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Phil Spencer: MS will spend money on marketing and developing Rise of the Tomb Raider


It doesnt sound like its coming out on the PS4.

Maybe that was part of the deal. We give you lots of money and marketing and you can release it on everything except the PS4 after a time.

Robot Pants

I don't give a fu** about this game anymore even if it's just timed and eventually come to PS4.

I won't play any cross-gen title past 2015.

So is a no no, to me
Also this.
There's no way this game is going to be that amazing if it still has to support last gen.
Whole thing seems like a really dumb idea on MS part to me.


So... no definitive edition on PS4?
If we ever get dead rising 3 on ps4, (the comparable exclusive deal he speaks of) Then you could bet it would take about that long. Bah, I can't even, it's not even the game it's the principle and fear that he will just keep doing this with other series we are all use to getting.


a deal is probably in the works. I can see it being xbox console exclusive and PC. Either that of 6-12 months delay for ps4


You're kidding yourself if you think that Phil Spencer doesn't know every detail of their arrangement. He's just trying to shift the blame

I think Phil has made it clear he doesn't want to make a statement about a game SE/CD are making. So why not ask them instead of him?
I knew GAF is terrible at reading, but this is just beyond ridiculous.

From the SECOND paragraph in the article linked...

It couldn't be more clear it's a timed exclusive. He says it plain as day that the deal has a duration. There is no way he can make it more clear than that.

If you stop raging and whining you could have caught that easily.
People caught that, but he also uses examples like DR and RYSE. So PS4, not likely. PC, most likely. That's were the confusion to some begins. Is it console exclusive, or timed?


This is really getting ridiculous and annoying...

And just to be clear I would say the same thing if this was happening on Sony or Nintendo's side...

Prepare yourself. That's how Microsoft is.

Sony will never be on the same league on this type of game.
Does what? If Nintendo moneyhats a game, it might come out on other platforms later on, if they're funding the development of a 3rd party game (i.e. the game wouldn't exist without their money/co-development), it's not gonna release anywhere else.

My point exactly or is that not what Microsoft is doing here. Not the moneyhatting but the helping in the development and publishing as the thread title suggests?


Do you understand what nda's are? Big deals like this are nda'ed to hell...he probably can't say anymore. This is how everything works in business especially around valuable ip

That's complete bullshit and has absolutely nothing to do with what he's doing. The guy's just a scumbag.


You're missing the point, he is giving you examples of similar deals, those games went to PC... Not ps4 (or wii u)

lol LMAO if true why don't they just say its not coming to ps4? Think about it. If they had locked it up don't you think they would want people to know? How does keeping it a secret that its not coming to ps4 make any sense? They are desperate for sales. They would do anything to make sure it benefits them. Keeping it a secret that its not coming to ps4 is so fucking stupid to believe. LMAO


Why ? Do you think SE would that short-sighted ? The TR franchise is closely associated with Playstation and Sony.

This is a timed exclusive hence the emphasis on "holidays 2015" and it will release 6 months later on PS4 and PC.
I closely associated the game with the Saturn before Sony money hatted the franchise.


If it won't be released for PS4, I'll just get a nice used copy of the 360 version. The first one looked gorgeous on PS3, so I'm pretty sure the last-gen version of a cross-gen game won't make my eyes bleed.

But I really don't think that will be necessary.

And I'll only buy the game used, regardless of the platform. I will not honor such a shitty business practice by generating another sale for SquareEnix.


Also this.
There's no way this game is going to be that amazing if it still has to support last gen.
Whole thing seems like a really dumb idea on MS part to me.

I remember playing many amazing games last gen. You're being ridiculous if you think it being cross-gen means the game is going to be a disappointment by some fictitious next-gen standard.


Saint Titanfall
So a PC version is all but assured, it basically comes down to PS4 or not. great... Let the will they won't they commence!...
I wonder if Microsoft is providing engineering input to optimize the game tech for their platform and that is what he means by development effort (i.e., optimizing the engine for their X1 platform), as opposed to Microsoft actively developing the content of the game. That would be a real spinning of the truth.

However, if MS is helping develop the game (outside of just engine optimization for their platform) and also publishing it, then they may have full exclusivity.

That would be my guess.
lol LMAO if true why don't they just say its not coming to ps4? Think about it. If they had locked it up don't you think they would want people to know? How does keeping it a secret that its not coming to ps4 make any sense? They are desperate for sales. They would do anything to make sure it benefits them. Keeping it a secret that its not coming to ps4 is so fucking stupid to believe. LMAO

Exactly, being as vague as possible serves them best. I honestly don't understand how anyone can defend this. It benefits absolutely no one except MS,


Actually, the link makes it clear it could hit PC/360, it does not make it clear if it could hit PS4 that is an assumption. If DR3 is the comparison expecting a similar release would not be a stretch.

Are you kidding? He's already answered in another interview it's coming to Xbox One and 360.

Why would Spencer talk about any other platform? That's not his job. Sony wouldn't do the same in his position.

You guys are too far gone for this. Selective reading and jumping to conclusions is amazing to witness when en masse.


If they are publishing as they did with dead rising then the game likely wouldn't have existed otherwise.

Sounds like their doing everyone a solid. With out a doubt will come to PS4 & PC eventually.

SE did complain a ton about missing sales milestones last year. When 2k did that with BD infinite they shut the team down after selling millions.

Also last time MS and a publisher were obtuse about a release like this TF went exclusive. So maybe they are doing that eventually too.

Bull fucking shit are you going to have me believe that multimillion corporation Square Enix sold multimillions of Tomb Raider to the the tune of around 6+ million are having trouble poneying up money for a sequel.


lol LMAO if true why don't they just say its not coming to ps4? Think about it. If they had locked it up don't you think they would want people to know? How does keeping it a secret that its not coming to ps4 make any sense? They are desperate for sales. They would do anything to make sure it benefits them. Keeping it a secret that its not coming to ps4 is so fucking stupid to believe. LMAO
Because if you were a PC owner, you would just wait for the PC release obviously? Why play it on an Xbox when you can play bit maxed out?


Journalist: "So is the game timed exclusive?"
MS/Spencer: " ftgdgasfrdhfdgdcantcomment fdsfsfdg"
Journalist: "Thanks.....for the ....confirmation. For how long?"
MS/Spencer: "gdhfhdfhgdhdhdsfsgsf"



Nailed it.


So coming to PC later but probably not PS4. Got it. This is some true bullshit.

Sony should secure Silent Hills exclusivity, it'd only be fair.
lol LMAO if true why don't they just say its not coming to ps4? Think about it. If they had locked it up don't you think they would want people to know? How does keeping it a secret that its not coming to ps4 make any sense? They are desperate for sales. They would do anything to make sure it benefits them. Keeping it a secret that its not coming to ps4 is so fucking stupid to believe. LMAO

You're going to hurt yourself "laughing" so much, buddy!

By the way, what are you going to do if a PC version is announced with no PS4 version to be seen?

I don't think I've ever despised someone in this industry as much as I do right now.

Phil Spencer is scum.

Jesus Christ, you guys.
Whenever a message isn't clear, it's because someone is trying to deceive you.

We've done this song & dance with MS for over a year. We know when they're being disingenuous & spinning that PR like 90s rims.


lol LMAO if true why don't they just say its not coming to ps4? Think about it. If they had locked it up don't you think they would want people to know? How does keeping it a secret that its not coming to ps4 make any sense? They are desperate for sales. They would do anything to make sure it benefits them. Keeping it a secret that its not coming to ps4 is so fucking stupid to believe. LMAO

Indeed, but he could also decide to buy full exclusivity like he did on Titanfall, changing the parameters of the agreement. So if he is considering that, it's more understandable why he would wish to be intentionally unclear.


Are you kidding? He's already answered in another interview it's coming to Xbox One and 360.

You guys are too far gone for this. Selective reading and jumping to conclusions is amazing to witness when en masse.

Your not making sense. I just said they made it clear it can come to PC/360, saying it is coming to PS4 though is a guess.
What I want to know is why does MS try to lie to consumers?? I mean I know Sony isnt the greatest or anything but the difference with the way they handle this stuff is ridiculous.

Hell Blade; Sony comes straight out and says "First to Console on PS4" Theres no way that can be confused with full exclusivity or anything.

RoTR; MS comes out and uses completely confusing wording, people assume full exclusive. Okay then. But when asked they muddy it up even further, which makes it obvious that isnt fully exclusive. Okay so we know its most likely timed. Then they say something like this..I dont get it. I mean i understand that theyre behind in sales right now but damn dude, consumers arent that stupid.
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