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"P.T" Interactive teaser up on PSN Store

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No. I am literally too scared.

Dude. Get some support. Have a friend be there with you when you do it. Use a wingman to check your six!

Finished it yesterday night.

I still can't believe how good that looked. Love the fox engine :)

I hope they release a new version of it now that the secret is out. Kojima said they made it a little clunky (lowered resolution, audio glitches, etc) to try and make it look like a small team was doing it.
I tried to take up where Necromanti left off by listening to the Swedish translation on youtube. A user by the name Andreas Baglien seems to have already done most of the dirty work:

"I think I can add a few more words to the translation. :) Here's what I hear:
Close your eyes.
Let your ears listen to the radio.
Do you hear my voice?
Can you hear your own soul's scream?
Let us choose
My voice that fortells the future
Or your tortured (inaudible)
Well, what do you choose?
You can choose.
Your life, your future.
Wise as you are you might already have discovered it.
Yes, the radio drama from 75 years ago was truth.
They are here on our earth and they monitor and see all.
Don't trust anyone. Don't trust the police.
They are already controlled by them.
That's the way it has been for 75 years now.
Only our best (inaudible)
You have a right. A right to become one of us.
So, welcome to our world.
Very soon the gates to a new dimension will open.

He got most of it down. This shit made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end...
This is interesting to me (the stuff about 75 years ago) because it reminds me of the 1938 radio broadcast of "War Of The Worlds". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds_(radio_drama)


"I think I can add a few more words to the translation. :) Here's what I hear:
Close your eyes.
Let your ears listen to the radio.
Do you hear my voice?
Can you hear your own soul's scream?
Let us choose
My voice that fortells the future
Or your tortured (inaudible)
Well, what do you choose?
You can choose.
Your life, your future.
Wise as you are you might already have discovered it.
Yes, the radio drama from 75 years ago was truth.
They are here on our earth and they monitor and see all.
Don't trust anyone. Don't trust the police.
They are already controlled by them.
That's the way it has been for 75 years now.
Only our best (inaudible)
You have a right. A right to become one of us.
So, welcome to our world.
Very soon the gates to a new dimension will open.

Fantastic job on the translation guys. This game is guaranteed to be something special by the time of release.
This is interesting to me (the stuff about 75 years ago) because it reminds me of the 1938 radio broadcast of "War Of The Worlds". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_War_of_the_Worlds_(radio_drama)
I forgot to post that part, thanks for the reminder! :) Saw it in the comments there as well:


So yeah, most likely a reference to that. God, I can't get enough of this teaser.. It's been friggin' YEARS (!) since I had scares like these. I'll be needing a diaper, but I'll be buying this day friggin' 1!

EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs0K4ApWl4g#t=875
Here's a direct link to Orson Welles radio broadcast from 1938 (for those interested). Still pretty spooky..


Yes, the radio drama from 75 years ago was truth.
They are here on our earth and they monitor and see all.
Don't trust anyone. Don't trust the police.
They are already controlled by them.
That's the way it has been for 75 years now.

Huh, the war of the worlds?

edit: beaten


3) What the thing in the bag says (how many things does he say?)

I walked
I could do nothing but walk
And then
I saw me walking in front of myself
It wasn't really me
Watch out
The gap in the door
It's a separate reality
The only me is me
Are you sure the only you is you


Picture pieces:

Non mi mossi piu nell'attesa inerte
Poi il suo indice scivolo solla mia mano

Und durch nebel schwindenden Bewusst seins
glaubte ich ein Telefon zu hören

Something something not moving index touching my hand
something something through fog of consciousness I believe I heard a telephone.

Italia and Deutschland GAF can translate that better, but that seems related to the last puzzle.

edit: I guess the one in italian might refer to not moving when the controller rumbles, and the one in german just to the telephone ringing.
Weren't there more messages, including in japanese at some point? Evey single video I find with the picture pieces has the italian and german ones.

edit2: There we go

japanGAF pls.


Here. Follow my instructions to a "T"

1) Loop the segment so you start fresh/reset bell.
2) Go to phone and point camera at it (don't need to R3)
3) Soon as the bell starts to chime, play this video's audio into your mic (Make damn certain your mic is switch to the ON position!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Jwm5jsoWU
4) Keep playing it until you get baby giggle.
5) Soon as you get 1st giggle, turn to entrance and take 10 steps to force 2nd baby giggle.
6) Don't move yourself with the controller and just wait until it starts vibrating. Once vibrating keep waiting, don't move and you'll get 3rd baby giggle
7) Phone rings, go to it and R3 the phone until you hear "You've been chosen!"
8) Go to garage door (down the steps) and voila, end!

Okay, so the Didju Raikit Insane Edition method TOTALLY works, bizarrely.
But there are some tweaks I'd make to the above steps:

1. The chime doesn't seem important. The haunting sound is the key. If you play the video's audio into the mic during the haunting, it will work. Chimes are not needed.
Likewise, you need to do the 10 step thing during or right after a haunting bit, the chimes are not required.

2. You don't have to walk from any specific point to any other specific point. I was just standing in front of the telephone, doing 10 steps on the spot, and it worked.

I had a 6/7 success rate with this yesterday, with the video's audio only failing to work once.
Picture pieces:

Non mi mossi piu nell'attesa inerte
Poi il suo indice scivolo solla mia mano

Und durch nebel schwindenden Bewusst seins
glaubte ich ein Telefon zu hören

Something something not moving index touching my hand
something something through fog of consciousness I believe I heard a telephone.

Italia and Deutschland GAF can translate that better, but that seems related to the last puzzle.

edit: I guess the one in italian might refer to not moving when the controller rumbles, and the one in german just to the telephone ringing.
Weren't there more messages, including in japanese at some point? Evey single video I find with the picture pieces has the italian and german ones.

edit2: There we go

japanGAF pls.

Correct order: Non mi mossi più nell’attesa inerte. Translated: During the inert waiting, I stopped moving.

Glaubte ich ein telefon zu hören: I thought I heard a phone.

Sussurrei seu nome: Whispered his name.

poi il suo indice scivolò sulla mia mano. Translation: “then his index finger brushed against my hand”

Und durch Nebel schwindenden Bewusstseins: And dwindling due to fog awareness.


Gold Member
Just finished it with the "!" method. Just had the turn the volume up a bit on the mic. It's kinda crazy how well this and "Did you like it?" method works. Only Kojima could up with something like this. This demo gives me hope that Silent Hills will be a return to form for the series.
Correct order: Non mi mossi più nell’attesa inerte. Translated: During the inert waiting, I stopped moving.

Glaubte ich ein telefon zu hören: I thought I heard a phone.

Sussurrei seu nome: Whispered his name.

poi il suo indice scivolò sulla mia mano. Translation: “then his index finger brushed against my hand”

Und durch Nebel schwindenden Bewusstseins: And dwindling due to fog awareness.
I tried playing this on the day of release but found it 2spooky4me. However, I must say that everything about this demo/teaser/reveal is incredible. Truly interested to see how the actual game turns out
I tried playing this on the day of release but found it 2spooky4me. However, I must say that everything about this demo/teaser/reveal is incredible. Truly interested to see how the actual game turns out

Indeed, it is not -play once then throw it - game, it has to be dissected to the bones and it is just a demo, imagine the full game. I have my own analysis for this game (some I am sure about and some are my own logical assumptions) that I can't share here since I don't want some people to get spoiled since not all of you played it or did discover all its secrets.


Beat the game last night, it had me feeling uncomfortable and jumping at everything. I would've quit so many times if I was streaming and getting encouragement! I will say though somethings your supposed to do kind of flew over my head.They did a great job with this!

P.T. means "Please be Terrified!"
Beat the game last night, it had me feeling uncomfortable and jumping at everything. I would've quit so many times if I was streaming and getting encouragement! I will say though somethings your supposed to do kind of flew over my head.They did a great job with this!

P.T. means "Please be Terrified!"

If you got uncomfortable more than scared, then you grabbed the real essence about Silent Hill universe (eventhough targetted scares are also welcome if correctly done like in SH4).
Guys we had the puzzle pieces on page 74

Yes thanks!

From page 74:

My body shivered

It was a cold hand

Poi il suo indice scivolo sulla mia mano
Then slide your index finger on my hand

Glaubte ich ein Telefon zu hören
Did I hear a phone

Sussurrei seu nome
Whispered his name

Nell attesa inerte non and mossi piu
During the inert waiting, I stopped moving

Und durch Nebel schwindenden bewusstseins
And dwindling due to fog awareness.

I waited for it to pass.

Never moving a step, his hand in mine.

There is also a hidden message in spanish spelled backwards when you pause the game for a long time saying "Tanto que todo temblaba" which means "So much that everything trembled"

Here is the news about it: http://n4g.com/news/1568528/creepy-secret-messaged-discovered-in-silent-hills-demo#c-9606255

Seppo91 said that he heard a message in swedish too when the radio goes crazy, can somerone swedish translate it please?


Welp, stood still after the bells, played MGS alert sound a few times, got first laugh, then 10 steps to second. Finally finished it.


After you get the flashlight in the bathroom and Lisa kills your ass, you'll restart the game in the very first room but this time you'll be equipped with the flashlight.
Turn around and on your left, there should be a table with a bloody paper bag on top (trust me, it's hard to miss).
Get as close to it as you can, and then press and hold R3 to zoom in on the bag. It'll start saying some creepy shit (I won't spoil it for you).
In my experience, it won't work later on - Try it out! :)

You can listen to the bag talk when you first start the teaser and don't have the flashlight too. You just have to go to the same spot and use R3 even though you can't actually see the bag.


Bish loves my games!
I walked
I could do nothing but walk
And then
I saw me walking in front of myself
It wasn't really me
Watch out
The gap in the door
It's a separate reality
The only me is me
Are you sure the only you is you

I fucking love this demo soooo much.


Here. Follow my instructions to a "T"

1) Loop the segment so you start fresh/reset bell.
2) Go to phone and point camera at it (don't need to R3)
3) Soon as the bell starts to chime, play this video's audio into your mic (Make damn certain your mic is switch to the ON position!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Jwm5jsoWU
4) Keep playing it until you get baby giggle.
5) Soon as you get 1st giggle, turn to entrance and take 10 steps to force 2nd baby giggle.
6) Don't move yourself with the controller and just wait until it starts vibrating. Once vibrating keep waiting, don't move and you'll get 3rd baby giggle
7) Phone rings, go to it and R3 the phone until you hear "You've been chosen!"
8) Go to garage door (down the steps) and voila, end!

This worked for me. The nightmare is over

I may play it again.


Dude. Get some support. Have a friend be there with you when you do it. Use a wingman to check your six!

I hope they release a new version of it now that the secret is out. Kojima said they made it a little clunky (lowered resolution, audio glitches, etc) to try and make it look like a small team was doing it.

There's really no need for that. Just fucking play it. What secret?



OK, got the first baby cry. Walked to the phone and waited... Turned around and the ghost is standing there waiting.

I had to pause the game and check- what do I do now? The ghost is right in front of me. Only had one baby cry in this loop.


What? I have.

Not sure what you're trying to say.

If you've seen my posts in this very thread, you'd know, that I know, you have played and verified, did you rike it method. So how in the world would I be actually talking to you. I was responding to get a wing man. No need for it. I've finished twice and played tons of hours on and off. Is it scary, I've already attested to that fact and the way I combatted that, in the reaction thread. If you want to play it, just hit play. And experience one of the best experiences in recent gaming. I don't like horror games, but this shouldn't be missed. Don't let your fear stop you.

What secret? Did Kojima reveal it?
Holy shit. The did you rike it method is hilarious and was the first and only method that has worked for me.

What exactly is going on here? Surely this can't be the intended solution? Funniest end ever to a terrifying experience.

Is the game just listening for repetitive sounds? Or Kojima's voice? Or the MGS alert noise?

I am literally at a loss lol.

OK, got the first baby cry. Walked to the phone and waited... Turned around and the ghost is standing there waiting.

I had to pause the game and check- what do I do now? The ghost is right in front of me. Only had one baby cry in this loop.

Got shivers reading this. Fucking Kojima!

I have a lot of faith in this game, but my faith will be fully restored if they play the original theme song from silent hill in one of the trailers. Now that would be something.
Can you please RE explain to me the Did you Rike it method or the ! MGS sound (how do you do it with your mouth), what do they do? Do they do special things ingame? I can't access a PS4 for now!
I think I know why this demo is so damn scary for me, or quite possibly the scariest game I've played.

It looks damn real. I've beaten thw original silent hill (still screamed like a girl) but the scariness stopped once I stopped playing since the low-res gameplay makes it that unreal. Here it's so damn real that it's hard not to think about it when you've stopped playing.

It's random. Lack of sequence makes this terrifying. We are still figuring out the demo, and every day is a new discovery.

The hallway looks like a typical hallway for a typical home. The balcony looks like a typical balcony in a typical home. My windows are similar to how it is in the game and I can't stop imagining the ghost standing outside like she does on the game, or standing in the balcony or hallway.

The sounds are very well done and are very situational. The haunting, the radio, the baby crying or laughing, the rain, the whole atmosphere is felt and the outside world feels so real.

Unlike a movie or a trailer, this is very interactive. Closing your eyes or looking away ain't going to make the scene go away and you have to face your fears here which is quite hard for a lot of people. I was personally expecting a 10 minute (max!) teaser and this was far too long for my comfort, and the unpredictability makes it that much different from a movie.

All in all, Kojima nailed horror. Best of all, this is a teaser of the things to come! So congrats Kojima, I shiver thinking about it and my sleep is a little disturbed. I always liked walking in my home at night using my cellphone's flashlight. Now that flashlight reminds me of this game. My hallway reminds me of this game. Darkness reminds me of this game. Silence reminds me of this game.


So looking forward to playing this. Friday evening I finally will be reunited with my PS4. First thing I'll play is this, while loading TLOU:R in the background.

So looking forward to playing this. Friday evening I finally will be reunited with my PS4. First thing I'll play is this, while loading TLOU:R in the background.


Have fun. One advice though: Don't ruin your first experience by twitching and trying to amaze random people, try to enjoy the most of the demo while playing alone and tasting the atmosphere (trust me, playing silent hill with buddies around you destroys it totally and strips it from all its meanings). You can twitch TLOU though, since it is a different thing.
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