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Pakistan clashes over Hebdo cartoon

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Generalizing Pakistanis as a whole is something I'd consider racist, maybe I just don't know the proper term for when you're talking about a group of people from a single country but I am pretty sure its still called racism.

I'm not saying don't ridicule these people asking for hangings, anyone who would support killing a person from a drawing isn't someone I'd defend. I'm saying a lot of these responses are generalizing Pakistanis as a whole in a bigoted and disgusting manner. I only quoted Aquamarine because she is one of the more rational posters on GAF and what she said just shocked me.

i'm sorry you think less of me now.

i am on the whole a very rational person.

but there are just some topics that set me off, and this is one of them.

i have a strong, visceral reaction to behaviour lifted right out of the middle ages.

i can't help it...it's absolutely, utterly appalling. these sort of protests need to be condemned by all rational, reasonable pakistanis, and if they aren't, shame on them.



I probably shouldn't laugh, but this picture is just too much.

The formal English just finishes the job haha


I always imagine if you pan out from these pictures or videos, the group of people isn't that large and common sense alone should tell you it's a minority of lunatics.


200 protesters is indeed not a lot of people, but let's not downplay the number of Pakistanis who agree with the notion that blasphemers should be killed.


They take this shit very, very seriously in Pakistan.

Not trying to downplay it, but Pakistan has much bigger issues atm. Terrorism, illiteracy, corruption, countless COUNTLESS social issues, etc. Illiteracy is honestly one of the biggest problems in Pakistan, look at how the signs are spelled. Just solving something as simple as having a majority of your citizens well educated prevents a lot of these backwards and illogical demonstrations from happening.

i'm sorry you think less of me now.

i am on the whole a very rational person.

but there are just some topics that set me off, and this is one of them.

i have a strong, visceral reaction to behaviour lifted right out of the middle ages.

i can't help it...it's absolutely, utterly appalling. these sort of protests need to be condemned by all rational, reasonable pakistanis, and if they aren't, shame on them.

I do not think less of you. I completely understand where you're coming from with frustration from seeing tragedies happen. Was just shocked initially that's all. You're still one of the most intelligent posters on GAF and your contributions and insight on both Gaming and Off-Topic are very helpful.

And as for condemning them I completely agree. BUT what a lot of people are missing out on here are that these are most likely illiterate and very poor people who are being led by a couple of radical Muslims who have the slightest bit of education. You and I and everyone around the world can condemn everything as much as we want, but the root of the issue still lies with Pakistan and that is the most tragic part of it in my opinion. You have almost the whole western world looking down in disgust at one country that is suffering from issues on a multitude of fronts, along with a large group of uneducated people who are swayed by corrupt politicians to vote for them, and all the aid money the US sends here is simply taken by the politicians and given to their friends and families. And from this terrorists begin to move in, the US sends in drones, civilians die and get angry, and then people once again look at Pakistanis as if we are subhumans. I hate the stories that come out of Pakistan, as much as it hurts anyone who reads it from the outside let me tell you hearing it as a Pakistani is ten times worse. It's horrible but I believe with figures like Malala some progress will be made and hopefully once corruption dies down and the literacy rate is above 80% Pakistan will not look anything like it does today.
Must feel like a small personal victory to Bill Maher.
Well he's already demonstrated his poor grasp of mathematics, so I wouldn't be surprised.

I always imagine if you pan out from these pictures or videos, the group of people isn't that large and common sense alone should tell you it's a minority of lunatics.
Evidently not. Too many people only let world news stories teach them about the world.


I'll never understand the thought process of crazy radicals, or rather lack of thought process. It's like information doesn't even reach their brain and they just react instinctively, like buttons being pressed.


I hope this sign ("the sketch makers must be hanged immediately") gets shopped into comic con pics, or at least used in comic gaf threads when the art is bad. Shop in some angry Marvel/DC fans.


World leaders should simply cut all economic ties to countries pulling stunts like this. Gov Business deals are suspended, civilian immigrations demands are sent back to the botton of the pile, export/imports are stopped for a few weeks and so on.

Perhaps that with enough shunning and economically-based punishement, thr civilians will stop electing and maintaining those leaders.

People like this must be treated like the overexcited children they are.
So at the risk of wading into this minefield...

If the majority or plurality don't agree with the enshrinement of such religious radicalism i.e. things like death penalties for "blasphemy"... is there a reason or reasons for the lack of any significant reform or major dissent.

Is it apathy? Fear? Corruption? A mix of the above and more?
I hope this sign ("the sketch makers must be hanged immediately") gets shopped into comic con pics, or at least used in comic gaf threads when the art is bad.
Watch out Liefeld.
World leaders should simply cut all economic ties to countries pulling stunts like this. Gov Business deals are suspended, civilian immigrations demands are sent back to the botton of the pile, export/imports are stopped for a few weeks and so on.

Perhaps that with enough shunning and economically-based punishement, thr civilians will stop electing and maintaining those leaders.

People like this must be treated like the overexcited children they are.

You'd make a great diplomat.


so, what, they're not allowed to protest now?

they should shut up because you don't agree with them?


so, what, they're not allowed to protest now?

they should shut up because you don't agree with them?
If you don't agree, you should die? That's their position.

it is still free speech.
They don't agree with free speech. You're defending a group's free speech when they don't want it. They want their way or death.

And no, inciting violence or threats are not protected free speech.
I think the bigger offense is calling it "The Worst Act of Terrorism"... It insults the millions of victims of real terrorism worldwide.


I don't agree with them at all. I'm just sick of the hypocrisy.

when a player is punished by FIFA for showing solidarity with Gaza, but another player is allowed to show solidarity for charlie.

or when charlie hebdo are shown as heroes for making fun of a whole religion, but a french comedian is jailed for making a joke about charlie hebdo.

free speech is a joke, and people defend it when they like what's being said.


Insane, deluded motherfuckers. Religious indoctrination at its worst. I guess reform in Islam is borderline impossible without a Pope-like figurehead. This is some seriously dark ages shit.


Now I kinda wish every artist in the world draw pictures of the Prophet in solidarity. What are they going to do? Hang every artist in the world?


or when charlie hebdo are shown as heroes for making fun of a whole religion, but a french comedian is jailed for making a joke about charlie hebdo.

Charlie Hebdo doesn't make fun of a whole religion, they make fun of all religions. And all politics. And everybody actually.
And the French comedian isn't accused of making fun of Charlie Hebdo, but of cheering for terrorist murderers. And he hasn't been jailed.
I don't agree with them at all. I'm just sick of the hypocrisy.

when a player is punished by FIFA for showing solidarity with Gaza, but another player is allowed to show solidarity for charlie.

or when charlie hebdo are shown as heroes for making fun of a whole religion, but a french comedian is jailed for making a joke about charlie hebdo.

free speech is a joke, and people defend it when they like what's being said.

Lol. Didn't you just say those guys demanding the death of the cartoonists is free speech? I guess you like what's being said.


Charlie Hebdo doesn't make fun of a whole religion, they make fun of all religions. And all politics. And everybody actually.
And the French comedian isn't accused of making fun of Charlie Hebdo, but of cheering for terrorist murderers. And he hasn't been jailed.

Exactly. Dieudonné is anti-Semitic through and through, he deserves everything coming to him. He clearly is at war with Jewish people and that should not be tolerated in a civilized country.
What CH are doing is satire, they aren't anti muslim at all.
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