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"P.T" Interactive teaser up on PSN Store

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So I just replayed the game a second time using 'Jareth" and it did indeed work perfectly. The first time I beat it though, I didn't say anything close to resembling Jareth, I was actually singing "One More Time' by Daft Punk trying to get that damn baby to laugh and it worked. So i'm not sold on this Jareth thing being the actual solution.


So any full walkthroughs posted? Do I have to collect all the photo pieces to finish it?

This is mine. You don't need any photo pieces. You don't need to play the video in my instructions.. I think you can just say anything at that point. Just make sure you have a mic and your mic is on. I solved it with that video and I haven't verified saying anything else into the mic but other people are saying you can do that.

Have to delete the save data or complete it and it'll start over from the beginning.

It is completable even if you're at the looping segment.

1) Loop the segment so you start fresh/reset bell.
2) Go to phone and point camera at it (don't need to R3)
3) Soon as the bell starts to chime, play this video's audio into your mic (Make damn certain your mic is switch to the ON position!): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3Jwm5jsoWU
4) Keep playing it until you get baby giggle.
5) Soon as you get 1st giggle, turn to entrance and take 10 steps to force 2nd baby giggle.
6) Don't move yourself with the controller and just wait until it starts vibrating. Once vibrating keep waiting, don't move and you'll get 3rd baby giggle
7) Phone rings, go to it and R3 the phone until you hear "You've been chosen!"
8) Go to garage door (down the steps) and voila, end!


Yeah I did have one connected as well but like people say we never said anything into it. Z3M0G says the apartment was quiet. But yeah I'm sure it was picking up sound. So take it for what it is just random noises.

Well, it's audio detection on a "crappy" mic.

I think they dont push it very well, and the detection doesn't seems to work properly. Even if you are not using it or not talking, a noise, from tv, from the mic hitting something, from you scared, from your breathe or everything, can actually trigger a sound, and if you are lucky the game valid your sound.

And i'm pretty sure they don't develop a huge "word detector" for this short trailer, just something quick, so it makes sense to me.


The Jarith explanation seems a little over-thought. Plenty of people were able to follow the same steps without specifically saying "Jarith" and the idea that the demo has voice recognition software is really reaching. This is just my own experience, but my playthrough triggered the second laugh with just the MGS alert.
The entire Jarith premise is screwy because Kojima said that the loading screen was just the backyard of one of the devs that looked cool. And flipping 7780 makes no sense, especially when that totally drops the "s." Last, even with flipping, "tree" doesn't have much to do with the game. Something like "kill" or "hell" or "flee" would make more sense.
This is mine. You don't need any photo pieces. You don't need to play the video in my instructions.. I think you can just say anything at that point. Just make sure you have a mic and your mic is on. I solved it with that video and I haven't verified saying anything else into the mic but other people are saying you can do that.

Damn neither that or the jerith walkthroughs have worked for me =/ I can't seem to get the second laugh


Damn you guys... you are ruining my belief in the Tree theory... it was so cool too...

This whole thing is full of neat coincidences. Thats all there is too it I guess.

And people shouldnt bother debating what words make sense to speak into the mic and how others still work. Clearly this is just detecting spikes, and not actually using word recognition.


Jareth just worked for me...damn, feels good to finally get that ending....im still scared no matter how many times I play or watch someone else play.


I got this hiragana message after thee second consecutive yellow light loop (translation appreciated). After awhile I heard some sort of demon talking to me.

The Jarith trick is not working for me. I paused after the control vibrated and didn't heard the phone ringing either (not 100% sure if I paused on time). The second laugh was random.



I got this hiragana message after thee second consecutive yellow light loop (translation appreciated). After awhile I heard some sort of demon talking to me.

The Jarith trick is not working for me. I paused after the control vibrated and didn't heard the phone ringing either (not 100% sure if I paused on time). The second laugh was random.

Once the controller vibrates stand still and don't move (basically don't do anything not even pause) and once it finishes vibrating you'll get the call.


Once the controller vibrates stand still and don't move (basically don't do anything not even pause) and once it finishes vibrating you'll get the call.

Thanks for your answers, but I meant I stood still after the control vibrated and nothing happened. I got the vibration in two occasions.
Is most likely I'm not standing still on time.


The quickest way to beat the demo is to make sure you have a PlayStation 4 Camera. start the demo and while you are in the dark room say "Up up down down left right left right B A" then put a cardboard box over your head & sneak past the camera this will allow you to walk out of the room & go down the hall & walk right out of the house unnoticed.

Some fool is going to try this lol


Neo Member
So after trying for 40 minutes I finally beat the final room, after the first laugh I immediately paused the game to read what to do next (using one of the guides that was posted before) but when I unpaused there was immediately another baby laughter and a vibration, I stood still and heard the third baby laugh and the phone rang. Kind of funny that I was running around for 40 minutes only to beat the room without taking more then 10 steps.


So after trying for 40 minutes I finally beat the final room, after the first laugh I immediately paused the game to read what to do next (using one of the guides that was posted before) but when I unpaused there was immediately another baby laughter and a vibration, I stood still and heard the third baby laugh and the phone rang. Kind of funny that I was running around for 40 minutes only to beat the room without taking more then 10 steps.

you had your mic on?


Thanks for your answers, but I meant I stood still after the control vibrated and nothing happened. I got the vibration in two occasions.
Is most likely I'm not standing still on time.

once you hear the second baby laugh you do not touch anything. don't pause or don't move and it should vibrate. After it stops continue not to move until the 3rd baby laugh and the phone ringing.


Alright, so, while I appreciate the massive scavenger hunt that this last, mysterious, un-solveable step of the game has sent the internet on, it's soured myself and a bunch of people who I've played the game with.

When I played the game myself, and when I went through it with my best friend, another friend, and my boyfriend (all separately for the most part), we were all thrilled and terrified by the experience the whole way through. The obtuse final step just ended up boring us and really took the edge off the whole experience.

I'm torn. I love out of the box gameplay. If it actually does turn out to be the mic and 'talking to the ghost' that solves the game, I'd be impressed. But the fact that the world still cannot definitively say how to solve the game simultaneously frustrates and intrigues me. All I know is, my friends left less than interested because they felt robbed of solving the product themselves. Take that for what you will.


Thanks for your answers, but I meant I stood still after the control vibrated and nothing happened. I got the vibration in two occasions.
Is most likely I'm not standing still on time.

Strange. The 4 times i've finished it i always get the 3rd baby laugh after the controller finishes vibrating and then i get the call. Then again i'm always close to the phone.
Whats the Jerith method?

It's the video many quoted on the last page.

So when I said my Jerith method worked I meant the final three steps to get the baby to laugh. I don't think it had anything to do with saying something specific into the mic. It was entirely random for us to get the second laugh, and I'm not sure what triggered it. But the following steps after worked once you get the second laugh worked for me.


Can we focus on finishing this without a mic on? I'm more interested in this rather than guessing what names to say through the mic.


Just finished this teaser with my brother-in-law and sister, even laughing of each other it did generated a nice ammount of tension. At the end we searched on the internet how to find the pictures and we took a look at how to solve the last puzzle, besides it felt still very uncertain.

Now... that woman's ghost, someone has figured out why exactly she appears?? I mean... what triggers her? Because I've seen screenshots here on gaf of her on the toilet or at the red corridor, and it did not happened to us... neither on that window. Also, some days ago I tried the teaser by myself alone, and without appearing to me she got me when I turned beack (it was even before the part that youre adviced to look behind). Today, she just showed up at the final puzzle, standind at the corridor, so she ran behind us, and we did looked back and lost (so we came back to the final puzzle again)... the next time, before searching the solution on internet we kept searching many places and all, and nothing happened.

At the end, we solved like this:
we were able to listen the baby laugh, and said "Jareth?" with the headset, we herad another laugh, the control started to rumble, the phone rang, we answered and the door was unlocked.


Same. I've been going between the radio, mirror and phone for an hour and nothing.

I have not checked the solution on gaf, but on IGN. And even like that, it did not happened exactly like described. What happened on my playthrough, after collecting all the photos:
1- Randomly the ghost appeared on the corridor and got us. Restarted the loop.
2- We checked the room many times, various places, nothing happened. We checked the guide and we knew we had to listen a laugh.
3- At the corridor, between the table with the phone and the toilet, while standind still we heard the 1st laugh.
4- Still not sure what happened to trigger the 2nd laugh, but if I'm not mistaken that was the time we said "Jareth?", while standing near the phone looking to the corridor. After it the 2nd lagh triggered.
5- Then the controller started to rumble, so we waited standing still. And I think the boy laughed again. The phone started to ring, and we answered, unlocking the door.

Not sure though. The only thing I can say for sure is: Just some seconds after saying Jareth the things started to happen and feel the progression. And we did nothing different then that (like searching a specific place) for the controller to start to vibrate, and when that happened we standed still till the phone rang.

Edit: Ah, and everything also happened just after the midnight bells.
Geebus... I want a thread of just Åesop Silent Hill posts. Do you have a site or something? You've put together so much more than my brain would have connected.

The Lamp

Is it different every time you play? My friends came and played today and didn't trigger some of the scariest stuff until the last level.

I solved the last level using the Jerith method. Worked like a charm.

We got some weird Latin writing or something at the bottom of the screen for a couple of seconds during the last level.


Spent thirty minutes in the red (final) room, clicking and zooming in on everything. Nothing worked until I decided to simply quit the demo. I had a fantastic time too up to that point. Reading prior posts, it seems like I need a mic to complete it? Now that's just silly for us non-mic players.
Spent thirty minutes in the red (final) room, clicking and zooming in on everything. Nothing worked until I decided to simply quit the demo. I had a fantastic time too up to that point. Reading prior posts, it seems like I need a mic to complete it? Now that's just silly for us non-mic players.
The red room isn't the final room, and it's not meant for everyone to finish, it's a puzzle that is meant to take a while for its player base to find a solution collectively.


Can we focus on finishing this without a mic on? I'm more interested in this rather than guessing what names to say through the mic.

Solved the demo a number of times in a row without the mic thing. Seems legit:

1st laugh:
Once the midnight chimes ring and before it ends head to the phone. Stand still and wait for her until the music (breathing sound) winds down after that. Then take steps towards the hallway door (clock hallway) and come back to the phone before the music plays again. You should get the 1st laugh.

2nd & 3rd laugh:
Right after the 1st laugh, go straight to the bathroom and stand infront of the mirror (facing the hallway reflection). Stand still and wait for her sound to come (I saw her in the mirror standing behind me in my 1st try). Once the music winds down you'll get the 2nd laugh. Don't move, controller should start vibrating immediately and once the vibration is over you'll hear the 3rd laugh. Phone rings right after.

Don't know if this solution was mentioned here before but it worked for me.

Fady K

This was an incredible experience and possibly the scariest experience I ever had with a videogame. Only Outlast matches it.

To be perfectly honest the wimp in me hopes the full game isn't THIS scary :p
Jareth technique is amazing.

It has worked for me every time.

1) stand in front of doorway until clock chimes.
2) wait for the clock to finish chiming
3) take 10 steps down the hall *first baby laugh*
4) go to phone. look at phone. say "Jareth" into mic. wait 10 seconds.. if nothing happens redo step 4 again until second baby laugh.
5) stand in front of phone until controller vibrates. wait until done vibrating. *third baby laugh*
6) phone rings. Hold R3 until "You have been chosen."

Win the world
Well I tried the jerith thing multiple times and have perfectly executed it each time. Here's a video of one of the runs.


Has anyone been getting like random demon talk through their headset? Every time I play some demon says something to me.

Jerith.. As in Labyrinth?

Anyway, yeah I get the Demon talking to me, it's really creepy. I also get a message on scree when you stay still during a haunting.


Played and completed this for the first time tonight. For the ending, this is what we did (based on a FAQ on GameFAQs)

1) Stood next to the clock until it hits midnight and the bell chimes
2) Took ten steps down the hallway toward the phone. You should stop pretty much right in front of the phone/intersection with the other hallway
3) Got first laugh after standing there a second or two
4) After first laugh, we went into the bathroom and said "Jarith" into the mic next to the baby. We got the second laugh here, so you definitely don't have to say "Jarith" into the phone specifically. You probably don't have to say "Jarith", just make any noise, but we did
5) After second laugh, the controller vibrated, didn't move, got the third laugh, phone rang, end of teaser

EDIT: Oh yeah, we also got "possessed" between steps 3 and 4. We read some random conversations saying you had to be "possessed" by Lisa to get the second laugh. Basically we just waited for the moaning, found where she spawns and ran towards her, she lurches forward towards you and disappears. Not sure if that's necessary or changes anything


I feel like this thread is so far beyond anything I even saw or experienced, but I finally downloaded this today after having not seen any of it and had my fiance sit down and watch me play. Just went through it at random with different events happening and watched her get more and more scared, especially seeing the random figures standing and the wailing baby..thing. Then we ended up being murdered by some lady and she refused to watch anymore to see if it kept going or started over and had me turn it off lol


This is mine. You don't need any photo pieces. You don't need to play the video in my instructions.. I think you can just say anything at that point. Just make sure you have a mic and your mic is on. I solved it with that video and I haven't verified saying anything else into the mic but other people are saying you can do that.

I can verify whistling with puckered lips and through teeth with no fingers and making mouth noises, I've been able to finish three times each within 5-10 minutes after the first haunting. I think noise helps. I would whistle both ways, make clicking sounds to get first laugh. Walk 10 steps for second. Vibration, boom 3rd laugh, phone and done.

Two times, I heard the first laugh after the mirror haunting while making noises. Another I was making the 3 noises, staring at the wall opposite the phone, walked 10 steps 2nd......you get the picture.

The best one I 've seen though is when Xaos from here did it, with, "did you rike" insane edition from youtube using his phone, 12 times in a row earlier in the thread.

@ Natiko

Yeah it's pretty intense and forboding. You can really feel it while playing.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
EDIT: Oh yeah, we also got "possessed" between steps 3 and 4. We read some random conversations saying you had to be "possessed" by Lisa to get the second laugh. Basically we just waited for the moaning, found where she spawns and ran towards her, she lurches forward towards you and disappears. Not sure if that's necessary or changes anything

Definitely not needed to see the ending.
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