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Phil Spencer: MS will spend money on marketing and developing Rise of the Tomb Raider


This...no one talks about these deals

And I would say that one is a bigger deal

Pretty sure we actually know that NMS isn't a permanent PS4 exclusive. They made it pretty clear that it was just coming first to PS4 with PC possibly later. It's not the same at all. They never danced around anything.

At this point I think people care less about TR being exclusive and care more about MS/SE/CD just not being clear about it at all.


Spencer has been part of ms since he began working at ms. Dunno why people pretend he is some kind of messianic figure. Whatever helps u sleep at night.

Now if you'll excuse me I am going to go troll brohei broshida on the twitter

everyone is too busy crying over the disappearance of Cerny right now

anyone who worships at the brohei shrine is not welcome


Spencer has been part of ms since he began working at ms. Dunno why people pretend he is some kind of messianic figure. Whatever helps u sleep at night.

Now if you'll excuse me I am going to go troll brohei broshida on the twitter


<looks at the massive lineup of games coming in 2015>
<looks at the amount of time had for playing actual games>

It's almost like people want Phil to say "hey tomb raider is coming exclusively to Xbox next holiday but don't work ps4/PC fans, tomb raider is coming to your platform exactly 6 months later."
When the devs get actual dev kits and whether or not MS decides to enforce their parity clause.

oh come on now, there is no way they cant get dev kits right away if they wanted espeically with they amount of attention the game is getting, + Phil Spencer met them
Then it's more than likely not coming to XBO unless they got rid of their clause and I missed it.

They didn't get rid of the clause but they have made exceptions. Oddworld is indeed coming to Xbox One eventually, and I'm pretty sure Volume will as well. The Witness is another back, Blow has been pretty vocal about his dislike for Microsoft.

El Topo

Pretty sure we actually know that NMS isn't a permanent PS4 exclusive. They made it pretty clear that it was just coming first to PS4 with PC possibly later. It's not the same at all. They never danced around anything.

At this point I think people care less about TR being exclusive and care more about MS/SE/CD just not being clear about it at all.

I haven't really kept up with it, but wasn't there some quote by Spencer where he compares it to DR3 and says the deal has a duration? I vaguely remember reading that in a thread title.

Still not comparable to NMS.


It's almost like people want Phil to say "hey tomb raider is coming exclusively to Xbox next holiday but don't work ps4/PC fans, tomb raider is coming to your platform exactly 6 months later."

They should put it on the box, coming soon to PS4 and PC.


look at this, after they bought permanent Titan fall exclusivity
one of the top xbox guys said the following.
"Sorry, PlayStation 4: Titanfall exclusive to Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC for ‘the life of the title"- Yusef mehdi

So yes, they can say that its not coming to ps4.

Yea, but I stated that he doesn't HAVE to say it. It's his choice.
I don't think I've ever despised someone in this industry as much as I do right now.

Phil Spencer is scum.

My jaw is seriously dropping now.

Just earlier today, tons of posts about Sony being different because they help pay for development and marketing costs and that justify their exclusives, yet no matter what Microsoft does they are either liars, NSA spies or scum.

Stop for a moment and consider the double standard here.


This is off topic do we think we will see any of the other third party exclusives on PS4? Dead Rising, Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Scalebound? Or just PC?

Scalebound is not a third party exclusive. It is a first party game developed by Platinum Games. Don't confuse developers with publishers.


oh come on now, there is no way they cant get dev kits right away if they wanted espeically with they amount of attention the game is getting, + Phil himself have met with them

They're focusing on PS4 first, possible PC version later. They have a roadmap and they're going to stick to it.


It's only that SquareEnix needed exactly zero dollars to make a huge follow up to Rise of Tomb Raider available on multiple platforms. That part is a fact. Microsoft has done nothing altruistic in picking this up.

Again logical fallacy : Not needing help doesn't mean you can't have extra resources...
But OK you KNOW for fact, you probably know even better than Phill Spencer, so why even argue..


It's almost like people want Phil to say "hey tomb raider is coming exclusively to Xbox next holiday but don't work ps4/PC fans, tomb raider is coming to your platform exactly 6 months later."

All the man had to do was say it's debuting on Xbox. This co-publishing non-sense just adds more noise and confuses people.
It's almost like people want Phil to say "hey tomb raider is coming exclusively to Xbox next holiday but don't work ps4/PC fans, tomb raider is coming to your platform exactly 6 months later."
You're right. That's SE's job, only problem is they're not talking since their mouths are stuffed with $100 bills.
It took a couple days to find another way to make it sound like this isn't coming to PS4.

It muddies the issue though and creates doubt. That should be enough to make people not bother waiting and get it on XB1. Until, of course, over the next year someone else spills the beans.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Just earlier today, tons of posts about Sony being different because they help pay for development and marketing costs and that justify their exclusives, yet no matter what Microsoft does they are either liars, NSA spies or scum.

Which thread? And are we talking Bloodborne again?


Wow, just when I thought this was resolved.

If it is true that the TR sequel is console exclusive to XBox1, then I've got to really question what's going on over at SE. If they can make as poor a decision as this with a franchise as big as Tomb Raider, then we should all give up hopes of Final Fantasy XV ever coming to fruition.

Again if this is true, "Please be excited" or not they've definitely shot themselves in the foot with this one.


Dude, it's really crazy how people are acting like he didn't say "duration" in one interview and "like DR3" (which had a duration) in another. Coming to PS4 (which is what I see people argue about) is not his job and saying it's NOT coming to PS4 is also not his job. He doesn't have to mention anything about PS4 lineup if he doesn't want to and people are "upset" about that. It's really baffling.

Can we all get a copy of Spencer's job duty statement that you have when you get the chance? I'd like to know what else he is and is not required to do. Thanks.


No, Square Enix is publishing the game, but for the exclusivity window MS will do everything they can to prop the game up as their darling. Probably marketed along side all their major first party titles and first billing on all general XB1 ads as the release nears. That sort of stuff is pretty valuable actually.

Not just valuable but absolutely required.

Microsoft's allocated marketing expenses will put this agreement much higher than anticipated. The result will drive whether the ROI delivers the desired result (significant directionally upward console movement).

As I stated before this is a highly risky play for Microsoft and a disastrous public relations move for Square.


No need, the devs already said PS4 is the focus, then PC, then they'll see what happens afterwards
So kind of similar as to what Spencer says in this interview “I didn’t buy the IP, so I don’t own Tomb Raider as a franchise. Our deal obviously has a duration". Or are you only happy when Spencer comes to your home holding a cake with the text "sorry I was wrong TR is coming to the PS4 and it runs a dozens times better".

But then again it doesn't surprise me seeing you acting this in a MS thread. Don't you ever get tired of yourself?


Exclusives and timed exclusives have always happened, so I don't really care if Microsoft snapped up Tomb Raider.

However, it seems odd that S-E would take a multiplatform game that sold 6-7M copies and make it exclusive. No way the XB1 userbase will be big enough in Fall 2015 to support anywhere near that many copies. It's not like this is halo or something that will push console sales.
what makes you think scalebound and sunset overdrive will hit pc

Nothing to suggest they will, it just seems like 3rd party devs so far haven't signed anything but timed deals with MS. Even DR3 which MS helped fund (and published?) is coming to PC, after that I would assume every 3rd party developer would get the option for a PC release. Just me assuming.
Again logical fallacy : Not needing help doesn't mean you can't have extra resources...
But OK you KNOW for fact, you probably know even better than Phill Spencer, so why even argue..

What extra resources could have MS provided for CD that SE couldn't give them with their history of producing huge budget games (Final Fantasy)?


My jaw is seriously dropping now.

Just earlier today, tons of posts about Sony being different because they help pay for development and marketing costs and that justify their exclusives, yet no matter what Microsoft does they are either liars, NSA spies or scum.

Stop for a moment and consider the double standard here.

Stop for a moment and consider Microsoft's feelings.
Which thread? And are we talking Bloodborne again?

No just previous Tomb Raider XBox exclusive threads. People said Sony were the good guys because they didnt just pay for exclusivity without doing anything like Microsoft.

Now Microsoft confirms they are doing something, and now that's not a thing anymore. I just don't get that line of thinking.

I mean, either you have to vilify all the exclusives, or have to be open for that its fair of both companies to make use of it.
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