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Performance Analysis: Assassin's Creed Unity (Digital Foundry)

Fucking disgusting.

Due to tesco clubcard vouchers I basically got this game for free and seeing that framerate analysis has absolutely ruined my excitement to even play it. That plus the micro transactions. I think it's about time to put Assassins Creed to bed for me, until Ubisoft sort their shit out.

One of my favourite franchises run to the ground by pure greed it seems.
What's the AI actually doing that is so intensive? Should be as simple as a fish swimming in water right?

I saw nothing amazing or different that the AI does than in other games, that includes the crowd. Drop the amount of NPC's by at least 30% and hopefully that helps, this shit is ridiculous.


Looks like Ubisoft has proven that with better tools not only can the performance gap be closed but it provides additional buffer for added performance. So much for GDDR5. Perhaps Sony should release a firmware that adds a bit of overclocking along with dat stability.

I guess Ubisoft games will be a lesson in deja vu of how PS3 ports of majority of multiplat games were last gen.

Thats why all the NPCs are falling from the sky.



So the analysis shows:
- Xbox One has a better framerate (still not locked at 30) when running around outside
- Both consoles are roughly 30 FPS while indoors
- PS4 has a better frame rate during fights via DF? Weird
- PS4 has better cutscene FPS
- Both versions suffer from graphical glitches

Sounds like both versions are train wrecks to me. Arguing over which train wreck is better than another train wreck seems like a waste of time when we can just roll our eyes at Ubisoft.
Looks like Ubisoft has proven that with better tools not only can the performance gap be closed but it provides additional buffer for added performance. So much for GDDR5. Perhaps Sony should release a firmware that adds a bit of overclocking along with dat stability.

I guess Ubisoft games will be a lesson in deja vu of how PS3 ports of majority of multiplat games were last gen.

I am seeing the lack of troll in this post.

That must indicate you are for real.

Please tell me it ain't so.


Ubisoft shit the bed with me. First they gimped WD to 900p (which led me not to buy) now this. Sprinkle on top the absurd micro transactions, withholding embargos till 12 hrs after release, and crappy Uplay, I'm done. If this aint anti consumer, I don't know what is.

I'm sorry for the devs of the upcoming Ubi games but...
Fuck Far Cry 4
Fuck Rainbow 6
Fuck The Division
Fuck all the other upcoming Ass Creeds Ubi is already cooking up.


Neo Member
Looks like Ubisoft has proven that with better tools not only can the performance gap be closed but it provides additional buffer for added performance. So much for GDDR5. Perhaps Sony should release a firmware that adds a bit of overclocking along with dat stability.

I guess Ubisoft games will be a lesson in deja vu of how PS3 ports of majority of multiplat games were last gen.

You almost had my jimmies rustled there chap.


Thats why all the NPCs are falling from the sky.

Last time it was even more flagrant, they were ascending to the heavens and it was a fucking priceless glitch. No parity there.

Maybe a hint that they were gonna pull off the power from the clouds to make up for raw hardware differences? It worked!


The marketing and PR blitz for this game is one of the most shameful things I've ever seen.

The game is shown running at a perfect and smooth framerate in every big tradeshow because they are using some $3000 rig, then they set the review embargo to day of release at 12 PM so that consumers don't actually know the game runs at sub 20 FPS and is littered with technical problems until they have it in their home.

On top of that the game is littered with anti consumer practices, micro transactions and pleas to use an intrusive companion app.

Fuck you Ubisoft, I really mean that. I'm not buying your games ever again, hope it was worth it.


Thats why all the NPCs are falling from the sky.
So the analysis shows:
- Xbox One has a better framerate (still not locked at 30) when running around outside
- Both consoles are roughly 30 FPS while indoors
- PS4 has a better frame rate during fights via DF? Weird
- PS4 has better cutscene FPS
- Both versions suffer from graphical glitches

Sounds like both versions are train wrecks to me. Arguing over which train wreck is better than another train wreck seems like a waste of time when we can just roll our eyes at Ubisoft.

Train wreck indeed.
People keep bring up the XO's higher clocked CPU as an explanation for the higher frame rate, but isn't that in place to counter the fact that the XO is running multiple OS's in parallel and to enable that snapping functionality and always ready voice commands?

Shouldn't the actual performance be no better than the PS4's CPU, if not offering less power for games, at least according to a few Devs?

Either way, this is just vile, and insulting given the whole parity talk. Guess parity is only to benefit Microsoft.


The clock speed difference between Xbox One and PS4 is 9%. That would mean each core has theoretically 9% more ability to process loads. That must be accumulative.
The higher clocked GPU is still nowhere near PS4's GPU.
That's the point I'm trying to make, it's not that simple. These GPUs are largely the same, Ps4 has more execution units, but they have lots of the same hardware in it. And al of those run faster on xbone due the higher clock.

There's a reason every single game until the shady parity clauses started creeping up was better on the PS4.
Of course there are. Plenty of reasons actually.

Like low performant SDKs with high cpu overhead, virtualization costs, etc... Do you not noticed a trend where as soon as Ms started improving their tools the performance started creeping closer to PS4? Ps4 will probably still outperform the xbone, but early titles were not showing the real baseline performance of the xbone hardware.

Other than Ryse, every single exclusive looks a lot better on the PS4 as well.
That's subjective as fuck.

I think games like FH2 and SO have nothing to be ashamed of when compared to Ps4 exclusives, in many ways they even outdo them. But it's a bit pointless arguing over that,.

Can you start to explain this in detail rather than saying something incredible vague such as other factors? It sounds like you don't know what you're talking about and putting down political air statements. Pretty much every single expert that has compared the two consoles has estimated that the PS4 is noticeably stronger.

I will try to simplify:

- The cutscenes are largely gpu bound. Ps4 drops frames as well, so it's not being capped or anything. Still, the performance delta is not a single time close to the 40% the extra flops on Ps4 would lead to believe? Why? It might be because there are parts of the rendering pipeline (like for example setting up the vertex data as fragments to the pixel shader) that runs faster on xbone, which can make up for the difference. It might also be that the shaders they are using rely on bandwidth or some other resource than flops. Either way, the 40% isn't showing here, while curiously a 10% overclock is netting fairly often more than 10% frames for xbone during gameplay.

- Using the smoke grenade causes framedrops on both platforms, but on Ps4 not only the drop is more severe it's also the lowest point for the console (18fps). Ps4 has twice the number of ROPs, why does this happen? Kinda right to pinpoint a culprit without any profile data, but looking at the architectures might give an answer: The esram on xbone provides on a theoretical max, more bandwidth than the entire GDDR5 on Ps4, but that bandwidth is only accessible when writing and reading from it at the same time, something that a huge curtain of smoke might very well do. The game uses deferred lighting, has tons of post processing which relies on screen space, and has some alpha effects, it's not out of the ordinary to say they are often bandwidth bound, so in a scenario like that, the esram might be an advantage for the xbone, despite having less ROPs.

See what I'm talking about? The Ps4 might be more powerful, but in one scenario it doesn't outperforms as well as it should, and on the other is being outperformed, despite theoretically having more hardware to deal with the issue.


Looks like Ubisoft has proven that with better tools not only can the performance gap be closed but it provides additional buffer for added performance. So much for GDDR5. Perhaps Sony should release a firmware that adds a bit of overclocking along with dat stability.

I guess Ubisoft games will be a lesson in deja vu of how PS3 ports of majority of multiplat games were last gen.


Hopefully you're not real :p


I'm so glad I canceled my pre-order for The Division. Not touching a Ubisoft game ever again until all of their upper management decision makers get replaced. Bunch of crooked, bone-headed idiots.

Kinda thinking Massive will pull through, judging from their last PRs (lol). They still seem to have some pull even though they were bought out. Anyways, I'll cancel at the first sign of shadiness like I did for AC.
Looks like Ubisoft has proven that with better tools not only can the performance gap be closed but it provides additional buffer for added performance. So much for GDDR5. Perhaps Sony should release a firmware that adds a bit of overclocking along with dat stability.

I guess Ubisoft games will be a lesson in deja vu of how PS3 ports of majority of multiplat games were last gen.


Halp I need /s
I always knew ESRAM and less flops > GDDR5 and more flops. It's a no brainer!

Sight Ubisoft, you should be ashamed.

EDIT: Just read LukasTave's post as I had missed it, did not mean to make fun of him


There's no winner here that's for sure, The PS4 wins on some counts and the xbox on others, still it appears that the xbone version has a bit more bugs (smoke etc..). It will be interesting to hear what Ubisoft says about this game's reception and their plans to enhance it after launch.


This is correct. It was indeed Matt who said that, but it was before MS relinquished the 10% CPU reservation for Kinect in game.

Devs may very well have been getting more out of the PS4's CPU than the X1's prior to that point.
What happens to those who use kinect? Isn't that advantage gone?
What an embarrassing release. So much drama surrounds this game! I loved Black Flag and was looking forward to this...oh well. My brother got it and I think I'll just share play with him.
NO. a 9% increase is still a 9% increase, when its competitor has the same number of cores. You don't multiply it.

I have two cores. You have two cores. I increase my clock speed 20%. Does that now make me 40% faster than you? No, it's still 20 freakin percent, because we have the same number of cores still.
I know. You're the one introducing the % math, not me... I know my maths hence the total lack of percentage in my post so hold on your high horses, we both agree.

An increase in the clock speed spreads on each core, ideally increasing their IPS by the same amount. This is cumulative on a per core basis, not the overall CPU percentage improvement obviously. I don't understand why you felt necessary to introduce that notion...

I don't think so. It's 0,16 Ghz in the whole cpu not per core.
The clock is the same for each core so each core is "improved" and runs faster in the same proportion. To make things simple, globally there's a 10% increase but, in the end and power processing wise, the XB1 CPU should be equivalent to a PS4 CPU with 8/10 of an additional core.


People keep bring up the XO's higher clocked CPU as an explanation for the higher frame rate, but isn't that in place to counter the fact that the XO is running multiple OS's in parallel and to enable that snapping functionality and always ready voice commands?

Shouldn't the actual performance be no better than the PS4's CPU, if not offering less power for games, at least according to a few Devs?

The PS4 reserves cpu time for the OS, too.
Fucking disgusting.

Due to tesco clubcard vouchers I basically got this game for free and seeing that framerate analysis has absolutely ruined my excitement to even play it. That plus the micro transactions. I think it's about time to put Assassins Creed to bed for me, until Ubisoft sort their shit out.

One of my favourite franchises run to the ground by pure greed it seems.

The microtransactions are easily ignored. There are good reasons to be disappointed with this game, that isn't a big one.


The marketing and PR blitz for this game is one of the most shameful things I've ever seen.

The game is shown running at a perfect and smooth framerate in every big tradeshow because they are using some $3000 rig, then they set the review embargo to day of release at 12 PM so that consumers don't actually know the game runs at sub 20 FPS and is littered with technical problems until they have it in their home.

On top of that the game is littered with anti consumer practices, micro transactions and pleas to use an intrusive companion app.

Fuck you Ubisoft, I really mean that. I'm not buying your games ever again, hope it was worth it.

I feel the same way. But then again, I'm always weary of those practices when it comes to Ubi. Since AC1 they've been showing gameplay sections in highly controlled environments just to make it look like it runs well. AC2 mission during Carnaval in Veneza; AC3 mission by the port, etc. I was *genuinely* impressed when I tried AC4 and it ran..well..pretty good?

Looks like they went back to their poor form. I know people like you and me are nothing but a drop in the ocean, they won't miss our money, but the principle is what counts. From the look of things it doesn't look like we're missing on much.

On the bright side, I never had an interest in Dragon Age, and seeing all those glowing reviews I felt compelled to check it out. Maybe my AC money will be diverted to DA:I. And there's also gta V right around the corner. Rockstar needs love too.


Oh man... I really wanted this game too :/
Why the hell did they think that releasing 2 games at the same time was a good idea. Unity needed more time. They should have focused on Rogue and made a pc/ps4/xbox port. I wouldn't be surprised if Rogue turns out a better game.


Arguing about the respective power of one console over the other based on a shitty unoptimized game is kind of like arguing whether Chinese food is better than Mexican food while basing your argument around Panda Express and Taco Bell.


They couldn't even lock in that target.

They specifically mention, PS4 has the advantage during the more GPU bound cutscenes.

Vague ass term that has yet to be defined - buzzword journalism taking cue from publisher PR. It's sole purpose is to make the reader assume and take for granted something they don't want to define.
The microtransactions are easily ignored. There are good reasons to be disappointed with this game, that isn't a big one.

Not when apparently it's really quite difficult to get money in the game, and everything is super expensive to tempt you to use the microtransactions. But you're right it isn't the biggest reason to be disappointed with the game. The general performance is what has put me right off.
Its amazing how the OT is stuck on the same page for past couple of hours while we have half a dozen Unity threads racing through page counts :lol

Never seen anything like this.
I am so glad this game isn't on sale on Black Friday. I would have been tempted to try it out if it were in the $25 to $30 range, especially if it was at Best Buy. I am more intrigued by the setting than anything else the game has to offer. But now, I am not even going to give it a sniff.


I think there was a poster here, who's a developer and confirmed several times that they are squeezing more out of the ps4 processor than the x1's. That might have changed meanwhile, with all the new updates and stuff so don't crucify me if I'm incorrect.

I think it was Matt, if I recall (sorry if I'm confusing posters).

Anyways, this is the final straw. Only Ubi could pull this off.
Bethesda will too

Tinfoil hat and all that, but wtf? How can you make less on more powerful hw? Parity my ass. Not saying that they purposefully sabotaged their own work on ps4, but more and more I think that they decided to devote a lot more time to get the x1 running the best they could and left the ps4 in the dust. If it was due to time limitations, or outside "incentives" we'll never know. One thing's for sure: it's not cause the ps4 is more complicated to program for. Unless all the other devs in the industry are lying through their teeth.

What happened? A lot of posters were providing comparisons, saying that although the game runs terribly on both, the ps4 had an edge, as logic would dictate. They would perform the exact same, at a bare minimum, giving the whole "parity" mentality going on at Ubi. But how on earth did they manage this?

And to think that a few weeks back I was debating on whether or not to pull the trigger on the 100$ collector edition, a first time AC CE for me. Now I don't even care about this game.

What's curious for me is Why Sony has reserved 2 CPU cores for the OS, the same as M.S.. It makes sense for M.S. but I would imagine only 1 core reserved for Sony would be more than enough. Also it would free up more CPU resources.
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