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Phil Spencer: MS will spend money on marketing and developing Rise of the Tomb Raider


I just want to know if it's coming to PS4 or not. Is that really so much to ask? If not I'll be really pissed at Microsoft. Ugh.





King Phil took this seriously.

hahaha. he looks so derpy


Ask Sony what kind of deal they have for No Mans Sky. They will do just the same.

Sony at least had no problems letting Sean Murray tell us a PC version of NMS was definitely coming soon after the PS4 one though. Not saying the deal is any better but at least there's no attempts to bullshit or confuse us there.


This...no one talks about these deals

And I would say that one is a bigger deal

From my understanding the team at No Man's Sky had a flood and lost a lot of their equipment including PCs and hard drives. Sony stepped in, bought them equipment, and helped with some development. Now, instead of coming to PC/PS4 it's coming to PS4 then PC.

I could be misinformed though.

Edit: Regardless it's not close to comparable when SE "didn't need help" to make this.

Edit 2: So it still seems to be coming to PC and PS4 at the same time, if that's true then you can't bring up NMS.
Phil has always been the same guy who signed that NFL deal, it's not like he had a choice on the 180s MS pulled, the "great job" he did was forced on him because the alternative would be the xbone being completely dead in the water.

The inability to give a simple, straight answer is exposing the fact that he's not really this "good guy" xbone saviour exec that some are portraying him to be.

I doubt phil was the person who sighed that deal, seeing how the deal is company wide and not only Xbox.
I just want to know if it's coming to PS4 or not. If not Is that really do much to ask? If not I'll be really pissed at Microsoft. Ugh.

you are not going to get any sort of answer till the game is closer to release. there is a ton of things outside game developemtn that change before a game is ready for release


Spencer is just as bad as Mattrick. The entire management of the Xbox division at MS had no problem lying through their teeth about anything.


Once again, Kagari already confirmed Square did not need any help or money for this game to come out.

There's no need for suspense. It's a trick to try to make people think they're doing something altruistic. They're not.

You know, Kagari and you are going to be ignored. It looks like they're trying to reinburse SE for dev costs and pay for possible console exclusivity.


I honestly don't think they expected this to blow back so much. I'm glad they were wrong. For every step for award they take, they go ten steps backs
I agree with the point of them not expecting this, but then again, how do you not expect it. Spencers whole thing is "he is one of us, he is a gamer" he didn't see the PR nightmare this would create, over Tomb Raider no less, a game that does not push consoles, if you're going to take that giant risk, do it with a game that matters
No, Square Enix is publishing the game, but for the exclusivity window MS will do everything they can to prop the game up as their darling. Probably marketed along side all their major first party titles and first billing on all general XB1 ads as the release nears. That sort of stuff is pretty valuable actually.
Ah I see, thanks. I thought this was another Bloodborne type deal but evidently it's not.
That's an ambiguous answer, brought about by a deal that makes it ambiguous whether it is going to a certain platform. Its how these things have always been.

Um, no? It's an answer given by the devs. You realize they're a very small team, right? Xbox is probably in the cards, just a while later


Tomb Raider 2 was cancelled on the Saturn before Sony got that exclusivity deal.
Really? Then why did Sony moneyhat it? It still came out on PC the same time. You're saying Sony just gave square money for no reason? That's really strange.


You have a very special talent: making unfunded assumptions sound like if they were real life facts.

I can't say you are wrong, I can't say you are right... I just can't say NO ONE IN HERE ACTUALLY KNOWS the negotiation details.

I rather assume for the positive I hope for those resources being wisely use to make a better Tomb Raider, but hey spitting hate seems to be the popular thing to do around here.

Except Kagari is here, and that's what I referenced. Again, if you want to believe this nonsense be my guest. Problem is, we're on GAF - and we have plenty of people who do know, if you know which posters to read. Seems you simply need to be less naive if you believe the game didn't have a chance of coming out before, or that it wasn't going to be yet another hugely budgeted checklist AAA game.

By the way, my comment had nothing to do with the possibility of them possibly pumping more money into the franchise. Microsoft could do that. It's only that SquareEnix needed exactly zero dollars to make a huge follow up to Rise of Tomb Raider available on multiple platforms. That part is a fact. Microsoft has done nothing altruistic in picking this up.


That's an ambiguous answer, brought about by a deal that makes it ambiguous whether it is going to a certain platform. Its how these things have always been.

Whether it goes on the Xbone depends on MS' shitty parity clause. They won't know until they get dev kits.


Well it's not like Microsoft has ever said something would be exclusive for the life of the product.


I'm still not sure why this is so controversial honestly. y'all act like you've never seen a timed exclusive before.

Dude, it's really crazy how people are acting like he didn't say "duration" in one interview and "like DR3" (which had a duration) in another. Coming to PS4 (which is what I see people argue about) is not his job and saying it's NOT coming to PS4 is also not his job. He doesn't have to mention anything about PS4 lineup if he doesn't want to and people are "upset" about that. It's really baffling.
I think this game will be like a Resident Evil 4 situation. Xbox One = Gamecube, PS2 = PS4.

PS2/PS4 sales were too large to ignore, but the original release (GCN/X1) will have stronger sales simply due to having the title first.


So he can't even get his message straight in all his interviews. Great.

Or the journalist edited bits out.

Still on you for not taking 5 seconds to do a search and learn what's going on.

Yea but is he talking about this specific game or the franchise itself?

Let's use some logic here, if the deal has a duration, and he already stated he didn't buy the franchise, and he said it's up to SE what they do after the duration of the deal has expired, then where does that leave us?

It's a timed exclusive.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Because they're gagged with MS' lawyers down their throats?
Has this been posted?http://forums.eidosgames.com/showpost.php?p=2032033&postcount=1089
Driber said:
I've got some official info that I just received from the folks at CD to share with you guys:

1. What do you mean by exclusive to Xbox? Is it a temporary/timed exclusive that has the possibility of a later release to other platforms like PlayStation or PC? Is it coming to Xbox 360 and Xbox One?
Crystal Dynamics is focusing on Xbox for holiday 2015. Other platforms may follow, but for now we are focusing on delivering a great game for Xbox One and Xbox 360.

Why did you decide to make Rise of the Tomb Raider Xbox exclusive? Why Xbox?
We unfortunately cannot share all the details surrounding the decision but please refer to Darrell Gallagher’s note for what we can say at this point.

Honey Bunny

I believe this too.

I do find it strange there is so much uproar on this whatever the terms end up being.

If you are ps4 only wouldn't you be picking up UC4 anyways next fall?

Many Playstation owners' patronage of the Tomb Raider series stretches much further back than the Uncharted series. You can't just replace it.
Because if you were a PC owner, you would just wait for the PC release obviously? Why play it on an Xbox when you can play bit maxed out?

By saying the deal is similar to DR3 and Ryse he already confirmed a PC version. So now we know it is timed exclusive that is coming to PC. If it was never coming to PS4 it does him no good to keep it a secret.
Could this be possible?

I mean, MS did speak about Titanfall in a bit of a similar fashion too -- only for them to give money later on so that the game will never release on PS4.

I think this as well. But I honestly don't think square will bite. Best case scenario is a 12 month exclusive on consoles, 6 months on PC.

The game is coming to PS4 in some form. The question is when.


As people say this really might end up hurting more then it helps.

Sure SE/CD got some money out of this but what happens when TR sells maybe average to above average on X1. If it stays exclusive to X1 and the next TR comes out in say 2017, why would PS/PC users want anything to do with it?

MS isn't coming across to PC or PS players very well in this whole thing. Why the hell would I buy your console? Just so I can give you more reason to throw money at previous multi-plat games?


Similar to Dead Rising answers it. They obviously won't be VERY clear about the exclusivity because they want to sell as much as they can. But we'll hear more after release.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Wow. Finally Spencer is become part of MS. It begins.
Spencer has been part of ms since he began working at ms. Dunno why people pretend he is some kind of messianic figure. Whatever helps u sleep at night.

Now if you'll excuse me I am going to go troll brohei broshida on the twitter
The thing a lot of people don't realize with indie devs is that Sony has fostered such a good relationship with them the last few years that they haven't needed to buy exclusivity.

You can look at comments made by Mike Bithell (Volume), Jonathan Blow (The Witness), or Lorne Lanning (Oddworld). There's a reason that none of these games had (or will have) an XB1 version at launch, and that's simply that Sony's platform made more sense to develop for at first, and that is where they put their focus.


Dude, it's really crazy how people are acting like he didn't say "duration" in one interview and "like DR3" (which had a duration) in another. Coming to PS4 (which is what I see people argue about) is not his job and saying it's NOT coming to PS4 is also not his job. He doesn't have to mention anything about PS4 lineup if he doesn't want to and people are "upset" about that. It's really baffling.
look at this, after they bought permanent Titan fall exclusivity
one of the top xbox guys said the following.
"Sorry, PlayStation 4: Titanfall exclusive to Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC for ‘the life of the title"- Yusef mehdi

So yes, they can say that its not coming to ps4.


It is a long ways off. So by the time it comes out, there'll be a lot more games released, plus there is more game reveals at the Game Conferences between now and then. Therefore, it will need to be special or it will probably become lost in the myriad of other games.

I think it probably wasn't worth it to have Microsoft exclusivity, and I don't know if price they paid was worth it to Square Enix to release it on one platform, especially seeing as the last Tomb Raider sold twice as much on PS4.


Spencer has been part of ms since he began working at ms. Dunno why people pretend he is some kind of messianic figure. Whatever helps u sleep at night.

Now if you'll excuse me I am going to go troll brohei broshida on the twitter



You can look at comments made by Mike Bithell (Volume), Jonathan Blow (The Witness), or Lorne Lanning (Oddworld). There's a reason that none of these games had (or will have) an XB1 version at launch,

Then it's more than likely not coming to XBO unless they got rid of their clause and I missed it.
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