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Photo shows New Jersey students playing "Jews vs. Nazis" drinking game

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I'm not saying to put them in prison or get the pitchforks ready but they need to be disciplined for sure
I agree. But the discipline should not be dished out by the internet. Some were wanting for them to be publicly identified. It's basically a non-story; teens do stupid and offensive shit and need to be told off by parents/school. The end.


Are people seriously getting outraged over this? It's obviously in bad taste, but high schoolers have a tendency of doing dumb shit like this.


I agree. But the discipline should not be dished out by the internet. Some were wanting for them to be publicly identified. It's basically a non-story; teens do stupid and offensive shit and need to be told off by parents/school. The end.

You think it's a non-story? These are America's future leaders. If you're Jewish (or of some other minority) would you want to be employed by one of them?


Kids do thoughtless shit. I think most people see and hear way worse growing up or even on a daily basis.

Yeah, this is the first thing that came to my mind, when I found out they were teenagers.

Some jocks probably thought it funny, and perhaps some people didn't speak out about it from trying to fit in, or something like that. It's up to people to speak out at the time that 'hey, this is kind of whack,' but people are often too afraid to say something, especially highschoolers. They do stupid things to be angsty and make fun of things to get a laugh.

Sharing it on social media was pretty dumb. Not sure what the mentality was behind that.
You think it's a non-story? These are America's future leaders. If you're Jewish (or of some other minority) would you want to be employed by one of them?
I'm Jewish and wouldn't care about what they did in high school, all I care about is if they are professional in the here and now.
You think it's a non-story? These are America's future leaders. If you're Jewish (or of some other minority) would you want to be employed by one of them?

Of course not. I think we should hold public inquiries and require them to register like sex offenders wherever they go so that their horrific transgressions as teens and young adults will follow them forever. Registration may not even be enough. Perhaps we could work some kind of scarlet letter into the equation.


I find this thread more offensive than the game. People calling for punishment for something done in the privacy of someone's home. If a mixed race couple like to get a little SM on and somehow a picture leaks. Does that make them racists? Should they be punished? If the played this game in public in an attempt to intimidate are threaten someone then yes they should be punished. If this was some type of hazing then they should be punished. The person that posted this needs to smarten up. I don't see anything wrong here. It's stupid to me but everyone has different tastes, humor and belief and it's a free society.
You think it's a non-story? These are America's future leaders. If you're Jewish (or of some other minority) would you want to be employed by one of them?

I made holocaust/genocide jokes and worse when I was in high school (including among Jewish friends!) and I don't have any animosity towards Jews. Thing is I wasn't stupid enough to put those jokes on social media where a) they would be out in the open forever and b) they would be completely removed from context for most of the audience.
You think it's a non-story? These are America's future leaders. If you're Jewish (or of some other minority) would you want to be employed by one of them?

Exactly. I also think that if you play an offensive variant of beer pong as a teenager that it should permanently narrow your career choices.
Of course not. I think we should hold public inquiries and require them to register like sex offenders wherever they go so that their horrific transgressions as teens and young adults will follow them forever. Registration may not even be enough. Perhaps we could work some kind of scarlet letter into the equation.
They should have to fill out paperwork for registration in the Holocaust Museum.


I'm sure none of you who responded with "kids being kids" actually knows a holocaust survivor (or has one as a relative).

Such is the way things are today I guess.
If someone says "hey, those kids are being pretty racist" it does not solve the problem when you say "lmao but everybody is racist, so this isn't a problem"


I'm actually surprised by the reactions in this thread somewhat. If the game was instead something like 'hanging ni**ers', would we just call them stupid high schoolers being kids? I mean the Nazis slaughtered millions of Jews. I just don't think the racism would be as forgiving in that case.

Now that said, the person that posted it should be suspended if they were involved and I'd like to see the kids drinking suspended as well, not expelled. Maybe some mandated education classes as well. I really don't see the point of internet shaming or ruining lives here either but some of these kids need to learn there are consequences for doing racist shit and posting it to social media.


I'm sure none of you who responded as such actually knows a holocaust survivor (or has one as a relative).

Such is the way things are today I guess.

What do you want to happen here then? What is your ideal outcome to this situation?
I'm sure none of you who responded with "kids being kids" actually knows a holocaust survivor (or has one as a relative).

Such is the way things are today I guess.
I'm sure that none of those kids were harboring any racial animosity.

From the sound of things, they didn't even come up with the game as its a pretty common variation of beer pong.
I'm actually surprised by the reactions in this thread somewhat. If the game was instead something like 'hanging ni**ers', would we just call them stupid high schoolers being kids?

Absolutely positive someone would have that sentiment. So long as there was no tangible hurtful intent, someone would say that.

For some people, racist stuff like this is harmless so long as the ones its insulting aren't aware of it.
I'm sure none of you who responded with "kids being kids" actually knows a holocaust survivor (or has one as a relative).

Such is the way things are today I guess.
I have been to the Holocaust museum in DC, and every year we go to our local synagogue to hear talks from Holocaust survivors
Not the same, I agree, but not in the dark either.


I remember watching some roommates of mine playing a variation of this game a lot back when I was still in University around five years ago, it was pretty much the same rules except for the saying racist things part, there was a lot of shit talking but none of it racist. I'm surprised this game isn't more known, I wasn't a fan of beer pong since I thought it was stupid and I still think it's stupid, but this variation of it seemed really popular.

I wonder if EA has a historical record of everyone who played on the Axis side of Battlefield 1942. We've got work to do.

I always played Axis. The Zero handled better than the Corsair.

Come on now, that's not a valid comparison.

I agree though, Axis >>> Allied in Battlefield 1942.

The Doc

As a person with jewish ancestry, i wouldn't have given a fuck even if they were 50 years old. they were not bullying anyone, and that was a private context (yeah i know it was not technically).
One thing i'm sure about: i will die bloody liberal.


I'm actually surprised by the reactions in this thread somewhat. If the game was instead something like 'hanging ni**ers', would we just call them stupid high schoolers being kids? I mean the Nazis slaughtered millions of Jews. I just don't think the racism would be as forgiving in that case.
yeah, I was gonna say something similar. Here in Germany, this shit wouldn't fly


I'm actually surprised by the reactions in this thread somewhat. If the game was instead something like 'hanging ni**ers', would we just call them stupid high schoolers being kids? I mean the Nazis slaughtered millions of Jews. I just don't think the racism would be as forgiving in that case.

Now that said, the person that posted it should be suspended if they were involved and I'd like to see the kids drinking suspended as well, not expelled. Maybe some mandated education classes as well. I really don't see the point of internet shaming or ruining lives here either but some of these kids need to learn there are consequences for doing racist shit and posting it to social media.

No no... That isn't nearly enough.

Instead, we need to to release the names of all involved so they can be publicly outed as racists. Even though the rules to this game can be found through Google, and it was probably made by some kids in a frat house at some point.


Are people seriously getting outraged over this? It's obviously in bad taste, but high schoolers have a tendency of doing dumb shit like this.
People got outraged over two sisters in a GAP ad. People got outraged over someone writing Trump2016 on a sidewalk in chalk.

People just get outraged now.
No no... That isn't nearly enough.

Instead, we need to to release the names of all involved so they can be publicly outed as racists. Even though the rules to this game can be found through Google, and it was probably made by some kids in a frat house at some point.
Anything less would be an admission that racism is okay in the eyes of the United States government.

Well then they don't have an excuse.
Underage drinking is still illegal for Nazis.


No no... That isn't nearly enough.

Instead, we need to to release the names of all involved so they can be publicly outed as racists. Even though the rules to this game can be found through Google, and it was probably made by some kids in a frat house at some point.

Obviously not. I even said they shouldn't have that happen so not sure what your point is.
I wonder if EA has a historical record of everyone who played on the Axis side of Battlefield 1942. We've got work to do.

I always played Axis. The Zero handled better than the Corsair.


Jamaica Ponder the real hero tbh

Expose them.


What exactly is exposing them going to accomplish in your eyes?

Most people that get exposed in these sort of viral situations fueled by outrage tend to have their lives irreparably damaged due to doxxing, threats, harassment, and the anchor that will always be around them due to the blip of internet interest that will follow them for life. Is that a just punishment for a 16-17 year old that we don't even have the clear context of their character to make an accurate assessment?


You think it's a non-story? These are America's future leaders. If you're Jewish (or of some other minority) would you want to be employed by one of them?
Possibly, if they grow the fuck up and realise you can't do things like this. Some of the most respectable of people have done dumb shit in their lives. I would not publicly crucify someone at 16 for that. That's why I specifically said they should be punished, but privately instead.

For the record if they were doing something homophobic, I'd say the same thing. The majority of other teens when I was a teen myself would regularly spew homophobic insults, but I can tell you that most of them have not grown up to be vile bigots from what I can tell, and as a gay person I can today happily label them as friends and good people. If I could go back and publicly name and shame them, would I? Absolutely not. But I'd give them a damn good telling off.


I know you didn't advocate that, but many people in this thread are doing just that.

Well yeah, like others have said. Their brains aren't even fully developed and they were drinking. Stupid kids for sure. Consequences doesn't have to mean life ending and it shouldn't, at all.. But I think it is ok to think what these kids did was racist and shitty and maybe question how they really might feel about Jews to even want to play this game.


No no... That isn't nearly enough.

Instead, we need to to release the names of all involved so they can be publicly outed as racists. Even though the rules to this game can be found through Google, and it was probably made by some kids in a frat house at some point.

I'm pretty sure only one or two posters expressed support for publicly outing them all to the world, so it's obnoxious that people keep pretending that it is the general sentiment of the thread.


What exactly is exposing them going to accomplish in your eyes?

Most people that get exposed in these sort of viral situations fueled by outrage tend to have their lives irreparably damaged due to doxxing, threats, harassment, and the anchor that will always be around them due to the blip of internet interest that will follow them for life. Is that a just punishment for a 16-17 year old that we don't even have the clear context for the character to make an accurate assessment?

Nobody is saying they should be stoned in a public square. But they should be educated a bit more. At least have them watch Night. That ought to do it.


They're dumbass high school kids trying to look edgy in front of their peers.

I don't think a national media flogging is the way to go about this.

But hey, outrage and clickbait.


and people wonder why racism persists. "they're just kids trying to be cool. stop being so outraged and try to be more understanding."

outrage culture, am i rite? (aka calling people on their shit. its a thing now)
also 'several' of them being jewish is not half. not that that makes it any better.

I am outraged that people want them punished and that this is an international news story.

the future business leaders of tomorrow are a bunch of insensitive, racist dolts. how is this not news?
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