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Phil Spencer: Scorpio will have a console price point, not compete with high-end rigs


They talked about Xbone 1.5 way too early, Im already bored of hearing about it.

I agree. Companies usually reveal their next gen console ~1 year in advance, so it was strange that they did the same for an iterative console. This is why I suspect MS will ultimately just make the Scorpio their next-gen console and stop supporting the Xbox One.


6TF at the end of next year is pretty much the equivalent to PS4 Pro's 4.2TF this year, so I think it'll be a similar price.

The chips will still be on 16/14nm so there shouldn't be that big of a jump in power across the board to where 6TF in 2017 will be = to 4.2TF in 2016


Balance is probably the scariest thing I've heard them say about Scorpio. Wasn't "Balance" one of these buzzword terms the early Xbone propaganda used to offset PS4's power gap?


I think it's going to be $449 tops, and likely $399. I think it's realistic with one more year for technology to mature. Everything in it will be mature tech by that time.


I think it's going to be $449 tops, and likely $399. I think it's realistic with one more year for technology to mature. Everything in it will be mature tech by that time.

Yeap. Basically it's coming a year after PS4 Pro so 6 teraflops and still a fairly weak CPU (since custom Zen won't be available) should be doable at these prices same way as Pro was doable at $399 in 2016.


Well what a dumb statement.
High end rigs cost thousands, it'd be suicide to release it at over $500


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Looking more and more likely that this won't have much of a CPU upgrade, what with AMD not taking custom contracts for their new chips yet, and the language quickly becoming concerned with balance.

I really don't understand why people are still saying this?

Not trying to single you out, I see it from multiple people, but why would AMD publicly announced they are making custom chips?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be in Microsoft's best interest if they didn't talk about the CPU until they were ready? Why would they just let AMD spill the beans?
By the time the Scorpio comes out, a lot of the tech will be very dated. It probably already is. This will make for a much cheaper price, and these companies by hardware in bulk. THAT BEING SAID...I do think MS will take a bit of a loss at first on Scorpio.


I really don't understand why people are still saying this?

Not trying to single you out, I see it from multiple people, but why would AMD publicly announced they are making custom chips?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be in Microsoft's best interest if they didn't talk about the CPU until they were ready? Why would they just let AMD spill the beans?

Well the info we have comes from presentations done by AMD to shareholders detailing their roadmap. They would NOT lie on that type of thing. If AMD's CEO says that custom SoCs based on Zen are coming in 2018, then there is absolutely zero reason to believe anything else.

To suggest that MS have covered it all up and paid off AMD's CEO and management to lie about Zen's roadmap for the future just because they want to surprise everyone at E3 is utterly laughable.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Well the info we have comes from presentations done by AMD to shareholders detailing their roadmap. They would NOT lie on that type of thing. If AMD's CEO says that custom SoCs based on Zen are coming in 2018, then there is absolutely zero reason to believe anything else.

To suggest that MS have covered it all up and paid off AMD's CEO and management to lie about Zen's roadmap for the future just because they want to surprise everyone at E3 is utterly laughable.

Fair enough. I guess my next question would be when was the last time AMD talked about that roadmap?

Isn't it possible that has been updated/changed?
6 teraflops in 2016 would be impressive, 6 teraflops in 2017 is less impressive similar with the ps4 pro's 4.2 teraflops in 2016


You might, but almost no-one else would.
The hardware inside really doesn't command a 500 dollar pricepoint when it's launching in the end of 2017.

They'll absolutely be aiming for 399.

What if it's more than 6tf though? Wouldn't that warrant a higher price tag?

By the time the Scorpio comes out, a lot of the tech will be very dated. It probably already is. This will make for a much cheaper price, and these companies by hardware in bulk. THAT BEING SAID...I do think MS will take a bit of a loss at first on Scorpio.

I actually think the opposite.

They will market it like they did the elite controller and the short lived Elite bundle.


Fair enough. I guess my next question would be when was the last time AMD talked about that roadmap?

Isn't it possible that has been updated/changed?

Pretty sure this was mid August 2016. So it's unlikely to have changed that much. They unveiled lots of details at the Hot Chips 28 conference thing. Basically desktop class Zen is coming end of this year / Q1/Q2 2017. Then they said that they were doing "mobility sector" (so laptops) later in 2017. AMD's CEO went on to say that they were working with Sony and Microsoft on semi custom versions for the Zen chips which would be ready for use "sometime in 2018".

This means it's likely they will be in PS5 / its Xbox equivalent, but Scorpio is HIGHLY unlikely.


There is a recent study showing that the xbox one s bill of materials is around 320 usd. If in one year it's costs is around 10% cheaper to produce and, let's say, the scorpio cpu+gpu combo costs twice than xbox one has, it will cost around 200 usd alone. So it brings the scorpio production costs to somewhat around 400 usd. So my price bet is 449.


What if they offered a bundle with no controller only on online stores ( amazon / MSstore etc) for $350?
I have an elite controller, no need for another controller
They talked about Xbone 1.5 way too early, Im already bored of hearing about it.

It was either announce it when they did or give off the impression that Sony was running laps around them with no plan to followup. Also, announcing Scorpio after Pro would have made them look even more reactionary than they already were.


$399 is my guess but seeing as though Sony are selling the Slim at the moment with a copy of UC4 for $249 there is every chance it will be competing with a $199 PS4.


Can't be highter that's $399 in my opinion, even if it's a generational leap. Don't think MS have room to eff up pricing twice in a row, they need to nail the Scropio pricing at launch.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
So, 599? xD

JK, 499

I doubt they would have included Zen even if it had been available, as it would have bumped the price up too much as it was for such a new architecture


Fair enough. I guess my next question would be when was the last time AMD talked about that roadmap?

Isn't it possible that has been updated/changed?

A week ago
So, AMD CEO Lisa Su confirmed / re-confirmed that semi-custom IP with Zen would be for the 2018-2019 time frame.

From Credit Suisse 20th Annual Technology, Media & Telecom Conference on Wednesday.
Webcast: https://cc.talkpoint.com/cred001/112816a_as/?entity=54_FBH3EQX

That part is around 17:40 ~ 17:55 into the audio.

The exact quote
Lisa Su said:
I talked about our Zen roadmap for our products, in terms of desktops, servers and notebooks, but one should expect Zen in our semi-custom roadmap as well as we look beyond 2017 into the 18/19 timeframe, and so we really do view this as developing foundational IP that can go into a number of different markets and we have good prospects in those areas.

Phat 2000 Dola

Neo Member
How about this Mr P3,

Scorpio will be have a Build to Order (BTO) option along side a stock standard SKU. So people will have the choice to pickup your standard black 500GB SSD Scorpio, OR, BTO through a retailer exactly like Apple do. The choices on BTO, will be what colour you want the console, and what HDD size you want. My bet is they go SSD for Scorpio, with 500GB, 1TB & 2TB options. Console is prepared and shipped direct to customer (free shipping like apple do). We all know the Scorpio wont offer mechanical HDD's right?


Can't be highter that's $399 in my opinion, even if it's a generational leap. Don't think MS have room to eff up pricing twice in a row, they need to nail the Scropio pricing at launch.
You are right they can't mess up the price but they will. I still don't see with all of what they have said it being any less than 499.
I'm so over this conversation, pleases have an event already and show the price. We can talk about what really matters the games. Like where the fuck is Scalebound!? You showed it off like twice and both times it was underwhelming. Hopefully it's 60 frames on Scorpio.

This. Actions speak louder than words.

Give people what they want!

It had a $499 option at launch tho.

I predict 1TB $399, 2TB $499

But most of them will always choose the higher priced model, especially for more space.


I really don't understand why people are still saying this?

Not trying to single you out, I see it from multiple people, but why would AMD publicly announced they are making custom chips?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't it be in Microsoft's best interest if they didn't talk about the CPU until they were ready? Why would they just let AMD spill the beans?

I'm trying to remember the last time a company went on stage and talked about cpu or gpu market names. Did Sony go on stage and say "here's the PS4 Pro, it has a Jaguar processor" it means exactly shit to the average consumer.
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