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(ONM) Senran Kagura Burst is damaging the industry - here's how to stop it


Its almost identical to a magazine advertisement for a different game that I read a great explanation of and am trying to find. Short version: the framing of the shot and the lack of facial features are dehumanizing. Its a set of tits

The other cover, the Japanese one, has all their faces and there's no 'framing' of the shot like that. They probably figured it wouldn't sell in the West/UK if they didn't make a LOOK TITS cover
Moe has started to cross the divide from 'niche', it's fairly popular now. Even in the west.

Moe is too broad a term to claim that it's breakthrough into the mainstream is damaging anything. There are plenty of perfectly innocent productions out there that are considered moe. The ecchi/ero sub-genre of anime/manga is still extremely niche compared to what has become popular in the last few years.

It's not like Queen's Blade or Maken-Ki are airing on US TV and corrupting our youth.
I may be wrong on this, but I feel like the context is really important to establish sexism, let alone misogyny.

Again, I truly consider the possibility that I'm completely wrong, as I'm not very educated on the subject, but I feel like a game that pretends to have a serious and mature storyline and features hyper sexualized female characters that are really underdeveloped compared to the male leads is waaaaaaaaaay more sexist than a game about girls with big breasts that are the main characters and all the story (good or bad) happens around them.

I feel like those games are very sexualized, but not exactly sexist, while some other "serious and mature" action game may not even be sexualized, but much more sexist.

Saying it again before people acuse me of defending the narrative that benefits me the most, I may very well be wrong about this, but I'll still defend that this is harmless compared to the things I described as being "really sexist" (even if my definition is wrong).

That's all well and good, but the thing you have to realize is that the people who take issue with this game don't recognize layers or degrees of sexism. If it's sexist, it's sexist, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Furthermore, since there are other people making criticisms against other, more blatant or distasteful games (or violent games, or murder porn, or whatever), that frees them up to rail against this game to the full extent of their abilities. It's not a collective effort or anything, they're just all voicing their opinions at the same time.

I think this image (about Kill la Kill) sums up the cultural gap between the pro- and anti- crowd pretty well:



I want a memorandum on 2-4 panel opinion comics.
Maybe I should go write an article myself: "One-liner webcomics are ruining the industry, here's how to stop it"
I don't believe that for a second. People play hentai games that have about the same amount of depth as relationships in Bioware games for the same thing. Some people need excuses to partake in their sexual content.

I suppose I shouldn't speak for other people, but I don't usually spend money on porn of any kind. People obviously do (a lot, now that I think of how much money that industry brings in) but I guess at least in nukige you're getting porn in regular doses instead of a tease where you have to play through a bunch of beat 'em up levels to access more content.

Basically if all I want is to gawk, playing something where the characters lack liveliness and the gamplay isn't fun at all would be too much work.


Games are fiction, so off course the women will be hyper-sexualized. Just like most movies and music videos out there. Not that I'm defending SK in particular, but it's a worthless fight that's already been lost imo.

That's not the point, I know, but I'll do the difference between a real woman and some cliche anime\moe\semi-hentai woman any day and I can live at ease knowing that my future GF won't look these plastic dolls with over-inflated boobs. Even if a game 'represents' it's characters like that doesn't directly refers to women in general in my book. That shit won't get me disrepecting women more either, it's just what it is.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The other cover, the Japanese one, has all their faces and there's no 'framing' of the shot like that. They probably figured it wouldn't sell in the West/UK if they didn't make a LOOK TITS cover

No the other cover just features an entirely female cast all of whom have breasts so large they literally need to use their arms to support them. Not as sexist, but still not great


this, dedicated audiences who will literally spend 600 dollars on a single bluray set of an anime show which makes low sales even out
These days, there are actually more copies of anime sold outside Japan than inside.

However Japan obviously still makes the most money off of it due to different revenue streams than just DVD and Blu ray sales. Also it only takes a couple thousand dedicated fans to buy a super expensive Blu ray box set to support a whole season for some shows.
I think it's more like the people who are in favor of this game want something more from its detractors (who have never played it or even read much about it) than simply throwing out accusations that people who enjoy it are pedophiles, misogynists, and/or creepy, which frequently happened in this thread. Having some some of real, informed argument without resorting to ad-hominems is generally preferable.

Yeah, there's a big difference between "I don't like this" and "anyone who likes this is a bad person."
I think this image (about Kill la Kill) sums up the cultural gap between the pro- and anti- crowd pretty well:


To those on the "outside," the sexual aspect is so overpowering that it eclipses the rest of the work. To the target audience, regardless of if they actually like that sort of stuff, it's not really a big deal. After consuming enough of it you kind of accept the weirdness (sexual or otherwise) of most anime and otaku games and just look past it.


((this will apply pretty well to art class disscusions no related to anime in my collage) (we are a buch of dorks deep down))


Its almost identical to a magazine advertisement for a different game that I read a great explanation of and am trying to find. Short version: the framing of the shot and the lack of facial features are dehumanizing. Its a set of tits

Then a lot of "retail" books/magazines use the same strategy. The cover doesn't do anything for me, but sex sells, it always had, and I'm sure it always will. And the lack of facial features seems pretty standard in anime art in general.

I'm not trying to split hairs or anything, the cover was definitely going for the sex/sexy angle. I just don't see why that is sexist.


Does 30k disc sales for the more popular series scream mainstream to you?
Or most manga with such content not being in the top 50 volume sellers?
It's just cheap relatively production values and selling merchandize to a dedicated audience.

Even content that isn't predominantly moe tend to have moe undertones. Also, a lot of moe anime tend to top sales charts. Love Live! is one recent example that I can remember.

Moe is too broad a term to claim that it's breakthrough into the mainstream is damaging anything. There are plenty of perfectly innocent productions out there that are considered moe. The ecchi/ero sub-genre of anime/manga is still extremely niche compared to what has become popular in the last few years.

It's not like Queen's Blade or Maken-Ki are airing on US TV and corrupting our youth.

Excellent point. (I don't have anything to add nor any retorts)


No the other cover just features an entirely female cast all of whom have breasts so large they literally need to use their arms to support them. Not as sexist, but still not great

That being the case, complaining about stuff like this is like complaining about porn. Its goal is obvious, it's not mainstream.


For me it's a real problem that there isn't a single LEGO game, COD or Battlefield with a female lead character. It's a real problem that a lot of games have a very narrow range of gender representation.
The idea that the ridiculous boob sizes in Japanese niche games are somehow the worst thing that happens to the industry makes me crazy. It's just a lazy scapegoat.


Thank you Night Angel

So, while you're backseat modding Platy, do you have evidence that he didn't read the OP? Or is your contention that if he hasn't played the game, he's somehow in violation of not reading the OP?

And I'd like your answer, not someone else's this time.


That's all well and good, but the thing you have to realize is that the people who take issue with this game don't recognize layers or degrees of sexism. If it's sexist, it's sexist, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Furthermore, since there are other people making criticisms against other, more blatant or distasteful games (or violent games, or murder porn, or whatever), that frees them up to rail against this game to the full extent of their abilities. It's not a collective effort or anything, they're just all voicing their opinions at the same time.

And I think that's fine, they have all the right to do so, I guess I just wish people who enjoy it didn't have to be called pedophiles in the process.
So, while you're backseat modding Platy, do you have evidence that he didn't read the OP? Or is your contention that if he hasn't played the game, he's somehow in violation of not reading the OP?

And I'd like your answer, not someone else's this time.

It was a metaphorical question. Dunno if Platy read the OP

Will you admit that Platy was being obtuse ? that was shadow boxing and not willing to research about the stuff unless directly quoted?


Holy crap I missed this. Is it for real? Say I'll be able to start a harem filled with hunks and bishies!

I'm excited about romancing (or at least just having sex with) Fullmetal-san in Drakengard 3. I'd be all over this game too haha


Honestly I don't think a game like this is nearly as problematic as shit like that MGS5 character

It's a niche game that doesn't take itself seriously by a developer who clearly appreciates big breasts. There is really nothing wrong with that and its existence doesn't really affect the medium at all. What is hurting gaming is when sexist crap finds its way into big mainstream titles and the lack of positive counterexamples.

Is the problem itself the content, or the fact the industry itself and the workplace worldwide is sexist towards women? I'd argue it's sexism as a whole in the workplace that's the issue, it's got nothing to do with the content.

There should be games that are allowed to be aimed at men, look at books films and music. Not everything has to be aimed at every person.
For me it's a real problem that there isn't a single LEGO game, COD or Battlefield with a female lead character. It's a real problem that a lot of games have a very narrow range of gender representation.
The idea that the ridiculous boob sizes in Japanese niche games are somehow the worst thing that happens to the industry makes me crazy. It's just a lazy scapegoat.

Well, as SKB itself demonstrates, the existence of a female lead character doesn't necessarily mean the game will appeal/is trying to appeal to girls. On the flip side Assassin's Creed is frequently brought up as a series that girls like despite the fact that you play as a guy in all but one of them (two if you count the fact that AC4's present day character is "genderless".)

Still though, I'd agree that the lack of games that appeal to females is much more of a problem than the existence of games that appeal specifically to males. The two aren't mutually exclusive, an industry that represents and appeals to both men and women equally can also have things like SKB and Dragon's Crown.


Having some some of real, informed argument without resorting to ad-hominems is generally preferable.

I agree that there's no need for ad hominem here, which is why I've already banned some folks for doing it. I disagree that there hasn't been real argument.

I note you used the word "informed". Let me clarify. One doesn't need to play this game to draw conclusions about how women in it are portrayed. Playing the game might reveal subtler layers of their portrayal, but one can discern, pretty easily, the general thrust of how woman are portrayed in this game without loading the thing up.

And it's perfectly okay if that surface portrayal is offensive enough that they don't want to give money to the creators to see if, just maybe, there's some sort of deeper, better portrayal in the game itself.

Seriously, though, if you want to defend it, defend it. But "leave me alone" isn't a defense. If you believe that this is a good way to portray women, then say that. If you think it's not a big deal, that's okay too. Plenty of people have espoused those opinions in this thread without consequence.

But the other side of that is you have to let other folks express their opinions on the subject, too.


Even content that isn't predominantly moe tend to have moe undertones. Also, a lot of moe anime tend to top sales charts. Love Live! is one recent example that I can remember.

They're battling in a field where 50K sales are considered legendary. Actual TV viewership of all these anime shows are under 1% in Japan, and are run past-midnight to cut costs.
"Story" anime rarely sell, because there's no point to rewatch a good story when there's 30 more a week later which will preoccupy viewer's mindshare. Love Live, Idolmaster, etc... the DVDs are expensive collector items, and a small part of a library of items that fans can purchase. These things are tolerated but aside from select locations (e.g. akihabara, nipponbashi) they are far from the norm.

If you want truly crazy numbers you gotta go to the sexualized males; Arashi and the other boy-bands run by Johnny-pro eclipse all other CD sales by ridiculous margins, approaching million-sellers in a world where otherwise 20K CDs sold can be considered a commendable hit.
Actually, it's an opinion. You're welcome to disagree with it. You're welcome to argue with people who agree with it. But you're not welcome to suggest they aren't allowed to express their opinion on the subject here on GAF.

We don't get to decide what other people think of our hobbies or the media we consume. We make our choices and we live with them within the construct of the society we inhabit. If we love things that other people find repulsive, they are likely going to say something about that. You can disagree with them, of course. Society is a constant push/pull between opposing cultural forces, and this is certainly an area where there's a bunch of push/pull.

I don't think that titillation is inherently wrong, but some kinds of titillation certainly do offend people. And it's perfectly okay for them to be offended and to recommend action, up to and including a call for a boycott. This is not remotely limited to video games. It happens with all forms of creative expression. Someone makes something, some people like it, other people hate it, they discuss it, the cycle continues.

What I see in this thread, repeatedly, is the cry "let us enjoy what we want, no matter how repulsive you find it, without saying anything or drawing judgements about us."

That's simply not going to happen.

OK, I will retract that statement. I won't phrase his accusation as a 'waste of time'. I do personally feel that it is--that is my opinion, but I don't intend for that to mean Platy shouldn't continue to express it. I, personally, do not see value in it.

Calling for a game to somehow not exist or be removed from public view is a serious charge, so I would like to see proponents of something that extreme at least put some effort into evaluating what they're condemning.
Some of us admitted the existence of a issue of an argument. Problem is how is presented and how actually cooperative the users are. "Leave alone" also comes because the perception that some are unwilling to listen or try to see the merit in another points of view.

I said before, It goes both ways.


Calling for a game to somehow not exist or be removed from public view is a serious charge, so I would like to see proponents of something that extreme at least put some effort into evaluating what they're condemning.

Is someone asking for it to be banned or removed from public view? I know the author of the article has asked people to boycott the game, but I may have missed where he or others thought the game should be banned or removed from public view.
And it's perfectly okay if that surface portrayal is offensive enough that they don't want to give money to the creators to see if, just maybe, there's some sort of deeper, better portrayal in the game itself.

Seriously, though, if you want to defend it, defend it. But "leave me alone" isn't a defense. If you believe that this is a good way to portray women, then say that. If you think it's not a big deal, that's okay too. Plenty of people have espoused those opinions in this thread without consequence.

But the other side of that is you have to let other folks express their opinions on the subject, too.

Thanks for taking a neutral stance, there's some bullshit on both ends of the argument here.


Hmm, I don't know, I didn't play Burst to say if it fits or not, but Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae is described by its creator as pretty much "high school girls and katanas is a combination I've always liked from anime, but it's not very popular in games, so I made this", but at the same time the game is a very competent indie Bloody Palace, with nice visuals, combat deeper than most western action games and surprisingly competent voice acting.

It's not because the main appeal of something is anime boobs that it's the only thing it has.

Actually, even though I do like anime girls, it really wasn't the reason I was interested in Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae at all, in fact I was like "eeeeh a poverty doujin game with anime girls", and it was the gameplay videos that convinced me to buy it.

Yeah, I see where you're coming from. I know that there will be people who get this who legitimately want to enjoy something out of it other than T&A(like it's just a bonus), but I'm just saying it's not like they were necessary. I mean when I see stuff like this:


I can totally see why a lot of people would be frustrated. I'm an anime fan, too, but I'm not into this kind of stuff, and I'm not going to defend all the fanservice they throw at me. I haven't played the game myself, so I don't really have a fair point, but the gameplay I've seen from the gameplay trailers seems really mediocre to me. Looks like it has rather dull AI and generic music, etc. But again, I can totally see why a lot of people would like it and I'm okay with that. I'm just against the idea of (like I assume you admitted)having T&A as the main appeal for a game even though that's not all the game has to offer.


Is someone asking for it to be banned or removed from public view? I know the author of the article has asked people to boycott the game, but I may have missed where he or others thought the game should be banned or removed from public view.

"Senran Kagura is one of the worst types of game around. It's insulting to the intelligence of gamers, damaging to the reputation of the industry, and alienating and harmful to women (both inside and outside the gaming community and industry). So, do yourself, and the wider community a favour: don't read articles about its release. Try not to Youtube it. Avoid reviews. And certainly don't buy it."

"It's time to set the record straight, and make sure an insultingly misogynistic and degrading atrocity like this is avoided in the future."

While he doesn't come out and say it should be banned or removed, the whole article makes it pretty obvious he'd be happy if it did. That being said, what I quoted makes it pretty clear he doesn't want any of these types of games, whatever these types of games are, are never made again.
Is someone asking for it to be banned or removed from public view? I know the author of the article has asked people to boycott the game, but I may have missed where he or others thought the game should be banned or removed from public view.

I don't think there's been a 'pull this from the shelves' sentiment expressed AFAIK, but there have been several posts over the course of this thread that have expressed the opinion that SK and games like it should not exist for the public to consume and/or should be banned, that the game should sell poorly and flop, and so on.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
"Senran Kagura is one of the worst types of game around. It's insulting to the intelligence of gamers, damaging to the reputation of the industry, and alienating and harmful to women (both inside and outside the gaming community and industry). So, do yourself, and the wider community a favour: don't read articles about its release. Try not to Youtube it. Avoid reviews. And certainly don't buy it."

"It's time to set the record straight, and make sure an insultingly misogynistic and degrading atrocity like this is avoided in the future."

While he doesn't come out and say it should be banned or removed, the whole article makes it pretty obvious he'd be happy if it did. That being said, what I quoted makes it pretty clear he doesn't want any of these types of games, whatever these types of games are, are never made again.

No. This kind of conflation keeps coming up in these threads. Even if he is actively wishing that the game didn't exist or wasn't produced or whatever does not mean that he would be "happy" if an external authority banned it. Wanting developers to stop doing something is not the same as wishing that an authority will step in and stop them doing it.
I think it's more like the people who are in favor of this game want something more from its detractors (who have never played it or even read much about it) than simply throwing out accusations that people who enjoy it are pedophiles, misogynists, and/or creepy, which frequently happened in this thread. Having some some of real, informed argument without resorting to ad-hominems is generally preferable.
We are so close ....
( actually enjoying reading some of the recent comment and ideas )

Holy crap I missed this. Is it for real? Say I'll be able to start a harem filled with hunks and bishies!
it's not ... real.

i don't think they are gonna go this route aside from the already established characters of the franchise .

No. This kind of conflation keeps coming up in these threads. Even if he is actively wishing that the game didn't exist or wasn't produced or whatever does not mean that he would be "happy" if an external authority banned it. Wanting developers to stop doing something is not the same as wishing that an authority will step in and stop them doing it.

In that specific case i have a hard time seeing the subtle difference between the 2 events

Is that the "i wish more people would follow my opinion but i don't wish that someone enforce my opinion ? " - stance ?
No. This kind of conflation keeps coming up in these threads. Even if he is actively wishing that the game didn't exist or wasn't produced or whatever does not mean that he would be "happy" if an external authority banned it. Wanting developers to stop doing something is not the same as wishing that an authority will step in and stop them doing it.

True. But stating that outright is not a good diplomatic argument and is clear that will put people in the defensive. They don't need to be nice, but is not a surprise that the anwser is not.


For me it's a real problem that there isn't a single LEGO game, COD or Battlefield with a female lead character. It's a real problem that a lot of games have a very narrow range of gender representation.

The idea that the ridiculous boob sizes in Japanese niche games are somehow the worst thing that happens to the industry makes me crazy. It's just a lazy scapegoat.

Amen to that.


No. This kind of conflation keeps coming up in these threads. Even if he is actively wishing that the game didn't exist or wasn't produced or whatever does not mean that he would be "happy" if an external authority banned it. Wanting developers to stop doing something is not the same as wishing that an authority will step in and stop them doing it.

Ok, and the part of my response that you didn't bold? Would he not be happy, going off of what we know, if this type of game was never made again? And you can make an assumption (like I unfortunately did) that he wouldn't be happy if it was banned. But at the end of the day neither of us really know. So for that part, it was probably poor choice of words on my part. Though his utter distaste of this game, and others, comes off blatantly in his article.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
In that specific case i have a hard time seeing the subtle difference between the 2 events

Is that the "i wish more people would follow my opinion but i don't wish that someone enforce my opinion ? " - stance ?

Yes. If the only reason people do something I want them to is because I've gotten some authority to make them behave that way then what good is that? (mind you I'm not even saying I'm in the "I want this game to fail" camp, I'm not really. I'm arguing in a broader sense here)


That is not what the article is preaching. The author's points is that games like SK are damaging to (Japanese) society because of the unrealistic and distasteful portrayal of a woman's physique. Which in turn moves men away from giving attention to real women.

Read this for example. I don't think it's healthy for Japan that such games (and anime, manga, etc) are incredibly popular.

Admittedly, I also enjoy some of the content that's being put on blast, but I can recognize the damage it does.

Uh huh, japan's dating/population problems in society have nothing to do with an incredibly rigid society that demands incredible levels of work and commitment to a career, there's piles of free time for people to be maintaining a relationship. Why your average japanese worker will practically jump at the chance to add another complicated, emotionally vivid set of events to their life. Particularly since school is so relaxed that the youth has plenty of time for social development!

If only those damn cartoon boobs weren't luring him away! They're totally a cause and not a symptom of needing some level of catharsis in a life already packed full.

I'm sorry, sorta at least. I can understand why you might see it that way, but it's utterly baffling to me when people paint incredibly complicated and vast social problems with a very specific niche brush as though the life of a person was only really made of 2 or 3 easily shifted elements.

I guess if I could say anything it'd be "this stuff is complicated, if you're going to say something is "harming society" you better bring your absolute a game of scientific research or at *very* least corroborating numbers." If someone said to me "yo man, just because games have steadily gotten more sexual and rape and sexual assault has steadily decreased in the countries that consume them most that doesn't necessarily mean they're related" I'd say "Yes! Absolutely! Sure I'll take that even if it does imply that the increase in sexuality hasn't been creating harm, Lets talk this thing out! What is it you see that makes you think this stuff is a thing that changes people?" There's a discussion to be had and everyone's talking about changing society through the altering of media presented as if it's choosing what you want on your pizza or declaring what color you like.

It drives me maaaaaaaaaaaad.


Yes. If the only reason people do something I want them to is because I've gotten some authority to make them behave that way then what good is that? (mind you I'm not even saying I'm in the "I want this game to fail" camp, I'm not really. I'm arguing in a broader sense here)

Does moral authority count here? More often than not, yes there is some authority behind any action people want you to take. Whether it is the state, local, communal, or your own perceived morals.


Yeah, I see where you're coming from. I know that there will be people who get this who legitimately want to enjoy something out of it other than T&A(like it's just a bonus), but I'm just saying it's not like they were necessary. I mean when I see stuff like this:


I can totally see why a lot of people would be frustrated. I'm an anime fan, too, but I'm not into this kind of stuff, and I'm not going to defend all the fanservice they throw at me. I haven't played the game myself, so I don't really have a fair point, but the gameplay I've seen from the gameplay trailers seems really mediocre to me. Looks like it has rather dull AI and generic music, etc. But again, I can totally see why a lot of people would like it and I'm okay with that. I'm just against the idea of (like I assume you admitted)having T&A as the main appeal for a game even though that's not all the game has to offer.

Yeah, I definitely understand you. I was mostly saying that the game may still have some depth (and some of those pervy games actually have really solid gameplay), but I completely understand why some people wouldn't like those games at all, even if they do have other qualities, just because of the fanservice.

Now that you mention you're also an anime fan, just not this segment of anime, this generation is really lacking in games that evoke that great feeling of a good battle anime, huh? I guess the closest we have is Metal Gear Rising. Dragon's Dogma has some anime battles too, I guess.
Yes. If the only reason people do something I want them to is because I've gotten some authority to make them behave that way then what good is that? (mind you I'm not even saying I'm in the "I want this game to fail" camp, I'm not really. I'm arguing in a broader sense here)

In that case i consider this article as lobbying ( bad lobbying ) so i can't agree.

I would be able to give the benefit of the doubt to the writter if there wasn't so many stupid events like this ( last time it was dragon crown )

Internet is a place were influences and opinion are clashing and i have a very hard time thinking that those kind of opinion pieces are limited to just expressing an idea.Especially considering the way it was written.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
In that case i consider this article as lobbying ( bad lobbying ) so i can't agree.

I would be able to give the benefit of the doubt to the writter if there wasn't so many stupid events like this ( last time it was dragon crown )

Internet is a place were influences and opinion are clashing and i have a very hard time thinking that those kind of opinion pieces are limited to just expressing an idea.Especially considering the way it was written.

Well yes. He's clearly expressing his opinion in hopes that more people will agree with it, that people will talk about or get outraged about it, put pressure on publishers or developers or retailers or whatever. He's definitely hoping to change something (very hamfistedly). I just reject the idea that any person who is trying to engage in that kind of change would necessarily be "happy with" the hand of the government stepping in to directly control something because its not just the end result that matters.


That is not what the article is preaching. The author's points is that games like SK are damaging to (Japanese) society because of the unrealistic and distasteful portrayal of a woman's physique. Which in turn moves men away from giving attention to real women.

Read this for example. I don't think it's healthy for Japan that such games (and anime, manga, etc) are incredibly popular.

Admittedly, I also enjoy some of the content that's being put on blast, but I can recognize the damage it does.

The one paragraph alternate theory? While completely ignoring the previous paragraphs discussing the way males have rejection traditional masculinity (by males only).

Moe has started to cross the divide from 'niche', it's fairly popular now. Even in the west.

Is it even mainstream over there?
Attack on Titan? Free (ok, moe for females, normally in the west this would be more beefcake than cheescake)? Despicable Me?

We're talking about thousands of copies sold in a country with ~128M people. Love Live did make top 10. At 2k. The perception doesn't match up with empirical data due to sensationalist articles like the one in the op.
Well yes. He's clearly expressing his opinion in hopes that more people will agree with it, that people will talk about or get outraged about it, put pressure on publishers or developers or retailers or whatever. He's definitely hoping to change something (very hamfistedly). I just reject the idea that any person who is trying to engage in that kind of change would necessarily be "happy with" the hand of the government stepping in to directly control something because its not just the end result that matters.

You are right about that.


I just reject the idea that any person who is trying to engage in that kind of change would necessarily be "happy with" the hand of the government stepping in to directly control something because its not just the end result that matters.

And how can you know that? If he really cared about this topic, he would have done a much better job, not only researching this game but the topic at hand as well. Hate breeds hate and this came off as a hateful article.

You are viewing this from your perspective which makes you sound like a nice person, but not everyone is like that. We have no idea why he wrote this article, or what he cares about. Out right rejecting a possibility, I don't know if I could say:

You are right about that.

And I don't know how to say this, but the government DOES step in and take or try to take (at least in America) control over situations like this. There are plenty of laws that deal with this issue, and I for one think we still have a ways to go before we reach equality. And for the most part, the only thing the government cares about is the end result.
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