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PewDiePie defends Polish politician who believes women are less intelligent than men

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We are in a world where a celebrity who spouts racist and sexist things is president. Is that the situation where we should be discussing them less?

Trump didn't give me a choice in the matter beyond voting in a red state. I can browse the internet, and even Youtube without running across these people we're discussing now.

That terrible views make people popular and popular people gain a following is not a new phenomenon in human civilization. But when you lose your grips on what really matters in life you start having these discussions that people can't understand without a 40 page forum primer.

Let me try it another way.

Y'all are going a long way around the bend to tell me this "internet celebrity" is a bad person and should have less influence.

I'm saying he's a non-person and should have no influence.

We both arrive at the same thing.


These are the people shaping and influencing the minds of millions of young voters. If you ignore it, if you don't bring attention to it, if you don't discuss and show how they are wrong now you are going to have a whole brand new crop of Fox News-like zealots.

I don't think you should ignore it. You should just frame it with the disdain it deserves. I see people in this thread going down rabbit holes of when who on this channel said this about this before they said this in response to this and it's just silly to me.

Discuss an issue sure, but I'm lucky enough to have not granted internet people dominion over my world.

L Thammy

Trump didn't give me a choice in the matter beyond voting in a red state. I can browse the internet, and even Youtube without running across these people we're discussing now.

He pops up in my YouTube recommendations every so often and I have no desire to watch his videos, so that's not as true for me as it is for you.

That terrible views make people popular and popular people gain a following is not a new phenomenon in human civilization. But when you lose your grips on what really matters in life you start having these discussions that people can't understand without a 40 page forum primer.

This doesn't need a 40 page primer.
- PewDiePie is a YouTube celebrity. He has 50 million subscribers, which is more subscriptions than anyone else, and he is immensely wealthy.
- PewDiePie became popular by screaming into a microphone and making rape jokes over video game footage.​

There you go. That's basically everything you need to understand the OP. This is not a complex situation.

Y'all are going a long way around the bend to tell me this "internet celebrity" is a bad person and should have less influence.

I'm saying he's a non-person and should have no influence.

We both arrive at the same thing.

We aren't arriving at the same thing. I'm not saying he should have less influence. Whether he should or not doesn't matter. The dude has 50 million subscribers. He has the influence regardless of what you or I do. What people other than PewDiePie can do is decide whether or not he can do that completely unabated.

You're telling me to disengage from the conversation for whatever reason. I think that's incredibly foolish. I don't have the influence of PewDiePie, but maybe the cumulative voice of people who will criticize him will be a thorn in his side and weaken his negative influence.

People like this thrive on outrage. Donald Trump is included in that group.

Donald Trump isn't an Internet troll. There are also people out there who actually like his message and want to intentionally spread it. Leaving him unchecked means they're the ones who control the narrative.


He wasn't defending his views, he was defending his ability to voice an opinion on why there is a wage gap, not to agree with it. The fact that people freaked out about this video is ironic, because it's what the news people did to the man, listened to what they wanted to hear, and not considering what exactly what he saying. Merely offering an explanation, not saying they should be paid less.
Ah yes, the freedom of speech angle.


I don't think you should ignore it. You should just frame it with the disdain it deserves. I see people in this thread going down rabbit holes of when who on this channel said this about this before they said this in response to this and it's just silly to me.

Discuss an issue sure, but I'm lucky enough to have not granted internet people dominion over my world.

Many people in America and the world don't have that luxury. Women being harassed day in and day out like Anita, minorities suffering under the Trump administration because of voters influenced by this type of bile.


You're telling me to disengage from the conversation for whatever reason. I think that's incredibly foolish. I don't have the influence of PewDiePie, but maybe the cumulative voice of people who will criticize him will be a thorn in his side and weaken his negative influence.

Collectively the internet is comprised of the same thing it has always had, which are a bunch of jerks. I'm sorry to come off like someone who wants to act disingenuous to what you are discussing, but is true. It will always be true.

If what you say is true and this Youtube channel has made millions of potential voters change their views, I'm not interested in engaging with such people. I don't speak to racists, sexists, and homophobes.

I bar that from my life. But you want to have a conversation about issues that matter to you and that's admirable. I just come from a place where I see a Youtube user's name and that they have 50 million subscribers and wow that's amazing, they're millionaires. There are lots of people who have made money producing nothing. Apparently this one has opinions that matter to people? All right, that's fine. But I still am a grown adult.

I have to remember that as a self-respecting adult, I still engage with issues and people in a way that shows perspective in how valuable I allow them to be. Is the goal to make people less racist, sexist, and homophobic on the internet? I'm afraid we lost that battle a long time ago. Youtube in particular, on every channel is a cesspool of anonymous assholes, just like I said before.

If Pewdiepie really has the power over America that you say he has, I want to help. Surely someone has thought this through like a grown adult and come up with and drafted a plan of removing this person's means of influencing people. Otherwise, what we're doing is elevating him. I'm not interested in disengaging.

L Thammy

"Collectively the internet is comprised of the same thing it has always had, which are a bunch of jerks"

The Internet is composed of the collective interactions of human beings. Collectively, they are jerks, but individually, some of them have good intentions. Some of them are kids who are still developing their worldview. There are people who can learn something if they are properly informed.

That doesn't happen when you allow the narrative to be controlled by disingenuous sources. This is why Donald Trump attacks the mainstream media. This is why PewDiePie's tried to smear the media. They want to be the only source that their fans are willing to believe.

It's one thing to say "I don't want to have to deal with this", but it's another to say "no one else should try" and try to be reductive in order to stop them from doing so.


Discuss an issue sure, but I'm lucky enough to have not granted internet people dominion over my world.

Umm, good for you? But shitty opinions and fake news from the internet clearly do have an impact on many people. It's not like the internet is some separate, isolated world that has no bearing on the real world. You mentioned that you can't ignore Trump because he is obviously a real person with real power. Well a guy with millions of internet followers has real influence too, even if you've never heard of him until now. Like I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, except convince us he's no big deal?


Umm, good for you? But shitty opinions and fake news from the internet clearly do have an impact on many people. It's not like the internet is some separate, isolated world that has no bearing on the real world. You mentioned that you can't ignore Trump because he is obviously a real person with real power. Well a guy with millions of internet followers has real influence too, even if you've never heard of him until now. Like I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, except convince us he's no big deal?

I'm not really trying to do anything except gain a better understanding of this being someone who doesn't listen to people on Youtube talk about their views. I don't have the expectation that anyone would care what I have to say any more than you carry what I say here through your day.

I'm a school teacher. My sphere of influence is 25 8 year olds.

I guess....thanks? I hope this guy (like all bad guys) gets what's coming to him.


I'm not really trying to do anything except gain a better understanding of this being someone who doesn't listen to people on Youtube talk about their views. I don't have the expectation that anyone would care what I have to say any more than you carry what I say here through your day.

I'm a school teacher. My sphere of influence is 25 8 year olds.

I guess....thanks? I hope this guy (like all bad guys) gets what's coming to him.

As a teacher of children, you should be even more aware.

Those kids more likely then not, watch Pewdiepie.


As a teacher of children, you should be even more aware.

Those kids more likely then not, watch Pewdiepie.

Well you have no worries on that front, since I daily engage with my students on the impact of their words and choices. I'm more worried about their lack of parental guidance than Pewdiepie. One takes care of the other.
I await h3h3's defense video. I'd love to be proven wrong though.

I await boogie saying we should meet him half way on women being stupid.
"Wouldn't that be swell? Because the middle is a great place to be"
Honest question: Wouldn't the world be a better place if we didn't allow our brains to be occupied by this nonsense?

You're advocating for censorship, which is comprehensible in this situation but should never be the goal since it works the same way when it's something you actually agree with being censored. Besides, the "lack of free speech" is a cottage industry as it is, you don't want to empower that.

It amazes me how kind of tone deaf this thread turned out to be. Some of you are acting like PDP exposed himself for the idiot he is and people are turning their backs on him. They're not. They're rallying behind him. The number of people who support this kind of stuff is growing fucking daily. I don't know how that doesn't set off an alarm in more of you.
And depressingly, even if his view counts somehow start to plummet (lol), his new alt-right cred is more than enough to continue making him healthy millions each year if he decides to set up a Patreon account on top of his existing empire. Plus he'll have long introduced and exposed plenty of young viewers to this fucking tripe on top of whatever else he screams about that fly under the radar while streaming.

"Wouldn't that be swell? Because the middle is a great place to be"

What a fucking punchable face.
Honestly not sure why Twitter and Google and the like don't step up on matters such as these. "But that's censorship!" Yep! It sure is! It's censorship in a PRIVATELY owned placed... not a government run space. Google can and SHOULD censor messages of hate and discrimination. If the youtubers don't like it they can take the message elsewhere. PDP isn't likely to maintain 50 million subs if he has to use another service and Youtube/google honestly won't likely lose many people overall. Most will just move on to the next Youtuber who screams while playing video games.

L Thammy

Honestly not sure why Twitter and Google and the like don't step up on matters such as these. "But that's censorship!" Yep! It sure is! It's censorship in a PRIVATELY owned placed... not a government run space. Google can and SHOULD censor messages of hate and discrimination. If the youtubers don't like it they can take the message elsewhere. PDP isn't likely to maintain 50 million subs if he has to use another service and Youtube/google honestly won't likely lose many people overall. Most will just move on to the next Youtuber who screams while playing video games.

Probably because it's work - and therefore requires money - to remove potential customers from their base.
These are the people shaping and influencing the minds of millions of young voters. If you ignore it, if you don't bring attention to it, if you don't discuss and show how they are wrong now you are going to have a whole brand new crop of Fox News-like zealots.

You are preaching to the choir in neogaf tho.
PewDiePie continued: “I don’t know if there’s a statistic that shows that women in general are less intelligent than men, and if there is I’d say ‘what’s the f***ing point?'”

Dude went full JonTron.


I'm not really trying to do anything except gain a better understanding of this being someone who doesn't listen to people on Youtube talk about their views. I don't have the expectation that anyone would care what I have to say any more than you carry what I say here through your day.

I'm a school teacher. My sphere of influence is 25 8 year olds.

I guess....thanks? I hope this guy (like all bad guys) gets what's coming to him.

Hope does nothing for those that are affected by shit in this world. You seem to be talking about being active yourself to do good things. Fine great. If you yourself don't want to focus on people like this then okay. Just don't criticize the rest of us.
Honestly not sure why Twitter and Google and the like don't step up on matters such as these. "But that's censorship!" Yep! It sure is! It's censorship in a PRIVATELY owned placed... not a government run space. Google can and SHOULD censor messages of hate and discrimination. If the youtubers don't like it they can take the message elsewhere. PDP isn't likely to maintain 50 million subs if he has to use another service and Youtube/google honestly won't likely lose many people overall. Most will just move on to the next Youtuber who screams while playing video games.

They would create an alternative and make a lot of money while losing "Twitter and Google and the like" a lot of money. You're missing the point that a supposed lack of freedom of speech is a big part of the appeal of this ideology. Amplifying that is not a good idea.


Which is irrelevant, I'm white as well and I'm not the most successful anything sadly.

Of course it's relevant. The most successful entertainers in today's world can only be white, I don't get what does your plight has to do with what I said?

And Pewdiepie believe gender gap is because of competency and choices rather than a patriarchy system that provides men more privileges. In my country, only 12% of the women holds director positions and above in the Top 100 organisations. You will not see this kind of lopsided percentage in a leveled-playing field like in academics.

There's also an article I read recently that shows a more willingness for executives to hire women if they have daughter because only then they are more sympathetic to their struggle in future.


Honestly not sure why Twitter and Google and the like don't step up on matters such as these. "But that's censorship!" Yep! It sure is! It's censorship in a PRIVATELY owned placed... not a government run space. Google can and SHOULD censor messages of hate and discrimination. If the youtubers don't like it they can take the message elsewhere. PDP isn't likely to maintain 50 million subs if he has to use another service and Youtube/google honestly won't likely lose many people overall. Most will just move on to the next Youtuber who screams while playing video games.

They're fucking cowards. Look at Facebook; they won't step in until it's too late.

They don't actually believe in free expression. They believe in an abdication of their responsibilities.

They would create an alternative and make a lot of money while losing "Twitter and Google and the like" a lot of money. You're missing the point that a supposed lack of freedom of speech is a big part of the appeal of this ideology. Amplifying that is not a good idea.

Only if you have the most reductive, rudimentary understanding of the concept of "free speech." Which, yes, these Nazi trolls do. Doesn't mean the rest of us have to play on their turf.

A culture of harassment and violence does not, believe it or not, foster "free expression".
Why do people listen to and follow this garbage person? This guy is a disgrace and it saddens me that his voice is heard my millions of young people.


I don't think you should ignore it. You should just frame it with the disdain it deserves. I see people in this thread going down rabbit holes of when who on this channel said this about this before they said this in response to this and it's just silly to me.

Discuss an issue sure, but I'm lucky enough to have not granted internet people dominion over my world.

If you are, in this case, a woman, do you have the luxury of just "ignoring" it? Or, in the case of PDP's previous anti-semetic "jokes" Jewish, ignoring those?

To just brush the widespread hate that's been on the internet since time immemoriam as just another feature, and not see it within the wider context that, yes, includes Donald Trump getting elected, is very short-sighted. These aren't just isolated incidents. It's a widespread trend that's staring us right in the face, and I don't believe that's something we can, or should, just ignore.


What a fucking punchable face.
This sort of behavior, encouraging / threatening / suggesting violence based on physical appearance, is reprehensible and hurts the very side you would seek to defend.

Police beat up black people because of their physical appearance. We shouldn't be like that, no matter how unfair and fucked up the world is.
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