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Phil Spencer: MS will spend money on marketing and developing Rise of the Tomb Raider


So this is like Titanfall/DR3 deal? they wouldn't exist without MS? if so, better to be exclusive than not having the game at all.

Wasn't this game originally announced at E3? I know it was shown at the MS conference but if it was exclusive then MS would have DEFINITELY said so.

This just screams of a last minute deal and they are trying to spin and save face by making the consumer think it'll only be on Xbox consoles.
Is the assumption that DR3 is never coming to PS4 I kind of get the feeling that might be the case. So yeah, comparing Tomb Raider to Dead Rising is making it seem like Xbox and PC which I guess is what they want. But still just going to cause more questions for them to answer.


Once again, they did not need any help or money for this game to come out. That's actually a fact. Kagari is not a random poster.

If you want to fall for this nonsense, be my guest. But just know that's exactly what Microsoft is hoping for: that gamers are naive enough to believe that garbage

You have a very special talent: making unfunded assumptions sound like if they were real life facts.

I can't say you are wrong, I can't say you are right... I just can't say NO ONE IN HERE ACTUALLY KNOWS the negotiation details.

I rather assume for the positive I hope for those resources being wisely use to make a better Tomb Raider, but hey spitting hate seems to be the popular thing to do around here.


So basically he is saying that Tomb Raider as an IP is not exclusive on Xbox, but Rise of the Tomb Raider is...at least for 2015.


So wait, MS is developing and publishing the game themselves? That's pretty amazing actually.

No, Square Enix is publishing the game, but for the exclusivity window MS will do everything they can to prop the game up as their darling. Probably marketed along side all their major first party titles and first billing on all general XB1 ads as the release nears. That sort of stuff is pretty valuable actually.
You have a very special talent: making unfunded assumptions sound like if they were real life facts.

I can't say you are wrong, I can't say you are right... I just can't say NO ONE IN HERE ACTUALLY KNOWS the negotiation details.

I rather assume for the positive I hope for those resources being wisely use to make a better Tomb Raider, but hey spitting hate seems to be the popular thing to do around here.

Kagari has posted several times in this thread.


of course they aren't just doing for good will lol. no one in this thread said that

yes of course i know that, but lets be honest MS aren't being a white knight here, this game was never in development hell and didn't need saving. it's a moneyhat.. all the negative PR MS and Spencer received over the last few days have gotten them a bit worried so instead of coming clean and just telling everybody what is actually happening he's decided to spread a bit of FUD...


bish gets all the credit :)
soo... fully exclusive on consoles, coming to pc at a later date?
that was Dead Rising, right?

If it was fully console exclusive, they would be shouting it from the rooftops, not waffling around giving half answers.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Didnt Square Enix wish the first one sold more? I could see MS funding some development costs so SE could easier break even and profit in exchange for six months or something.


I really don't like Don Mattrick 2.0.

Yep, that's all this guy is. He's just another talking head who dances around shit with doublespeak and misdirection. I'm tired of this shit. If he wanted to purposely lose another potential customer then being Don Mattrick 2.0 was a great way to do it.


Tomb Raider I can deal with, but if this guy starts buying Call of Duty and battlefield exclusives that just has a game debut on x1 and later on PC... I will probably never purchase another Microsoft product again, no matter how bad I would want the games.. I mean Jesus they just keep smudging their image more and more with gamers when they do this.
Heh, why did you cut my part about MS helping to develop the game?

If anything, that's the far more important point to this than "PR talk".

Dude, of course MS isn't going say "yes, we money batted it"

I'm sure soon enough CD will release a heartfelt statement about how they were on the brink of closing down before Phil Spence himself rode into their offices and proclaimed them saved. If you want to believe that, go right ahead but this couldn't be more clear cut in my eyes


So Spencer is throwing CD and SE under the bus and saying they're in trouble and that CD is incompetent enough that they need MS's help? Hope the cash is worth it. I'm never giving either any of my money ever again since they continue to go along with this shameless obfuscation.


I wonder if they're looking to add some Kinect functionality, and are helping with development in that regard?
I mean, what could Microsoft possibly have to offer Crystal Dynamics in terms of help developing a Tomb Raider game?


I knew GAF is terrible at reading, but this is just beyond ridiculous.

From the SECOND paragraph in the article linked...

When I asked straight up whether Tomb Raider was a timed exclusive or a full exclusive on Xbox One, Spencer said that it “has a duration”. “I didn’t buy the IP, so I don’t own Tomb Raider as a franchise. Our deal obviously has a duration,” he clarified. “If I owned the IP it would be forever, but I don’t own the IP and I don’t own development of Tomb Raider on any other platform. So if you ask me, is Tomb Raider going to ship on another platform, I actually can’t give you an answer because I’m not the developer of the game.

It couldn't be more clear it's a timed exclusive. He says it plain as day that the deal has a duration. There is no way he can make it more clear than that.

If you stop raging and whining you could have caught that easily.


SE did say they were disappointed with first game sales.

At launch. The game exceeded expectations after it released to all the multiplats. Tomb Raider hit Assassin's Creed Brotherhood numbers with the game, it didnt need help from MS, it needed a multiplat sequel it possible hit Assassins Creed 2 numbers. Now the game is relegated to a exclusive and now has no room to grow. Congrats SE, you amazing mother fuckers, lets see how much this helps you.
Should have said this that day. wtf? Could have stopped this outrage and massive hate to some extent.

Why is this of concern as if people still wouldn't be mad. This is ridiculous. NO ONE is going to happy regardless, timed, full exclusive or not. Strictly a multiplatform game became a full exclusive which is a full sequel to a multiplatform game.


Junior Member
Ya'll are crazy if you think Square would cut out a next-gen platform with a 10 million install base.

It'll be on PS4 eventually.

It definitely will. The reason he won't state the duration is so people won't know how long they'll have to wait. Could be 3 months could be 12.
Microsoft seems to want to do absolutely everything possible to obfuscate the issue further to make it seem like it won't come to Playstation. All this does is open then up to more criticism and ridicule because nobody is going to be picking up an Xbox One to play Tomb Raider. The need to know when to stop digging themselves into a deeper hole. They did this with the stupid "power of the cloud" argument and they're doing it with this issue too. Everybody knows its coming to Playstation. Stop pretending it is anything but a timed exclusive. Their engineering decisions might not have helped it but the main reason the Xbox One has been decimated by the PS4 so comprehensively has been one of the worst PR departments we've ever seen.


I knew GAF is terrible at reading, but this is just beyond ridiculous.

From the SECOND paragraph in the article linked...

It couldn't be more clear it's a timed exclusive. He says it plain as day that the deal has a duration. There is no way he can make it more clear than that.

If you stop raging and whining you could have caught that easily.

yes timed exclusive but most definitely never coming to ps4
Kagari already confirmed SquareEnix did not need any money for this game to come out; it was already going to come out before any of this.

This is all just hilarious gravy right now.

Not that I doubt Kagari, just curious. Kagari always seems to know what's up with SE. Why/how?


Guys, if he doesn't say " Don't expect Tomb Raider on other platforms " it means that the game will come on PS4.
He doesn't want you buying a ps4 for Uncharted

"why buy another system when we got the game that started it all right here"

Inject tons of marketing, the guy ain't dumb, he knows people will gobble that pr speak right up.
So, MS is helping to fund the game and Phil doesn't know what SE is going to do with TR after the deal is up, but they are free to put it on other platforms because they don't own the IP. Looks like we'll need SE to tell us what other platforms it will be on, which makes sense because MS doesn't own the IP. Just have to wait for SE to comment on it, and it could be awhile before we get a straight answer.



i'm tired of non-committal answers.


So Spencer is throwing CD and SE under the bus and saying they're in trouble and that CD is incompetent enough that they need MS's help? Hope the cash is worth it. I'm never giving either any of my money ever again since they continue to go along with this shameless obfuscation.

Who knows, maybe SE didn't want to spend for another Tomb Raider game, why else would another company help develop it


Wait what? When Nintendo does this, the game stays on it's platforms and doesn't leave. What exactly is going on here?
Does what? If Nintendo moneyhats a game, it might come out on other platforms later on, if they're funding the development of a 3rd party game (i.e. the game wouldn't exist without their money/co-development), it's not gonna release anywhere else.
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