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OK nerds, you win. Song of Ice and Fire is gud.

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I'm pretty sure Decado was talking about Abercrombie's series. And I have to agree with him, book 3 left me pretty cold. (Still picking up his new one when it comes out, though.)


MmmBeef said:
I'm pretty sure Decado was talking about Abercrombie's series. And I have to agree with him, book 3 left me pretty cold. (Still picking up his new one when it comes out, though.)
Yup. As the other fellow said, the third book in SOIF was fantastic.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I just finished A Clash of Kings last night. Damn it was an awesome book. I'm not sure whether I enjoyed A Game of Thrones more or not, but they both were excellent. With everything that happened in this book I would be greatly surprised if A Storm of Swords is anything but amazing. I can't wait until I finish all of the current books so I can get into more discussions. So far the series has been incredible.


Does maths and stuff
Zefah said:
I just finished A Clash of Kings last night. Damn it was an awesome book. I'm not sure whether I enjoyed A Game of Thrones more or not, but they both were excellent. With everything that happened in this book I would be greatly surprised if A Storm of Swords is anything but amazing. I can't wait until I finish all of the current books so I can get into more discussions. So far the series has been incredible.

You're only getting started, my friend. Give us Dance already, GRRM.


my reputation is Shadowruined
I would recommend "Swordspoint" by Ellen Kushner for those waiting for more GRRM. The man himself even has a big blurb on the cover on Swordspoint praising the novel.

"The Belgariad" series by David Eddings is a fun read. Nothing overly complicated just good storytelling.


The only problem I have with A Dance with Dragons is I'm afraid it won't really advance the timeline. Isn't it just the other half of 'a feast for crows'? Hopefully it doesn't just end where a feast for crows ended, but only giving us the side of the interesting characters, since I know we'll probably have to wait another 3 or 4 years to push the story any further after that.

ZephyrFate said:
I do not understand this. A Storm of Swords has all of the best moments and outright glorious writing in the entire series so far.

Yeah, A Storm of Swords was my favorite as well. I read it in about a weeks time. What I really enjoyed about it is that it actually had continuity with the interesting moments and didn't ALWAYS break from one interesting story and jump into something else. Some of the times it'd continue that interesting moment from another characters point of view.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I am currently reading a game of thrones. Really good stuff. Thank you gaf.
kevm3 said:
The only problem I have with A Dance with Dragons is I'm afraid it won't really advance the timeline. Isn't it just the other half of 'a feast for crows'? Hopefully it doesn't just end where a feast for crows ended, but only giving us the side of the interesting characters, since I know we'll probably have to wait another 3 or 4 years to push the story any further after that.

Yeah, A Storm of Swords was my favorite as well. I read it in about a weeks time. What I really enjoyed about it is that it actually had continuity with the interesting moments and didn't ALWAYS break from one interesting story and jump into something else. Some of the times it'd continue that interesting moment from another characters point of view.

Too bad he'll likely kick the bucket before the he ever finishes the book series. :( How long have we been waiting for what is really, the second part of one book he deemed to long and so had to cut in two. Wasn't he supposed to just flesh the second part out a bit more, do some editing, and then release it shortly after before starting to work on the next book in the series? By his comments earlier you'd have thought that at most the second part would be ready at most within a year after release of the first part.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
maximum360 said:
Too bad he'll likely kick the bucket before the he ever finishes the book series. :( How long have we been waiting for what is really, the second part of one book he deemed to long and so had to cut in two. Wasn't he supposed to just flesh the second part out a bit more, do some editing, and then release it shortly after before starting to work on the next book in the series? By his comments earlier you'd have thought that at most the second part would be ready at most within a year after release of the first part.

He seems like a really great guy, but from reading his blog a little bit and listening to some of his interviews, etc... it sounds like has a wide variety of interests and is busy with a lot of different projects. I sort of get the feeling that he might have been burnt out on ASoIAF after writing so much. I really hope that isn't the case or he gets back in the mood some time soon, because it would be a real shame if he didn't finish this excellent series.


Damn am I glad I clicked on this thread back in November. Just finished A Feast for Crows after four months of non-stop reading. What a spectacular series. The attention to detail in how different POVs are written, the depth of the overarching politics, the subtle way fantasy is intertwined as the series continues... Tyrion and Arya were my favourite two characters; a shame they didn't appear as much in Crows, but it was still a good read.

I'm not sure if I'll share it with many others, but my favourite chapters of the series were
Tyrion and Sansa's marriage. Such a cruel and horrible thing for both characters to go through, and the writing made their scenes so uncomfortable to read. Sansa was a much more interesting character from then on.


kevm3 said:
The only problem I have with A Dance with Dragons is I'm afraid it won't really advance the timeline. Isn't it just the other half of 'a feast for crows'? Hopefully it doesn't just end where a feast for crows ended, but only giving us the side of the interesting characters, since I know we'll probably have to wait another 3 or 4 years to push the story any further after that.

It's funny you mention that because I've read speculation that the reason that ADWD is taking so long is that he's trying to incorporate more "stuff" into it- to advance the series quicker. People who have been to his chapter readings at cons have reported two different versions of Jon Snow's second chapter- the later version of this chapter reportedly moves events forward much more quickly and "features a (relatively) major character death which I suspect a lot of readers would not have been expecting for some time yet." There's a good in-depth discussion of all the problems Martin is probably having with the new book here. Basically it seems like he really fucked himself by making the characters so young to begin with, deciding to do a 5-year gap, and then scrapping the 5 year gap. He's on what's really his third rewrite of the present book.


aceface said:
It's funny you mention that because I've read speculation that the reason that ADWD is taking so long is that he's trying to incorporate more "stuff" into it- to advance the series quicker. People who have been to his chapter readings at cons have reported two different versions of Jon Snow's second chapter- the later version of this chapter reportedly moves events forward much more quickly and "features a (relatively) major character death which I suspect a lot of readers would not have been expecting for some time yet." There's a good in-depth discussion of all the problems Martin is probably having with the new book here. Basically it seems like he really fucked himself by making the characters so young to begin with, deciding to do a 5-year gap, and then scrapping the 5 year gap. He's on what's really his third rewrite of the present book.
Yeah, his refusal to use the five year gap was based, IIRC, on a "story that must be told" as well as the idea the the events on the Wall in Storm created a sense of urgency that a 5 year gap couldn't justify. Both of which probably would have been easy to deal with if he had just sucked it up. And then nothing really moved forward in Feast.

Honestly, there is some silly stuff in a plot with multiple moving plotlines sometimes, particularly in Malazan (the Fear Sengar gap). I don't think anything in ASOAIF had to be this egregious.

At any rate, I am really hoping he does not give up on aging the characters.


Here's a recent picture of George R. R. Martin. How the guy is going to survive another 10 years or so to complete this series is beyond me:



It's the best fantasy series I've ever read, but that's a bit like saying it's the best soap opera or wrestling match I've ever watched. The bar isn't raised particularly high.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Manics said:
Here's a recent picture of George R. R. Martin. How the guy is going to survive another 10 years or so to complete this series is beyond me:


Those nerds in the pic with him are the reason he's taking so long. If people started ignoring him he'd finish the book just for the attention.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Brian Fellows said:
Those nerds in the pic with him are the reason he's taking so long. If people started ignoring him he'd finish the book just for the attention.

Those nerds in that photo include some damn fine authors. They're the folk working on the Wild Card series, which Martin edits.


Manics said:
Here's a recent picture of George R. R. Martin. How the guy is going to survive another 10 years or so to complete this series is beyond me:
Without the beard he'd probably look almost like a normal 60 year old man.

He'll make it.



sparkle this bitch
aidan said:
Those nerds in that photo include some damn fine authors. They're the folk working on the Wild Card series, which Martin edits.
Heya, If he would stop hanging around with those nerds. We may have Dance by now. Regardless! :lol


Fanboydestroyer said:
Because of this thread I plan on reading A Song of Ice and Fire series. Just as soon as I finish the other books on my list.

No rush man, you can start the series in 4-5 years and he still won't be finished the last 3 books.
Brian Fellows said:
Those nerds in the pic with him are the reason he's taking so long. If people started ignoring him he'd finish the book just for the attention.

Actually they're writers from a recent project he edited.

He's finishing projects left and right. I'm confident it comes out this year. It would make a lot of sense for the book to appear in October or November, right as HBO is shooting the pilot.


So every once in a while I go to Amazon to see if they have a date for Dance With Dragons. Today I go there and find this gem...wait for it...


2035 publishing date! :lol :lol :lol :lol


Dartastic said:

...still funny though.

Speculation on the publishing date is always bump worthy. Fuck I better start exercising if I want to live long enough to finish reading this series.
Manics said:
Here's a recent picture of George R. R. Martin. How the guy is going to survive another 10 years or so to complete this series is beyond me:


It's a good thing he cloned himself a few years back.


Since this thread was already bumped today, Ill guess Ill ask some questions.

Ive already read the entire series so far and I just got the first book on Tape for my commute to work for a second run though (excellently narrarated) and I noticed that Sir Jury Mornmount really dislikes Eddard Stark. Whats up with that beef. Did Ed exile him or did he kill his family.

And I George RR needed to fill out Rob Stark character a little more. There was a lot of potential there.

And How Is Jon Snow ever going to get away from the wall? Every one who knows who he might be, is dead. Has George written this guy into a hole?

I have so manny more questions


seems so long ago that i powered thru AGOT-AFFC last summer, would be nice if ADWD came out this fall, but i doubt it
aidan said:
Those nerds in that photo include some damn fine authors. They're the folk working on the Wild Card series, which Martin edits.

A damn fine series as well, hunt them down if you can. I was fortunate to find them all ata used book store.


Junior Member
I searched the web for a while but couldn't find anything. I'm currently reading A Clash of Kings, and I think I noticed a mistake.

Around 200 pages in or so,
The first time Tyrion mentions that he is willing to send Tommen and Myrcella off to be married, he suggests sending Myrcella to be wed to the young, frail Robert kid, and Tommen to the Prince who will inherit Harrenhall.

However, in the next Tyrion segment he's approached by his sister who is furious that he is sending Myrcella to the Prince. I thought maybe Tyrion would have corrected her, or that it would be mentioned later, but I haven't seen anything yet.

So, did anyone else notice this? Is it going to be addressed in a couple segments, or is it a goof on Martin's part?
lostzenfound said:
I searched the web for a while but couldn't find anything. I'm currently reading A Clash of Kings, and I think I noticed a mistake.

Around 200 pages in or so,
The first time Tyrion mentions that he is willing to send Tommen and Myrcella off to be married, he suggests sending Myrcella to be wed to the young, frail Robert kid, and Tommen to the Prince who will inherit Harrenhall.

However, in the next Tyrion segment he's approached by his sister who is furious that he is sending Myrcella to the Prince. I thought maybe Tyrion would have corrected her, or that it would be mentioned later, but I haven't seen anything yet.

So, did anyone else notice this? Is it going to be addressed in a couple segments, or is it a goof on Martin's part?

Tyrion told 3 different people 3 different things. He told I think Littlefinger, Varys and the Maester all something different to see who was reporting things to his sister. When his sister told him about Myrcella going wherever he knew who was reporting on him to his sister.

The Mormont question earlier:
Ned forced him into exhile. I think he wanted to kill him in fact. I forget why though. But yeah, that's what he hates Ned.


Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
Tyrion told 3 different people 3 different things. He told I think Littlefinger, Varys and the Maester all something different to see who was reporting things to his sister. When his sister told him about Myrcella going wherever he knew who was reporting on him to his sister.

The Mormont question earlier:
Ned forced him into exhile. I think he wanted to kill him in fact. I forget why though. But yeah, that's what he hates Ned.

Because Jorah Mormont
sold criminals as slaves to finance his wife´s lavish lifestyle. And Ned being Ned wanted to kill Mormont or send him to the wall for his crimes to obey the law. Mormont fled and his father had to take on the black to erase his son´s shame. That´s why Lady Mormont and her daughter fight for Rob and not a Lord Mormont. Jorah left behind Longclaw, the families Valyrian steel bastard sword, that Jon get´s
Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
Tyrion told 3 different people 3 different things. He told I think Littlefinger, Varys and the Maester all something different to see who was reporting things to his sister. When his sister told him about Myrcella going wherever he knew who was reporting on him to his sister.
did it turn out to be?

I've already read all four books, so you won't be spoiling anything. I just don't remember this part.


there is joy in sucking dick
I was thinking it was
Varys but nope, thinking back it was the Maester. Tyrion ended up exposing his decadent side and fucking up his beard :lol


Cranehand2ndComing said:
Yeah, it was the maester. When Tyrion finds out, he confronts him, gets his bodyguards to rough him up, and throws him in the dungeon.

I don't even remember half the shit in the books anymore since I read Game of Thrones about 5 years ago. Must re-read these bitches.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Cranehand2ndComing said:
Yeah, it was the maester. When Tyrion finds out, he confronts him, gets his bodyguards to rough him up, and throws him in the dungeon.

Shaved off his super long beard too didnt they?
i'm pretty sure they cut his dick off too. i totally remember that scene (mainly because of the cock chopping, but had totally forgotten why it happened
Mike Works said:
i'm pretty sure they cut his dick off too. i totally remember that scene (mainly because of the cock chopping, but had totally forgotten why it happened

The cock chopping happened to Varys as a boy, thus his being a eunuch. I just reskimmed the chapter with Pycelle (incidentally the book is right next to me) and they shave his beard down, make him wet himself, and toss him in the dungeon.

He wets himself because Tyrion threatens to cut his cock off and feed it to the goats.
Cranehand2ndComing said:
The cock chopping happened to Varys as a boy, thus his being a eunuch. I just reskimmed the chapter with Pycelle (incidentally the book is right next to me) and they shave his beard down, make him wet himself, and toss him in the dungeon.

He wets himself because Tyrion threatens to cut his cock off and feed it to the goats.
Wait, they didn't actually cut his cock off? This entire damn time, I thought they'd made him a eunich, and wondered why Martin kept focusing on the few remaining wispy hairs on the Maester's chin. Every time he describes that I'm like, "Sure, guy lost his beard and that sucks for an old guy, but they CUT HIS COCK OFF".

Well that changes things I suppose!
Mike Works said:
Wait, they didn't actually cut his cock off? This entire damn time, I thought they'd made him a eunich, and wondered why Martin kept focusing on the few remaining wispy hairs on the Maester's chin. Every time he describes that I'm like, "Sure, guy lost his beard and that sucks for an old guy, but they CUT HIS COCK OFF".

Well that changes things I suppose!

I think the way that Martin wrote the scene made it seem like they cut off his dick. The first time I read the book that's what I thought had happened. On a later re-read I realized it was indeed his beard. There was too much talk of dicks and goats, who gave a fuck about his beard?


Sorry for the bump, but I'm wondering if someone could explain what happened with Bran and his brother at the end of book 2. Just finished it the other night, and it was great but I'm confused on that point.

Big spoilers behind this block for anyone who hasn't completed Clash of Kings--

So apparently they're not actually dead, but how did that happen? Maester Luwin alludes to some other boy. A decoy? He says something about "his poor leg muscles" or something like that. I didn't get it. Seems like Theon would have known if it was a decoy.

Also, I didn't understand how Reke knew where to find them. He had a box with some kind of wolf charm in it, but I didn't get what it was or how it led them to the mill.
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