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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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I feel like no matter what the 'apology' people will still find something he should or could have said. A bit damned if you do damned if you don't. Often the case for any situation like this. Some people will never forgive, others will forgive easily and some like myself would rather see actions over words and sit on the fence until that point.

PewDiePie truly is a victim here. He totally should be forgiven. Only balanced people can really see this for what it is, a good start right?
Isn't there a video of him saying the n-word against and then having it cut over to say ninja?

Someone mind posting it to get this burner account out of here.

Zeta Oni

Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.

Fool me three or four times though, just make a half-assed apology video and we are all good.

I mean what is it going to take for some of us to realize this guy has reach to millions of kids and act accordingly?

Every time another situation like this just fades in the background with no real repercussions, think about the message that sends the kids who watch this POS's videos...


As an apology it was acceptable, but that apology should have been followed with action. Action to help stop bigotry in the gaming community - whether that be donating X to an anti-bullying foundation, or calling out his own fan base. That apology needed action


The only apology I would have accepted would have included a call to action to call out anyone saying it and that it is never okay to say it, on stream or off.

I grew up with competitive PC gaming. I've heard the word used on countless occasions. This had previously desensitized me towards the word. I've used it in my own frustration in the past. But I grew the fuck up, realized that any word used at the expense of a minority group is the worst, most heinous thing you can possibly say, and I never, ever consider using any such word in any circumstance.

He had a chance to turn this around, to create a positive call to action towards his young, impressionable viewers. But he sticks with that shit defense which will not do anything to improve the competitive gaming landscape.

Fuck him.

Out of interest, if you yourself have been desensitized to the word previously, AND have used it in your own frustration, but then admit that you have matured and stopped saying it, why do you condemn someone who says that they are going to do the same thing as you have already done?

Using any racial slur is completely wrong and not something to be tolerated. It isn't even something that should come up in any way, even when frustrated. However I do believe that people can be educated and that people can change, and I hope that it's something PDP does before he completely destroys himself. I hope his apology was sincere, but his track record doesn't exactly point towards that being the case.


Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?
Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?

The fuck are you talking about.

1 post.


Ugh...., where the ever living fuck did this "word has no meaning in Europe!1!!" shit come from?

His fan base at work.

I don't take that video as sincere especially seeing how it did not list any ways he plan to better himself.

Also it's time for his mass following of sheep to start telling people, "He apologized. Get over it."

FYI, that's not how apologies work.

I think they are already doing so.

You would be naive to put any value in this dude's apology. Like if that's all it takes to let the dude off the hook no wonder he says this shit.

Dudes words are as empty as his soul.

Real Hero

Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?

read a book
So you keep defending him. Just stop dude. Just stop.

Take a damn hard look at yourself.

I'm good man. I know I'm not a racist and the only difference is literally melanin. I just think a lot people like to appear that they care rather than actually caring and that no one's perfect and people slip up. Not defending at all simply trying to understand. I never liked him and never got the appeal personally, but I don't like being shamed and lied to about the facts either.



Ugh...., where the ever living fuck did this "word has no meaning in Europe!1!!" shit come from? Is it just a contingent of stupid people who genuinely don't know shit about Europe or people who know it's bs but spreading it anyway?

Don't know. I am also from Europe and I say fuck that guy.


Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?

You're all assholes
I feel like no matter what the 'apology' people will still find something he should or could have said. A bit damned if you do damned if you don't. Often the case for any situation like this. Some people will never forgive, others will forgive easily and some like myself would rather see actions over words and sit on the fence (metaphorically) until that point.

Some people confuse forgiveness with approval of the wrongdoing. When that isn't what forgiveness is at all.
Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?

Another burner account...


People know the word "nigger" is a racial slur. That's all there is to it.

Yeah, but in North America this word has a strong history behind it, not in europe though. In Germany we have "Neger", but it has a totally different history behind it, starting with the fact, that no black german rapper calls himself "Neger". It doesn't help, that the word is used by every black rapper in the business.

Just to be clear. I'm talking explicit about the word "nigger", if for instance PDP did a german video and would call someone "Neger" there would have been a major outcry in
It doesn't help, that the word is used by every black rapper in the business.
If PDP donated an undisclosed amount of money to BLM or Campaign Zero, and listed actions item he plan to do to squash his behavior I would believe him.

This is nothing more than a PR video because this has blown up on him.

Is it true that YouTube is giving advertisers option to not show ads on gaming related videos? I've seen a picture floating around of such a thing.


I'm good man. I know I'm not a racist and the only difference is literally melanin. I just think a lot people like to appear that they care rather than actually caring and that no one's perfect and people slip up. Not defending at all simply trying to understand. I never liked him and never got the appeal personally, but I don't like being shamed and lied to about the facts either.

You don't slip up saying "fucking nigger"

You don't. Stop making excuses. He's the issue. Not the people upset. Get over yourself.
Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?

You alts just love to come out of the woodwork, huh?


Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?
Go learn yourself.


Yeah, but in North America this word has a strong history behind it, not in europe though. In Germany we have "Neger", but it has a totally different history behind it, starting with the fact, that no black german rapper calls himself "Neger". It doesn't help, that the word is used by every black rapper in the business.

Just to be clear. I'm talking explicit about the word "nigger", if for instance PDP did a german video and would call someone "Neger" there would have been a major outcry in
It doesn't help, that the word is used by every black rapper in the business.

It's 2017. People aren't quarantined from different regions of the Earth. People know it's a racial slur. That's it. There is no excuse. Stop making excuses.


Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?

Shut the fuck up.
Yeah, but in North America this word has a strong history behind it, not in europe though. In Germany we have "Neger", but it has a totally different history behind it, starting with the fact, that no black german rapper calls himself "Neger". It doesn't help, that the word is used by every black rapper in the business.

Just to be clear. I'm talking explicit about the word "nigger", if for instance PDP did a german video and would call someone "Neger" there would have been a major outcry in
It doesn't help, that the word is used by every black rapper in the business.

Im German and try saying that word to a black person on the street.

Try saying it on TV. Everyone knows, besides maybe 70 year olds, that Neger isnt acceptable nowadays anymore...
There is a reason why a lot of food product names were changed...
Out of interest, if you yourself have been desensitized to the word previously, AND have used it in your own frustration, but then admit that you have matured and stopped saying it, why do you condemn someone who says that they are going to do the same thing as you have already done?

Using any racial slur is completely wrong and not something to be tolerated. It isn't even something that should come up in any way, even when frustrated. However I do believe that people can be educated and that people can change, and I hope that it's something PDP does before he completely destroys himself. I hope his apology was sincere, but his track record doesn't exactly point towards that being the case.

It's his track record that makes people believe he can't mature and do better.
I'm good man. I know I'm not a racist and the only difference is literally melanin. I just think a lot people like to appear that they care rather than actually caring and that no one's perfect and people slip up. Not defending at all simply trying to understand. I never liked him and never got the appeal personally, but I don't like being shamed and lied to about the facts either.
Dudes damn near 30 years old, this isn't a slip up this was intentional language. You don't keep getting ignorance passes in your adult life.


I'm good man. I know I'm not a racist and the only difference is literally melanin. I just think a lot people like to appear that they care rather than actually caring and that no one's perfect and people slip up. Not defending at all simply trying to understand. I never liked him and never got the appeal personally, but I don't like being shamed and lied to about the facts either.

i feel like a few hours have passed and i'm reading Jackstin's alt account...


Yeah, but in North America this word has a strong history behind it, not in europe though. In Germany we have "Neger", but it has a totally different history behind it, starting with the fact, that no black german rapper calls himself "Neger". It doesn't help, that the word is used by every black rapper in the business.

Just to be clear. I'm talking explicit about the word "nigger", if for instance PDP did a german video and would call someone "Neger" there would have been a major outcry in
It doesn't help, that the word is used by every black rapper in the business.

American culture is the most widespread and influential culture in the world. We all know this. I'm from the UK but we all know what the n-word fucking means and why it's a problem.

Prithee Be Careful

Industry Professional
I feel like no matter what the 'apology' people will still find something he should or could have said. A bit damned if you do damned if you don't. Often the case for any situation like this. Some people will never forgive, others will forgive easily and some like myself would rather see actions over words and sit on the fence (metaphorically) until that point.

He could have invited some speakers from respected minority rights groups to join him on his channel - people with authority on the issue - and actually discuss the culture of racism infront of his millions of viewers.

He has a massive voice - he could really use that to be a leading advocate for a less toxic gaming culture.


Yeah, but in North America this word has a strong history behind it, not in europe though. In Germany we have "Neger", but it has a totally different history behind it, starting with the fact, that no black german rapper calls himself "Neger". It doesn't help, that the word is used by every black rapper in the business.

Just to be clear. I'm talking explicit about the word "nigger", if for instance PDP did a german video and would call someone "Neger" there would have been a major outcry in
It doesn't help, that the word is used by every black rapper in the business.


He used the n-word as a pejorative. That's racist. It doesn't matter what country you are from or who raps about it.


I feel like no matter what the 'apology' people will still find something he should or could have said. A bit damned if you do damned if you don't. Often the case for any situation like this. Some people will never forgive, others will forgive easily and some like myself would rather see actions over words and sit on the fence (metaphorically) until that point.

Change comes from action. He certainly likes to talk the talk - but he never actually walks the walk.

I know that it's a big ask for someone who's sole job it is to spew trash on a daily basis, but some things are clearly unacceptable. You simply can't behave like you're a deranged basement dwelling loser when you are the most popular star on one of the most popular sites in the world.

You have to recognize that you are setting example to kids everywhere. Have fun, make entertainment, but don't cross the fucking line into the realm of hate, misogyny and racism.

Big Nikus

Hello !
I'm French and i don't understand why people are so angry about this word, because in French we have a n-word for black people, a b-word for white people and a b-word for arabic people and sometimes people use it but there's no problem with this ?

Hello !
I'm french too and this guy is full of shit.


Maturity, bitches.
If Felix was trying to think of the worst word possible why didn't he call the other guy a "TmarTn" then?

None of that has anything to do with this particular racial slur is my point. I was told otherwise and it's simply not true that he's ever said this before.

The N-word? This isn't PewDiePie's first time. Look up the video where he is celebrating being named one of the most attractive celebrities. He says it there, too.
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