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OK nerds, you win. Song of Ice and Fire is gud.

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tokkun said:
Yeah, I think that there's a good chance she's still alive, which is one of the reasons I've been complaining that GRRM is doing more 'fake-out' deaths than real deaths. Personally I hope she is really dead since she was a boring, predictable POV and her story really isn't going anywhere, since it seems like Sansa needs to stay in training with LF and Arya needs to stay in training with the Faceless Men. Bring back Davos, but leave Brienne dead.

I disagree. I disliked Briennes overall pov, but I still find her character to be interesting and I'd like to see if things go further between her and Jaime. Not only that, but Cate doesn't seem to have much of a place in the story without Jaime/Brienne at this point. She isn't able to cause much havoc where she is right now, and the only way her story can become more interesting is through Jaime and Brienne.

Also I heard something about a time jump. Is there still a possibility of one in the future?

Chris R

Just now finishing A Clash of Kings again... Rereading makes so many things much clearer, though I know some of the twists that were so damn awesome the first go around.


Undeux said:
Where can I go to get a good summary of the previous books? I want to read A Feast for Crows but I haven't read the other books in so long that I can't remember the plot at all. Maybe it makes more sense to just start over... I don't know.

Tower of the Hand has some great summaries, as well as other info.

Also I've been enjoying reading everyone's reactions to the series as they go. I just got a friend into the series as well (he finished it a few weeks ago) and hearing his reactions to the twists and turns is almost as good as reading it myself!


Professional Schmuck
Oh god i never finished Clash and now I can't remember any of it. You guys think I should start completely over or just hope I remember everything?


PantherLotus said:
Oh god i never finished Clash and now I can't remember any of it. You guys think I should start completely over or just hope I remember everything?

Start over definitely.

New chapter up! TYRION!

I'm pretty sure that one has been up there before. They rotate the sample chapter every few months. I think it's either Dany, Jon or Tyrion, if I'm not mistaken.


he's Virgin Tight™
Wow, this reminded me I still need to finish a Game of Thrones. So much shit in life I forget the important stuff.... like reading masterpieces!


gutshot said:
I'm pretty sure that one has been up there before. They rotate the sample chapter every few months. I think it's either Dany, Jon or Tyrion, if I'm not mistaken.



Okay, since I bumped the thread and the chapter didn't even turn out to be new (though a friend says he thinks it's been edited/revised) here's some other food for thought.

George Lucas' daughter should play Brienne of Tarth if the HBO show ever gets off the ground.


She's an MMA fighter.

Chris R

I was thinking of who they could cast for the various roles for the HBO adaption. Also I was thinking they will probably have to age the children like 3 or 4 years?

Also a quick question, since I just finished A Storm of Swords again.

Why does Tyrion tell Jamie that he killed Joffery? Also, who exactly killed Joffery? I know Sansa had the poison in her hair net, but the Queen of Thorns played with her hair quite a bit, while Dontos wasn't mentioned at all barely. Could Littlefinger be playing other people? Or are all these questions answered in Feast of Crows which I'm starting tonight?

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
The Queen of Thorns killed
. Tyrion told Jaime he did it because he was a little pissed at big brother at the time.

Chris R

Brian Fellows said:
The Queen of Thorns killed
. Tyrion told Jaime he did it because he was a little pissed at big brother at the time.
Yea I went back and apparently two of my pages were stuck together, the two with the explanation. Reading at 2am makes it easy to skip pages :lol
rhfb said:
Yea I went back and apparently two of my pages were stuck together, the two with the explanation. Reading at 2am makes it easy to skip pages :lol

That used to happen to me all the time! Now I'm older and can't stay up as late :) Problem solved.
From notablog.com

George R.R Martin said:
Well, I've made it across the ocean safe and sound. Typing this from an internet cafe.

No, I didn't finish the novel, though not for want of trying. Nothing to be done about that but push on when I return.

Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones in Spain and Portugal.

Wow George. Just wow. Honestly I love the guys work, but this quote has got my really annoyed.

So basically with that said and done I might as well not worry about DwD until the fall.

Anyone know of any other good fantasy novels that might rival the series? I'm getting tired of your generic "Win war against the trolls" or "deliver the ring or find the ancient sword type of shit". Not to say that I don't like action and war type of fantasy, but if thats all the books have to offer then I'm less inclined to read after having read so many that are similar.


Dark FaZe said:
Wow George. Just wow. Honestly I love the guys work, but this quote has got my really annoyed.

Why, because he's not churning out his big series non-stop and is taking the time to go on book tours and work on side projects? I've thoroughly enjoyed the Song of Ice and Fire series and I'm looking forward to his next book as much as anyone, but I don't blame the man for not wanting to shackle himself to the typewriter for the next few years and churn 'em out until the series is wrapped up. That isn't to say that I wouldn't like for that to happen, mind you, but I certainly don't blame him.

Anyone know of any other good fantasy novels that might rival the series?

Read Lois Bujold's The Curse of Chalion, the story of a man who learns the hard way that you really, really want to avoid the attention of the gods. It's nicely self-contained and is quite good. If you like it, there are two follow up novels, both self-contained. The second, Paladin of Souls, won the Hugo, so you know it's awesome. It's about a middle aged woman on a pilgrimage, something you don't get very often in fantasy. (Alas, the third, The Hallowed Hunt, isn't quite as good, but it's worth the read if you really get into the series.)

Dark FaZe said:
Anyone know of any other good fantasy novels that might rival the series? I'm getting tired of your generic "Win war against the trolls" or "deliver the ring or find the ancient sword type of shit". Not to say that I don't like action and war type of fantasy, but if thats all the books have to offer then I'm less inclined to read after having read so many that are similar.

I'd like to echo FnordChan's comments, Chalion is a great series and Bujold is an excellent author.
Malazan is awesome. Start with Deadhouse Gates.
Scott Lynch's Gentleman Bastards series is smart, funny and completely non-generic; it follows a group of con artists as they swindle and jaunt across a fantasy landscape that is deeply enticing. And Robin Hobb anything, really. (although Soldier Son isn't her best work)


Dark FaZe said:
Anyone know of any other good fantasy novels that might rival the series? I'm getting tired of your generic "Win war against the trolls" or "deliver the ring or find the ancient sword type of shit". Not to say that I don't like action and war type of fantasy, but if thats all the books have to offer then I'm less inclined to read after having read so many that are similar.

You might want to try Malazan, though I'd caution that it does have a lot of war(man v. man/man-god) and fetch quests. It's so insanely engrossing, though, that I can't imagine a fantasy fan NOT liking it.

I think that the series FnordChan posted will be my next read.


Scott R. Bakker's The Prince of Nothing trilogy and Joe Abercrombie's The First Law trilogy are also very entertaining fantasy reads.


Dark FaZe said:
So basically with that said and done I might as well not worry about DwD until the fall.

I'm preparing to wait till next year. But I know my dad will hate since he loves the series and fucking hates waiting for the next book (as he forgets details from previous books). And he has to wait for a translation.

Wraith said:
It's so insanely engrossing, though, that I can't imagine a fantasy fan NOT liking it.

Nevertheless, I do exist.


Read anything by Gene Wolfe. Wonderful writer. Even if you don't like what's going on, you'll have a hell of a time reading about it. That's what happened to me anyway.


figured i'd bump this thread, i finished AGoT and ACoC in the past month or 2 and just recently started ASoS, i'm about 120 pages in and i'd have to say its the best start so far to any of the books of the series, seems so epic

can't wait to finish it


yacobod said:
figured i'd bump this thread, i finished AGoT and ACoC in the past month or 2 and just recently started ASoS, i'm about 120 pages in and i'd have to say its the best start so far to any of the books of the series, seems so epic

can't wait to finish it

Wait until the end :D


Dina said:
Scott R. Bakker's The Prince of Nothing trilogy and Joe Abercrombie's The First Law trilogy are also very entertaining fantasy reads.

I gotta second both of these, especially The First Law trilogy. Glokta, yes.


i just finished a storm of swords, wow what a great book

definitely the best of the 3 novels so far, i think its going to be hard to top this one moving forward

i ordered a feast for crows from amazon, so i should be starting it in a few days


Ok, so I was looking for something to read on a trip and I stumbled upon this thread. Damn the lot of you for getting me hooked on a series that will no doubt kill my wallet. I'm about halfway through A Game of Thrones and I'm shocked at how much I'm loving it. I'm shocked because while I enjoyed the LOTR films, I'm not big on fantasy. I bought an extra copy for my g/f knowing she loves fantasy stuff, and she likes the book more than me. I have a couple of questions. Does it get progressively better by book, or are there some people prefer more than others. Also, and the response doesn't need to be specific, but does the fantasy ramp up as the series progresses (dragons, magic, etc)?


newsguy said:
Does it get progressively better by book, or are there some people prefer more than others.

I think it gets progressively better, until the 4th book, which is my least favorite in the series (but still good).

Also, and the response doesn't need to be specific, but does the fantasy ramp up as the series progresses (dragons, magic, etc)?

Yes, but it's still much more based in realism than a typical fantasy series.


tokkun said:
I think it gets progressively better, until the 4th book, which is my least favorite in the series (but still good).

Yes, but it's still much more based in realism than a typical fantasy series.

Thank you good sir. A silver dragon for your services.


Dark FaZe said:
Anyone know of any other good fantasy novels that might rival the series? I'm getting tired of your generic "Win war against the trolls" or "deliver the ring or find the ancient sword type of shit". Not to say that I don't like action and war type of fantasy, but if thats all the books have to offer then I'm less inclined to read after having read so many that are similar.
Let me ask this in a different way: any other good fantasy novels that might rival the series? The less magic the better. (If a fantasy setting is bleeding magic out of its sphincter, I have a HARD time connecting with it.)
Wraith said:
You might want to try Malazan, though I'd caution that it does have a lot of war(man v. man/man-god) and fetch quests. It's so insanely engrossing, though, that I can't imagine a fantasy fan NOT liking it.

I think that the series FnordChan posted will be my next read.

Thought I'd respond to this and say that thus far I do NOT see it being on aSoIaF's level whatsoever right now. I'm only about halfway done, but I'm pretty let down. And yeah I'm reading the first of the series :Gardens of the Moon.

Someone in this thread said to start with Deadhouse Gates...but its kind of lame to have to start AWAY from the first book of a series. I'll continue reading though, but this has been the longest its taken for me to get through a book in quite some time. I think its going on a month now and I haven't finished it. Comparatively, a 1000 page novel (perhaps less) in a Game of Thrones was something I finished in just a few days.

I'll hop back in here once I'm finished and hopefully have a renewed opinion.

As far as a Dance of Dragons is concerned...I'm really hoping for a Christmas release but I'm doubtful :(.

Also other than the shit updates that George typically provides, one was actually interesting. There is a calender being released with some illustrations from the series. I doubt I'll get it, but a visual look into the world is quite interesting.


And here is another link to just a slight preview into the other pictures.

Chris R

Gattsu25 said:
Really? I'm starting to doubt even 2009. :(
nah, sounds like he is kinda somewhat close, just can't sitdown and finish the damn thing :lol Guessing Spring release, but wouldn't mind this year/jan/feb of next :lol
ugh I'm starting to not even care anymore, no HBO adaptation news, no Dance of Dragons no nothing. Hell even Valyrian Steel put out their sword replicas first than Martin with Dance of Dragons.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
rhfb said:
nah, sounds like he is kinda somewhat close, just can't sitdown and finish the damn thing :lol Guessing Spring release, but wouldn't mind this year/jan/feb of next :lol

It was supposed to have been half finished when AFFC came out 3 years ago. Which means its taken him 3 years to get almost finished with half a book. Which in itself is really half a book. The man will never live to finish this series.

Prime crotch said:
ugh I'm starting to not even care anymore, no HBO adaptation news, no Dance of Dragons no nothing. Hell even Valyrian Steel put out their sword replicas first than Martin with Dance of Dragons.

I feel you. I havent thought about the series in months until I saw this thread.


i read the 4 books this summer, from like early june to early august, the books were great, i could've finished earlier but kinda stalled on a feast for crows because i knew there wouldn't be a next book in the series to read

i dont get the feast hate, i thought the book was pretty good, i mean following up a storm of swords isnt easy, so i think thats were most ppls disappointment has to come from, i mean ASoS is fucking epic

i just hope dragons comes out sometime soon
The feigned disappointment with regard to Feast comes from people getting their panties in a wad that their favorite character isn't in it. It is objectively as high caliber as the others.
My Arms Your Hearse said:
The feigned disappointment with regard to Feast comes from people getting their panties in a wad that their favorite character isn't in it. It is objectively as high caliber as the others.

I agree 100%. Now, I can understand why someone who waited 5 years for the book might have been disappointed, but I went into the book with a clear understanding that my favorite characters wouldn't be in the book. Yet the book still featured many great POVs, from Jamie's metamorphosis to the beautiful wreck of Cersei's try at leading a kingdom. Also the book features so many amazing scenes. Almost every POV ends on a brilliant cliff hanger. Victarion deciding to steal his brother's prize, Prince Doran revealing himself to be one of the more deadly schemers in the realm, Jamie ignoring his sister's pleas, etc. Great book.

I've been re-reading the series for the first time; I'm currently on ASOS, my favorite of the books. Not a day goes by where I don't think about the series or what could have happened, or what a character should have done. It's so depressing re-reading the Catelyn POV where Robb brings his new wife home and wonders how he can possibly explain himself to Lord Frey.

The book will be out next year but I'm restless. I wonder how long it'll be considering Martin has said some of the AFFC cliff hangers will be addressed. Seems to me like the next books will have to be as long as ASOS to possibly tell the entire tale in only 7 books. Victarion is going to sail half way around the world to steal Dany; it seemed like AFFC suggested a glimpse at the Doom of Valaryia was a possibility, and I can't wait. But anyway assuming Dany is still in Meereen by the time he gets there, who knows when she'll even start her journey to Westeros? Hell it might happen at the end of The Winds of Winter. So...the first act of the war has taken the course of like 3 and a half books, but the second act (Three Queens?) will only occur through 2, with Dany possibly only being present for 1? I'm rambling eh

Anyone have ideas on where the Blackfish (and don't forget Raynald Westerling) might turn up? The Vale seems like the obvious choice. If so, could he recognize Sansa before her marriage? I have a feeling LF's big plan won't grow to fruition (seriously, when has Sansa EVER gotten the storybook ending promised to her? Joff...Highgarden...etc). That being said, knowing Martin he'll kill off the Blackfish (perhaps LF having him executed) before he can do anything awesome

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
That and anyone who hates on Cercei's chapters is completely insane. I know there isnt a whole lot of depth to her but there are plenty of shallow hateful people in this world. So watching one bitch who pretty much has everything already dig her own grave then dive into it head first was hilarious.
Brian Fellows said:
That and anyone who hates on Cercei's chapters is completely insane. I know there isnt a whole lot of depth to her but there are plenty of shallow hateful people in this world. So watching one bitch who pretty much has everything already dig her own grave then dive into it head first was hilarious.

Exactly. She was being used and manipulated on all sides yet didn't suspect a thing. btw what do you guys think about the whole "Aurane Waters in leagues with the Tyrells" theory? Or maybe Stannis is a more likely choice

With ADWS months away, where do you see the war in the north going? I've sort of skimmed through details on some of the released chapters from the book, one of which including
Stannis' men capturing Asha


My Arms Your Hearse said:
The feigned disappointment with regard to Feast comes from people getting their panties in a wad that their favorite character isn't in it. It is objectively as high caliber as the others.

I don't think feigned means what you think it means.


Trucker Sexologist
It's been so long since the last book that I'm starting to forget parts of the story. Martin better stay healthy long enough to finish the series.

Also, is there anyone here who reads both Harry Potter and Fire and Ice? I don't see how those books could ever share the same audience, despite being in the same genre.
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