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"P.T" Interactive teaser up on PSN Store

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I tried to take up where Necromanti left off by listening to the Swedish translation on youtube. A user by the name Andreas Baglien seems to have already done most of the dirty work:

"I think I can add a few more words to the translation. :) Here's what I hear:
Close your eyes.
Let your ears listen to the radio.
Do you hear my voice?
Can you hear your own soul's scream?
Let us choose
My voice that fortells the future
Or your tortured (inaudible)
Well, what do you choose?
You can choose.
Your life, your future.
Wise as you are you might already have discovered it.
Yes, the radio drama from 75 years ago was truth.
They are here on our earth and they monitor and see all.

Don't trust anyone. Don't trust the police.
They are already controlled by them.
That's the way it has been for 75 years now.
Only our best (inaudible)
You have a right. A right to become one of us.
So, welcome to our world.
Very soon the gates to a new dimension will open.

He got most of it down. This shit made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end...

War of the Worlds? The classic Silent Hill alien reference maybe? Haha


I just played this shit with my TV's forced 3D feature and it works surprisingly well but...holy shit i am not sleeping tonight... FML
I just played this shit with my TV's forced 3D feature and it works surprisingly well but...holy shit i am not sleeping tonight... FML

Damn, dude. I'm kind of jealous...maybe. It sounds awesome but I'm surprised you didnt shit your heart out. This game in 3d, wow. Dont think I could handle that.
Finished it with below method:

1. Wait for the chimes and stare at the clock. Wait for next audio segment...
2. Next audio segment should be breathing, so proceed to mirror and stare into it (god damn it is freaky). Around this step or next is when I get the first giggle. Wait for next audio...
3. Should be radio/phone, so went ahead and stared at the radio.
4. Next is radio/phone or maybe mirror again. Stare at the item the audio is based around.
5. After a bit of toing and froing my last audio was the mirror again, so I went back to the mirror. Stared until audio stopped. Turn around and I swear to god someone is peeking at me through the hole in the wall above the bath tub. Second giggle, wait, third giggle, phone call. Done.

The toing and froing won't work for everyone I imagine, but I was not having much luck with the previous methods. I did have my mic attached when I saw the peeping tom in the bathroom and was all "What the eff is that? Is that creepy lady staring at me?? Whaaaat!"


Neo Member
I think there's about 5 loops once you get to the end part of the game. Once there each loop has a different way to get the phone to ring. I've completed 2 loops so far both were completely different.

Green Room Loop:
I walked 10 steps backwards after staring at the clock until the chimes had finished. Went to the front door/radio area (With the balcony above) and just stared at everything around that area until I heard a second laugh. Walked back into the bathroom and Lisa was flopping around me in the mirror, looked at the fetus and heard a third laugh. Then walked back to the phone and it rang.

Light at front door loop:
Walked 10 steps backwards from the clock after the chimes. Lisa was then spawning in the corridor, I walked 2 steps closer to her and just zoomed in. Her head stopped wobbling about after a minute or so and she just laughed and said something. She then disappeared, I heard the baby laugh and walked to the phone. It began to ring.


I'm not really sure what the point of everyone still posting their completely random order of things they walked by and looked at to complete the demo. MiamiWesker and others have shown that none of those things matter at all with hours and hours of testing to back it up. There's the 100% repeatable triggers, like the 10 step giggle, and nothing else. The things you R3ed on, locations you went to, things you heard is totally useless info. They're all just coencidentally what you did while hitting those triggers.


Yes thanks!

From page 74:

My body shivered

It was a cold hand

Poi il suo indice scivolo sulla mia mano
Then slide your index finger on my hand

Glaubte ich ein Telefon zu hören
Did I hear a phone

Sussurrei seu nome
Whispered his name

Nell attesa inerte non and mossi piu
During the inert waiting, I stopped moving

Und durch Nebel schwindenden bewusstseins
And dwindling due to fog awareness.

I waited for it to pass.

Never moving a step, his hand in mine.

There is also a hidden message in spanish spelled backwards when you pause the game for a long time saying "Tanto que todo temblaba" which means "So much that everything trembled"

Here is the news about it: http://n4g.com/news/1568528/creepy-secret-messaged-discovered-in-silent-hills-demo#c-9606255

Seppo91 said that he heard a message in swedish too when the radio goes crazy, can somerone swedish translate it please?

Was translated a few posts above. Nothing seemingly related to puzzles, just story.

There might be a couple more messages in various languages? It definitely seems like it is THE solution to the final puzzle, especially since Kojima said he wanted "people to cooperate". Which you'd need unless you're speaking like 6 languages.

All these messages overall seem to refer to the controller shaking, not moving, and perhaps a haunting event and/or being close to Lisa, and potentially talking in the microphone (whispering his name). That leaves the 10 steps thing, so maybe there's more messages.


I just played this shit with my TV's forced 3D feature and it works surprisingly well but...holy shit i am not sleeping tonight... FML

Good shout dude. I totally forgot about this feature on my 3D tv. I'm 100% trying this out tonight but I'll wear my brown trousers just in case though.


Not a big deal but did anyone notice this: At the final puzzle, if there's a light on at the end of the hallway (by the radio), you can walk backwards down the stairs and as soon as you hit the door with your back, the lights will turn off.
Not a big deal but did anyone notice this: At the final puzzle, if there's a light on at the end of the hallway (by the radio), you can walk backwards down the stairs and as soon as you hit the door with your back, the lights will turn off.

Lights turning off and on in this game even after you go out to Silent Hill streets (lights go off/on cycle lol).


I tried P.T. the other night. I CANNOT HANDLE IT. It is the scariest thing I have ever experienced. Nothing has affected me on this level when it comes to fear. I've given up, I can't even finish it. I can't go any further. I got the the part of the
talking bag
and just can't. I JUST CAN'T.

The game is high art and on another level of gaming that I didn't even know could exist. I highly doubt I'll be able to buy the game.

It seriously disturbed me.

edit - and i've played horror games before. this thing is on another level. it works so well that i'm scared to buy the actual game. marketing backfire? lol

K' Dash

Gold Member
Good shout dude. I totally forgot about this feature on my 3D tv. I'm 100% trying this out tonight but I'll wear my brown trousers just in case though.

I tried this.



i think that last gif that was posted has bad code hidden in it. it keeps taking me to phishing sites when i load this page. had to quickly write reply to get this in before it loaded again.

edit- and now its not doing it of course

double edit - i think chrome has figured it out and is blocking it, so i think its still there...
For the new page. Random methods may work but to do it 100% just do this

So in summary to beat this 100% of the time all you need to do is:

1. Wait for bell to ring at midnight.
2. Pause the game (you dont have to but it makes it silent so that its easier for the mic to pick up the noise) Have mic on. Play this sound into the mic. Wait 10-15 seconds. GIGGLE
3. Walk 10 steps uninterrupted and stop. GIGGLE.
4. DO NOT MOVE, controller will rumble, wait till rumble stops and you hear a third GIGGLE
5. Telephone will ring, go to it and look at it.
6. Afterward, exit loop door.

That is all that needs to be done. You don't need to worry about spots, Lisa noises. Looking at objects. Color of light. Talking to the phone or talking in general.


For the new page. Random methods may work but to do it 100% just do this

So in summary to beat this 100% of the time all you need to do is:

1. Wait for bell to ring at midnight.
2. Pause the game (you dont have to but it makes it silent so that its easier for the mic to pick up the noise) Have mic on. Play this sound into the mic. Wait 10-15 seconds. GIGGLE
3. Walk 10 steps uninterrupted and stop. GIGGLE.
4. DO NOT MOVE, controller will rumble, wait till rumble stops and you hear a third GIGGLE
5. Telephone will ring, go to it and look at it.
6. Afterward, exit loop door.

That is all that needs to be done. You don't need to worry about spots, Lisa noises. Looking at objects. Color of light. Talking to the phone or talking in general.

Works 100% of the time, EVERY TIME!

seriously.. it does work tho.


I think I put over 6 hours in this fucking demo already. And its one hallway.


How can the full game live up to this? Probably won't be as cryptic and probably doesn't have completely idiotic solutions to its puzzles.


For the new page. Random methods may work but to do it 100% just do this

So in summary to beat this 100% of the time all you need to do is:

1. Wait for bell to ring at midnight.
2. Pause the game (you dont have to but it makes it silent so that its easier for the mic to pick up the noise) Have mic on. Play this sound into the mic. Wait 10-15 seconds. GIGGLE
3. Walk 10 steps uninterrupted and stop. GIGGLE.
4. DO NOT MOVE, controller will rumble, wait till rumble stops and you hear a third GIGGLE
5. Telephone will ring, go to it and look at it.
6. Afterward, exit loop door.

That is all that needs to be done. You don't need to worry about spots, Lisa noises. Looking at objects. Color of light. Talking to the phone or talking in general.

but don't you have to be on a certain pass by this point in order for it to work? you can't accomplish this on the first pass can you?
anyone think the hype behind P.T. help boost more horror development?

I was wondering if Tecmo Koei and Nintendo saw the buzz around this, if it might pressure them to send the new Fatal Frame to release outside of Japan.

This was really a very smart way to bring a nice buzz to Silent Hill


I finally got through to the ending last night. I made sure to unmute my PS4 Camera's microphone and then shouted "Did you rike it?" loudly at it from my couch at the specified times. Took me a few tries but it eventually worked (that is, the first giggle always worked, but sometimes I couldn't get the second giggle to trigger).

I'm sure my upstairs neighbors think I'm a freak though.

Gaaah, still love that Silent Hill theme.


I think I put over 6 hours in this fucking demo already. And its one hallway.


How can the full game live up to this? Probably won't be as cryptic and probably doesn't have completely idiotic solutions to its puzzles.

I often wonder the same thing. But the main game should not include cryptic puzzles like this just to complete the game's main plot. However... I would certainly love the return of one or two over-the-top cryptic puzzles like this again to unlock some hidden goodies in the game. Joke ending for example. But not something that people would need to encounter to finish the story... heck, most people shouldn't even become aware of its existence. Something like that would be a perfect fit for a Silent Hill game... and I bet Kojima realizes that.


I finally beat it after chickening out over 5 consecutive sittings over the last week where I stopped plaing every time I would get caught by the ghost.

If the full game is like this, I'm never gonna be able to finish it, but man, what a great takeaway from Gamescom. I love that Kojima has actually said "we don't care if it's so scary that people won't play it", because that has actually been one of the big reasons why AAA horror games are so sparse, and why RE turned into a mainstream action blockbuster I believe.

With Kojima's sick-twisted ideas and 4th-wall breaking uses of Playstation, I'm sure the full game will deliver in some way or form whether it's true to the original Silent Hill games or not. It's gonna be awesome!
Have to delete the save data or complete it and it'll start over from the beginning.

It is completable even if you're at the looping segment.

1) Loop the segment so you start fresh/reset bell.
2) Go to phone and point camera at it (don't need to R3)
3) Soon as the bell starts to chime, play this video's audio into your mic (Make damn certain your mic is switch to the ON position!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Jwm5jsoWU
4) Keep playing it until you get baby giggle.
5) Soon as you get 1st giggle, turn to entrance and take 10 steps to force 2nd baby giggle.
6) Don't move yourself with the controller and just wait until it starts vibrating. Once vibrating keep waiting, don't move and you'll get 3rd baby giggle
7) Phone rings, go to it and R3 the phone until you hear "You've been chosen!"
8) Go to garage door (down the steps) and voila, end!

Oh my god, it WORKED!
I was skeptical about Didyoulikeit, but it worked. LOL


Neo Member
Funny and same time a little but scary. I was playing this game with remote play in my bed (dark room) and I was in the part where the clock starts chiming. I searched the solution in the hallway and suddenly the ghost attacks! Instant heart attack.

After that my remote play connection was lost and I tried to reconnect. It didn't work because my Vita said that there was already someone playing it. WTF!? My spine shivers cold.
Funny and same time a little but scary. I was playing this game with remote play in my bed (dark room) and I was in the part where the clock starts chiming. I searched the solution in the hallway and suddenly the ghost attacks! Instant heart attack.

After that my remote play connection was lost and I tried to reconnect. It didn't work because my Vita said that there was already someone playing it. WTF!? My spine shivers cold.



For the new page. Random methods may work but to do it 100% just do this

So in summary to beat this 100% of the time all you need to do is:

1. Wait for bell to ring at midnight.
2. Pause the game (you dont have to but it makes it silent so that its easier for the mic to pick up the noise) Have mic on. Play this sound into the mic. Wait 10-15 seconds. GIGGLE
3. Walk 10 steps uninterrupted and stop. GIGGLE.
4. DO NOT MOVE, controller will rumble, wait till rumble stops and you hear a third GIGGLE
5. Telephone will ring, go to it and look at it.
6. Afterward, exit loop door.
That is all that needs to be done. You don't need to worry about spots, Lisa noises. Looking at objects. Color of light. Talking to the phone or talking in general.

Just wanted to say thanks. After a frustrating few hours last night trying a couple of other solutions this worked first time


One week later; any new concrete info?

(Not "this 100% works!" But doesn't actually and only worked for you and some others)

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Me and a buddy of mind managed to get through the red hallway in my game and then finish it after a few failed attempts (my flashlight was green at the time) and all was well..


My interesting tidbit - at one point after plugging in my mic and trying a few attempts which included getting caught and killed by the ghost at one point I stopped in the starting room and turned towards the lunch bag and just stared at it. We left the room to go have a drink and a smoke out back of my house and were out there maybe 5 or 10 minutes. Walk back inside talking about whatever and what do we hear but a giggle from the tv. We both stop and stare at each other then run over to the tv and pick up the controller not sure what to do but my controller was vibrating (!) we both almost shat ourselves and then BAM- phone rings. I ran through the door and went straight to the phone but obviously i think the loop started over when I left the dark room. It was kind of hilarious and a let down at the same time until I realized that perhaps this was meant as a way to clue people into how to be the game. If you just sit in that room it gives you all the audio cues you will hear to beat the puzzle.

So cool
anyone think the hype behind P.T. help boost more horror development?

I was wondering if Tecmo Koei and Nintendo saw the buzz around this, if it might pressure them to send the new Fatal Frame to release outside of Japan.

This was really a very smart way to bring a nice buzz to Silent Hill

Yes the recent indie horror games and P.T seem to be revitalizing the genre


So I attempted to play this by myself, in a dark room with headphones on (I also have a heart condition). I lasted maybe 20 minutes.

Finally got through it with a friend over, during the day on the weekend. Fucking amazing. Kojima is a master of manipulation.


One week later; any new concrete info?

(Not "this 100% works!" But doesn't actually and only worked for you and some others)

We have 100% methods, already posted in the last several pages.

Involves using the microphone to make a sound when the bells start chiming.
It'd be much creepier if all ghosts didn't have to have some stupid twitching effect. It's still creepy though. Demo was awesome. I don't expect the actual game to be anything like it though; I mean it says as much, so I'm not worried about the game having cryptic puzzles or twitching ghosts. They put that notice that it doesn't represent the actual game for a reason.


It'd be much creepier if all ghosts didn't have to have some stupid twitching effect. It's still creepy though. Demo was awesome. I don't expect the actual game to be anything like it though; I mean it says as much, so I'm not worried about the game having cryptic puzzles or twitching ghosts. They put that notice that it doesn't represent the actual game for a reason.

Silent Hill has had twitching ghosts for a while though. You should watch Jacob's Ladder for the inspiration to that type of animation. Good movie.


I don't have a PS4, so what's the best video playthrough to watch? Hopefully something with interesting commentary that doesn't get stuck too long on the puzzles or whatever...


I got to know what the fuss was all about. I screamed like a madman twice already, fuck that! This shit is way too hardcore haha.

I stopped at the part where the radio's going nuts giving random numbers and saying look behind you, all the doors were closed and then all the sudden some fucking thing came on my screen, screamed like hell and turned off my console lol
Managed to get through the final loop. Took me a fair few attempts.

- Sat around the corner near the phone
- Waited for chime
- As soon as chime began (and haunting too, actually), I took 10 steps to the radio
- Baby laugh
- Turned round and took 10 steps back to phone
- Baby laugh #2
- Starred at phone not touching any controls
- Haunting began again, I tapped my mic throughout this sequence
- Baby laugh #3, phone rang, end.

I tried lots of other methods such as trying to follow Lisa but didn't have any joy. Perhaps I lucked out with her haunting being at the phone that time, but who knows.

Oh, and the lighting was all green coloured this time, no idea what difference that makes.
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