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Phil Spencer: MS will spend money on marketing and developing Rise of the Tomb Raider

This just confuses things. I had zero issue with the idea of Tomb Raider being a console exclusive, but from Phil's previous comments, it seemed he clarified that it was going to be timed. Why compare it Dead Rising 3 then?


So do I. Can't wait for the mushroom cloud.

I think it's safe to say this is already starting to blow up.

I'm really tired of this crap. Every time I'm ready to forgive Microsoft for their initial Xbox One reveal, they go and do something else stupid. I'm so glad I went with the Playstation 4 this time around.


The only reason I can think of that they're being unclear about TR exclusivity is that they're hoping people who are uninformed will run out and buy a XB1. If you believe it's only available on XB1, then you may buy one. Especially with the fall season coming up and the bundles they have, you may think that now is a good time to jump in.

If you know it's eventually coming to PS4 and you can wait, then you would be much less likely to buy one. So there really is no reason at all for them to be vague other than to be deceitful.

If it truly is only coming to XB1, there is no harm that would come from saying that. Then they could say, "The only place to play Rise of the Tomb Raider is on Xbox One." They could do something with that marketing wise.

The game is clearly coming to other platforms, whether that's PS4 or PC, and they don't want to lose any potential XB1 sales by saying so.


how so? MS gets a game exclusive for the Holiday. I don't think they care what people who have no desire to buy their console feel. SE, well they did the deal, so they know what was gonna happen
What? That's all they have been about since Spencer arrived, changing the image, getting people to like them again, this goes against that


Because if you were a PC owner, you would just wait for the PC release obviously? Why play it on an Xbox when you can play bit maxed out?

Makes no sense, I am talking about ps4. Answer this. Why don't they confirm to us without a doubt and with no confusion and absolutely confirm that it will never ever make it to ps4, why are they vague about it?


how so? MS gets a game exclusive for the Holiday. I don't think they care what people who have no desire to buy their console feel. SE, well they did the deal, so they know what was gonna happen
Tomb Raider isn't going to save the XBO. If MS think this is going to push units then they're going to be disappointed.

SE will be missing out on a 35 million or so PS4 unit base....
So coming to PC later but probably not PS4. Got it. This is some true bullshit.

Sony should secure Silent Hills exclusivity, it'd only be fair.

As a sony fan I hope not. I have no problem with a new IP, but securing something that used to be multiplatform and making it exclusive seems wrong.
I hope MS isn't going to start considering Marketing "game development"...

marketing is just as important as the game developed. just like in the movie business if you cant display a clear idea of what your game is, what makes you think the consumer will understand and give a shit


It isn't Phil's responsibility to confirm whether or not the game will come out on platforms MS doesn't own.That's SE's responsibility BUT it may have been part of the contract they signed with MS to keep silent about the development for other platforms until the contract with MS expires.

And of course it wouldn't be in Phil's best interests to tell you if that condition exists or not in the contract.


Sounds like they want to go full exclusive like with TF although unlike TF where development was actually in trouble and uncertainty being that it's a new IP this was always going to come out. I wonder if they can get console exclusivity which is likely what they are aiming for after the shitstorm of the announcement.

People saying this wouldn't have been made without MS like with TF have to realise that first no platforms were announced when this was announced, additionally this was never referred to as an exclusive in an in any manner until 2 months after and SE were happy with sales just before 2013 ended. There was no doubt this was going out for PS4/XB1/PC/PS3/X360.
What I want to know is why does MS try to lie to consumers?? I mean I know Sony isnt the greatest or anything but the difference with the way they handle this stuff is ridiculous.

Hell Blade; Sony comes straight out and says "First to Console on PS4" Theres no way that can be confused with full exclusivity or anything.

RoTR; MS comes out and uses completely confusing wording, people assume full exclusive. Okay then. But when asked they muddy it up even further, which makes it obvious that isnt fully exclusive. Okay so we know its most likely timed. Then they say something like this..I dont get it. I mean i understand that theyre behind in sales right now but damn dude, consumers arent that stupid.

Probably because they paid a shit load of money for this where as Sony didn't pay a dime for ninja theory game. They want people to think it's fully exclusive and I think the comparison to dead rising is supposed to make people think that.


Hahaha. Come on, if it is indeed console exclusive, why would you not outright confirm "this is not ever releasing on PS4." That would let consumers know to buy it on Xbox, or not if they're sour about this arrangement. But anyway, I'm inclined to believe the former would be in Microsoft's favor.


Junior Member
Microsoft seems to want to do absolutely everything possible to obfuscate the issue further to make it seem like it won't come to Playstation. All this does is open then up to more criticism and ridicule because nobody is going to be picking up an Xbox One to play Tomb Raider.
Not for this one game but if this becomes a trend that certain major 3rd party games are 'first' on Xbox might sway some consumers.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Your not making sense. I just said they made it clear it can come to PC/360, saying it is coming to PS4 though is a guess.

His point was that it's not "possibly" coming to 360. It is.


Are you kidding? He's already answered in another interview it's coming to Xbox One and 360.

Why would Spencer talk about any other platform? That's not his job. Sony wouldn't do the same in his position.

You guys are too far gone for this. Selective reading and jumping to conclusions is amazing to witness when en masse.

It isn't Phil's responsibility to confirm whether or not the game will come out on platforms MS doesn't own.That's SE's responsibility BUT it may have been part of the contract they signed with MS to keep silent about the development for other platforms until the contract with MS expires.

And of course it wouldn't be in Phil's best interests to tell you if that condition exists or not in the contract.

Read his interview with CVG. Spencer refuses to say whether this game is even coming out on 360.
I wonder if Microsoft is providing engineering input to optimize the game tech for their platform and that is what he means by development effort (i.e., optimizing the engine for their X1 platform), as opposed to Microsoft actively developing the content of the game. That would be a real spinning of the truth.

However, if MS is helping develop the game (outside of just engine optimization for their platform) and also publishing it, then they may have full exclusivity.

That would be my guess.

Im really confused why anyone would believe it is the later rather than the former.

Crystal dynamics have been making tomb raider games for over 10 years. They also have some of the best engine makers in the whole of the edios part of square. In fact their engine is rumored to be powering the next Deux Ex game.

This is not a group of also-rans than need help getting their game up to scratch.


Journalist: "So is the game timed exclusive?"
MS/Spencer: " ftgdgasfrdhfdgdcantcomment fdsfsfdg"
Journalist: "Thanks.....for the ....confirmation. For how long?"
MS/Spencer: "gdhfhdfhgdhdhdsfsgsf"



Pretty much.


Your not making sense. I just said they made it clear it can come to PC/360, saying it is coming to PS4 though is a guess.


He made it clear that it's up to SE what they do with it after the duration of the deal is complete.

He's not going to comment on a PS4 release. That's not his job. It's not just unreasonable, but borderline stupid to think he would talk about a PS4 release. Would you expect Sony to talk about or even allude to the Destiny DLC they have coming for other platforms? That would be pretty stupid, right?
What? That's all they have been about since Spencer arrived, changing the image, getting people to like them again, this goes against that

I honestly don't think they expected this to blow back so much. I'm glad they were wrong. For every step for award they take, they go ten steps backs
This is what I mean. I think Phil has done a great job so far and the minute he cant give a straight answer he is Don 2.0?

Phil has always been the same guy who signed that NFL deal, it's not like he had a choice on the 180s MS pulled, the "great job" he did was forced on him because the alternative would be the xbone being completely dead in the water, it would have happened even without him, Yusuf could have been the head of xbox and he would have been this hero saviour.

The inability to give a simple, straight answer is exposing the fact that he's not really this "good guy" xbone saviour exec that some are portraying him to be.


When the dust settles and everyone calms down this will be remembered as a nice publicity stunt. It effectively overshadowed everything at gamerscom. PS4 what? Xb1 what? No, no, no did you hear that MS bought Tomb Raider!?


Microsoft on the console reveal transparency: "We needed to commuicate with consumers better"

Enter this entire debaucle

Looks like they didn't actually learn anything.
It took a couple days to find another way to make it sound like this isn't coming to PS4.

It muddies the issue though and creates doubt. That should be enough to make people not bother waiting and get it on XB1. Until, of course, over the next year someone else spills the beans.


Makes no sense, I am talking about ps4. Answer this. Why don't they confirm to us without a doubt and with no confusion and absolutely confirm that it will never ever make it to ps4, why are they vague about it?
You are picking bits and pieces to make your point, I'm looking at the big picture from past experiences.

Let me know when those examples he gives come to ps4, since the deal is so similar


This just confuses things. I had zero issue with the idea of Tomb Raider being a console exclusive, but from Phil's previous comments, it seemed he clarified that it was going to be timed. Why compare it Dead Rising 3 then?

Only thing I take away from that is both Dead Rising and Ryse are going to PC on the whim of Capcom and Crytek(as far as I know, haven't read otherwise but I could be wrong). I simply see it as him saying it's a timed exclusivity and then what happens after that and where the game goes is out of his/their hands. I don't think he's trying to infer it's ONLY going to PC and never PS4. I don't see this game not hitting PS4 after the timed deal is done.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
You're kidding yourself if you think the game wouldn't exist. It was always going to exist.

I'd argue it's SE's strongest property as of late so it wouldn't make sense to remain exclusive on one platform regardless of incentives. Development most likely started prior to completion of Tomb Raider and fast tracked by SE due to its reception right?

Maybe it's a case of sharing development costs and in return Microsoft receives exclusivity for a 6-12 months window. A Definitive Edition to be launched shortly afterwards on PS4 & PC platforms, developed by United Front Games for the likely enhancements?


Makes no sense, I am talking about ps4. Answer this. Why don't they confirm to us without a doubt and with no confusion and absolutely confirm that it will never ever make it to ps4, why are they vague about it?

Ask Sony if No Mans Sky is going to the Bone. See what they say.


The only reason I can think of that they're being unclear about TR exclusivity is that they're hoping people who are uninformed will run out and buy a XB1. If you believe it's only available on XB1, then you may buy one. Especially with the fall season coming up and the bundles they have, you may think that now is a good time to jump in.

If you know it's eventually coming to PS4 and you can wait, then you would be much less likely to buy one. So there really is no reason at all for them to be vague other than to be deceitful.

If it truly is only coming to XB1, there is no harm that would come from saying that. Then they could say, "The only place to play Rise of the Tomb Raider is on Xbox One." They could do something with that marketing wise.

The game is clearly coming to other platforms, whether that's PS4 or PC, and they don't want to lose any potential XB1 sales by saying so.

Of course thats why they're doing it. If they say, hey, its only a 3 month timed exclusive then people will just go 'oh ok, ill wait'.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Well it's not like Microsoft has ever said something would be exclusive for the life of the product.


I'm still not sure why this is so controversial honestly. y'all act like you've never seen a timed exclusive before.


Read his interview with CVG. Spencer refuses to say whether this game is even coming out on 360.

Read the Eurogamer interview...

Phil Spencer said:
"I have Tomb Raider shipping next holiday exclusively on Xbox. It is Xbox 360 and Xbox One. I'm not trying to fake anybody out in terms of where this thing is. What they do with the franchise in the long run is not mine. I don't control it. So all I can talk about is the deal I have. I don't know where else Tomb Raider goes."

Like I said, stop thinking how else you can whine about this and don't just take DramaGAF's word for it (anyone who's been here longer than a few weeks could give you that advice).


MS would never agree to helping develop a game that would eventually release on PS. So its probably not coming to PS. Expect PC and 360 release probably a year after XO release. And if they are also publishing..than damn SE is gonna get some hate for this lol.


This gave me a chuckle.
This is a deal that has evidently been percolating ever since the Tomb Raider reboot was first revealed, in Microsoft’s conference at E3. Spencer believes that in the long-term, partnerships like this are good for franchises - even in the face of the immediate backlash from disappointed fans who own the wrong console.
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