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"P.T" Interactive teaser up on PSN Store

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Try in the bathroom, that's where it worked for me. Yell hello while looking at the baby in the sink, as the music/ghost sound is playing. Did that twice successfully.

Alright, I was facing the fetus in the sink while the ghost noises playing, not possessed, after getting the first giggle. I was speaking in a normal tone saying "Hello". Nothing.
Alright, I was facing the fetus in the sink while the ghost noises playing, not possessed, after getting the first giggle. I was speaking in a normal tone saying "Hello". Nothing.

Keep trying. It took about 4+ cycles of the music/noises before it happened, probably 10-15 mins total.

EDIT: Try shouting HELLO!


Oh my god, I just got it.

I don't even know how I triggered it. I just know I was staring at the fetus baby when the creepy music started, I started to ask "hello? hello?" and got the second giggle. My controller started vibrating and got a third giggle, then the phone.

I don't know whether the mic had something to do, but all signs point to yes.

Congrats! Welcome to our exclusive club.


I compiled the clues I found from this thread, I can read Japanese myself in case anyone gets those.
My body shivered

It was a cold hand

Poi il suo indice scivolo sulla mia mano
Then slide your index finger on my hand

Glaubte ich ein Telefon zu hören
Did I hear a phone

Sussurrei seu nome
Whispered his name

Nell attesa inerte non and mossi piu
During the inert waiting, I stopped moving

Und durch Nebel schwindenden bewusstseins
And dwindling due to fog awareness.

I waited for it to pass.

Never moving a step, his hand in mine.

mas o vento da noite levou sua voz embora
but the night wind carried his voice away

Others were google translated or grabbed from someone in this thread.

We still have work to do for those who don't have mics, and for working this out correctly.

EDIT: One more added, haven't seen it translated here yet:
Oh my god, I just got it.

I don't even know how I triggered it. I just know I was staring at the fetus baby when the creepy music started, I started to ask "hello? hello?" and got the second giggle. My controller started vibrating and got a third giggle, then the phone.

I don't know whether the mic had something to do, but all signs point to yes.

This is exactly how it happened for me! Staring at the fetus, saying hello while the music is playing.

Anyone else have the same experience?


How long did you guys try standing around saying hello? And was it during the ghost breathing or just anytime during music?
Mic seems close to 100%, only a very few haven't succeeded with it. Random part is now why it doesn't work for the few.

I think it's one of two scenarios:

a) The people it's not working for simply havent waited long enough


b) There's an additional factor/event required for the second set of giggles before the mic triggers them, but it must be something that's so easy to trigger that 95% of players have done it without knowing (so it appears to them that it's just the mic causing it)
How long did you guys try standing around saying hello? And was it during the ghost breathing or just anytime during music?

For me it took about 15 minutes of talking between the first set of giggles and the second set. All times I got it to happen was during the ghost breathing/music


b) There's an additional factor/event required for the second set of giggles before the mic triggers them, but it must be something that's so easy to trigger that 95% of players have done it without knowing (so it appears to them that it's just the mic causing it)

I'd put my money on this being the case.


Gold Member
I wonder if they'll add content. I want to know the down and out. I just tried using the mic and I was saying Hello, a random scramble of words, and then just blasting out "ahhhh". Nothing. I guess I wasn't planning a head.


My surround headphones are killing me now. It's so scary when you can hear that she's behind you. I now sound like I'm begging as I stare at this fetus and say hello.
Should have been in bed hours ago.. Finished it hours ago... Still, I can't leave this thread! Haven't been grabbed like this by something videogames in a good while!


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
We still have work to do for those who don't have mics, and for working this out correctly.

Did I hear a phone? - Seems to just be the end trigger.

Whispered his name - Might be related to the mic.

During the inert waiting, I stopped moving - The 10 step? maybe instead of focusing on the amount of steps it is actually that you stand still throughout Lisa appearing again and don't resume movement until it's over.

Same with:

I waited for it to pass.

Never moving a step, his hand in mine.


No idea on these:

My body shivered - Possessed?

It was a cold hand

Then slide your index finger on my hand - Something with the touchpad?

And dwindling due to fog awareness

Some other random things I've noticed:

1. Walking your back to the door then going through turns the swinging light on.
2. Lisa always kills you the first time she possesses you.
3. We still have no idea what the flashlight colors do, or how to consistently get them. I heard demonic radio voices with the red light while waiting around.
Beat it without the mic. Did the ten steps thing after the clock. Then I waited for Lisa to disappear, and walked towards where she was standing and the second giggle happened. Waited longer and then vibration and third giggle.


Ok finally playing this game.
A door just cracked open and a baby is crying. Now I'm stuck; been walking around for like twenty minutes haha and have no idea what to do.
Congrats to the people who found out about the mic, it definitely works like a charm. Did it several times in a row now.
I love the final video! Dat music! *drools*
Finally beat it as well! I did the following:

10 steps during the bells towards the phone to get the first giggle.

Stared at fetus asking it hello over and over for the 2nd giggle

Walked to the phone, waited for the vibration to stop and got the 3rd giggle

Phone rang, pressed R3 to pick up and then wen through the loop.

Glad that's over…looking forward to torturing my friends who don't follow games much with this, it's gonna drive them mad.


Beat it without the mic. Did the ten steps thing after the clock. Then I waited for Lisa to disappear, and walked towards where she was standing and the second giggle happened. Waited longer and then vibration and third giggle.

Wow. Maybe walking to her old position is a hard trigger.


well god damn it. the only time i got the vibrate the othernight i did have have the vita headphones with mic... the only things i likely said into it were girly welps of fright. can't wait to get back on and finish this thing. well done micGAF!


Watching the Video Game Awesome stream on Twitch where they're streaming this and the guy streaming is critiquing this as if it's meant to be a game and not just a long teaser.

So dumb.


Ok finally playing this game.
A door just cracked open and a baby is crying. Now I'm stuck; been walking around for like twenty minutes haha and have no idea what to do.

Press R3 at the door. The game does a poor job telling you what have the controls are.
Mic worked. I kept looking at the writing on the wall and phone after the chimes until the thing giggled. Kept avoiding the ghost and whistling into my mic and such. eventually he laughed.


my controller went insane and the phone rang. go to it and pick it up.

apparently walking ten steps after the first chime works too? no idea.


Should have been in bed hours ago.. Finished it hours ago... Still, I can't leave this thread! Haven't been grabbed like this by something videogames in a good while!

It is now legitimately morning after finishing my stream at 5am. I want to know why the fuck it triggers when it does. Why 10 steps!?

Did I hear a phone? - If these need to be in order, this is the last step.

Whispered his name - Might be related to the mic.

During the inert waiting, I stopped moving - Translation issue here? 'Inert waiting' may be the work of the Department of Redundancy Departmant.

I waited for it to pass. - Indicating not doing anything whilst she's moving?

Never moving a step, his hand in mine. - Being close by? Possessed?

My body shivered
- Possessed? Motion sensor?

It was a cold hand - Can't think of anything.

Then slide your index finger on my hand - Touchpad likely.

And dwindling due to fog awareness - Translation issues again?

Some other random things I've noticed:

1. Walking your back to the door then going through turns the swinging light on. - Absolutely works.
2. Lisa always kills you the first time she possesses you. - Not noticed this personally.
3. We still have no idea what the flashlight colors do, or how to consistently get them. I heard demonic radio voices with the red light while waiting around. - Not sure they have any bearing, despite people saying the blue light does something with the river painting.

In fact, I'm pretty sure the River painting is useless. Was a river important to the radio story?
If these go in some kind of order, then what is it? Also you are missing this one since I edited:
mas o vento da noite levou sua voz embora
but the night wind carried his voice away


Neo Member
Yeah, it really took me and my sister by surprise. We intentionally got it to attack and possess us, and then we turned to take one step into the bathroom and then BAM, surprise kill sequence. It'd been a while since seeing that jump scare so it was particularly scary!


We once just left the game running while looking in the bathroom mirror, and then we saw it phase in and start jittering behind the player character in the reflection…!

It seems like there are so many different things that can occur in this teaser. I definitely feel like Kojima wanted everyone’s experience to be unique, the same way he talks about how it will be in MGS V with its open world.


Mic worked. I kept looking at the writing on the wall and phone after the chimes until the thing giggled. Kept avoiding the ghost and whistling into my mic and such. eventually he laughed.


my controller went insane and the phone rang. go to it and pick it up.

apparently walking ten steps after the first chime works too? no idea.


I JUST got the ending after a 6 hour playthrough. Here's what I did.

1) 10 steps strategy to get first giggle.
2) Wait for next ghost to go away, then walk around while speaking through the mic. Two places where I got the second giggle: On the stairs just in front of the basement door, and in the hallway around the bathroom.
3) When you get the second giggle, the controller will start to vibrate. STOP MOVING, or else the controller will stop vibrating.
4) After a while, the phone will ring. Go to it and look at it. You get the "You've been chosen" message.
5) Go through the basement door. Instead of a new cycle you get the ending.

People, TRY this.
Did you move during the rumble?

Oh. Well that theory went out the window quick. lol

Not a chance. We've waited for her to leave and walked into her area before tons of times. Did not get a second laugh until we eventually plugged in a mic

I was running around screaming words into the mic for like 45 minutes and nothing happened. Eventually took it off and reset loop three times. Twice I got 2 baby giggles, one buy the window and the other right before the exit door with the words above, but I moved both times while the controller vibrated. Third time the second giggle was right where Lisa was standing before she disappeared near the clock.

I JUST got the ending after a 6 hour playthrough. Here's what I did.

1) 10 steps strategy to get first giggle.
2) Wait for next ghost to go away, then walk around while speaking through the mic. Two places where I got the second giggle: On the stairs just in front of the basement door, and in the hallway around the bathroom.
3) When you get the second giggle, the controller will start to vibrate. STOP MOVING, or else the controller will stop vibrating.
4) After a while, the phone will ring. Go to it and look at it. You get the "You've been chosen" message.
5) Go through the basement door. Instead of a new cycle you get the ending.

People, TRY this.
Could you be more specific on the 10 steps strategy? Thanks


Could you be more specific on the 10 steps strategy? Thanks

It's ten footsteps/paces. Just pick a direction and count 10 steps (holding forward) before stopping.
Just do this once the bell has started chiming.

Is there a way to test mic volume on the PlayStation 4? I'm starting to get paranoid that the mics broken or I somehow didn't turn it on correctly.

PS Button > Settings > Devices > Audio Devices > Microphone Level

No idea why this isn't in the quicker devices menu.


Is there a way to test mic volume on the PlayStation 4? I'm starting to get paranoid that the mics broken or I somehow didn't turn it on correctly.
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