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PewDiePie calls someone a "fucking n****r" during PUBG livestream

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That Sysel guy must be like 12. Seriously dude???!?! Stay classy gamers.

Like most of PDPs fanbase?


Yeah you're right. After all, he's just a 27 year old kid. Cut him some slack. /s

I guess my point is more, theres just no point in doing anything. He's a douche and has been for ages, too late now to change anything. He'll remain a multimillionaire no matter what repercussions he gets.
And yet, you decided to do very little reading before you jumped headfirst into a thread to defend a racist....


So I did a search for any other time he's said it and I couldn't find anything. I seems I didn't jump the gun after all, huh? If someone can show me where he's done this repeatedly I take it all back and there's no excuse. I think he's an idiot to be clear, but everyone slips up especially if they were brought up around racist people. You revert to your younger self a lot of the time in stressful situations. His apology seemed sincere to me, but he's still sucks. Things are not always black and white (no pun intended).


Because the reactions are so over the top. I still think it's crazy even with this information.

He uses a racial slur with hundreds of years of history that is still used to today to demean black people. Not only that but he followed it up and said it again and claimed "no one watching this gives a shit."

And you're over here saying the reactions are too over the top in response to that. You can take several seats.


I think his response video is a fair apology, no pointing fingers anywhere else but himself. Holds his hands up, says he screwed up, and apologises. There's not really much more you can expect from a public response. I'm sure people will still roast him but at the end of the day there's nothing more he can really say at this point.

Actions will speak louder than words though, so we'll see if he makes the same/similar mistake again in the future. From myself at least, apology accepted but not forgiven.

what was his response when he was criticized for making rape jokes and how did his actions speak then? what was his response when he was criticized for making antisemitic jokes and how did his actions speak then? what was his response when he was criticized for using nazi joke and imagery and how did his actions speak then? what was his response when he was criticized for shouting out racial slurs and how did his actions speak then? essentially he's been in this situation before, says the same shit, then does it all over again. why should he get the benefit of the doubt for the Nth time now?
I guess my point is more, theres just no point in doing anything. He's a douche and has been for ages, too late now to change anything. He'll remain a multimillionaire no matter what repercussions he gets.

Cutting off his main revenue stream with very little notice and making it difficult for him to continue on that level drops that multimillionaire potential real fast
It's almost like a new Yakuza racist fighting style with new HEAT Actions like "say the n word", "deny the Holocaust", "lynch people of color", "build internment camps", "invade Poland" or "Ethnic cleanse".
People were betting on racists dying out but did not consider the scenario where children are being raised influenced by racists packaged as their edgy online friend (that they will never meet or interact with ever).


I'm almost more upset at someone like Boogie's 'meet in the middle' attitude than the actual transgression. What PDP did is obviously awful, but Boogie's both-sides stance actually fosters the behavior and attempts to make it acceptable. Fuck them both, but really fuck Boogie.

Einstien had a little something to say about that.

Racism, hate and bigotry are evil forces of this world. Taking a centrist position on those things is wrong.



Ugh...., where the ever living fuck did this "word has no meaning in Europe!1!!" shit come from?

Not to excuse any Actions, i'm an italian living in germany, i know what racism is and have been confronted with it.
But, he's not wrong. This is something i have witnessed in years of playing online games. In europe the level of toxicity is a lot higher than in NA.

We haven't dealt with black racism here as much as people in america did, this is why this will not get a lot of outcry in europe, sadly.
So I did a search for any other time he's said it and I couldn't find anything. I seems I didn't jump the gun after all, huh? If someone can show me where he's done this repeatedly I take it all back and there's no excuse. I think he's an idiot to be clear, but everyone slips up especially if they were brought up around racist people. You revert to your younger self a lot of the time in stressful situations. His apology seemed sincere to me, but he's still sucks. Things are not always black and white (no pun intended).

He is doing "Hitler did nothing wrong" jokes, he did a "social experiment" where he hired some Indians writing "Death to all Jews" on paper (and sure. Death to all Jews is the first thing that comes to your mind), he is selling a T-Shirt where he is doing a hitler beard with his finger, he wore an army uniform that reminds people of SS/Wehrmacht (I am aware it was a british uniform) and did a "Nazi" shtick...


Why do white people get a pass for immaturity? PDP is almost 30 years old and he's still "just a kid".

Meanwhile fucking police officers are getting off scott-free from shooting black kids because they look like adults. Crazy.

Agreed - it's mental. However, i just feel like the massive online explosion is pointless and would be better directed elsewhere.


Nope. Until he actually proves otherwise he shoulnd't get let off.

This is a pattern. If it was a one off thing. Sure maybe I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.

But again this is a pattern. He'll just be more careful.
If you call someone a fucking nigger I am totally fine destroying your life frankly.

Maybe I'm a bad person though 🤔

As harsh as you sound, there should be penalties for this. It is sickening that one can make vile and racist comments again and again and does not have to face any consequences despite being called asshole from only a part of the community who is aware of him. Which he could comfortably ignore btw.

He should be blocked from any possible channel, be exposed way beyond gamer communities and should receive previous conviction (I don't know if this is the correct term). All of this should be very well communicated to his supporters and those "that's just a word" - downplaying halfwits. Everyone has to see that you can't just casually drop your stupid and even dangerously influential shit.


From what I gather from the youtube comment section of his posted apology is that his fans are just as bad or even worse than he is. One person even commented "We should all comment N*****R as a reponse in support of PewDiePie".
Their ignorance of history or racial insensitivity as to why that word carries so much weight is astounding.
If you can zoom out enough, you can see the narrative shifting course from "Its a word in the heat of the moment" to "he apologized, move on".

It's to be expected we see this defense force every single time.

From what I gather from the youtube comment section of his posted apology is that his fans are just as bad or even worse than he is. One person even commented "We should all comment N*****R as a reponse in support of PewDiePie".
Their ignorance of history or racial insensitivity as to why that word carries so much weight is astounding.

At no point will PDP address that his fans are idiots because of him.

If PDP truly thinks that he is an idiot and he believes that he has influence over others it is then easy to assume that he has influenced people to become idiots like him.


Einstien has a little something to say about that.

And MLK Jr.

Rev. Martin Luther King said:
"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."


Not to excuse any Actions, i'm an italian living in germany, i know what racism is and have been confronted with it.
But, he's not wrong. This is something i have witnessed in years of playing online games. In europe the level of toxicity is a lot higher than in NA.

We haven't dealt with black racism here as much as people in america did, this is why this will not get a lot of outcry in europe, sadly.

People know the word "nigger" is a racial slur. That's all there is to it.


People really struggle with the concept of casual racism, like if the person isn't physically attacking a minority or marching with a torch, then they insist it's mere ignorance or insensitivity. Those are all parts of racism! Shit, MOST racism stems from that - people going out of their way to not give a shit.

So, sure, he probably did just pick up that word from toxic gaming culture years ago, but that's also racism - casually throwing the word around as an edgy insult or whatever. It all falls under the same umbrella.

Some people just have a super narrow idea of what qualifies, and I think there's a reason for it.

I agree with David H Wong. Will wonders never cease.

You are absolutely correct. Saying the N word is like the easiest way there is to know if somebody is racist or not, and yet STILL people argue he may not be.

I'm pretty sure nothing would qualify in their minds, mostly because he's a popular young man, and not a "hillbilly" from the South that they are fine with labeling as racist because they can't relate to that person. No he's a gamer like them. Hell he's funny! If they like a racist, what does that say about them? SO, If he got caught wearing klan robes it would be "it's just clothes" or "you know Halloween is close" or if he said "I hate Black people" it would be, "well I'm sure he's only talking about certain Black people".
He's sorry people got upset about it at him, not sorry that he did it and certainly not sorry to anyone it hurt
Hey, now that he has issued this apology, it's time we met him in the middle and apologized for being callous enough to throw the r word at him. I heard this kind of language makes some very reasonable people here uncomfortable.
Nope. Until he actually proves otherwise he shoulnd't get let off.

This is a pattern. If it was a one off thing. Sure maybe I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.

But again this is a pattern. He'll just be more careful.

Even worse, he's still going to be reckless because now he knows he has dipshit YouTubers and a rabid fanbase that will defend to the death on what he spits out.


From what I gather from the youtube comment section of his posted apology is that his fans are just as bad or even worse than he is. One person even commented "We should all comment N*****R as a reponse in support of PewDiePie".
Their ignorance of history or racial insensitivity as to why that word carries so much weight is astounding.

It's the youtube comments section. Don't ever read it.
"I'm sorry this blew up into something I couldn't downplay anymore."

And jump cuts in the video too? Reeks of insincerity. Anyone still giving him the time of day is either stupidly naive or stubbornly stupid.
He is doing "Hitler did nothing wrong" jokes, he did a "social experiment" where he hired some Indians writing "Death to all Jews" on paper (and sure. Death to all Jews is the first thing that comes to your mind), he is selling a T-Shirt where he is doing a hitler beard with his finger, he wore an army uniform that reminds people of SS/Wehrmacht (I am aware it was a british uniform) and did a "Nazi" shtick...

None of that has anything to do with this particular racial slur is my point. I was told otherwise and it's simply not true that he's ever said this before.


Junior Member
I think you're very wrong about what you should expect from an apology in this situation. PDP understands his influence on his audience, and says as much. And yet he never talks about why what he did was wrong. What's wrong with the n-word? Is it just taboo? Is it just immature? Why are people actually angry? He had an opportunity to provide some context and history to an audience of children, and instead he acted like his biggest problem was breaking a social rule.

I feel like no matter what the 'apology' people will still find something he should or could have said. A bit damned if you do damned if you don't. Often the case for any situation like this. Some people will never forgive, others will forgive easily and some like myself would rather see actions over words and sit on the fence (metaphorically) until that point.


It took him what? Two days to issue this?

It shouldn't be that hard to issue a damn video the day of. This man was preparing a damn statement that took longer than it needed to.

But his little outburst made google take yet another small step.
None of that has anything to do with this particular racial slur is my point. I was told otherwise and it's simply not true that he's ever said this before.

Does it actually matter? Everything he did before points to him having some quite dangerous "opinions" on racist matters in general.

What does it matter if he never said Nigger when he repeated "Hitler did nothing wrong" memes?

You are saying "everyone slips ups", but you dont slip up time and time again caught doing something that can be seen as a racist action...

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Not to excuse any Actions, i'm an italian living in germany, i know what racism is and have been confronted with it.
But, he's not wrong. This is something i have witnessed in years of playing online games. In europe the level of toxicity is a lot higher than in NA.

We haven't dealt with black racism here as much as people in america did, this is why this will not get a lot of outcry in europe, sadly.
People know where the term comes from and the context of it being used. No one in his position would use it in the context that he used it without knowing the intent.


Lmfao fuck off with that apology. It felt so empty, and I really could not stand looking at his ugly ass face. Really hope this clown suffers, as it's only a matter of time before he fucks up again.

Edit: And can y'all please, PLEASE stop with the "He slipped up." who the FUCK slips out nigger in the heat of a moment? When is that word ever okay? Even as a black man, I hate hearing that word from other black men. So for his dumbass to 'slip up', means he already has it in his vocabulary.

So sick of white people and self hating black people, telling us how we should be feeling. Fucking choke.


Isn't "nigga" a word the white youth is bombarded within Hip Hop daily? I'm not using it and i'm not in the "hood" scene, but i think theres still a difference how you use this word, or am i wrong?

Yeah, its used in Hip Hop, so its totally understandable that Youtube's biggest star with 57 mill followers, mostly kids, casually drops a nigger during a lifestream.

Do you think you might be a little dense on the subject?


I feel like no matter what the apology people will still find something he should or could have said. Often the case for any situation like this. Some people will never forgive, others will forgive easily and some like myself would rather see actions over words and sit on the fence until that point.

But that's a cop-out. Yes, some people will never forgive PDP regardless of the sincerity or quality of his apology. That does not absolve him of his responsibility to help his audience of children understand his wrong doing.


None of that has anything to do with this particular racial slur is my point. I was told otherwise and it's simply not true that he's ever said this before.

He's never said it on camera, maybe. If you think he has never said it while playing online games, you are very naive. The chances of this being the 'first time ever' are slim to none.
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