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Phil Spencer: You can share your Xbox One games with any 10 people

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I believe the Xbone will do well in America, and crash and burn everywhere else. But then again, I believe the average American is an uneducated moron, too.

Wow, I cant believe that people post garbage like this.

Well I completely expect them to kill this feature quietly after few years similar to what they did on the X360.

What are you talking about? I can still share any digtal download on my 360 with one other person. That has never changed since the day the console came out.
Possibly. If the family plan is good and they make the kinect non-mandatory two of my bigger concerns will be dealt with. But lets not count our chickens before they hatch.

They'll never make it non mandatory. It's a core part of their strategy and they've said it a million times. It's.just.not.happening.


All Microsoft needed to do with Xbox One is something simple like

If you haven't been online for 24 hours, you need to insert the media to play games which were installed from physical media.

I mean how difficult is that?

Select game from Library
If game downloaded from marketplace then play game else
If Xbox online play game else
If Xbox last online time < 24 hours then play game else
Xbox prompt "please insert physical disc"

This removes the need for the online check at the cost of requiring the physical media to be in the drive, which in turn removes the need for the check in to avoid people trading in the game and leaving the console offline to keep playing it. If, and it's big if, you're allowed to share entire games with 'family' members online, your shared games are no longer available if you miss the check in. That's relatively simple, and painless and while no doubt some people would complain, the benefit of keeping the console online means you get to launch games without flaffing about for the disc.

Game trades could easily be handled via a check in system with Kinect and Xbox.com. You buy a game, install it on your system and scan the barcode with Kinect. You decide to trade it in, you select a trade in option from the library, scan the barcode from the physical media and a code is generated. You give the code to the person you are trading the game with and they check the status of the disc on xbox.com, you can then sell, give or post them the disc. If you try to rescan the disc back on your system they get an email and ultimately if they have the barcode it doesn't really matter.


I wonder if Sony can say...

Allow you to share any digital version of the games you buy, and yet still allow the physical game discs.

The drawback of course is that you will never be allowed to install them.

You would somehow need a system in which the OS knows what is a straight up digital version, and which is a disc digital version.

I guess that's why MS said fuck it, lets just go all digital. Heck they could have but games are just so huge it would take forever to download them. I remember one of the arguments about not having a blu ray drive on XBOX 360 was that the next Xbox would be all digital.
Well it sort of is...

It wouldn't be that difficult. Just reauthenticate with the disc periodically to renew your digital license.


It wouldn't be that difficult. Just reauthenticate with the disc periodically to renew your digital license.
Right, but I meant with installs. No disc after installing it.

I mean yeah, it will work if you keep the disc in the drive.

Aboslutely. Since day 1 MS has always said that digital purchases are tied to both the profile that downloaded them and the console they are downloaded on. Just like how the PS3 allows you to share games with one other profile, on the 360 if I log into my wifes 360 I can download a game and then she can play it on her console and then I can redownload it again on my console. MS does not place any restrictions on the games at all, on the PS3 you can only share select games. MS has also said that on the XB1 games would still be tied to both profiles and consoles, so it seems all they are changing is that rather then only being able to share games with the console they are first downloaded on you can now share them with one other person at a time that is on your share list.

Real talk, I see why them doing this 10 people thing sounds insane, but has real weight behind it. Very slow burn but it's one that probably won't stop burnin'.

That gif is amazing :)
How is this different then sharing your games physically?

It's easier, and can be done quickly without even having to meet the person to swap. Most used games don't even get traded and retraded that often. This gives 10 people instantaneous access to a game even if those people live thousands of miles away. It's easy to exploit and more convenient to exploit. And in the end it still doesn't support the used game market which has been proven to help new game sales by virtue of people earning money back to put towards new games.


Aboslutely. Since day 1 MS has always said that digital purchases are tied to both the profile that downloaded them and the console they are downloaded on. Just like how the PS3 allows you to share games with one other profile, on the 360 if I log into my wifes 360 I can download a game and then she can play it on her console and then I can redownload it again on my console. MS does not place any restrictions on the games at all, on the PS3 you can only share select games. MS has also said that on the XB1 games would still be tied to both profiles and consoles, so it seems all they are changing is that rather then only being able to share games with the console they are first downloaded on you can now share them with one other person at a time that is on your share list.

I didn't think they were tied to consoles in Xbox1. I thought it was all profile. Well maybe the main profile is tied to the console.
If MSFT allows two players to play off "one game license" per say at a time, that is actually pretty impressive value. If they actually figure out how to market again (like they did with Kinect), this thing may do awesome in the States, especially if a subsidized box ever appears down the road.

Shit, Steam needs to allow this, even if its just multiplayer "invite your friend to play!"
Can I live in the world where you and your brother living in another country can play a game off one disc at the same time?

I didn't imagine people were just excited because it was the same as lending, I figured people were excited because 10 people could split the cost of their gaming library. I don't know why it's any kind of great XBO benefit, "people need to know about this," if it's just digital lending.
I didn't think they were tied to consoles in Xbox1. I thought it was all profile. Well maybe the main profile is tied to the console.

Phil Harrison has said that they will continue to be tied to both:

"Phil Harrison has stated that game discs could be installed and played on more than one console. Xbox One games are tied to both Xbox One consoles and Xbox Live accounts. An unlock fee will be charged to play a registered game under a different Live account on a different Xbox One console."
It wouldn't be that difficult. Just reauthenticate with the disc periodically to renew your digital license.

that breaks all of the game sharing and cloud library stuff so they removed the ability to do this. Discs don't have licenses on them anymore, as I've been saying all along


Aboslutely. Since day 1 MS has always said that digital purchases are tied to both the profile that downloaded them and the console they are downloaded on. Just like how the PS3 allows you to share games with one other profile, on the 360 if I log into my wifes 360 I can download a game and then she can play it on her console and then I can redownload it again on my console. MS does not place any restrictions on the games at all, on the PS3 you can only share select games. MS has also said that on the XB1 games would still be tied to both profiles and consoles, so it seems all they are changing is that rather then only being able to share games with the console they are first downloaded on you can now share them with one other person at a time that is on your share list.

We're only talking digital games in current gen, right? Cause that's not true.

On the PS3, any digital content you own can be downloaded to another console. On that other console, any account from any region can use that content as if it's there own.

that breaks all of the game sharing and cloud library stuff so they removed the ability to do this. Discs don't have licenses on them anymore, as I've been saying all along

That is a hypothetical system that Sony could implement for physical games.
How is this different then sharing your games physically?
Posted earlier:

Physical lending status quo:
  • Share with as many people as you like
  • Share as many games from your library as you like concurrently
  • Two people can't play the same game concurrently
  • Doesn't require an internet connection, except for online components of games
  • Doesn't require significant bandwidth
  • Harder to and costs lend to people far away, need to physically meet to lend


  • Share with up to 10 people
  • Share one game concurrently; the rest of your library cannot be shared with others while that game is being shared
  • Not confirmed yet whether or not two people can play the same game concurrently
  • Requires online for single or multiplayer, both for downloading and for authentication
  • Will probably require significant bandwidth, depending upon the game (BluRays can hold 50GB of data)
  • Easier to lend to people far away, no need for physical interaction


It's easier, and can be done quickly without even having to meet the person to swap. Most used games don't even get traded and retraded that often. This gives 10 people instantaneous access to a game even if those people live thousands of miles away. It's easy to exploit and more convenient to exploit. And in the end it still doesn't support the used game market which has been proven to help new game sales by virtue of people earning money back to put towards new games.
I don't think madden or certain high profile games will have to worry about not being bought after the initial borrowing phase. I mean sharing and borrowing could easily be exploited, but borrowers will want their own copies without waiting.
We're only talking digital games in current gen, right? Cause that's not true.

On the PS3, any digital content you own can be downloaded to another console. On that other console, any account from any region can use that content as if it's there own.

Is that true about PS3 sharing? I remember when Warhawk came out I downloaded it but my friend who I shared games with couldnt play it. I thought that Sony blocked some digital retail games?
Q. Can multiple people play the same game from the shared library at the same fucking time?
A. Yes they can. Licence owner and ONE other guy. TWO guys at the same time.

Q. Really, at the same time, including downloadable content and multiplayer? Halo5?
A. Really, really.

Q. So two guys playing the same game at the same time is great, but how about 9 other "family members"?
A. If nobody is playing any of these "family members" can play a game

Q. Let's see. Me and my friend Bob playing Halo 5 from my shared library. Can my friend Jim play any other game from my shared library at the same time while me and Bob playing Halo 5?
A. No, he can not.

Q. Who are these "family members" anyway?
A. Complete strangers who happened to be 30+ days in each other friend's list

Q. So can I make my friend Bob a "family member"?
A. Yes you can. Even your friend Jim. Up to 10.

Q. I'm not a friend with Bob anymore. Hate the motherfacker. Can I un-share fucking game?
A. Yes you can. And you can add new "family member" no charge.

Q. Is Xbox Live Gold required for sharing?
A. Yes it is.

Q. So MS decided to enforce draconian DRM because they hate us, true GAMERS?
A. Yep.
Just kidding. No they did not. The very first decision they made was: "every single game should be downloadable day one and playable from the hard drive without disk in the tray". The future is digital. Everything else - bunch of compromises between publishers, developers, retailers and yes consumers. They implemented flexible framework which will allow scenarios no other digital store has ever dreamed of. Including but not limited to:
- buying,
- sharing,
- gifting,
- giving up license,
- selling digitally (not at lunch),
- renting (not at lunch),
- trading in
- and of course destroying fucking game.

Q. How about Kinect? Will it watch me? Will it report everything to PRISM? Can I turn it completely off.
A. Kinect 2.0 is really (I mean really) good and it will cost you additional 100 bucks at lunch. No. No. Only when you turn xbox off.

Q. Is "power of cloud" a PR bullshit? I know for a fact MS needs 300K servers for DRM and reporting to PRISM.
A. No it's not a PR bullshit. You will see benefits in the launch games. For example dedicated servers for every multiplayer game and enhanced AI. Things to come - worlds without boundaries, very complex lighting, etc.

Q. So with a power of cloud XBOX ONE is more powerful than PS4?
A. Nope. About the same for all means and purposes.

Q. Sounds good but why they did not communicate it properly?
A. They tried and failed. Until people actually try and see all benefits.

Q. I don't care. I'm a lonely guy without internet connection, family, friends, girlfriend and even fucking dog. I also hate M$ in general and xbone particularly.
A. Good. Go buy PS4. Hate is overrated and PS4 is a good console.

Maximus is the name of the character in GLADIATOR. Maybe this guy is a Crytek dev working on RYSE?

That's all I got...
Posted earlier:

Physical lending status quo:
  • Share with as many people as you like
  • Share as many games from your library as you like concurrently
  • Two people can't play the same game concurrently
  • Doesn't require an internet connection, except for online components of games
  • Doesn't require significant bandwidth
  • Harder to and costs lend to people far away, need to physically meet to lend


  • Share with up to 10 people
  • Share one game concurrently; the rest of your library cannot be shared with others while that game is being shared
  • Not confirmed yet whether or not two people can play the same game concurrently
  • Requires online for single or multiplayer, both for downloading and for authentication
  • Will probably require significant bandwidth, depending upon the game (BluRays can hold 50GB of data)
  • Easier to lend to people far away, no need for physical interaction

it doesn't require significant bandwidth if you get the game via physical disc instead which is always an option


Posted earlier:

Physical lending status quo:
  • Share with as many people as you like
  • Share as many games from your library as you like concurrently
  • Two people can't play the same game concurrently
  • Doesn't require an internet connection, except for online components of games
  • Doesn't require significant bandwidth
  • Harder to and costs lend to people far away, need to physically meet to lend


  • Share with up to 10 people
  • Share one game concurrently; the rest of your library cannot be shared with others while that game is being shared
  • Not confirmed yet whether or not two people can play the same game concurrently
  • Requires online for single or multiplayer, both for downloading and for authentication
  • Will probably require significant bandwidth, depending upon the game (BluRays can hold 50GB of data)
  • Easier to lend to people far away, no need for physical interaction

Can't I still play it even though I let you borrow it? Technically isn't that two people?
I don't think madden or certain high profile games will have to worry about not being bought after the initial borrowing phase. I mean sharing and borrowing could easily be exploited, but borrowers will want their own copies without waiting.

So Microsoft is even further narrowing the gaming industry?
They'll never make it non mandatory. It's a core part of their strategy and they've said it a million times. It's.just.not.happening.

I'm. just. not. buying. it. then.

But I also don't believe that. If a mandatory kinect is losing them money they will nix that shit faster than you can say "xbox, just let it happen."
BTW.... if MS doesn't come out and clarify this today or tomorrow it's because they want us to think it's better than it is. Plain and simple PR (or the lack there of).


Neo Member
I think what they have written on Xbox Wire and the statements from Vince Vaughn 2 and Yussuf are pretty clear. It's just some nitty-gritty details that aren't.
I didn't think they were tied to consoles in Xbox1. I thought it was all profile. Well maybe the main profile is tied to the console.

It seems now that you can tie an account to a primary console, and all your content stays enabled for every account on that console, even when you are not logged in, because that console knows it's your primary console and keeps checking in to see your enabled games.
Can't I still play it even though I let you borrow it? Technically isn't that two people?
It is, as yet, unclarified whether two people can concurrently play the same game in a library.
it doesn't require significant bandwidth if you get the game via physical disc instead which is always an option
Wouldn't that essentially negate the only real benefit confirmed thus far, the convenience of not needing to physically interact.
that breaks all of the game sharing and cloud library stuff so they removed the ability to do this. Discs don't have licenses on them anymore, as I've been saying all along
"Game sharing" and "cloud libraries" are not dependent upon 24-hour authentications and restrictions of resale. Digital downloads are already DRM'd as you noted earlier.

I have a "cloud library" now with my PS3 download list.

The most consumer-friendly way to implement these functionalities would be to offer double packs, in a similar way that the movie industry does: Buy from retail and get the digital version as well.

You could then lend games from your digital library too to one other person, etc. etc.


I'm. just. not. buying. it. then.

But I also don't believe that. If a mandatory kinect is losing them money they will nix that shit faster than you can say "xbox, just let it happen."

Highly unlikely. MS said one of the key benefits of making Kinect fully integrated (required for functionality) was that developers now know 100% of the install base has it.

MS has proven they are willing to make big investments for gaining a foothold they believe will make them a lot of money years down the road. Going all digital is going to cost them in the near term, they know it, but they know this is where it's all going and they want to get their first.

Kinect and DRM aren't going anywhere.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member


  • Share with up to 10 people
  • Share one game concurrently; the rest of your library cannot be shared with others while that game is being shared
  • Not confirmed yet whether or not two people can play the same game concurrently
  • Requires online for single or multiplayer, both for downloading and for authentication
  • Will probably require significant bandwidth, depending upon the game (BluRays can hold 50GB of data)
  • Easier to lend to people far away, no need for physical interaction
If this is the case, I'd still prefer the status quo. Even being able to play concurrently wouldn't be enough to make up for what you lose.
So Kinect is part of their core strategy but they didn't even focus on it at E3?

The entire console experience uses kinect, and the point now is that kinect is so precise it can track you seamlessly during your normal gameplay... Some of the games announced are already using those features.

I guess their marketing PR now is to make kinect invisble. Remember all that project natal talk about tech getting in the way?


Is that true about PS3 sharing? I remember when Warhawk came out I downloaded it but my friend who I shared games with couldnt play it. I thought that Sony blocked some digital retail games?

My friend bummed Warhawk off of me a while back. Worked for him. I don't think we could play it simultaneously, though.


If this is the case, I'd still prefer the status quo. Even being able to play concurrently wouldn't be enough to make up for what you lose.

If I can digitally lend/borrow games, then the only thing I'm missing is Rentals. If they can digital offer those somehow, then I'd be set.

I don't trade games or buy used games so I don't give a shit about any of that.

As far as not having games work in the future, saying Microsoft won't be around is like saying Steam, Apple, and Amazon won't be around.


How did the whole, you can share a game with someone who's on your friend list, but that person must have been on your friend list for at least 30 days, and when you do share it it is removed from your list and can only be done once, turn into this?

Did I imagine all that was said?


How did the whole, you can share a game with someone who's on your friend list, but that person must have been on your friend list for at least 30 days, and when you do share it it is removed from your list and can only be done once, turn into this?

Did I imagine all that was said?


How did the whole, you can share a game with someone who's on your friend list, but that person must have been on your friend list for at least 30 days, and when you do share it it is removed from your list and can only be done once, turn into this?

Did I imagine all that was said?

That is a different system. That is actually giving your game away to them.
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