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Overwatch |OT8| Our love will last Pharah-ver

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A dumbbell would be more fitting.

Okay, it's pretty cool that Tracer and Genji are going to get their own Figma figurines in the near future. Add Pharah to that list, and we basically have a re-creation of Blizzard's[ SPOILER]weird[/SPOILER] promotional marking campaign for the game (a la super large scale figurines of the three that were in different parts of the globe).

And, as I've already said it before, smol Tracer, Mei, and Mercy are adorable. I need my smol froggy DJ and "smol" muscle-bound woman of rapture, though.

Good Smile wants your money. Expect a full line of Nendo and Figma with a possibility of full scale as well.

Also the Nendo Tracer is listed as 'Standard Skin' or something along those lines. Expect Different versions of everyone as well.
I've gone from Razer Deathadder to Logitech G400 to Zowie FK1 in the last handful of years and I really like the Zowie. The sensor is uniform across the line AFAIK so it's just a matter of form factor preference. My Deathadder kind of crumpled under use, the Logitech's buttons ended up becoming unreliable (which has been my experience from a few Logitech mice), but I've had the FK1 for about a year now and it's been performing solidly.

I think one of the best compliments I can give for it is that the scrollwheel still performs the same as the day I got it, and I find scrollwheels to be about the most consistently faulty thing I'll find on an input device. The coating on the Zowie doesn't feel gross after use unlike the Razer or Logitech either. My Zowie even survived my place getting flooded, unlike my speakers or keyboard. Thing's a beast.

Awesome, glad to hear it. I ended up ordering the Zowie EC2-A because I felt like I wouldn't care for an ambidextrous mouse. So excited to try it! :D


Good Smile wants your money. Expect a full line of Nendo and Figma with a possibility of full scale as well.

Also the Nendo Tracer is listed as 'Standard Skin' or something along those lines. Expect Different versions of everyone as well.
Yeti Hunter Mei & Imp Mercy? Sign me up!
When will we have stats for Arcade mode? It's just me that has to do a colossal effort to get to the 3rd loot box? The matchmaking feels all over the place.

I would like to now how much time I've spent and my (pathetic)win rate.


the holder of the trombone
New 5 week tournament starting tomorrow. Overwatch Carbon series.Featuring complexity (now harbleuless), immortals, and others. Seems like an NA only thing. Should be fun though, especially with ZP casting. Miss that dude.

Want to watch out for renegades. J3sus and mangachu should make a pretty awesome DPS pair.


New 5 week tournament starting tomorrow. Overwatch Carbon series.Featuring complexity (now harbleuless), immortals, and others. Seems like an NA only thing. Should be fun though, especially with ZP casting. Miss that dude.

Want to watch out for renegades. J3sus and mangachu should make a pretty awesome DPS pair.

Sounds interesting, where is the EU scene? Haven't heard anything about them.


I hope this is canon next

I'm down for Zaryzo.
Shaved sides save lives.


the holder of the trombone
Sounds interesting, where is the EU scene? Haven't heard anything about them.

It's a bit weird. There's a... Finnish I think? tournament a few weeks ago that drew quite a bit of attention but it's been in a bit of a lull partly because the overwatch league is NA based.
Calvin plays for galeforce i havent watched him at any tournaments or lan games but i remember on stream he said they got rolled by luminosity or liquid


Kind of weird when the top western teams all go to korea for 3 months for OGN, makes me a lot less interested in watching the tournaments going while they are away cos feels like there is less prestige or something


the holder of the trombone
Kind of weird when the top western teams all go to korea for 3 months for OGN, makes me a lot less interested in watching the tournaments going while they are away cos feels like there is less prestige or something

I mean, mostly definitely envyus and maybe rogue are considered top tier, but cloud9 and fnatic? Eh.


Found an old video on seagull's channel from the beta of his team playing C9 and they are running Tracer, Genji, Lucio, double Zen and Symetra on KotH. Man things were very different back then haha
I mean, mostly definitely envyus and maybe rogue are considered top tier, but cloud9 and fnatic? Eh.
I'd thought they were still probably 2 and 3 in the NA scene? Or who else would you put ahead of them?


the holder of the trombone
Found an old video on seagull's channel from the beta of his team playing C9 and they are running Tracer, Genji, Lucio, double Zen and Symetra on KotH. Man things were very different back then haha

I'd thought they were still probably 2 and 3 in the NA scene? Or who else would you put ahead of them?

Cloud9 is weird in that they should theoratically be really strong, but they always seem to come out short one way or the other.

Fnatic seemed to have lost a lot when they lost iddqd.




I expected to need 1 more game but my last win gave me 50SR to get me from 2954 to 3004! Otherwise I would have recorded it. I have been slowly starting up comp again over the last week to get back into it (started at 2695 last week) before I would I grind the last points this weekend. Guess I'm on a winning strike, going to keep going until I lose or hit masters.




I expected to need 1 more game but my last win gave me 50SR to get me from 2954 to 3004! Otherwise I would have recorded it. I have been slowly starting up comp again over the last week to get back into it (started at 2695 last week) before I would I grind the last points this weekend. Guess I'm on a winning strike, going to keep going until I lose or hit masters.

Congratulations! I wish I had the will or skill to do this.




I expected to need 1 more game but my last win gave me 50SR to get me from 2954 to 3004! Otherwise I would have recorded it. I have been slowly starting up comp again over the last week to get back into it (started at 2695 last week) before I would I grind the last points this weekend. Guess I'm on a winning strike, going to keep going until I lose or hit masters.

Congratulations, man. This is going to be my Season 4 goal, and I hope I'll reach it. ;_;




I expected to need 1 more game but my last win gave me 50SR to get me from 2954 to 3004! Otherwise I would have recorded it. I have been slowly starting up comp again over the last week to get back into it (started at 2695 last week) before I would I grind the last points this weekend. Guess I'm on a winning strike, going to keep going until I lose or hit masters.

Congrats man!

Did you main Ana for it all or did you change it up?




I expected to need 1 more game but my last win gave me 50SR to get me from 2954 to 3004! Otherwise I would have recorded it. I have been slowly starting up comp again over the last week to get back into it (started at 2695 last week) before I would I grind the last points this weekend. Guess I'm on a winning strike, going to keep going until I lose or hit masters.

Well done dude!


Good day for OW. 9-2, and 165 SR gains so far. and 1 loss due to a leaver, and the other when i thought it was a good idea to stay with team :p Dont think iv ever come out positive of staying with team




I expected to need 1 more game but my last win gave me 50SR to get me from 2954 to 3004! Otherwise I would have recorded it. I have been slowly starting up comp again over the last week to get back into it (started at 2695 last week) before I would I grind the last points this weekend. Guess I'm on a winning strike, going to keep going until I lose or hit masters.
Any advice for me as someone who has his career high at 2599?

Main was Genji but is now Tracer and Winston (since I'm way better with them then with Genji), with Ana on her way as my support hero.


Just had one of my most uncomfortable encounters in Overwatch.

Playing Quickplay on Illios and I pick Sym, whilst some guy is chatting in all chat about the meta. He then tells me that I've "picked the worst character on this map", and I ask him to give me a chance. We start playing, and he continues to repeatedly message about how picking Sym is essentially throwing the match, and we've already lost because "We have an awful Sym main", but despite this we win the first match ("no thanks to you").

Lose the second match as the guy in question changes to Tobjorn and throws himself off the side of the map repeatedly claiming "It's 5v6 with a Sym, and you've lost the game for us, so we may as well all give up", also going on the voice chat to tell me this.

We get 90% ahead in the third match despite Tobjorn continuing to repeatedly suicide, with the Widow from the other team even saying "Sym is winning this for you", as I was on the point for the majority of the match. We lost by 6% in the end, which I reckon would have been made up had the guy actually made any effort. I don't know why anyone would actively waste 5 minutes of their life continually throwing themself off of a map instead of actually playing or disconnecting. Other people were giving him grief (and another playing was less so giving me grief whenever I defended myself), but I was still astonished there are actually people so vehemently against certain characters they would actually waste their time and berate someone for picking them.


Just had one of my most uncomfortable encounters in Overwatch.

Playing Quickplay on Illios and I pick Sym, whilst some guy is chatting in all chat about the meta. He then tells me that I've "picked the worst character on this map", and I ask him to give me a chance. We start playing, and he continues to repeatedly message about how picking Sym is essentially throwing the match, and we've already lost because "We have an awful Sym main", but despite this we win the first match ("no thanks to you").

Lose the second match as the guy in question changes to Tobjorn and throws himself off the side of the map repeatedly claiming "It's 5v6 with a Sym, and you've lost the game for us, so we may as well all give up", also going on the voice chat to tell me this.

We get 90% ahead in the third match despite Tobjorn continuing to repeatedly suicide, with the Widow from the other team even saying "Sym is winning this for you", as I was on the point for the majority of the match. We lost by 6% in the end, which I reckon would have been made up had the guy actually made any effort. I don't know why anyone would actively waste 5 minutes of their life continually throwing themself off of a map instead of actually playing or disconnecting. Other people were giving him grief (and another playing was less so giving me grief whenever I defended myself), but I was still astonished there are actually people so vehemently against certain characters they would actually waste their time and berate someone for picking them.

Ok, so, my thoughts:

1.) This dude is a toxic asshole. Always give anything a chance, and just shut the fuck up/don't make it any worse if you disagree.

2.) It's QP, really, who tryhards/cares in QP?

3.) Symm is an absolutely abysmal pick for Ilios, but again, it's QP and this dude had no reason to be toxic.

As long as you're not playing competitive, I don't see why what you pick should matter. I don't even look at the team comp in QP.
Any advice for me as someone who has his career high at 2599?

Main was Genji but is now Tracer and Winston (since I'm way better with them then with Genji), with Ana on her way as my support hero.

Watch Seagull's stream :) Not only is he one of the very best Overwtach players, but he made his stream in order to help others, and it shows. He's constantly giving tips on how to play every character, and you learn so much from watching him play. His awareness and understanding is insane. He knows exactly what he and his team did right and wrong; he knows the exact damage output and max range of like every weapon. Dude is insane. If you want to climb, make him your mentor.




I expected to need 1 more game but my last win gave me 50SR to get me from 2954 to 3004! Otherwise I would have recorded it. I have been slowly starting up comp again over the last week to get back into it (started at 2695 last week) before I would I grind the last points this weekend. Guess I'm on a winning strike, going to keep going until I lose or hit masters.

Congrats! Feels like you've been at 2900s for ages.


Ok, so, my thoughts:

1.) This dude is a toxic asshole. Always give anything a chance, and just shut the fuck up/don't make it any worse if you disagree.

2.) It's QP, really, who tryhards/cares in QP?

3.) Symm is an absolutely abysmal pick for Ilios, but again, it's QP and this dude had no reason to be toxic.

As long as you're not playing competitive, I don't see why what you pick should matter. I don't even look at the team comp in QP.

I was aware she's not considered great on Illios, but I've always found she does well for me on 2 of the 3 maps (I agree she sucks on the one with the well in the middle), it just really confused and upset me that they kept going even after we won the first point comfortably
Can we have a leak about new hero pls?
It's kinda boring.

Jeff said that they learned their lesson from the Sombra ARG, so they decided to no longer do any sort of hints whatsoever.

It seems that for Blizzard, there only exist 2 spots on the spectrum of communication for upcoming content: Draw out a shitty ARG for like half a year, and saying nothing at all.


Just had one of my most uncomfortable encounters in Overwatch.

Playing Quickplay on Illios and I pick Sym, whilst some guy is chatting in all chat about the meta. He then tells me that I've "picked the worst character on this map", and I ask him to give me a chance. We start playing, and he continues to repeatedly message about how picking Sym is essentially throwing the match, and we've already lost because "We have an awful Sym main", but despite this we win the first match ("no thanks to you").

Lose the second match as the guy in question changes to Tobjorn and throws himself off the side of the map repeatedly claiming "It's 5v6 with a Sym, and you've lost the game for us, so we may as well all give up", also going on the voice chat to tell me this.

We get 90% ahead in the third match despite Tobjorn continuing to repeatedly suicide, with the Widow from the other team even saying "Sym is winning this for you", as I was on the point for the majority of the match. We lost by 6% in the end, which I reckon would have been made up had the guy actually made any effort. I don't know why anyone would actively waste 5 minutes of their life continually throwing themself off of a map instead of actually playing or disconnecting. Other people were giving him grief (and another playing was less so giving me grief whenever I defended myself), but I was still astonished there are actually people so vehemently against certain characters they would actually waste their time and berate someone for picking them.
These type of people are the main reason why I've taken a break from competitive.


Something I've noticed recently is the amount of silver portrait players I've seen. It's almost every match that I get at least one.


I was aware she's not considered great on Illios, but I've always found she does well for me on 2 of the 3 maps (I agree she sucks on the one with the well in the middle), it just really confused and upset me that they kept going even after we won the first point comfortably

There are some bitter vindictive people in the world. I had one person throw the match before it even began because I wanted to go Hanzo on attack Hollywood ranked. And that's only one tale. You just have to take it in stride and move on to the next one.


Something I've noticed recently is the amount of silver portrait players I've seen. It's almost every match that I get at least one.
The game has been out for a while. Given the same amount of time, I wouldn't be surprised gold portraits being the norm.


I was aware she's not considered great on Illios, but I've always found she does well for me on 2 of the 3 maps (I agree she sucks on the one with the well in the middle), it just really confused and upset me that they kept going even after we won the first point comfortably

Yah, he sounds like the kind of person I'd hate to be teamed with. I make sure to block + report people like this, his actions (jumping off the side of the map repeatedly as torb) definitely counts as griefing.


Cloud9 is weird in that they should theoratically be really strong, but they always seem to come out short one way or the other.

Fnatic seemed to have lost a lot when they lost iddqd.
I mean I agree that both teams aren't what they used to be, I just haven't really seen any one else step up to take their place in the NA pecking order. Faze maybe?


Immortals is the best team currently in NA. C9 is honestly probably good enough to beat them, but like C9 has never failed to disappoint me. Fnatic has fallen off extremely hard after they struggled to beat Flash Lux. FaZe is also starting to look a lot better.

Rogue is now stationed in NA though. They'll be playing in the monthly melee:


This will be a good one to watch. Immortals, LG, and FaZe are all known to be good. Rogue is probably the best team in this. Renegades have a shot to be interesting too.

I don't think there is a schedule for when this event is though.


Immortals is the best team currently in NA. C9 is honestly probably good enough to beat them, but like C9 has never failed to disappoint me. Fnatic has fallen off extremely hard after they struggled to beat Flash Lux. FaZe is also starting to look a lot better.

Rogue is now stationed in NA though. They'll be playing in the monthly melee:


This will be a good one to watch. Immortals, LG, and FaZe are all known to be good. Rogue is probably the best team in this. Renegades have a shot to be interesting too.

I don't think there is a schedule for when this event is though.

Seagull said the 26th when he was talking about whether NRG would be there or not.
These type of people are the main reason why I've taken a break from competitive.

Same. Well, almost. I went out of town for a long weekend a month ago and when I came back it took a while to get back into Overwatch. I played a few competitive matches after getting my OW legs back and actually had a really good win streak going, but even the little bit of toxicity from teammates when matches weren't going well made me think "why am I doing this again?" I originally hoped to get enough wins to get a golden weapon at the end of the season but now I really don't care as much.

I'll get back into it sometime and we'll see what changes they make for season 4 but it's not appointment gaming for me at this time.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I... I did it...



Welcome to the Club!

Here's you complimentary muffin basket, *sorry* I ate all the corn muffins, only Bran muffins left

Thank fuck I escaped Platinum Hell
I was getting matched with people that put in no effort at times

Jump into Diamond, theres effort, people "Group Up", "Acknowledge/Understood", " Ultimate Ready"

My god a 500 boost to your SR score changes this game fucking completely, with 1 tier jump

I lost a few games already in Diamond and I'm not mad, they were close losses, teams swapping heroes, new flank positions created to combat defense
In Platinum I would get so angry sometimes at people just aloof to there surroundings
Here in Diamond at least, people pay attention

Going from 2600 to now 3135SR in Diamond I feel better knowing that tiers do fucking matter
I'm amongst like minded players now!

Just had am awesome Dorado game, where our Genji was a Beast, destroying there back line faster than I as Zenyatta could to keep the orb on him, but my discords helped him so much to wreck them
They swapped to counter him to humble him, switches to Winston
They got us dead to rights 2 fights in a row, right bear the payload marker for us to win

4 of us go down, Winston, Rein, Me as Zen, Lucio
Soldier and Anna up top the bridge area

As we respawn, we are fractured 4, then 2 delayed by like 8 seconds
Rather then Rush in as 4, I trigger Group Up, everyone stops, comes back, Soldier/Anna (switched to McCree)

We going for last push, drop orb on Winston, who jumps back line, by flanking
McCree, Soldier, I, Rein, Lucio go up the steps to the bridge
First we kill Hog so fucking quick, he died before his chain hook could retract fully
Lucio speed boost, Discord on there Lucio, who goes down
All of us flush down, I die to a Tree log arrow from Hanzo, but dropped a lasting Discord on him right as Soldier activated his Ultimate
Winston wrecks their Symmetrra
Rein vs Rein, he has Ultimate, I hear Earthshatter go off, we win

Crazy how in Platinum people would just rush in die over and over or swap to Heroes that waste either Ultimate meter
Enjoying DIAMIND tier
Hope to John Master Ranks in Season 4 hopefully!


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I play Mystery Hero as is the only way can find matches not all DPS and snipers.

Until the enemy team is gifted double or triple D.Va or Roadhog, while your team goes Squishies R' Us for like 2-3+ minutes till you get a good comp only to get wrecked by Ultimates left and right
Thank fuck I escaped Platinum Hell
I was getting matched with people that put in no effort at times

I am in silver hell, won all my placements but got stuck with the worst players most matches.

...And WTF is this, my team is steamrolling for once, an enemy player leaves match and match gets cancelled, no points or anything???? What. The. Fuck? That never happens when my teammates quit.
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