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PewDiePie defends Polish politician who believes women are less intelligent than men

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This sort of behavior, encouraging / threatening / suggesting violence based on physical appearance, is reprehensible and hurts the very side you would seek to defend.

Police beat up black people because of their physical appearance. We shouldn't be like that, no matter how unfair and fucked up the world is.

This is a horrible and reductive false equivalence.

(Not to get too double- and triple- negative here. I get your point, but if we're gonna critique people saying 'punchable face' then we should also critique, well, how we critique!)


Checked twotter, and as usual there is a vocal part of his fanbase defending and spreading praise about this.

How long until he hits a topic that is ultimate damaging to him? Doesn't look like it's in sight, and YouTube will do nothing as he's there biggest cash cow.
Checked twotter, and as usual there is a vocal part of his fanbase defending and spreading praise about this.

How long until he hits a topic that is ultimate damaging to him? Doesn't look like it's in sight, and YouTube will do nothing as he's there biggest cash cow.
The only thing that pisses off his far right and sycophantic fanbase would be supporting pedophilia like Milo.


Checked twotter, and as usual there is a vocal part of his fanbase defending and spreading praise about this.

How long until he hits a topic that is ultimate damaging to him? Doesn't look like it's in sight, and YouTube will do nothing as he's there biggest cash cow.

PewDiePie is not a big money maker for Google, that's a crazy notion. YouTube shut down the show they were directly backing after the WSJ article previously.


This is a horrible and reductive false equivalence.
I'm not saying they're equivalent.

I'm saying that suggesting or threatening violence and stating that it's because of someone's appearance is a very harmful thing.

I then gave an example of something that, I hope, most people can agree is wrong -- mistreating someone based off their experience (he looked like a thug, etc.) Is this the same? Obviously not, and I hope the poster doesn't attack people because he thinks their faces are "punchable".

The point of an extreme example is to drive home how awful people can get when they start dividing people because they're different, ugly, another color, or "punchable". Mocking appearance is something that's used everywhere from bullying to inciting lynch mob style solidarity -- trying to make your target less than human so that your own violence is justified.

If violence is justified because of something else, by all means make that argument. That's my point.


There's a vocal defense force for PDP on GAF.

Being a Nazi is plenty profitable these days.

Milo didn't lose his deals because he was a pedophile. He lost his deals because he was gay and a pedophile - the pernicious stereotype that plays into all of the gay panic that hit all these insecure anime Nazis right where it hurts.

If violence is justified because of something else, by all means make that argument. That's my point.

My point is find a better example. They're not comparable, and trying to force the comparison creates the false equivalence.
He wasn't defending his views, he was defending his ability to voice an opinion on why there is a wage gap, not to agree with it. The fact that people freaked out about this video is ironic, because it's what the news people did to the man, listened to what they wanted to hear, and not considering what exactly what he saying. Merely offering an explanation, not saying they should be paid less.

Saying that this politician didn't argue for why women should have lower salaries is like saying that Trump's speech where he announced his running for president (“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”) was not racist as fuck because of the bolded sentence at the end


Gaming Side defense force here yet to defend their fuckboy and show their true colors (re: asses) again?
This sort of behavior, encouraging / threatening / suggesting violence based on physical appearance, is reprehensible and hurts the very side you would seek to defend.

Police beat up black people because of their physical appearance. We shouldn't be like that, no matter how unfair and fucked up the world is.
You can't be American making such an intensely STUPID oversimplification of white supremacy and institutional racism in the U.S.
Gaming Side defense force here yet to defend their fuckboy and show their true colors (re: asses) again?

Really unsure about Gaming Side's relation to PDP. There was a JonTron defense force but there are also a lot of people who seem to hate PDP from all the articles about how much money he makes and the like. Haven't looked for the mirror topic on this but I wouldn't be surprised if it just didn't exist because no one cared enough about PDP to make one (or it exists and PDP apathy just made it fall down the pages). Despite how I know there would be a contingent ready to agree that women are inferior, there's probably some cross over between that group and people who don't like PDP in general.


It's not even that, it's something more bizarre. It's the "yeah well when he was saying these stupid things and agreeing with these even worse things he actually meant the complete opposite".

yeah it is not sexism or anti-semitsm but free speech ey!

I am baffled people keep defending this and yet this guy is normalizing anti-semitism through youtube, blatant talking that the holocaust did not happen and hitler was a good guy.
yeah it is not sexism or anti-semitsm but free speech ey!

I am baffled people keep defending this and yet this guy is normalizing anti-semitism through youtube, blatant talking that the holocaust did not happen and hitler was a good guy.

I'm convinced that those same defenders have never had to face consequences for anything they've said in their lives. Because it would be even sadder if they had and didn't internalize a single lesson from that.
Donald Trumps wife and mother are immigrants....people's views don't always make sense.

Even some that actually hurt them like the stories of Trump voting immigrant families getting split apart by ICE we've been seeing post-Trump. Too many people are easily lulled by the belief that they personally have an inherent superiority to others. White supremacists and minorities. Anti-gay bigots and LGBTQ+ peoples. And like this topic, Men and women. Doesn't help that years of status quo creates generation upon generation that believes and preaches that things are or should be a certain way and anything different is a "flaw" to be eliminated.


I'm sure we'll get H3h3's video on this new Pewdiepie development, seeing as he gave him the benefit of the doubt last time. Right after that Jon Tron video I'm sure he's making too.

This past year really has shown the ugliness in some Youtubers.
Checked twotter, and as usual there is a vocal part of his fanbase defending and spreading praise about this.

How long until he hits a topic that is ultimate damaging to him? Doesn't look like it's in sight, and YouTube will do nothing as he's there biggest cash cow.

These piles of shit can say just about anything and get away with it, especially if their fanbase is young an/or doesn't give a shit.
This past year really has shown the ugliness in some Youtubers.

I can't remember if it was HBomberguy or KatBlaque or both but one, the other or both mentioned how much of a view/revenue draw MRA, pro-Trump and just generally bigotry supporting content was on YouTube. (Heck, pre-pedophilia Milo and Richard Spencer show it's a draw outside of YT) There are many who now get to profit and/or popularity by airing their violent and harmful resentment of marginalized groups of people. Some have stupidly slipped up and aired their dirty laundry but others are genuinely trying to use their bigotry to their own advantage. It's sick.


I'm sure we'll get H3h3's video on this new Pewdiepie development, seeing as he gave him the benefit of the doubt last time. Right after that Jon Tron video I'm sure he's making too.

This past year really has shown the ugliness in some Youtubers.

H3H3 and countless of other youtubers attacked that journalist from WSJ after he did what journalist do. Bring news to the front with lots of research but also coming with facts. H3H3 went to length to even make a video saying he was doing it wrong and not only that Keemstar and other youtubers like i said attacked the journalist because exposing someone doing anti-semitism to your audience is not fucking normal.

H3H3 had there own 'analysis' and it was nothing since they choose to defend not only Pewdiepie but also another small youtuber who made that anti-semitism video, if i am not wrong.

Anyway seeing how youtubers are attacking journalist and saying 'fake news' is very disturbing, like there the journalists with no experience at all. And people actually believe it makes it even worse.
Isn't the wage gap comparing men and women in the same field?
It's adjusted to a number of factors, and the weight of those factors can be estimated. So when a sexist asshole comes and says "they are choosing low-pay fields, jobs and positions" there are several factors in play that are, you guessed it, external to those women and that influence the jobs they end up in. Think parent and peer pressure, double standards for men and women, work culture that dissuades women (or any non agressive alpha person) from taking executive jobs...
On top of that, depending on whether the ssme field of work is male dominated or femsle dominated, that field is viewed in higher or lower regard and pays accordingly. There was a good example with dentists.

This is before we enter the waters of intersectionality...
So PDP claiming people haven't researched the context behind the wage gap... while demonstrating he hasn't researched the context around Korwin-Mikke.

Or just deliberately ignored it so he could try and excuse the shitty remarks.

Wonder why.
I'm eager to read his excuse that is not an excuse ..
Scheduled for soon on his channel


I'm eager to read his excuse that is not an excuse ..
Scheduled for soon on his channel

I'm guessing he'll say that it's the media that got it wrong, that they quoted him wrong, that the media is bad, etc etc etc. It's just going to be the same song and dance from him every time something like this happens and the impressionable audience that he has will drink it up without a second thought.


Neo Member
“What they did with the gender gap is they took all men, and all women, and did a median on it and said ‘oh okay, women earn this amount less than men in general,'” he said.”What they didn’t take into account was pretty much anything at all, like women working less hours, women choosing less high-paying jobs and so on.”

How many times does this statement have to debunked? A hundred more times? A thousand?


"Wouldn't that be swell? Because the middle is a great place to be"

i don't hate boogie, but i do see him as the face of so many centrists/liberal "allies"/etc. every stance - from a legitimate minority struggle across generations, to an asshole YT dedicated to white privilege on display - is treated equally, and surely the truth lies somewhere between these crazy stances. it's a happy face to the death of context & critical thinking, much less empathy.


So not worth it
I think I hate Boogie almost as much as Pewds because of his intellectually lazy fencesitting bullshit.

Why do people watch him again?

He is a nice guy who maybe we disagree with, but doesn't seem to hold any offensive opinions or viewpoints. That had a pretty damn shitty life that makes him inclined to try and be friendly to everyone and hates conflict.

There is nothing to hate there.
He is a nice guy who maybe we disagree with, but doesn’t seem to hold any offensive opinions or viewpoints. That had a pretty damn shitty life that makes him inclined to try and be friendly to everyone and hates conflict.

There is nothing to hate there.

Boogie just staying in the middle would be bad enough, but he clearly doesn't. He clearly says he does as protection for actually siding with bullshit.


He is a nice guy who maybe we disagree with, but doesn’t seem to hold any offensive opinions or viewpoints. That had a pretty damn shitty life that makes him inclined to try and be friendly to everyone and hates conflict.

There is nothing to hate there.

I think he's a coward.
This sort of behavior, encouraging / threatening / suggesting violence based on physical appearance, is reprehensible and hurts the very side you would seek to defend.

Police beat up black people because of their physical appearance. We shouldn't be like that, no matter how unfair and fucked up the world is.

"Police beat up black people" lmao that's one way to put it


Neo Member
fuck pewdiepie for making me side with peirs morgan...

I thought the nazi thing was an innocent fuck up, now its fairly obvious he's cashing in on the hate online.
This reaction video to a "news" show has so many nasty layers to it...

Also theres a borat impression in the first 3 mins of the video... very comedy, such talent
He is a nice guy who maybe we disagree with, but doesn’t seem to hold any offensive opinions or viewpoints. That had a pretty damn shitty life that makes him inclined to try and be friendly to everyone and hates conflict.

There is nothing to hate there.
I agree with you on boogie not hating anyone and his upbringing has caused his position on taking a side.

What stopped me watching was, something that seems to conveniently Happen with YouTube celebs a lot, is he would take time and effort to make a video to defend someone for saying something horrible but would never actually read or watch what he they said in the first place, not fully at least.

These people can find the time to write an argument to defend alt right picks and film/edit it but not to actually listen to why people have a problem with them in the first place.

It's either dangerously naive or a planned effort to minimise the fallout from getting caught saying shitty things. Now that it's happened multiple times with boogie I stopped watching him because he is either lying about his motivations or he is stupid and doesn't learn.

It's A shame as he was quite the inspiration to me, especially how honest he is about his upbringing and weight struggled.


Piers Morgan seems like a real shitbag.

I don't follow peewds, but Im siding with him here.

Studies shows men have higher IQ than women, nothing controversial here. Science.

Women choose less well payed jobs than men, studies shows this too. In Sweden, where I live, the education is payed by the state (us taxpayers). And to be honest there's no real hindrance for women to seek and study the same thing as men. BUT THEY DON'T!

Is it the womens fault for this? Or who do we blame? Biology? Nurture? Pewdiepie? Capitalism? Socialism? Feminists? Alt-right?

Hopefully with DNA-modifying we can erase all the biologic difference between men and women and become one.


Neo Member
Studies shows men have higher IQ than women

Hey could you cite a source that shows that IQ definitely indicates someones intellegence real quick?
(note: that requires a clear definition of what intellegence is, which doesn't exist)


So not worth it
Piers Morgan seems like a real shitbag.

I don't follow peewds, but Im siding with him here.

Studies shows men have higher IQ than women, nothing controversial here. Science.

Women choose less well payed jobs than men, studies shows this too. In Sweden, where I live, the education is payed by the state (us taxpayers). And to be honest there's no real hindrance for women to seek and study the same thing as men. BUT THEY DON'T!

Is it the womens fault for this? Or who do we blame? Biology? Nurture? Pewdiepie? Capitalism? Socialism? Feminists? Alt-right?

Hopefully with DNA-modifying we can erase all the biologic difference between men and women and become one.

Please explain: https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2016/10/more-highly-educated-young-women-than-men


Donald Trumps wife and mother are immigrants....people's views don't always make sense.
It absolutely does make sense: immigrants arent the problem to these people, it's non-European immigrants that they despise.

Studies shows men have higher IQ than women, nothing controversial here. Science.
Theres something important to note here: male IQ varies far more than female IQ, the bell-curve is much more spread out, so there are more men at the extreme end of the spectrum. Thus the average man and woman don't actually differ from each other significantly in terms of IQ.
American SATs are a good demonstrator of this:

Note that more men do worse than women and more men do better than women, which essentially balances the average.


wasn't too long ago that people linked to h3h3 and he was hailed as a voice of reason. I don't watch youtubers, I don't much care. I just find it mildly amusing that milkshake duck has been in overdrive mode these last few months


Piers Morgan seems like a real shitbag.

I don't follow peewds, but Im siding with him here.

Studies shows men have higher IQ than women, nothing controversial here. Science.

Women choose less well payed jobs than men, studies shows this too. In Sweden, where I live, the education is payed by the state (us taxpayers). And to be honest there's no real hindrance for women to seek and study the same thing as men. BUT THEY DON'T!

Is it the womens fault for this? Or who do we blame? Biology? Nurture? Pewdiepie? Capitalism? Socialism? Feminists? Alt-right?

Hopefully with DNA-modifying we can erase all the biologic difference between men and women and become one.
Is this sarcasm?


Piers Morgan seems like a real shitbag.

I don't follow peewds, but Im siding with him here.

Studies shows men have higher IQ than women, nothing controversial here. Science.

Women choose less well payed jobs than men, studies shows this too. In Sweden, where I live, the education is payed by the state (us taxpayers). And to be honest there's no real hindrance for women to seek and study the same thing as men. BUT THEY DON'T!

Is it the womens fault for this? Or who do we blame? Biology? Nurture? Pewdiepie? Capitalism? Socialism? Feminists? Alt-right?

Hopefully with DNA-modifying we can erase all the biologic difference between men and women and become one.

IQ is only one way to measure the concept of intelligence and it can vary wildly across the world. It can be a somewhat useful barometer of intelligence, but it has its restrictions and limitations. I'm not 100% sure, but I think the Army is one of the only careers that actually states you need to have a minimum IQ. I've seen figures around 80~85, which is then often followed up with things like only around 5% of the average population actually has an IQ lower than that.

In of itself, IQ can be a generally accepted way to try and research humans and their capabilities, but it's often "taboo knowledge" to try and investigate differences in the male/female brain. IQ averages at large, okay, IQ between female and male? Problematic. People think that means you are trying to play a game of "who is better" or create some sort of superiority totem pole. Whereas, many scientists just want to carry out research and see what findings may show for the purpose of scientific inquiry. It's a wiki dump, but you can read some basics on studies/research here ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_differences_in_intelligence The big takeaway as it can be in the fields of science is non-conclusive/up for debate. "Studies show" needs to be said honestly, as whenever there isn't a single conclusion, there are often multiple challenging studies. To just ignore those that do not hold up to your confirmation bias is a slippery slope to go down unless it's genuinely true opposing studies are garbage (such as if someone wanted to say in 2017 some studies show gravity could be false!). If there is an overwhelming scientific fact we tend to say there would need to be astronomical evidence to suggest otherwise. Not just a couple of studies by Z-tier "scientists". Studies between the sexes often have lots of equally insightful studies showing differing conclusions. People truly interested in the scientific method need humility to be challenged and sometimes be proven wrong, not be ignorant/arrogant and consumed in the pursuit of confirmation-bias.

Every complex matter in life can be saddled with many variables across the world, both social and biological. Ultimately, it's what can be done with research that is arguably where things get dicey. Just because something may be, doesn't mean said thing should be politicised and used to discriminate/hold back/oppress. Such as, any research that finds women score higher than men should not be used to say men simply cannot do x/are x. The inverse is true as well. Humanity isn't that simple to get chopped up and put in neat parcels. Any sex has shown they can do most jobs in history interchangeably, even if some jobs do tend to skew one way or the other. Just because biological trends may show men on average end up with more upper body strength than women, doesn't then mean that's a wrap and a woman can never do a job/role that requires great strength. Some women will end up far stronger than your average man. Averages may show men will end up taller than women, but again that doesn't mean there aren't small men or tall women better suited for any jobs/roles where height may be advantageous. Which are probably few and far between, but okay, if you're 4ft 10 that may cause challenges in some very specific roles. The concept of intelligence too often being used to blanket make claims about suitability for certain careers is, therefore, bunk. Averages even if they exist do not mean individuals have to be sacrificed at the altar of the collective. People should always be taken for the individual they are and assigned compatibility with a job/role without an instantaneous bias because they are male or female.

PDP is hardly someone with a genuine scientific background or someone who shows a genuine interest in psychology/scientific studies. He's just latched onto this for the drama and inevitable internet meltdowns to wait a week or two and then go about saying how all the name-calling/threats/calls for his channel and MSM headlines he's getting "prove his point". While it may be true it's incredibly easy to bait the internet into a full-scale meltdown and people losing their marbles, it does very little to prove anything if the way you incite said anger/outrage is understandably loaded/aggressive/bait/dumb/offensive/etc. It's almost like a confirmation-bias study. If I say or do x, y will happen. Well, online, that isn't some grand revelation. If you incite controversy there will be hundreds if not thousands calling you every name under the sun and attacking you. Welcome to 2017 online, your point PDP?

And anyway

Hopefully with DNA-modifying we can erase all the biologic difference between men and women and become one.

That's a concept a million times more shot to hell on the ethics front than anyone saying it's offensive/problematic to research differences in the brain between male/females. That's going down some sort of road around eugenics, and we know from history how that can end. Diversity in humanity should be accepted, understood and even celebrated. The only things ethically I think you will get most signing off on is if science can reach a point where babies in the womb can be helped not be born with crippling physical/mental problems. Even then some would probably still raise ethics questions to tamper with DNA/development. Just not on the scale of your proposed attempts to actually erase biological differences. I might try and chalk that statement up to you being sarcastic/obtuse unless you truly want to reply and say you support attempting to genetically modify humans to be identical...

Most people will probably just quote you and call you dumb/question you with a one liner. There's my genuine attempt to engage with a post that stood out for some questionable reasons.


Piers Morgan seems like a real shitbag.

I don't follow peewds, but Im siding with him here.

Studies shows men have higher IQ than women, nothing controversial here. Science.

Women choose less well payed jobs than men, studies shows this too. In Sweden, where I live, the education is payed by the state (us taxpayers). And to be honest there's no real hindrance for women to seek and study the same thing as men. BUT THEY DON'T!

Is it the womens fault for this? Or who do we blame? Biology? Nurture? Pewdiepie? Capitalism? Socialism? Feminists? Alt-right?

Hopefully with DNA-modifying we can erase all the biologic difference between men and women and become one.




Well, I view the compromise aspect more to do with economic policy than whatever this is suggesting.

What I think would be sustainable for the country where I'm from is let's say a climate in which the most vulnerable are protected by a free to access healthcare system, essential social security welfare (such as unemployment, child/housing, social care and school cost benefits), with well funded public healthcare systems through slightly higher taxation. However, the government makes the private sector attractive enough for the individual, investors and entrepreneurs with competitive corp tax rates and incentives for SME's. Immigration should be controlled and not so hands off, but obviously not closed like countries such as Japan.

Unsustainable socialist welfare driven nanny state vs Underfunded country plagued by austerity. There's a middleground somewhere in there that's more sustainable and less likely to cause either side vote in a new Governement each term and creating turmoil.


Combatting this bullshit as a parent is hard as hell.

My son is 6 and he likes watching Zack Scott's gaming channel (anyone know anything about him, I can't find anything). Thankfully, he hasn't watched PewdiePie yet (somehow).

I just recently had him for the summer and trying to get him separated from the iPad was damn near impossible (had to just take it from him and then deal with the meltdown).


Piers Morgan seems like a real shitbag.

I don't follow peewds, but Im siding with him here.

Studies shows men have higher IQ than women, nothing controversial here. Science.

Women choose less well payed jobs than men, studies shows this too. In Sweden, where I live, the education is payed by the state (us taxpayers). And to be honest there's no real hindrance for women to seek and study the same thing as men. BUT THEY DON'T!

Is it the womens fault for this? Or who do we blame? Biology? Nurture? Pewdiepie? Capitalism? Socialism? Feminists? Alt-right?

Hopefully with DNA-modifying we can erase all the biologic difference between men and women and become one.

I think I've read that most geniuses are men but also are more low IQ people compared to women. Women are concentrated more in the "middle" of the IQ scale while men have their extremes pronounced.

I think it balances out.
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