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OK nerds, you win. Song of Ice and Fire is gud.

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A year after my embarassing attempts at disregarding this series, I picked up the first paperback out of boredom at Books-A-Million.

God DAMN you GAF.

Never since The Once and Future King almost ten years ago have I been so hooked on a series almost instantly. It's ironic that I remember T.H.White when I picked up this book because that's when I realized I was going to love this series: this isn't a fantasy novel of the Tolkien vein and it's most certainly the anti-Harry Potter.

This could easily be a sequel to the stories of England post-Arthur vs. Mordred. It's knights and ladies, omens and treachery.

I wasn't sure how into it I would be, but Martin's writing, when it's good, clings to me with it's iron gauntlet grip. I know I'm going to watch the fall of this family Stark, likely, and I like them quite a bit, and I know tragedies are ahead (the omens affect even me, typing at this computer with nary a bar wench in sight), but I'm going to be in this the long haul.

I want to apologize for shrugging the series away GAF.

I'm only 55 pages in...


I´d put that book down if you have things to do in the next couple of weeks.

I can´t wait for Dragons. Every bump is like a sting in my heart D:


Binabik15 said:
I´d put that book down if you have things to do in the next couple of weeks.

I can´t wait for Dragons. Every bump is like a sting in my heart D:


Flynn said:

You're in for a treat.


John Harker said:
Depends, wait to read the last book out now then you'll have your answer

I have enough slavoring optimism at this point to not worry about the 4th book when I still have over 2000 pages to read to get there. :lol

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
bengraven said:
A year after my embarassing attempts at disregarding this series, I picked up the first paperback out of boredom at Books-A-Million.

God DAMN you GAF.

Never since The Once and Future King almost ten years ago have I been so hooked on a series almost instantly. It's ironic that I remember T.H.White when I picked up this book because that's when I realized I was going to love this series: this isn't a fantasy novel of the Tolkien vein and it's most certainly the anti-Harry Potter.

This could easily be a sequel to the stories of England post-Arthur vs. Mordred. It's knights and ladies, omens and treachery.

I wasn't sure how into it I would be, but Martin's writing, when it's good, clings to me with it's iron gauntlet grip. I know I'm going to watch the fall of this family Stark, likely, and I like them quite a bit, and I know tragedies are ahead (the omens affect even me, typing at this computer with nary a bar wench in sight), but I'm going to be in this the long haul.

I want to apologize for shrugging the series away GAF.

I'm only 55 pages in...

After reading your post and having heard good things about this series for so long, I decided to order the first two from Amazon. They both arrived today and I got started on the first book immediately. I'm only 70ish pages into the thing, but I completely agree that it is completely engrossing and extremely entertaining. I haven't read a fantasy novel (unless you count the Harry Potter books) since the Dragonlance books back in middle school, but I am really having a good time with this book.

I really like Martin's writing style and the length of the chapters so far has been perfect. Each chapter has been meaningful, well written and entertaining, but not so long as to feel like it is dragging on. I'm going to go back to reading, but I just wanted to post my impressions from the very beginning of A Game of Thrones. I'm glad I ran into this thread and finally decided to buy the books.


Honorary Canadian.
half a moon said:
i stopped reading the first book. waiting for the whole series.
I think you can read up thru Storm of Swords and feel entertained but not so much so that you feel horrible for not being able to continue.


So Grrm posted in his livejournal yesterday to say that he's finished....a new Dunk + Egg novella! It's called "The Mystery Knight" and it will be published in the "Warriors" anthology in March 2010. The Dunk and Egg stories are completely awesome so this is good news. See here.
aceface said:
So Grrm posted in his livejournal yesterday to say that he's finished....a new Dunk + Egg novella! It's called "The Mystery Knight" and it will be published in the "Warriors" anthology in March 2010. The Dunk and Egg stories are completely awesome so this is good news. See here.

Yeah, looking forward to new stories set in ASOIAF! Finally! Unfortunately we have to wait a whole year to read it.

In other related ASOIAF news, the limited edition of A Feast for Crows will be shipping soon! Probably this week!

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
aceface said:
So Grrm posted in his livejournal yesterday to say that he's finished....a new Dunk + Egg novella! It's called "The Mystery Knight" and it will be published in the "Warriors" anthology in March 2010. The Dunk and Egg stories are completely awesome so this is good news. See here.

Well its better than nothing.
YES! A Feast for Crows Limited Edition has started to ship! http://subterraneanpress.com/index....an-simmons-jim-butcher-and-george-r-r-martin/

Here is the art included:




sparkle this bitch
aceface said:
So Grrm posted in his livejournal yesterday to say that he's finished....a new Dunk + Egg novella! It's called "The Mystery Knight" and it will be published in the "Warriors" anthology in March 2010. The Dunk and Egg stories are completely awesome so this is good news. See here.
*Proceeds to kick a puppy*

I'm the definition of the abused housewife who keeps coming back. Everytime I dare say, I hope its an update. And everytime its just something that makes me wanna do a flying kick.
I'll be soaking my tears another night in a bowl of ice cream

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Agreed on the subjectivity. I think it's beautiful.

I think I'm going to start rereading the series.

And now the post I've been meaning to make since last august when I bought the first book on a whim because of you Gaf.

This series is wonderful. It's brutal, it's ugly, and I never know what it's going to do. Storm of Swords has to be one of my favorite books ever. No doubt. Just so good.


It has to be an April Fools joke, right? I am not amused. I really do wish someone would help him get the damn book out faster.


Dark FaZe said:
So George updated his blog talking about getting help on Dragons and the rest of the series.

Sounds like bullshit but I'd actually be open to the idea.


Check it out guys. Obvious April Fools joke?

I love that some of his readers are so eager for the books that they'll happily accept the announcement as truth.
I would love to see George's solo quality from the first 3 novels in a Dance and beyond with a decent pacing, but I would honestly sacrifice some quality and perhaps cohesion to see the next few novels released at a competent and perhaps quick pace.

I think I would like to see what George is single handedly capable of with Dragons, but after that all bets are off because I know he could literally take the next decade of my life to finish the next two books...maybe even one.


I don't know how you guys can even entertain the possibility that it's not a joke. Did you read the last two paragraphs?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Well I just finished A Game of Thrones and I thought it was quite an amazing piece of literature. I really enjoyed the whole thing and am going to start on A Clash of Kings later tonight.

There were quite a few unexpected turns in the book which really surprised me.
I totally did not expect him to kill of Eddard Stark. I kind of knew the King was going to die sooner or later, but after the part where Eddard learned the truth about Cerstei's children, I figured he would be kept alive for a bit to at least start a war with the Lannisters. I must say I was surprised at the way events panned out from that point in the book with the King coming back mauled by a boar and dying soon afterwards followed by Littlefinger's betrayal, Eddard's downfall and Cerstei's takeover of King's Landing. I must say that I am disappointed that Eddard and Robert are dead as they were two of my favorite characters in the book, especially Eddard, but with everything else going on in the story I am still very excited for what is to come.

I must say that I am very glad for deciding to pick this series up.


Great book. How many total are there supposed to be?

Book 4 is a bit slower than I would like, but I guess it's just realigning the story.


Zefah said:
Well I just finished A Game of Thrones and I thought it was quite an amazing piece of literature. I really enjoyed the whole thing and am going to start on A Clash of Kings later tonight.

There were quite a few unexpected turns in the book which really surprised me.
I totally did not expect him to kill of Eddard Stark. I kind of knew the King was going to die sooner or later, but after the part where Eddard learned the truth about Cerstei's children, I figured he would be kept alive for a bit to at least start a war with the Lannisters. I must say I was surprised at the way events panned out from that point in the book with the King coming back mauled by a boar and dying soon afterwards followed by Littlefinger's betrayal, Eddard's downfall and Cerstei's takeover of King's Landing. I must say that I am disappointed that Eddard and Robert are dead as they were two of my favorite characters in the book, especially Eddard, but with everything else going on in the story I am still very excited for what is to come.

I must say that I am very glad for deciding to pick this series up.

Eddard's death
surprised you, be prepared for more surprises. Lots of them. Take your time and read it at your own pace thought :D
Mockingbird said:
Can I still buy this? If do, direct link? I'm on my phone.

Edit: I just saw that it's sold out. That's logical. But, out of print!? How can a preorder be out of print when it's obviously so popular. ...Aside from the fact that it's limitd edition.... I know nothing about the subterraneanpress. I feel like They are taunting me with something I can never buy. Say it ain't so. Do they ever do reprints? A few thousand more can't hurt?


Just finished a Feast for Crows today. I guess it's time to start a new series until the new book is released.


From the exerpts I've read of Dance with Dragons, it seems to be back on track with the rest of the series.


Still Tagged Accordingly
omg, i hate it when this thread is bumped with no real new info.

if there's nothing about Dance or the HBO tv series, don't bump it!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Scrow said:
omg, i hate it when this thread is bumped with no real new info.

if there's nothing about Dance or the HBO tv series, don't bump it!

Do you really think that a new thread won't be created if there is an announcement that the new book is finished? There is already a seperate thread for the HBO TV series, and this is the only recent discussion thread for the books. I don't think it is right to expect people to not talk about the series in this thread just because you are anticipating an announcement. It's not like people are resurrecting a thread from months back each time they bump this one.

I personally find it really annoying when someone tries to post in threads like this and people like you come in and complain because "OMG I THOUGHT THERE WAS AN ANNOUNCEMENT! DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!"
I have waited a year and a half to post in this thread.

I just finished A Feast For Crows five days ago.

I've wanted to talk and read about ASOIF for so, so god damn long, but I didn't want to have a THING spoiled for me.

I can finally talk about it and read the mythology.

They are my favorite books ever. I can't even summarize how amazing they are right now.

I'm going to read this entire thread, the entire HBO related thread, and all of the Wiki info now. That'll probably take me as long as reading a full book. I can't wait.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Mike Works said:
I have waited a year and a half to post in this thread.

I just finished A Feast For Crows five days ago.

I've wanted to talk and read about ASOIF for so, so god damn long, but I didn't want to have a THING spoiled for me.

I can finally talk about it and read the mythology.

They are my favorite books ever. I can't even summarize how amazing they are right now.

I'm going to read this entire thread, the entire HBO related thread, and all of the Wiki info now. That'll probably take me as long as reading a full book. I can't wait.

Welcome to the club, Mike!


A couple of recommendations for those looking for books to read as they wait:

Joe Abercrombie's The First Law Trilogy
Starts with The Blade Itself. Trilogy is already done so get this shit ASAP

Dreamsongs volume I, and II.
George R.R. Martin's anthology. Has writing from high school till now. You can see the growth in his stuff, and he was writing about all sorts of topics (horror, fantasy, sci-fi). Awesome.


So I just started with a re-read of AGOT. What's with Tyrion jumping down to meet Jon and doing some crazy back flip thing?

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
Mike Works said:
I have waited a year and a half to post in this thread.

I just finished A Feast For Crows five days ago.

I've wanted to talk and read about ASOIF for so, so god damn long, but I didn't want to have a THING spoiled for me.

I can finally talk about it and read the mythology.

They are my favorite books ever. I can't even summarize how amazing they are right now.

I'm going to read this entire thread, the entire HBO related thread, and all of the Wiki info now. That'll probably take me as long as reading a full book. I can't wait.
The books are amazing on re-reads, too. There are tons of details most people gloss over mentally the first time through, but jump out on subsequent reads.


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
funk0ar said:
So I just started with a re-read of AGOT. What's with Tyrion jumping down to meet Jon and doing some crazy back flip thing?

I asked Martin about this a couple of years ago at a signing. Realistically, it's just a slip up on his part, but his answer was:

Somewhere in the next book (or maybe in A Feast for Crows) it's said that Tyrion studied tumbling when he was younger.
methodman said:
A couple of recommendations for those looking for books to read as they wait:

Joe Abercrombie's The First Law Trilogy
Starts with The Blade Itself. Trilogy is already done so get this shit ASAP

This shit is excellent so far. Right now I'm on book 2.


Mike Works said:
I have waited a year and a half to post in this thread.

I just finished A Feast For Crows five days ago.

I've wanted to talk and read about ASOIF for so, so god damn long, but I didn't want to have a THING spoiled for me.

I can finally talk about it and read the mythology.

They are my favorite books ever. I can't even summarize how amazing they are right now.

I'm going to read this entire thread, the entire HBO related thread, and all of the Wiki info now. That'll probably take me as long as reading a full book. I can't wait.

Welcome Mike, I look forward to your first bitching post that Martin will never finish the series. :lol


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
Decado said:
I loved the first two. Too bad the third and final book was so mediocre.

WTF is wrong with you? Railing on Book 4 I can see, but A Storm of Swords? Really?
Decado said:
I loved the first two. Too bad the third and final book was so mediocre.
I do not understand this. A Storm of Swords has all of the best moments and outright glorious writing in the entire series so far.
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