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"P.T" Interactive teaser up on PSN Store

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Just played this, holy fuck, what a ride. Scared the living shit out of me, lol. My wife couldn't take it and went to bed. Fuck me, that was awesome.

I never beat it though, couldn't get that fucking phone to ring. Now I see there's a trick to it, what is it? Turn on my mic and the phone will ring? o_O

I was working on that last puzzle for HOURS and couldn't get it. Plugged in mic and boom. Got it in 10 min. So I'd say yup. It takes a bit longer for others but it seems to be doing the trick


Now can someone tell me why the hell the lightbar doesn't match the flashlight color if I'm forced to have this lame light on my controller shining all the time?


Ugh, I still can't get the damn phone to ring. The ghost girl just appeared and flew at us. Ughhhh.

You don't ever have to see her. I just waited at the phone until the bell stopped ringing and the scary music stopped and then went 10 steps toward the radio hall and stopped. Baby giggle. Then I stopped moving when I heard the music play again and I started saying stuff like "Lisa" and "hello?" and other stuff until I got another giggle and I stayed still until more giggle and continued to be frozen until the phone rang. Picked it up and went out the door.

Just don't go wandering around during the scary music and she won't find you.


Wonder if you need a mic plugged directly into the DS4. I'm using GOld wireless ones. Been sitting here for 10minutes and only got one giggle, spamming words in the mic too.
Wonder if you need a mic plugged directly into the DS4. I'm using GOld wireless ones. Been sitting here for 10minutes and only got one giggle, spamming words in the mic too.

Try the mono earbud headset that came with the system. I was using my pulse headset and only getting the first laugh, switched to the mono headset and got both laughs within about 3 minutes.
So do you guys think the final game should retain the POV or at least give the option for first person?

The Silent Hill fan in me feels like it should be 3rd person.....but the first person worked great in this demo.

I'm torn. However, the gameplay in this teaser simply wouldn't work in another perspective, they'd have to really change how the game works.
So do you guys think the final game should retain the POV or at least give the option for first person?

I think they might use 3rd person while outdoors and switch to 1st person when in more enclosed spaces. Kinda like what they did with The Room. I'd rather them just use traditional 3rd person though.

Dr Bass

The Silent Hill fan in me feels like it should be 3rd person.....but the first person worked great in this demo.

I'm torn. However, the gameplay in this teaser simply wouldn't work in another perspective, they'd have to really change how the game works.

Could be a mix like SH4. And yeah, I agree with everything you say here. I think it will be quality either way.

Have to say I had more fun with this demo than a lot of recent full games. Just the way it was introduced (though had I not known about the game reveal I would have been screaming at the end), the fact it was really FUN, and reading everyone trying to work out the final solution together...

Good times.


You don't ever have to see her. I just waited at the phone until the bell stopped ringing and the scary music stopped and then went 10 steps toward the radio hall and stopped. Baby giggle. Then I stopped moving when I heard the music play again and I started saying stuff like "Lisa" and "hello?" and other stuff until I got another giggle and I stayed still until more giggle and continued to be frozen until the phone rang. Picked it up and went out the door.

Just don't go wandering around during the scary music and she won't find you.
I can get the first giggle with the ten step thing. Getting the other giggles just isn't working. Ughhh. Where do you stand while talking?


I just beat! I tried streaming on twitch.tv with a mic plugged in and had the game sound going through the microphone headphone. As I walked towards the phone and said "Let's go over to the phone and say hello" and as soon as I said hello the baby laughed for a second time.


I love Pokken!


The Silent Hill fan in me feels like it should be 3rd person.....but the first person worked great in this demo.

I'm torn. However, the gameplay in this teaser simply wouldn't work in another perspective, they'd have to really change how the game works.

Yeah I agree. I'm sure it'll be guaranteed 3rd person, but I'm wondering how they'll be able to implement the kind of creepy atmosphere they've shown here in Silent Hills. Also the name is really weird. Why the "s" at the end?


I just beat! I tried streaming on twitch.tv with a mic plugged in and had the game sound going through the microphone headphone. As I walked towards the phone and said "Let's go over to the phone and say hello" and as soon as I said hello the baby laughed for a second time.

Could "hello" be the key word because of the Hell puzzle earlier on? Hello was written on the wall right next to the phone.


I can get the first giggle with the ten step thing. Getting the other giggles just isn't working. Ughhh. Where do you stand while talking?

I was actually walking down the hall towards the radio again but I stopped around the bathroom but still facing towards the loop door because the scary music was playing again. That's when I started talking.

Dr Bass

Could "hello" be the key word because of the Hell puzzle earlier on? Also it was written next to the phone.

That's what gave me the idea to try it. As soon as I did the baby immediately laughed. I repeated it and then the controller immediately buzzed.


Exactly whats bugging me. Problems aren't really solved if you can't show your working.

204863. Yes. Even if it is Kojimas birthday, the superfluous 0 makes me wonder.

Those are coordinates for a location in Japan that horror games hail from and are popular in.


I did that and the ghost waifu killed me during a silent part.

So random.

You were prolly possessed already.

Anyways, tried with both mics, fuck this I'm done til there's a sure fire way of doing this. I think I've spent between 6-8 hours on this shit.


Played 15mins of it last night. I love it! Hopefully I can finish it tonight. Such an awesome way to reveal a game. It'd be amazing if this becomes a trend.


Oh, just realizeed I have the crappy mic from the Gamer bundle. So how it works? I need to plug it into my PS4 and make the last loop again, are there specific steps to do?

Yup. Restart the final loop to make sure.

You need to wait for the bell to ring. (You can just stand in the starting spot)
Once it starts ringing, you can then walk forward 10 steps (count the sounds) and stop on the 10th. You'll hear the first baby giggle.

Then move over and look at the phone. Ghost woman may be lurking up the hallway, so don't look down it.
Try looking at the phone and saying Hello into the mic.
If you get a second giggle, hold completely still.
Your controller will vibrate, and once it's finished, you will hear a third giggle.
The phone will then ring, and you can R3 it to pick it up.
Then you can head out the loop door to finish.


Just got it to work. In case you are wondering, I played Mastodon's Blood and Thunder into the microphone and it worked liked a charm.


I think there's some trigger that has the ghost kill you when idle. I noticed when I stood still in the bathroom, her ghost very slowly moved from the right side of the mirror, scrolling very slowly over the character, covering his image.

I assume if it covered the whole way it would trigger a death, but I pressed R3 as I thought it was an event.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.

Here's my highlight to anyone curious. I did this for hours and got nothing but dead ends, and it starts with my first time trying with a mic.

Afterwards I beat the entire game pretty quickly. The actual baby giggle cycle the second run through happens around 24 minutes where I triggered a weird cycle of giggles where I got one just staring at the phone, another by walking 10 steps, then another going back to the phone.


Neo Member
Wow, always thought it was 12am to 12:59. That's what I meant at least. I'm just trying to figure out why the mic isn't helping me, abd thought maybe the winners were central time or something. Maybe your odds are better in the midnight hour?

23:59 is 11:59pm in 24 hour time (popular in Japan). 0:00 is 12:00 midnight.


Junior Member
You don't ever have to see her. I just waited at the phone until the bell stopped ringing and the scary music stopped and then went 10 steps toward the radio hall and stopped. Baby giggle. Then I stopped moving when I heard the music play again and I started saying stuff like "Lisa" and "hello?" and other stuff until I got another giggle and I stayed still until more giggle and continued to be frozen until the phone rang. Picked it up and went out the door.

Just don't go wandering around during the scary music and she won't find you.

This worked. Thank you so much. Actually, the first giggle came before I was done with the ten steps and the music didn't even have to play again.


Wow, guys I just sat in front of the phone yelling into my mic and the baby kept giggling and the phone rang and I beat it. I think we may have figured it out :)
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