some boring new POVs but I really liked getting glimpses into nearly every political power in the world


Dark FaZe said:
Well the biggest scare here is having a bunch of chapters nearly done and then taking years and years to complete them. If he's taking this long on a body of work that was largely finished then just imagine the dude after he releases Dance with almost no foundation available for the next book. Not a good thing at all.
Every book starts off from nothing, it's no big deal. He wrote Storm of Swords in less than a year, and most of the problems with AFFC and ADWD were in laying the groundwork for the rest of the series. It could be that once he gets this huge monkey off his back (the middle chunk of the series), it'll be smooth going again.


PhoenixDark said:
He's said he struggles with [incoming spoilers if you haven't finished A Clash of Kings]:

Bran chapters. His pov ended on such an enormous cliff hanger in the third book, I was kinda annoyed that there were so few chapters for him in there. I can imagine Bran might end up being a total badass by the end of the series

I already guessed who it was, I think I read it some time ago. You know, the wait has been so long that even spoilers for the upcoming book are like old news :lol

I just can´t see how he´ll do it. I think that not jumping the timeline for a few years added at least as many real years of writing time as he intended to skip :lol Many of the characters just started out too young to work for the roles they´ll have in the end, IMO.
Yea, the Feast/Dance split+scrapping the 5 year jump really slowed his progress. This latest post seemed like he was basically saying the pieces are finally coming together. Once this two book odyssey is over I really think he'll get the following books done fast(er).


PhoenixDark said:
He's said he struggles with [incoming spoilers if you haven't finished A Clash of Kings]:

Bran chapters. His pov ended on such an enormous cliff hanger in the third book, I was kinda annoyed that there were so few chapters for him in there. I can imagine Bran might end up being a total badass by the end of the series

The part he's struggling with is actually
Dany. He says "Meereenese knot", and she's in Meereen.
snaildog said:
The part he's struggling with is actually
Dany. He says "Meereenese knot", and she's in Meereen.

Yea, I totally missed that last night. Someone on the westeros forums made a good point about this:

"Lots and lots of things have to happen there. Dany has to meet with the right people and acquire the right objects/properties in the right order, and emerge pointed in the general direction of Westeros. Tyrion, Euron, Young Griff, Illyrio, heads of the dragon, actual grown dragons, passing beneath the shadow etc... It all comes together in Meereen!"


snaildog said:
The part he's struggling with is actually
Dany. He says "Meereenese knot", and she's in Meereen.

Haha, I tought it was an English bastard version of the Gordian knot. I feel stupid.

But he did talk about re-writing
chapters again and again.

I wonder how the endgame will be, if all scheming comes to an end and turns into a good vs evil and/or heroic
Jon Snow, King of the North, son of Rheagar and Lyanna
rushing to save the day it´d be really boring.
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