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"P.T" Interactive teaser up on PSN Store

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I just played this and it was kinda cool I guess but not scary. Started getting a bad headache after a while but it has pretty neat atmosphere and magnificently modelled roaches.
Some funny jump scare type stuff but seems pretty typical.
Anyone else worried that silent hills is going to be NOTHING like P.T and no where near as good?

I just got this feeling it is going to be third persona and shit..


Hasn't been posted and that's the solution to the puzzle! Congratulations! Fucking finally!

Not saying he isn't right as this method seems to work for those who have tried it, but the number cross reference is a bit off base. "7780s" refers to the size in square kilometers surrounding the Shizouka prefecture in Japan referred(roughly translated) to as "Quiet Hills" (at least according to Kojima). I've seen other sites like VG47 reporting that it was a post code used in the prefecture, but see no such postal code used. Either way the rest of it brilliantly explains the ordered sequence in which you need to pass the last area. Others have reported that using any name (even word) that starts with J works. So I guess I'm still left wondering what 204863 stands for knowing all this and what J's full name actually is.


Not saying he isn't right as this method seems to work for those who have tried it, but the number cross reference is a bit off base. "7780s" refers to the size in square meters surrounding the Shizouka prefecture in Japan referred(roughly translated) to as "Quiet Hills" (at least according to Kojima). I've seen other sites like VG47 reporting that it was a post code used in the prefecture, but see no such postal code used. Either way the rest of it brilliantly explains the ordered sequence in which you need to pass the last area. Others have reported that using any name (even word) that starts with J works. So I guess I'm still left wondering what 204863 stands for knowing all this and what J's full name actually is.

I checked around and the postal code thing is not correct:


For one thing, Japanese postal codes are constructed like this: XXX-XXXX
so they start with 3 numbers, not 4. The final 4 numbers indicate an extremely small area (like a street or a block) so it's highly doubtful he took that to represent Shizuoka in its entirety.

It's the first 3 numbers that are generally associated with a wider area, and all postal codes in Shizuoka seem to be between 410 and 440.

The size in square kilometers is correct however, so it's most likely that:



Forgive me if this has been posted, I haven't followed this thread in a while, but has this "Jarith" method been posted?

Correct me if i'm wrong, but at the end of the video, he said he only reset the level (by enter the loop door i guess), not the entire demo.

Several players had find "a method" who work each time by resetting the last loop before the phone ring , but wont be able to reproduce it many times after deleting the save data of the demo.


EDIT: Never mind, someone else posted this. Please ignore.

Someone on youtube has found the exact way to solve the final puzzle, along with an analysis of how the solution was found.

Very interesting breakdown.. Tried it myself and it worked. Shared this info on a few streams and it worked. Can we call it all done now?

I thought it made sense for the most part.


Daaaaaaayum. Played through the PT last night with a few friends. Had a great time. It was creepy as hell. Had to look up the picture pieces
the one from the menu
and final puzzle online. The IGN guide worked like a charm. How the hell would anyone figure that out? So creepy though. Really awesome way to announce a big title. Disappoint at no trophy for completing it...


EDIT: Never mind, someone else posted this. Please ignore.

Someone on youtube has found the exact way to solve the final puzzle, along with an analysis of how the solution was found.

This is amazing, and I'm accepting this as the final solution until Kojima personally says otherwise.

Finally, someone has linked all the pieces together... it even involving the title screen is mind blowing, but of course we always should have suspected it was involved somehow.

But if this is the final solution, the 7780 being linked to the town in Japan, and the numbers being a reference to Kojima's birthdate are simply AMAZING coincidences, or actually intentional coincidences that they stumbled upon while designing the puzzle and rolling with them.

Mind blowing stuff.


^^ Did they try the same method with different names or words or without saying anything at all, in the same session?

Did they try the Jarrith method after restarting the demo altogether (erasing the save and starting over)? Is anybody else able to confirm it as working at least in an acceptable ratio?

So far it's not very clear how scientific their approach was, but it looks easily falsifiable, so it shouldn't take long to debunk, in case it's not true.

So far that video looks like reaching for straws though.


^^ Did they try the same method with different names or words or without saying anything at all, in the same session?

Did they try the Jarrith method after restarting the demo altogether (erasing the save and starting over)? Is anybody else able to confirm it as working at least in an acceptable ratio?

So far it's not very clear how scientific their approach was, but it looks easily falsifiable, so it shouldn't take long to debunk, in case it's not true.

So far that video looks like reaching for straws though.

I tried it the first time it worked. I tried a different name starting with a J and it worked. I tried a completely random name starting with anything, it didn't work. Then I tried a J name among others, it didn't work. Then I tried another random among other randoms then Jarith and it did work.

So nope, it's not 100%.
I really hope this is in indicative of what the final game will be.

This is a very fresh direction for the series. Unlike anything we've seen in SH up till this point.

Its exactly what the series and the horror genre as a whole needs right now.


I tried it the first time it worked. I tried a different name starting with a J and it worked. I tried a completely random name starting with anything, it didn't work. Then I tried a J name among others, it didn't work. Then I tried another random then Jarith and it did work.

So nope, it's not 100%.

This sounds more like an issue with the speech recognition software rather than the "Jarith" method not being 100%.


^^ Did they try the same method with different names or words or without saying anything at all, in the same session?

Did they try the Jarrith method after restarting the demo altogether (erasing the save and starting over)? Is anybody else able to confirm it as working at least in an acceptable ratio?

So far it's not very clear how scientific their approach was, but it looks easily falsifiable, so it shouldn't take long to debunk, in case it's not true.

So far that video looks like reaching for straws though.

I tried it the first time it worked. I tried a different name starting with a J and it worked. I tried a completely random name starting with anything, it didn't work. Then I tried a J name among others, it didn't work. Then I tried another random among other randoms then Jarith and it did work.

So nope, it's not 100%.

I feel what is getting in the way of all this is the fact that the demo wasn't perfectly designed... and has technical flaws, especially when we are talking about voice commands. How can you 100% confirm something if it doesn't work 100% properly?

The way I look at it, there is no point in debating about what does or does not work... the only thing left to figure out is what the designer's original intent and vision was for the final puzzle. That's all we are trying to solve right now...

We're playing Jeopardy. We have the answer... we are trying to figure out the question.


Apparently 7780s actually stands for HILLS (which makes more sense), so this whole Jarith thing isn't the answer.

HMMM... I like that. The "TREE" angle was cool because it explained the choice of the title screen. And fit with the rest of the theory.

Have they found any word for the longer series of numbers that works with "HILL"?


I feel what is getting in the way of all this is the fact that the demo wasn't perfectly designed... and has technical flaws, especially when we are talking about voice commands. How can you 100% confirm something if it doesn't work 100% properly?

Which is why I was wondering if the puzzle could be solved without a mic. Didn't people report that they completed it without a mic? Why don't we explore that rather than guess the names we have to say on the mic. So far, no name is a trigger. It's more of a specific sound that the mic captures which is a candidate for triggering the 2nd baby giggle. Could be high pitched, low pitched a mix of both or a combination of walking towards a certain direction while saying a name or making a sound through the mic. The possibilities are endless here.

EDIT: When you are locked inside the bathroom after encountering the baby cry and the ghost trying to get in, if you just sit there doing nothing or standing still, the door won't open or at least it would take a long time for it to open. You have to move forward, look in the sink and then look at the mirror to open the door. Try it yourself. Every loop requires you to walk a number of steps toward something for it to trigger the solution in that loop.
HMMM... I like that. The "TREE" angle was cool because it explained the choice of the title screen. And fit with the rest of the theory.

Have they found any word for the longer series of numbers that works with "HILL"?


Seems that the mic just picks up a specific sound, but it's impossible to tell which sound it is without a shitload of trial and error.

I do like the rest of the theory though and the way he rearranged all the different texts from the picture. Maybe just saying J might work? Haven't tried it though so don't know.

Edit: I did see someone else say they completed it without a mic by just staring at the 'Forgive me Lisa' above the door.

And I completed it with my camera mic switched on, but I didn't actually make any noise that I remember.
Holy crap. I just played this last night with some friends, and I was screaming like a little girl. I mean, fuck! I've played a lot of the classic horror games and movies, and nothing could prepare me for this experience. I guess it's a combination of the incredibly realistic graphics, and the simple concept of just going deeper and deeper into hell, which is just incredibly disturbing. If all of Silent Hills is this scary though, I don't know. Like, I want to play P.T. again, but it's almost TOO scary. I don't think I could handle a full game at this level of intensity!


I said I completed it without a mic several times now.

And no PS-Camera connected either?

Edit: Ok, saw the mute comment. I'm not sure we'll ever truly solve this... but this could come down to a buggy demo which is giving false positives.


Seems that the mic just picks up a specific sound, but it's impossible to tell which sound it is without a shitload of trial and error.

I do like the rest of the theory though and the way he rearranged all the different texts from the picture. Maybe just saying J might work? Haven't tried it though so don't know.

Edit: I did see someone else say they completed it without a mic by just staring at the 'Forgive me Lisa' above the door.

And I completed it with my camera mic switched on, but I didn't actually make any noise that I remember.

Same here. I didn't speak anything and I was wearing Pulse headset. But I had the volume high, and suspect my mic picked up noise through vibration or whatever. And that may have triggered it.


The high pitch alert sound worked 100% for me so far. And thats got nothing to do with J.

7780s, this is about Shizuoka, which is Silent Hill in real life. Reporters claim Hideo said its the postal code but it could be a mistranslation on their part. Or he never said anything about it. But 7780 is the exact size of Shizuoka and Shizuoka is called Silent Hill.

I think anything resembling a mic is required. I never succeeded without mic, and I did succeed a few times with mic while not saying anything. But this took a much longer time. Probably because a sound is harder to pick up then. And perhaps you need to wait 10 seconds or more after talking? Perhaps I walked too soon..


Yeah my friends and I completed it without using the mic either last night. Followed the IGN Guide:

- Everything must be attempted after the clock strikes midnight.
- Players should have a microphone or headset plugged into their Dualshock 4 controller.
- In order for the phone to ring, you must hear a baby laugh 3 times.
- Walking exactly ten paces in any direction will trigger a laugh.
- After the second laugh, FREEZE. Do not move, do not adjust the camera - after a few seconds your controller will begin to vibrate. Remain motionless until the vibrations cease entirely, and the third laugh will trigger.
- The phone will begin to ring after all three laughs.

To trigger the second baby laugh I'm pretty sure we just stood in front of the mirror (which I think you could do the same in front of the radio or phone as well) to interact with Lisa. No mic needed. Then stay motionless until the third baby laugh and the phone rings. Answer it and the loop door opens.


Yeah my friends and I completed it without using the mic either last night. Followed the IGN Guide:

- Everything must be attempted after the clock strikes midnight.
- Players should have a microphone or headset plugged into their Dualshock 4 controller.
- In order for the phone to ring, you must hear a baby laugh 3 times.
- Walking exactly ten paces in any direction will trigger a laugh.
- After the second laugh, FREEZE. Do not move, do not adjust the camera - after a few seconds your controller will begin to vibrate. Remain motionless until the vibrations cease entirely, and the third laugh will trigger.
- The phone will begin to ring after all three laughs.

To trigger the second baby laugh I'm pretty sure we just stood in front of the mirror (which I think you could do the same in front of the radio or phone as well) to interact with Lisa. No mic needed. Then stay motionless until the third baby laugh and the phone rings. Answer it and the loop door opens.

This is how I triggered it as well... but I had my mic connected at the time, though I wasn't making any sound and the apartment was quiet.


Yeah my friends and I completed it without using the mic either last night. Followed the IGN Guide:

- Everything must be attempted after the clock strikes midnight.
- Players should have a microphone or headset plugged into their Dualshock 4 controller.

Are you kidding me?


Apparently 7780s actually stands for HILLS (which makes more sense), so this whole Jarith thing isn't the answer.

Its neither tree nor hills nor any amount of fauna/vista. The 7780s thing has been touched upon earlier in this thread refer to posts 6452 and 6453.
Managed to get through the final loop. Took me a fair few attempts.

- Sat around the corner near the phone
- Waited for chime
- As soon as chime began (and haunting too, actually), I took 10 steps to the radio
- Baby laugh
- Turned round and took 10 steps back to phone
- Baby laugh #2
- Starred at phone not touching any controls
- Haunting began again, I tapped my mic throughout this sequence
- Baby laugh #3, phone rang, end.

I tried lots of other methods such as trying to follow Lisa but didn't have any joy. Perhaps I lucked out with her haunting being at the phone that time, but who knows.

Oh, and the lighting was all green coloured this time, no idea what difference that makes.

Just beat it using this method. I walked back to the phone and got nothing. When i walked backed to the radio the ghost was there and scared the fuck out of me. As soon as she ran into me i got the second giggle. Stood there till it rang and beat it.

I also want to add i didn't come close to beating it at all until i turned on my PS4 webcam mic on. So maybe it does have something to do with that? So people's reactions can be recorded? That's my guess.


This is how I triggered it as well... but I had my mic connected at the time, though I wasn't making any sound and the apartment was quiet.

Are you kidding me?

That puzzled me as well, but although plugged in, he didn't actively use it.

Dude the mic captures sounds regardless. So he did use it to trigger the 2nd giggle. Using it doesn't only consist of saying random words/names.

Yeah I did have one connected as well but like people say we never said anything into it. Z3M0G says the apartment was quiet. But yeah I'm sure it was picking up sound. So take it for what it is just random noises.


Jarith is bs, although it does work indeed.

But, just 'Jay' worked for me too. It does seem the letter J is involved. Everything else I said didn't work so soon or not at all.

But still, holding the phone against the mic with alert sound is 100%. I also tried 2 seconds of an MP3, no success.


Just for the record, taking an amount of steps toward something to trigger an event is not specific to the final loop only. It's something I noticed in my last couple of playthroughs.
I love reading about this but im never going to be able to play it :(

The scariest game i have ever tried was resident evil 4 and i had to stop after 3 hours because it was too intense for me :(

It's very strange as I love horror movies but whenever I am in control I kind of panic lol
I love reading about this but im never going to be able to play it :(

The scariest game i have ever tried was resident evil 4 and i had to stop after 3 hours because it was too intense for me :(

It's very strange as I love horror movies but whenever I am in control I kind of panic lol

Shit, if you thought RE 4 was scary STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THIS GAME. Seriously, RE 4 is like a silly summer action flick compared to PT.


I don't have a mic. Am I fucked?

you should have the one that came with the system no? At any rate, seriously I would try to just stand by the mirror and look into it after the first laugh to trigger the second laugh. Then stay still until the third laugh.



Jareth. Labyrinth. Coincidence?
Just completed it by getting the first 10 step laugh, going into the bathroom and waited a bit and play did you like it. then going to the phone to get the vibration going and picking it up.


Anybody see this?

Hideo Kojima went on to shed light on the meaning behind 7780s - the name of the fake developer originally thought to be making the game.

It turns out that 7780 translates into a postcode, the location of which is the Shizuoka region of Japan. The name roughly translates as Quiet Hills and the region's name has become a nickname for Silent Hill in its native country. Add an 's' on the end and you have Silent Hills.


I saw that "Tree" youtube video earlier...lol that guy is just thinking wayy too hard.
you should have the one that came with the system no? At any rate, seriously I would try to just stand by the mirror and look into it after the first laugh to trigger the second laugh. Then stay still until the third laugh.

I bought my PS4 used and it didn't come with a mic
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