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Once Upon a Time Season 2 |OT| Only True in Fairy Tales

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I don't think they will. He's one of the keys to traversing between worlds, and he's also right now the only connection to Wonderland, which I'm sure will be expanded upon in the future. I am surprised they wrapped up his daughter storyline so easily, though. I expected more difficulty.

But he's not the key, his hat is. And his hat is ruined now.

And he's not the only connection to Wonderland either, since while it hasn't been explicitly stated, it's been very heavily implied that Cora is the Queen of Hearts. Though they do still need to explain how the Mad Hatter was affected by the curse that brought everyone to Storybrooke. Did he somehow make it back to the Enchanted Forest? Maybe that could tie into how Cora got back to the Enchanted Forest. Or did the curse somehow reach him in Wonderland?

Plus I feel like the show is heading in a direction where the worlds besides ours and the Enchanted Forest will start to become more important, so I can foresee them coming up with a new plot device that lets them travel between worlds more easily than the hat or magic beans.

It's like in Lost, how traveling 50 feet down the beach was an epic journey that took several episodes in S1, but by S6 they're like, "Hey, we gotta go to this landmark on the other side of the island," and in the next scene they're already there. Or in Fringe, getting to the alternate dimension was next to impossible at first, but by the time I stopped watching they had literally just created a doorway between dimensions. Or in Supernatural, a significant portion of the first two seasons was about finding the mystical gun with limited bullets that was the only way to kill demons, but now they just have magic demon killing knives and slaughter them by the dozen.

I'm pretty sure there's a TV Tropes page on this concept.
Maybe I'm just trying to come up with excuses because Jefferson's my favorite character. I feel like if he made a magic hat once, eventually he'll figure out a way to make it again. I just don't think he's completely a useless character yet.

As for travelling between worlds, yeah, they might go in the direction and turn the story into the TV version of Kingdom Hearts where we might spend time world-jumping to Neverland and Wonderland and all the other places, but I'm hoping it doesn't come to that. If it sticks to Storybrooke and the Enchanted Forest, with the other worlds just being ancillary with a few characters showing up that'd be best.

Something I'm wondering: are we not going to see Glass/the Genie anymore since Giancarlo Esposito is a regular on Revolution now?


Something I'm wondering: are we not going to see Glass/the Genie anymore since Giancarlo Esposito is a regular on Revolution now?

Probably. Last season, when Jefferson snuck into the asylum to rescue Belle, one of the doors was labelled S. Glass. So they've written him off for now.
And he's not the only connection to Wonderland either, since while it hasn't been explicitly stated, it's been very heavily implied that Cora is the Queen of Hearts. Though they do still need to explain how the Mad Hatter was affected by the curse that brought everyone to Storybrooke. Did he somehow make it back to the Enchanted Forest? Maybe that could tie into how Cora got back to the Enchanted Forest. Or did the curse somehow reach him in Wonderland?

I really can't see this being sufficient enough to get rid of Mad Hatter just yet. Sure she may be the Queen of Hearts, but I really can't see Mad dying until at least that is revealed or she comes more into play. I wouldn't doubt the next Mad Hadder central episode being his last though. It could address the Queen and how he got out of wonderland and then he would be done.
So maybe this has been mentioned before, but I think
bae is going to be that guy in the first scene of the first episode this evening, the one with the broken card. The only reason I think that is because he seems to be attached to the fable world but not part of storybrooke (he came here before the tow, was created). Based off the stills for the upcoming episode, I wonder if he's also Henry's father.

Also last episode I finally realized Regina named Henry after her father :(.

Rump, snow and grumpy were my favorite characters last season. Adding Regina, belle, ruby, and hook to that list.

I still hate Emma and Henry.

Edit: also, I may have missed it, but where was the implication of Cora being the queen of hearts? I assumed it would end up being an older, corrupt Alice of something. The Cora theory makes more sense though.


So maybe this has been mentioned before, but I think
bae is going to be that guy in the first scene of the first episode this evening, the one with the broken card. The only reason I think that is because he seems to be attached to the fable world but not part of storybrooke (he came here before the tow, was created). Based off the stills for the upcoming episode, I wonder if he's also Henry's father.

First point: that's my guess. Second point: That might very well be. That would make Rumple Bella's father in law.
Edit: also, I may have missed it, but where was the implication of Cora being the queen of hearts? I assumed it would end up being an older, corrupt Alice of something. The Cora theory makes more sense though.

A lot of references to heart during her and Regina's episode. Also when she was sent into mirror it was explained that she was sent through the looking glass or something like that. Her magic book had a heart on it and there was just a lot of talk about hearts during that episode. Overall it's just speculation, but it seemed heavily hinted.

As for the spoiler
It's been speculated quite a bit since the first episode, but I think the pics you are talking about pretty much confirms it. Maybe not confirm it but I would be completely surprised if he isn't both of those. It means Henry has the most messed up damn family.
First point: that's my guess. Second point: That might very well be. That would make Rumple Bella's father in law.
who is Bella, do you mean Emma? At first I thought you meant belle and I was very confused

Also I assumed mr whale was
the whale from Pinocchio, but I really hope it's someone from nightmare before Christmas!

Side note: my boyfriend is Lithuanian so he had never seen
nightmare before Christmas
. Bought it last night to watch with him.
A lot of references to heart during her and Regina's episode. Also when she was sent into mirror it was explained that she was sent through the looking glass or something like that. Her magic book had a heart on it and there was just a lot of talk about hearts during that episode. Overall it's just speculation, but it seemed heavily hinted.

As for the spoiler
It's been speculated quite a bit since the first episode, but I think the pics you are talking about pretty much confirms it. Maybe not confirm it but I would be completely surprised if he isn't both of those. It means Henry has the most messed up damn family.
No wonder he has such a messed up personality :| also for the pics....
it's funny that they are trying to make Emma younger with those glasses. No, just no. All this season I've just been saying how strange it is that snow looks so much younger than Emma

Sorry for the double post :(
who is Bella, do you mean Emma? At first I thought you meant belle and I was very confused

Also I assumed mr whale was
the whale from Pinocchio, but I really hope it's someone from nightmare before Christmas!

Side note: my boyfriend is Lithuanian so he had never seen
nightmare before Christmas
. Bought it last night to watch with him.

I'm hoping the same. It would make more sense than (spoilers regarding next weeks preview)
him being Dr. Frankenstein. If they just start including any fictional characters it would kind of get odd.

No wonder he has such a messed up personality :| also for the pics....
it's funny that they are trying to make Emma younger with those glasses. No, just no. All this season I've just been saying how strange it is that snow looks so much younger than Emma

Sorry for the double post :(

I thought the exact same thing. I thought it was funny that it seems like they did nothing to make Brit(other dude's name from terriors[:(] he will always go by that name) seem younger.


Alright the throwback to old black and white monster movies was pretty awesome at the end.

Though the idea of
is.. Kinda outta place. However the idea of multiple "lands" is making them get away with it


Bahaha. The whole horror world just straight-up lacks color. That's pretty funny.

Though with the Mad Hatter's, "And off we shall go to see him!" line, I thought for sure he was gonna be Oz.

Also, (preview spoiler)
Hurley as the giant? Hahahaha.
So..... Why exactly did Regina ask who whale was in the premiere?

I don't think Regina did, it was Charming that asked who he was.

Was the slippers line a reference to the Wizard of Oz? Heh.

It probably was, now that I think about it. At first I thought it was a Cinderella reference, but the ruby slippers being able to transport between worlds makes sense since that's what Rumpel was looking for.


It probably was, now that I think about it. At first I thought it was a Cinderella reference, but the ruby slippers being able to transport between worlds makes sense since that's what Rumpel was looking for.

Good catch, would be an interesting "what if" to picture Rumpel in 1930's Kansas. Good episode tonight, though the stable setup was a bit weak. Nice redemption moment for Emma, though I'm still confused if this "I can tell when people are lying" is supposed to be real or just some verbal tick she does. Was kinda hoping there would be a reference to Peter Pan, but I'll take the expansion of Regina and Jefferson's relationship instead.

Possible ways back to Storybrooke:

1) Wardrobe ashes (alone or with...)
2) Beanstalk -> Giant -> Compass (or beans?)
3) Peter Pan flying them back via London


Omg that was so fucking good

Best episode

This ep had it all

Even better than last week's which focused almost exclusively on Rumple, this was more of an ensemble wardrobe of villains and mish mash of Dr.Frankenstein, Jack and Bean Stalk, Hook, Star Wars Episode III, and the Buffy verse

Science > Magic confirmed

It was written all over this episode tonight, soooo good
I don't really get the whole Regina trying to not use magic anymore bit.....thats not that her son asked for at all. I coulda sworn the episode he implied that he wanted her to help get Emma back and to stop hurting people. Not sure how quitting magic will help that


Henry is such shitty actor, couldn't fake being scared or hurt

Emma was annoying overly aggressive

Regina resisting magic reminded me of Willow from Buffy the vampire slayer


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
I don't really get the whole Regina trying to not use magic anymore bit.....thats not that her son asked for at all. I coulda sworn the episode he implied that he wanted her to help get Emma back and to stop hurting people. Not sure how quitting magic will help that
The way I took it is she's afraid that if she starts using magic again she'll fall into a spiral and start using magic to hurt people in order to get what she wants.
I don't think Regina did, it was Charming that asked who he was.

I'm pretty sure it was her. It was when he led that mob to Regina and she came out and walks right up to him and asks who he was.

I don't really get the whole Regina trying to not use magic anymore bit.....thats not that her son asked for at all. I coulda sworn the episode he implied that he wanted her to help get Emma back and to stop hurting people. Not sure how quitting magic will help that

I take it as her blaming her evilness on the magic. She thinks the magic turned her into being like her mother or something like that. Not that she wasn't somewhat evil before and blamed a little kid for her boyfriend dying or anything...

Really liked the episode, but thought it was weaker than the last two. Definitely liked all the nods to Oz. If the crystal ball Rumple got was the curse I wonder why it went so long without being used. Unless it's a different crystal ball. I thought the Emma/Snow parts were sort of pointless other than to set up the next episode, hopefully that means the next episode is pretty packed if they couldn't just fit that in the next episode.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
From best episode to worst episode in a single week! Way to go Once Upon a Time! Regina is terrible as a morally bankrupt, cackling harpy of a bad guy but at least she's hilarious and fun to watch. Now that the show is trying to put her in complex, emotional situations the bad acting is just embarrassing. None of the acting in this show is good enough to support the loftily dumb writing but Regina is the worst of the bunch. The whole AA/sobriety angle on magic use is super funny though. Get back on that wagon, Reg!
The acting on this show is bad, but I don't care. Like others have said, shit happens on this show. Even story lines that barely move the plot along have redeeming qualities. You usually learn someone's backstory.
From best episode to worst episode in a single week! Way to go Once Upon a Time! Regina is terrible as a morally bankrupt, cackling harpy of a bad guy but at least she's hilarious and fun to watch. Now that the show is trying to put her in complex, emotional situations the bad acting is just embarrassing. None of the acting in this show is good enough to support the loftily dumb writing but Regina is the worst of the bunch. The whole AA/sobriety angle on magic use is super funny though. Get back on that wagon, Reg!

I really hate the fake sympathy they are trying to build for her character. It seems like they are trying to ignore all the bad shit she has done and put it all on Cora, Rumple, and Magic that made her how she is. Bullshit.
I'm pretty sure it was Charming.

Also, Dr. Whale leading a village mob is kinda ironic now that we know he's Frankenstein.

Shit, you are right. Had to go rewatch. Guess I was confused because they both got in his face. :lol

Mob scene is pretty funny now that we know. Interested to find out more about Whale and how he got back to fairtale world to be cought in the curse.


Crazy thought: With all the Wizard of Oz references in this latest episode, what if Dr. Frankenstein somehow becomes Oz?
Episode last night was a complete mess. I guessed the reveal about halfway through, so the rest of the episode was horribly contrived as they tried not to give away his identity.

And Emma continues to state "I can really tell when people are lying to me" despite every villain in the show having lied to her and gotten away with it at one point or another, lol.


Episode last night was a complete mess. I guessed the reveal about halfway through, so the rest of the episode was horribly contrived as they tried not to give away his identity.

And Emma continues to state "I can really tell when people are lying to me" despite every villain in the show having lied to her and gotten away with it at one point or another, lol.

Pretty sure they gave it away in the preview last week. The fun in these stories is the little twists and changes they make to the classics, a la Rumple = Hook's crocodile or how Jiminy met Geppetto.


Regina becomes a sympathetic villain so they can shift the villain focus on the others... much better that way, she was a bad villain, and not in a good way... erm whatever


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Regina becomes a sympathetic villain so they can shift the villain focus on the others... much better that way, she was a bad villain, and not in a good way... erm whatever




I cannot stand watching her make that tired angry evil gal look anymore

Speaking of bad acting

The sequence where the women characters come across the dead bodies of all the villagers... everybody was worried with concern, meanwhile Aurora's actress looked like she was bored and didn't know what was happening



I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
First off, shes the fucking Evil Queen.

Secondly, she's the god damned EVIL QUEEN.

Her having any kind of redemptive/sympathetic arc is stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid. Her bad acting isn't getting any better by making her fake cry, it's just getting worse.

Speaking of bad acting though: The Mad Hatter, holy shitballs! I've never seen an actor suck with such little screen time!


The Regina redemption arc has two purposes:

1) So Regina can fight for the good guys in the inevitable Regina vs. Cora climactic battle, and

2) The only other option is killing her off, which wouldn't be acceptable because she's ridiculously hot.

Speaking of bad acting though: The Mad Hatter, holy shitballs! I've never seen an actor suck with such little screen time!

The fuck? The Mad Hatter is one of the best characters on the show, despite his relatively little screen time. I enjoy every second he's on screen. I especially love all the different faces he's shown: the pre-daughter, less mad, traveling businessman Hatter from this most recent episode; the retired, "I just want to be a good father" Hatter from his flashbacks; and the frustrated, truly Mad Hatter that we've seen in the modern day ever since his introduction.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Why should she fight with the good guys?! She has evil in her name!
First off, shes the fucking Evil Queen.

Secondly, she's the god damned EVIL QUEEN.

Her having any kind of redemptive/sympathetic arc is stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid. Her bad acting isn't getting any better by making her fake cry, it's just getting worse.

Agreed. I think she's a shitty villain but the fake sympathy for her and the idea of a redemption arc is just dumb. I'd rather her just sit on the sidelines for a while.


Regina is going to be the Anakin Skywalker of this story, mark my words

I already saw a bit of the Emperor in Rumple

And fuck dat noise... Mad Hatter/Jefferson is fucking awesome


I don't mind the Regina redemption arc but I think the problem is that she's had too much screen time this season. Since she's had two centric episodes so far I don't think we'll have another until the second half of the season.


I proudly and openly admit to wishing death upon the mothers of people I don't like
Agreed. I think she's a shitty villain but the fake sympathy for her and the idea of a redemption arc is just dumb. I'd rather her just sit on the sidelines for a while.

This is a problem with serial television compared to other serial mediums like comic books. It would be great if now that the Evil Queen's curse was lifted she was just relegated to background status or just go away for a year while they focus on Hook and Cora shit, but they're paying for that actress (too much, I'd wager) so they have to keep using her every week even though she has nothing meaningful to do. They've concocted this bullshit, awful storyline for her and now we have to sit through it.

Heroes kind of did the same thing with Sylar. Everybody loved Sylar so they kept him around doing nonsense when he should have just left the show and come back in a few season when they needed a big "Oh shit!" reveal.

A show like this needs to not have so many main characters. It needs to focus on certain characters in arcs. It's just too bad that the way television contracts work would make that difficult.


They need to dump Emma and Henry, pronto

Now there's two safe choices for making it through the whole show.

Somehow I think Regina will make it too. Actually, I wonder if any main characters will die by the end. That's what minor characters are for on this show.


I don't mind the Regina redemption arc but I think the problem is that she's had too much screen time this season. Since she's had two centric episodes so far I don't think we'll have another until the second half of the season.
Kinda wished they had some other way to do Dr. Frankenstein's origin/flashback without putting too much of the main cast in it, but it could've been worse I guess. Still felt a bit to Regina-centric, but for the most part, her episodes have been pretty good.
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