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"P.T" Interactive teaser up on PSN Store

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Yea.... i think the SH siren works as well... but not 100%... the high pitch one of the ring or the alert sound of MGS works 100%.

Siren worked once, didnt work again. I didnt try a ringtone. I am pretty sure the ! sound was coded into the game and anything that makes the same level of sound maybe picked up as well. Its just too much of a coincidence for it not to be a key.
I'm not even joking. I put my life on pause and went 9hrs straight. Purposely started while there was daylight out, and ended up finally finishing at around midnight or 1am (EST) when the mic idea first popped up in GAF. My wife wanted to kill me lol...it pissed her off even more that I was able to do it again a 2nd time in only 30min.

You played P.T for 9 hours straight? Wow..

I hope Conan does a bit on P.T, I'd love to see his reaction to it.


Unconfirmed Member
Not kidding. I got the 1st giggle with no problems, doing the 10 step thing (no mic). Then during the 2nd haunting after HOURS and turnin on my mic, I was standing by the radio saying "baby come out, it's just a game" and boom. Got the 2nd giggle, then kept coaxing the baby with out touching my controller, and it vibrated. After the vibrating, baby laughed 3rd time, phone rang, went to pick it up...and done. Then walk back through the reset door in the basement for the final cutscene.

The mic seems pointless, suppose I will try it with one next time.


While the MGS tune does work 100% (I'm on a 5 streak now), I still got it twice or 3 times without it. But it took longer. Without making any noise.

People also report getting it without mic, although I never succeeded.

So there has to be a sort of 'lucky' way as well. Next to the foul proof high pitch tone way.


The mic seems pointless, suppose I will try it with one next time.

Here. Follow my instructions to a "T"

1) Loop the segment so you start fresh/reset bell.
2) Go to phone and point camera at it (don't need to R3)
3) Soon as the bell starts to chime, play this video's audio into your mic (Make damn certain your mic is switch to the ON position!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Jwm5jsoWU
4) Keep playing it until you get baby giggle.
5) Soon as you get 1st giggle, turn to entrance and take 10 steps to force 2nd baby giggle.
6) Don't move yourself with the controller and just wait until it starts vibrating. Once vibrating keep waiting, don't move and you'll get 3rd baby giggle
7) Phone rings, go to it and R3 the phone until you hear "You've been chosen!"
8) Go to garage door (down the steps) and voila, end!


Huh. I don't think you're thinking in a more literal way, you're making a lot more assumptions / hypotheses.

It's pretty clear you're in the house where the father killed his family. Potentially the voice in the bag might be him, warning you about the place or thing that drove him to murder everyone. Lisa is obviously his wife.
Now the ghost might not be Lisa, as it has dark hair, while the pictures of the wife clearly show she's blonde.

But the only evidence that the ghost/wife is named Lisa is the message above the door right? The reason we assume Lisa is the wife/ghost is because that is the only other female character in the game right?

For the record, I don't fully buy into the theory I proposed. I think it's much more interesting if Lisa is the ghost. But it's really fun to think of all the possibilities.

Also, the idea that the father is the thing in the bag is pretty cool.


I think the numbers are just there to signify the descent into insanity or evil. I think at the end you essentially become the father . The teaser section is just kinda it's own thing.
Here. Follow my instructions to a "T"

1) Loop the segment so you start fresh/reset bell.
2) Go to phone and point camera at it (don't need to R3)
3) Soon as the bell starts to chime, play this video's audio into your mic (Make damn certain your mic is switch to the ON position!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Jwm5jsoWU
4) Keep playing it until you get baby giggle.
5) Soon as you get 1st giggle, turn to entrance and take 10 steps to force 2nd baby giggle.
6) Don't move yourself with the controller and just wait until it starts vibrating. Once vibrating keep waiting, don't move and you'll get 3rd baby giggle
7) Phone rings, go to it and R3 the phone until you hear "You've been chosen!"
8) Go to garage door (down the steps) and voila, end!

Step 2 is not needed.


Neo Member
Regardless of consistency, has there really not been one person who finished the game without a mic? I could have sworn someone said they did complete it without one earlier, but am unable to find the post. I purchased the ps4 from someone who also has the Xbone so was only a week old, however did not give me the mic. I am going to get one, but am in no rush, and even though i sunk in hours already to PT, would like the sense of satisfaction from actually finishing.
Regardless of consistency, has there really not been one person who finished the game without a mic? I could have sworn someone said they did complete it without one earlier, but am unable to find the post. I purchased the ps4 from someone who also has the Xbone so was only a week old, however did not give me the mic. I am going to get one, but am in no rush, and even though i sunk in hours already to PT, would like the sense of satisfaction from actually finishing.

It seems they might of had an eye which was recorded the sound as well.

I highly doubt this is doable without a mic.


Regardless of consistency, has there really not been one person who finished the game without a mic? I could have sworn someone said they did complete it without one earlier, but am unable to find the post. I purchased the ps4 from someone who also has the Xbone so was only a week old, however did not give me the mic. I am going to get one, but am in no rush, and even though i sunk in hours already to PT, would like the sense of satisfaction from actually finishing.

If you have any headphones / headsets with a mic that works just fine. It's what I used.


glad there is a 100% repeatable solution, now the only thing left is to see who can do the quickest speedrun.

hope there's maybe one or two more surprises to be found as well, however small and insignificant.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Regardless of consistency, has there really not been one person who finished the game without a mic? I could have sworn someone said they did complete it without one earlier, but am unable to find the post. I purchased the ps4 from someone who also has the Xbone so was only a week old, however did not give me the mic. I am going to get one, but am in no rush, and even though i sunk in hours already to PT, would like the sense of satisfaction from actually finishing.
Yes I did it without a mic, I think people just happen to be at the right spot when the hauntings start and are linking it to the mic.


Yes I did it without a mic, I think people just happen to be at the right spot when the hauntings start and are linking it to the mic.

Got foul proof result at pause screen and alert tune. Giggle comes up during pause screen as well.

Don't matter where I stand, as long as its midnight (the bells need to start ringing or after it).


Stupid question, but: How do you count steps? Audio? I don't remember hearing footstep sounds when walking.

Yes, with audio. If you don't hear steps then your audio is messed up or not loud enough. Crank the volume so you can FEEL footsteps.

Helps when you have a subwoofer or nice headphones.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Got foul proof result at pause screen and alert tune. Giggle comes up during pause screen as well.

Don't matter where I stand, as long as its midnight (the bells need to start ringing or after it).
Interesting, reposting my method
Has anyone found a solid solution for this yet?
I just completed it and what I did was

1, Wait till the clock turn 0.00 and hear the bell ring

2, Walk ten steps and stop, you'll hear the 1st giggle

3, Wait for Lisa to start haunting and locate where her crying/moaning/heavy breathing is coming from
It can be from 3 places, the phone, the radio or the bathroom mirror, you must zoom in until she stops, do this until you get the 2nd baby giggle
(My last one was the Radio and Lisa was standing there too, which was a bit off putting)

4, once you hear 2nd giggle your pad should start vibranting, don't move or touch anything until it stops and then you'll get the 3rd giggle
After that the phone will ring and you just go up to it and zoom in, the door will then unlock.
But I believe it is still random and depends on what you've done haven't done in the game, for instance I've never seen the paper bag talk :(


I wonder if the message on the picture is the solution to the three giggles, but not in the way most people have interpreted it a while ago.
The message is not from the wife/ghost, but from yourself to her?

My voice, can you hear it: use a microphone
I'll wait forever if you follow me: stand still when the haunting begins until it stops

Now that leaves the sign thing, which would be for the 10 steps. Maybe "sign" here means, as in "hint" and not a literal sign, which might be the thing the foetus tells you about "exactly 10 months back". That's why I was wondering earlier on if exactly 10 steps are need, or there's several possible options and 10 just happens to be one of them.

But then again that might just be a big stretch :p


I never talked to it either.

But I also did it in reverse a few times, so I did the 10 steps AFTER the second giggle (which is evident in the webm).


Did people translate what the weird flashes of words that appear every now and then? What about the guy on the radio who says something in a foreign language?

And can anyone break down the whole backstory to this demo? Like Ok the father is depressed as hell and somehow gets "possessed" and kills his wife. So the wife, Lisa, was pregnant at the time with the Son of her manager? Or is this speculation? Because at the end the narrator says "dad was such a drag" so the crazy wako dad was indeed the father. Also the baby fetus represents the baby who was killed along side Lisa?

Lastly at the end, does the "kid" somehow rise up from the dead as an adult? The fuck? Who is the narrator? Also little girl was killed in the bathroom but nothing really about her in the demo.

Oh and does the looping have any "deeper meaning"? Like this is what the father saw from day to day on his life? He came home, got drunk and high on drugs and kept this until he somehow became insane and started to "see" weird things that lead to his killing of the family? Wonder what the plot of Silent Hill 5 will be as the radio states this has happened on other occasions so maybe Silent Hill residents are loosing their shit?


I never talked to it either.

But I also did it in reverse a few times, so I did the 10 steps AFTER the second giggle (which is evident in the webm).

Yeah. The 10 steps is a forced giggle so no reason to do it first. Better to get your first giggle without forcing since that's the hardest giggle to get.


The narrator sounds exactly the same as the radio guy. I don't know what the fuck is going on there.

It is about dads going insane, probably because they missed Hideo's birthday party even though they kept on calling out the right date.


Membero Americo
Did You Rike It Method worked like a charm. Finally finished that teaser.

And man, if that trailer was in-engine, it's gonna look amazing.
Huh. I don't think you're thinking in a more literal way, you're making a lot more assumptions / hypotheses.

It's pretty clear you're in the house where the father killed his family. Potentially the voice in the bag might be him, warning you about the place or thing that drove him to murder everyone. Lisa is obviously his wife.
Now the ghost might not be Lisa, as it has dark hair, while the pictures of the wife clearly show she's blonde.

From my understanding, Lisa is definitely not a nurse because the baby was "born" without the nurse. It was gouged out from the womb.

And Lisa is not the ghost either, because if she is the victim, the ghost must have blond hair.

So where is Lisa?

I think she was stuffed inside the fridge after killed. The ghost that haunted the place is the demon that possessed the husband to kill his own family. The baby was gouged out by the demon and probably been used in some kind of dark ritual and that's why it looks hellish.


From my understanding, Lisa is definitely not a nurse because the baby was "born" without the nurse. It was gouged out from the womb.

And Lisa is not the ghost either, because if she is the victim, the ghost must have blond hair.

So where is Lisa?

I think she was stuffed inside the fridge after killed. The ghost that haunted the place is the demon that possessed the husband to kill his own family. The baby was gouged out by the demon and probably been used in some kind of dark ritual and that's why it looks hellish.
i dunno the screams from the fridge sound like a child not a woman


I think hair color doesn't really matter, it could change. Wasn't this also the case in those J-Horror movies etc?

The ghost does cry, so it must be related to the victims or be one herself.

Did people translate what the weird flashes of words that appear every now and then? What about the guy on the radio who says something in a foreign language?

And can anyone break down the whole backstory to this demo? Like Ok the father is depressed as hell and somehow gets "possessed" and kills his wife. So the wife, Lisa, was pregnant at the time with the Son of her manager? Or is this speculation? Because at the end the narrator says "dad was such a drag" so the crazy wako dad was indeed the father. Also the baby fetus represents the baby who was killed along side Lisa?

Lastly at the end, does the "kid" somehow rise up from the dead as an adult? The fuck? Who is the narrator? Also little girl was killed in the bathroom but nothing really about her in the demo.

Oh and does the looping have any "deeper meaning"? Like this is what the father saw from day to day on his life? He came home, got drunk and high on drugs and kept this until he somehow became insane and started to "see" weird things that lead to his killing of the family? Wonder what the plot of Silent Hill 5 will be as the radio states this has happened on other occasions so maybe Silent Hill residents are loosing their shit?

I sort of felt as if they refered to me, the player when they talked about dad always playing these videogames etc. Perhaps the player is the one who commits those atrocities?


Well we don't know how Lisa sounds like right? Maybe she has baby voice :D

What if Lisa is actually the girl. And the monster inside me part is written by the mother. The fetus being the monster.

Lisa could very well be the one stuffed in the fridge.

The Fetus the one behind the ending monologue. Resulting in a super powered Reedus or something.
Interesting, reposting my method
But I believe it is still random and depends on what you've done haven't done in the game, for instance I've never seen the paper bag talk :(

All you have to do is die. Load up at the infinite loop, let lisa possess you, walk around till she kills you.

Then when you are in the bad room, go to the back and stare at it until it starts talking.


While the MGS tune does work 100% (I'm on a 5 streak now), I still got it twice or 3 times without it. But it took longer. Without making any noise.

People also report getting it without mic, although I never succeeded.

So there has to be a sort of 'lucky' way as well. Next to the foul proof high pitch tone way.

Funny thing, I took my usb mic out. Played to final loop. Waited for haunting to finish, 10 steps, no giggle. Repeated the process,same loop. Tried again and nothing. Plugged in the mic, I accidentally got too close, the ghost possesed me. I walk and spun, boom, dead. Ten steps got first giggle after being killed and having plugged mic in.

Guys if you going to say you beat it without mic make sure it's either off or not plugged in for a particular playthrough.
Here. Follow my instructions to a "T"

1) Loop the segment so you start fresh/reset bell.
2) Go to phone and point camera at it (don't need to R3)
3) Soon as the bell starts to chime, play this video's audio into your mic (Make damn certain your mic is switch to the ON position!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Jwm5jsoWU
4) Keep playing it until you get baby giggle.
5) Soon as you get 1st giggle, turn to entrance and take 10 steps to force 2nd baby giggle.
6) Don't move yourself with the controller and just wait until it starts vibrating. Once vibrating keep waiting, don't move and you'll get 3rd baby giggle
7) Phone rings, go to it and R3 the phone until you hear "You've been chosen!"
8) Go to garage door (down the steps) and voila, end!

I was trying everything that people were saying and nothing working.. Did this and worked straight away
I was trying everything that people were saying and nothing working.. Did this and worked straight away

Yeah its full proof, we can finally do this 100% at will.

Still there are other methods that we don't know. But I think I am done, I will just let Kojima explain it to us later.


Huh. I don't think you're thinking in a more literal way, you're making a lot more assumptions / hypotheses.

It's pretty clear you're in the house where the father killed his family. Potentially the voice in the bag might be him, warning you about the place or thing that drove him to murder everyone. Lisa is obviously his wife.
Now the ghost might not be Lisa, as it has dark hair, while the pictures of the wife clearly show she's blonde.

It could arguably be lighting conditions that don't show her blonde hair, or it became dark from rotting in the bathtub for so long.

Also, you can see the blood stains on Lisa's dress, implying the baby was gouged out before getting her eye taken and finally killed.

Agree on the paper bag, though. I assumed it was/is, in a post-modern sense, the player having 'died' - do you even have a head from that point? (Despite seeing everything fine, she did snap the neck and nibble away) It could also explain why many do not die thereafter - you're just a walking headless man now.


Here. Follow my instructions to a "T"

1) Loop the segment so you start fresh/reset bell.
2) Go to phone and point camera at it (don't need to R3)
3) Soon as the bell starts to chime, play this video's audio into your mic (Make damn certain your mic is switch to the ON position!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Jwm5jsoWU
4) Keep playing it until you get baby giggle.
5) Soon as you get 1st giggle, turn to entrance and take 10 steps to force 2nd baby giggle.
6) Don't move yourself with the controller and just wait until it starts vibrating. Once vibrating keep waiting, don't move and you'll get 3rd baby giggle
7) Phone rings, go to it and R3 the phone until you hear "You've been chosen!"
8) Go to garage door (down the steps) and voila, end!

I can 100% confirm that this works! Just did it myself the exact same way.
Collected what I find to be notable posts in the thread.

First up, this guy totally called it before anyone had beaten the game:

I couldn't even play outlast, I doubt Id be able to play this at all

still downloading

PT = Phantom TIME!

this has to be a beta test for Silent Hill by Kojima productions

Next, accurately guessing what the title stood for:

P.T = Playable Teaser
or Playable Toyama

It's all coming together.

And the first person (that GAF found) to beat the game, SoapyWarPig:


This girl finished it, Silent Hills confirmed! Skip to the end of the stream!

Some translations:

I tried to take up where Necromanti left off by listening to the Swedish translation on youtube. A user by the name Andreas Baglien seems to have already done most of the dirty work:

"I think I can add a few more words to the translation. :) Here's what I hear:
Close your eyes.
Let your ears listen to the radio.
Do you hear my voice?
Can you hear your own soul's scream?
Let us choose
My voice that fortells the future
Or your tortured (inaudible)
Well, what do you choose?
You can choose.
Your life, your future.
Wise as you are you might already have discovered it.
Yes, the radio drama from 75 years ago was truth.
They are here on our earth and they monitor and see all.
Don't trust anyone. Don't trust the police.
They are already controlled by them.
That's the way it has been for 75 years now.
Only our best (inaudible)
You have a right. A right to become one of us.
So, welcome to our world.
Very soon the gates to a new dimension will open.

He got most of it down. This shit made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end...

Along with:

I though I heard a phone, and fog dwindling awareness (babel fish translation), i didn't move anymore, waiting motionless,whispered his name.
"Then his index slides in my hand" It was a cold hand / They were cold hands My body was shivering. I waited for it to pass, but the night wind took her away.

Yes thanks!

From page 74:

My body shivered

It was a cold hand

Poi il suo indice scivolo sulla mia mano
Then slide your index finger on my hand

Glaubte ich ein Telefon zu hören
Did I hear a phone

Sussurrei seu nome
Whispered his name

Nell attesa inerte non and mossi piu
During the inert waiting, I stopped moving

Und durch Nebel schwindenden bewusstseins
And dwindling due to fog awareness.

I waited for it to pass.

Never moving a step, his hand in mine.

There is also a hidden message in spanish spelled backwards when you pause the game for a long time saying "Tanto que todo temblaba" which means "So much that everything trembled"

Here is the news about it: http://n4g.com/news/1568528/creepy-secret-messaged-discovered-in-silent-hills-demo#c-9606255

Seppo91 said that he heard a message in swedish too when the radio goes crazy, can somerone swedish translate it please?

Discovery of the Did You Rike It method:

Me and my brother didn't manage to initiate a baby giggle until - out of sheer frustration - we started playing Didju Rike It?: Insane Edition into the mic.

I'm guessing that there's something about the high/low pitch of the recording that triggers something in the game, as we were able to complete the Teaser multiple times using this method, even on separate PS4's.

This is the video he recorded earlier. I've trimmed down the length of the haunting for him to save time, and added Didju Rike It in postproduction so you can hear when to start playing it.

Perhaps it'll work for you too?

Silent Hills P.T. Completion: Did you rike it?

Disclaimer: I know this sounds like a troll, so If there's any doubt, I also have a messier version of the first live playthrough on my PC where you can hear Didju Rike it? being played through my phone.

Here is a good guide for each loop (though I suggest Rike It for the last):


Those are other things giving it away. The ghost misses her right eye and you have to pluck the right eye from the woman's portrait. And from the shattered portrait its also a right eye piece thats most obscure to find. They're one and the same. But she doesn't have to be Lisa as I said before, Lisa could be the name of the daughter as well. Though it could be that the man wrote it before going to the garage to hang himself. The bag must be him.

And the narrator at the end died there, called the murderer 'dad' but comes back with new toys. Ofcourse the fetus wouldn't make much sense, the killer is likely not even his dad, he wasn't murdered and he wasn't really sentient. The narrator has to be the boy, and one error message is about 20 years later and a 'J'.


Good summary.

We should probably collect all the screenshots of the other messages and their translations too. Also all the glitch screens (there are more than 2 at least..)

So we need screenshots of:

1) Photo of Lisa on ground with R3 written on it
2) Photo of text on photo of Lisa
3) Screenshot of each photo piece location
4) Each overlaid text screen after you discover a piece of Lisa's photo
5) Each overlaid text screen that happens randomly just walking around the hallway (Not related to photo piece overlays I don't think)
6) Writing by phone that you turn away from to make it go to writing in entryway to spell HELL
7) Writing at entryway without and with HELL
8) Writing above garage door
9) Writing from wall in Japanese trailer that isn't in our P.T. demo
10) Lisa's haunting spots (6 total, plus 1 spot above when window falls out)

We should also collect all the random demonic speakings in the game or just random speaking and try to type them out/translate them. So:

1) Radio messages (all of them, including swedish + translation)
2) Random demonic speaking
3) What the thing in the bag says (how many things does he say?)
4) (Any others I'm forgetting?)

J 0 E

Just finished it, it's amazing to see how Kojima/Del Toro could present such a deep experience in a
single corridor.
Interesting, reposting my method
But I believe it is still random and depends on what you've done haven't done in the game, for instance I've never seen the paper bag talk :(
After you get the flashlight in the bathroom and Lisa kills your ass, you'll restart the game in the very first room but this time you'll be equipped with the flashlight.
Turn around and on your left, there should be a table with a bloody paper bag on top (trust me, it's hard to miss).
Get as close to it as you can, and then press and hold R3 to zoom in on the bag. It'll start saying some creepy shit (I won't spoil it for you).
In my experience, it won't work later on - Try it out! :)
I tried to take up where Necromanti left off by listening to the Swedish translation on youtube. A user by the name Andreas Baglien seems to have already done most of the dirty work:

"I think I can add a few more words to the translation. :) Here's what I hear:
Close your eyes.
Let your ears listen to the radio.
Do you hear my voice?
Can you hear your own soul's scream?
Let us choose
My voice that fortells the future
Or your tortured (inaudible)
Well, what do you choose?
You can choose.
Your life, your future.
Wise as you are you might already have discovered it.
Yes, the radio drama from 75 years ago was truth.
They are here on our earth and they monitor and see all.
Don't trust anyone. Don't trust the police.
They are already controlled by them.
That's the way it has been for 75 years now.
Only our best (inaudible)
You have a right. A right to become one of us.
So, welcome to our world.
Very soon the gates to a new dimension will open.

He got most of it down. This shit made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end...
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