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Phil Spencer: You can share your Xbox One games with any 10 people

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How did the whole, you can share a game with someone who's on your friend list, but that person must have been on your friend list for at least 30 days, and when you do share it it is removed from your list and can only be done once, turn into this?

Did I imagine all that was said?

That is a different thing, that isnt sharing, they said you could give a game to one person on your list but that person must be on your list for 30 days and a game can only be given once. That is for the case where I am totally done with Forza 5 and you want to play it, but I dont want you playing it from my library because then I cant play the new CoD with my other friend. So I give you Forza 5 and then it is yours and you can play it when ever you want and it doesnt affect my sharing list at all.


How did the whole, you can share a game with someone who's on your friend list, but that person must have been on your friend list for at least 30 days, and when you do share it it is removed from your list and can only be done once, turn into this?

Did I imagine all that was said?

Two different things. You are thinking about gifting, sharing is another feature.
With gift, you transfer the license of the game to your friend, he is the new official owner of it.


Fucking right!

This shit is giving me a headache...

Player A buys game
Player B C D E F G H I J is on player A family plan.

Player B plays off players A key. Player E logs in wants to play with player A but can't because little fucking jimmy (player B) has no job and can play all night.
Player A comes home from work, plays game. Player EFGHIJ text messages player A saying we gave you five bucks for this game but can't play..." Wtf dick!"

Player B is not working so he has no girlfriend, and logs off to masterbate.

Players EFGHIJ sees the log off of player B, and all of them imediately try and log in to game at once, forcing a authentication error on player A. Thus closing the game. Player F reboots quickest because he still uses button presses while player AEGHIJ are still waving there hands in the air like dicks, to turn on the kinect console.
Player F is now playing, player H gets in second, and everyone else is fucked.

Player B is back online after 2 minutes, gets pissed and wants refund of 5 bucks. Player A says "how the fuck do you get a refund on a opened game" "let alone one that has 10 weird fucking keys attached to it"

You may be wondering where player C is... Well he failed the 24 hour check in.

And finally player D... Well he doesn't care because he bought a PS4 and doesn't have to worry about keys, check ins, sharing to whom, family keys, lending a game, or selling said game because it blows... Because their are many other things to worry about, and to understand, then FuCKiNG DISC OWNERSHIp...

I'm reposting my post from earlier because this shit is so fucking confusing... they had clear waters... only to shit in said water, and forcing mud.
Anyone else confused? I'd consider myself a hardcore 'veteran' of 15 years and this is still fucking confusing and unnecessarily obtuse. How the fuck are they going to convince the mainstream of such a killer feature if it takes a 26 page thread for NeoGAF to get its head around?
Where was that posted?

It is on page 37. The users name is Maxlmus, and it is his first and only post on Neogaf. People are wondering who he is, and I just figured maybe his name is a clue. Probably not, but you never know.

Maximus is the character from Gladiator, which takes place during the Roman Empire, like RYSE does...bit of a stretch, but hey.


I don't think it is that confusing if you take it at face value from what is says in the licensing website. It only gets weird if you're digging for some catch because of course Microsoft must be evil.


They haven't fully announced how it works yet so the confusion comes from it sounding too good to be true and people trying to figure out ways that it could work. Thankfully they have 5 or 6 months to clear it up.


Anyone else confused? I'd consider myself a hardcore 'veteran' of 15 years and this is still fucking confusing and unnecessarily obtuse. How the fuck are they going to convince the mainstream of such a killer feature if it takes a 26 page thread for NeoGAF to get its head around?
That's not what all 26 pages are about. Don't be so dramatic...lol

You can borrow/lend your games. Nothing confusing about it.


Neo Member
I don't think it is that confusing if you take it at face value from what is says in the licensing website. It only gets weird if you're digging for some catch because of course Microsoft must be evil.

Exactly! You add people to your "family", you can continue to play as normal but everyone in your family gets access to your games library which they can play freely. Only "catch" is: only one family member can play from your library at the same time.

Which to my mind, isn't such a big catch at all, because if you are having a good "family", and one guys library is in use, you still have 9 other people to pick out games from. It's probably only a catch for those guys looking to game the system.


I'm reposting my post from earlier because this shit is so fucking confusing... they had clear waters... only to shit in said water, and forcing mud.
Almost all of that confusion and shit can be solved by a simple Skype call, voice chat, type message, voice message, and other means of communication on the One. If people want to share, I'll imagine some sort of notification will be sent/received in some form or another when it will be available.
Posted earlier:

  • Share one game concurrently; the rest of your library cannot be shared with others while that game is being shared

  • So, if I have 10 games in my library, game 1, 2, 3 and so on.

    While I play game 1 and share game 2 with friend 1, can't friend 2 play a game from the rest of the games?


Exactly! You add people to your "family", you can continue to play as normal but everyone in your family gets access to your games library which they can play freely. Only "catch" is: only one family member can play from your library at the same time.

Which to my mind, isn't such a big catch at all, because if you are having a good "family", and one guys library is in use, you still have 9 other people to pick out games from. It's probably only a catch for those guys looking to game the system.

This. I tried to say this earlier but mine was gibberish.


So, if I have 10 games in my library, game 1, 2, 3 and so on.

While I play game 1 and share game 2 with friend 1, can't friend 2 play a game from the rest of the games?
I'm not sure what banto is talking about. That's the first I heard of that.
I'm reposting my post from earlier because this shit is so fucking confusing... they had clear waters... only to shit in said water, and forcing mud.
Based off the example I would suggest using it with actual friends and family instead of random douches who are trying to get over.
Posted earlier:

  • Share one game concurrently; the rest of your library cannot be shared with others while that game is being shared

There's a tweet from Xbox support on the previous page that indicates that the library can be accessed by many at once (just not the same game). It's possible it's still not accurate, though; a normal reading would indicate it's possible but the line of answers seems confused and the last answer could mean something more convoluted and less useful.


The only question I have is if I purchase dead rising 3. Install it, share it, then return it with activatin key in hand. Will I still have the right to share or play it for that matter? Technically no because I sold it back right?

Wait, that makes sense. :(


The only question I have is if I purchase dead rising 3. Install it, share it, then return it with activatin key in hand. Will I still have the right to share?

You have to activate the game before playing it. And you will get your license removed on returning it.
The only question I have is if I purchase dead rising 3. Install it, share it, then return it with activatin key in hand. Will I still have the right to share?

Definitely not. They have already said the only way to trade a game in is to deactivate it from your account. Once you deactivate the game it wont be in your library any more.


So, if I have 10 games in my library, game 1, 2, 3 and so on.

While I play game 1 and share game 2 with friend 1, can't friend 2 play a game from the rest of the games?

According to the mysterious Q&A, friend2 can't. Only one of your friends can access your shared library at a time. If friend1 is using one of your games, friend2 is locked out of your library.

To make things more complex : can friend2 use a shared game from friend1's library then ? :p


You have to activate the game before playing it. And you will get your license removed on returning it.
Makes sense, oh well.

One thing for sure the Xbox one will be useless if hacked. Not sure how pirates will implement a system that exploits the cloud or what not. I mean DRM and activating games can be modified, but what will be the point when everything is online dependent?


According to the mysterious Q&A, friend2 can't. Only one of your friends can access your shared library at a time. If friend1 is using one of your games, friend2 is locked out of your library.

To make things more complex : can friend2 use a shared game from friend1's library then ? :p

But Friend 3 could play a game from friend 2's lib. :)
has it been said if more than 1 person can access your library at one time? LIke if im playing co-op can any one of the 9 other people play any of my other games.

So if one person logs into my family account its then blocked for all my other family members?
has it been said if more than 1 person can access your library at one time? LIke if im playing co-op can any one of the 9 other people play any of my other games.

So if one person logs into my family account its then blocked for all my other family members?

THAT is the question, and I'm convinced this is the case.


"sharing" in the xbox one translation guide means "giving it for free to someone that has been in your friendlist for at least 30 days" I assume. Selling used games made complicated I guess.
However this ends up working once it's released (I'm not convinced even MS knows how it works at this point), I think you can all rest assured that MS will make it impossible for you to effectively pay $6 for a game.


Ok, I haven't read all 26 pages, but is there any way publishers benefit from this, at all ?

Why are they killing used games/privates sales/loaning games on one hand, then potentially cannibalising publishers sales by allowing 10 licences per copy ?


This could be something totally small of a bigger plan. I could imagine on the back of the xbox one box it saying "a whole new way in sharing and selling your games!!" Or something. Wouldn't be surprise if MS started a used game storefront managed by MS and publishers were they set the price.


Very interesting. Although what is to happen with an actual family who has an xbox. They have to wait 30 days to start using the feature.

I like the idea of this feature although im very skeptical about its limitations and still the whole used game thing still upsets me.

I admit it does make the Xbone sound a little more intriguing though.
Ok, I haven't read all 26 pages, but is there any way publishers benefit from this, at all ?

Why are they killing used games/privates sales/loaning games on one hand, then potentially cannibalising publishers sales by allowing 10 licences per copy ?

How this benefits pubs is lets say I love CoD but my buddy who just got an XB1 has never played a CoD game before. He isnt sure he would like it, now he can get into my library and try it out. He isnt going to be able to just play it when ever though since other people on my list are on from time to time, and only 1 person can be on at a time. Maybe my friend likes it and decides to buy his own copy so he can play when ever he wants, or maybe he waits and buys the next CoD when it comes out, either way they have gotten a new person interested in their games.
According to the mysterious Q&A, friend2 can't. Only one of your friends can access your shared library at a time. If friend1 is using one of your games, friend2 is locked out of your library.

To make things more complex : can friend2 use a shared game from friend1's library then ? :p

What about me not being on the system but friend1 and friend2 wanting to play two separate games from my library?


Very interesting. Although what is to happen with an actual family who has an xbox. They have to wait 30 days to start using the feature.

A real family living under the same roof using one console? Instant access with each individual account.


How this benefits pubs is lets say I love CoD but my buddy who just got an XB1 has never played a CoD game before. He isnt sure he would like it, now he can get into my library and try it out. He isnt going to be able to just play it when ever though since other people on my list are on from time to time, and only 1 person can be on at a time. Maybe my friend likes it and decides to buy his own copy so he can play when ever he wants, or maybe he waits and buys the next CoD when it comes out, either way they have gotten a new person interested in their games.

I think it would be better if you decide who gets to play what. They shouldn't get to pick and chose.

That's how it works now. Can't lend the game out until the person who currently has it give it back.

Well, now you can take it back whenever you want.


What about me not being on the system but friend1 and friend2 wanting to play two separate games from my library?

"First come, first served" I suppose. One can play, the other can't. The rule seems to be that only one of your friends can use your library at a time. Whether you are on the system or not isn't taken into account.


Interesting, but I see at least one flaw in here. Let's say I have 10 games in my library. I can play game A, my friend can play game A/B/C/whatever, but my other friends can't play shit even though I have at least 8 other games in the library. I agree that letting more than two people play the same game concurently would be insane, but why lock the rest of my library? Or am I missing something already explained?


Interesting, but I see at least one flaw in here. Let's say I have 10 games in my library. I can play game A, my friend can play game A/B/C/whatever, but my other friends can't play shit even though I have at least 8 other games in the library. I agree that letting more than two people play the same game concurently would be insane, but why lock the rest of my library? Or am I missing something already explained?

Probably the only way they could appease publishers.
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