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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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He finally adresses what happened. New video.


This is, at the very least, what he should have done right after he fucked up. He admits being an idiot and doesn't point fingers to the media or outraged "SJW's" or something like that, so it could've been worse in that regard.

But it doesn't come of as guinine at all when we have footage of him following the word with him just brushing it away and laughing at the Idubbbz meme and his reasoning amounting to "sometimes I forget that I am livestreaming".


why the hell do you need so many jump cuts for a minute long video. also his apology is exactly like that overwatch player who kept yelling the slur in a game

they fucked up
but here's my excuses
and totally not racist
just wanted to say the worst thing that came to mind

"It's not my fault, it was the day I was having. People made me racist. Plz like and subscribe"

Get the fuck outta here.


There's no explanation of how he's going to be a better person. He acknowledges that he keeps messing up, but doesn't seem to reflect on why that is.

I don't accept his apology. Not that he cares.

He's just a loser like we said lol
Wow, he literally went with "When I hear players using that word". I stopped right there. Not hearing that shit.

"Whenever I go online and I hear other players using the same kind of language that I did, I always find it extremely immature and stupid, and I hate how I now personally fed into that part of gaming as well."

If you stop listening you're just reinforcing your own biases. It's just another form of prejudice.
Listen, he should obviously apologize, no doubt. Can anyone here honestly say they've never said anything in a moment of anger that they immediately regretted and didn't truly mean? I watched the clip. It was clear he instantly regretted it and said "I didn't mean that". If this is a common occurrence with him I take it back, but is slipping up once in the heat of the moment enough to warrant destroying someone? This is coming from a guy that worked with a bunch of outright racists who said nigger constantly until I couldn't take it anymore and told all of them never to say that around me again. This pitchfork mob mentality is getting to be a bit much.
No one says stuff while angry that they aren't used to say.


Feel like it's just him being a complete idiot, which everybody knew he was already.

Why are people surprised? He's immature for his age, and he messed up. Isn't this old news?
Homes where racism is normal, sure. But unless it's a cave with no access to society they know the word is wrong.

They know it is wrong, but will still use it in social settings if surrounded by like minded people.

I was raised in a fairly racist environment, went to an all white school, church, the works. If PDP was a 14 year old kid, that might be a good excuse. But he's not. Someone in his position doesn't accidentally use racial slurs unless it's a part of his normal vocabulary and there's a 'slip.'

No, not everyone.

Just someone who is a multimillionaire with thousands of followers raised in a country with an excellent education system.


He should know better.

Dude is a racist shit and at this point the only thing to do is to go after the devs of the games he streams and any advertiser that shows on his channel.

I am not defending him, he sucks. I was only responding to comments which seem to be taking absolute positions that apply to everyone, not just PDP. My point was that there are kids who are the victim of their circumstances and might not think about what they are saying, hopefully they grow up and realize that it is wrong.
That dude ain't sorry, he only saying this so people can get off his back. And his fans will sigh in relief and the people who can see right through PDP's latent bullshit is resetting the clock until he fucks up....again.



it is the boiler plate apology when anyone has to publicly apologize for being a racist. 'Even though I said it actually hate when others say it'

Fair enough, and yeah I have to admit that the video feels like crossing of a checklist of things to say.

Was pretty surprised to see how short the video was, not gonna lie. Seems like something you'd want to spend a bit more than a minute and thirty five seconds addressing.


The only apology I would have accepted would have included a call to action to call out anyone saying it and that it is never okay to say it, on stream or off.

I grew up with competitive PC gaming. I've heard the word used on countless occasions. This had previously desensitized me towards the word. I've used it in my own frustration in the past. But I grew the fuck up, realized that any word used at the expense of a minority group is the worst, most heinous thing you can possibly say, and I never, ever consider using any such word in any circumstance.

He had a chance to turn this around, to create a positive call to action towards his young, impressionable viewers. But he sticks with that shit defense which will not do anything to improve the competitive gaming landscape.

Fuck him.


Junior Member
I think his response video is a fair apology, no pointing fingers anywhere else but himself. Holds his hands up, says he screwed up, and apologises. There's not really much more you can expect from a public response. I'm sure people will still roast him but at the end of the day there's nothing more he can really say at this point.

Actions will speak louder than words though, so we'll see if he makes the same/similar mistake again in the future. From myself at least, apology accepted but not forgiven.
Whatever PDP says is worthless. Because the dude is trash not concerned with being genuine. I can think of 80000 ways he could attempt to repair all the damage he has done. But really, dude can't even do the one which is make a prompt apology. L O fucking L.


Feel like it's just him being a complete idiot, which everybody knew he was already.

Why are people surprised? He's immature for his age, and he messed up. Isn't this old news?

Few people here are acting surprised. But his actions have major repercussions for the entire YouTube platform and for the culture of gaming as a whole. He even acknowledged as much in his video.

Real Hero

Feel like it's just him being a complete idiot, which everybody knew he was already.

Why are people surprised? He's immature for his age, and he messed up. Isn't this old news?

Do you have a point? People shouldn't make him feel bad for saying it? He's allowed to say it because he acts like a kid?
Feel like it's just him being a complete idiot, which everybody knew he was already.

Why are people surprised? He's immature for his age, and he messed up. Isn't this old news?

Yeah you're right. After all, he's just a 27 year old kid. Cut him some slack. /s

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!


Feel like it's just him being a complete idiot, which everybody knew he was already.

Why are people surprised? He's immature for his age, and he messed up. Isn't this old news?

Why do white people get a pass for immaturity? PDP is almost 30 years old and he's still "just a kid".

Meanwhile fucking police officers are getting off scott-free from shooting black kids because they look like adults. Crazy.


Video would have been fine if it was the first time, he needed to go a bit further and say he doesnt agree with all the people making excuses for him and/or downplaying the situation.

I guess we will see if he stays true to his words or will another slip up in the heat of the moment happen again.


I think his response video is a fair apology, no pointing fingers anywhere else but himself. Holds his hands up, says he screwed up, and apologises. There's not really much more you can expect from a public response. I'm sure people will still roast him but at the end of the day there's nothing more he can really say at this point.

Actions will speak louder than words though, so we'll see if he makes the same/similar mistake again in the future. From myself at least, apology accepted but not forgiven.

He has been in the same situation before, saying the N-word, with other racist jokes. He apologizes, people acept it, rinse and repeat.

So as you say, his action has been speaking louder than his words for a good while.


Sad that some kid can go online to play a game and be called the word by some random person just because clowns like this make it seem acceptable to say it when they're upset.
Feel like it's just him being a complete idiot, which everybody knew he was already.

Why are people surprised? He's immature for his age, and he messed up. Isn't this old news?
Immature for his age. Really now?

He is a 27 year old multimillionaire with a reach of millions. No, he is not immature for his age. Stop making excuses for terrible behavior.

I have no interest in giving this piece of shit a view, but is this really in the video?
No, this was from earlier this year. Not the current video.
I don't take that video as sincere especially seeing how it did not list any ways he plan to better himself.

Also it's time for his mass following of sheep to start telling people, "He apologized. Get over it."

FYI, that's not how apologies work.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Looking at the youtube comments.. I can't even...

Ugh...., where the ever living fuck did this "word has no meaning in Europe!1!!" shit come from? Is it just a contingent of stupid people who genuinely don't know shit about Europe or people who know it's bs but spreading it anyway?
Hey Felix, the next time you want to say the worst word that you can think when trying to insult someone, try one of the following instead:
  • Racist (Offensive to everyone -for different reasons-, not just to a minority)
  • PewDiePie (is a pretty bad word)
  • Asshole (an oldie but goodie)


I'm almost more upset at someone like Boogie's 'meet in the middle' attitude than the actual transgression. What PDP did is obviously awful, but Boogie's both-sides stance actually fosters the behavior and attempts to make it acceptable. Fuck them both, but really fuck Boogie.
You would be naive to put any value in this dude's apology. Like if that's all it takes to let the dude off the hook no wonder he says this shit.

qcf x2

He said when other gamers say it he finds it "immature and stupid" but he did not say racist....

"I'm really sorry if I offended, hurt or disappointed anyone.." IF? lol

"I'm just an idiot" but did not say racist...

50k likes, 1k dislikes...

He sure knows his base.


I think his response video is a fair apology, no pointing fingers anywhere else but himself. Holds his hands up, says he screwed up, and apologises. There's not really much more you can expect from a public response. I'm sure people will still roast him but at the end of the day there's nothing more he can really say at this point.

I think you're very wrong about what you should expect from an apology in this situation. PDP understands his influence on his audience, and says as much. And yet he never talks about why what he did was wrong. What's wrong with the n-word? Is it just taboo? Is it just immature? Why are people actually angry? He had an opportunity to provide some context and history to an audience of children, and instead he acted like his biggest problem was breaking a social rule.
'I'm sorry.®'

'I won't do it again.™'

Meanwhile, this is what he really thinks.
Shit, whoever it is he's voice chatting with should get reamed just as much, if not more, than PDP.

"So beautiful. It was so real."

Da fuq?

Here's hoping PDP's apology video is sincere. You can tell from the livestream that he knew he fucked up, so hopefully he improves on himself after this. It's never too late for someone to change.
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