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Pizza Guy gets 10 dollar tip on $1400 order

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Yeah, it's pretty bad some nights. I'll serve a pretty reasonable crowd with another bartender for six hours and we'll get maybe $60 between us.

I think we did the math on a regular Thursday night and it was an average 45 cent tip per drink. The owner knows this though and takes care of us. We get pretty good hourly wages for a bartender. Plus if we don't get a certain amount in tips he'll pay us the difference in cash on the side. Good guy, really good guy.

Where do you bartend? I'll have to stop in.


Totally uncalled for.

Dude is skeptical of society. We need people contributing and trying to make things better in society, enough bad shit happens as is we should be trying to work together for the benefit of us all. Which includes helping out the poor kid with a shit job when he delivers 85 pizzas.
I wonder if those who protest tipping on the internet (provided they're Americans) are pretending to take a stand about it; while still tipping in real life situations so as not to come off as a jerk.

I seriously doubt it. Americans who don't tip are either oblivious or indifferent towards coming off like a jerk to service people.
Doing his job warrants the consumer to tip him money

Listen, I know it's easy to ignore the posts that directly call you out on being wrong, but this is a discussion board. His job is structured so that he depends on tips to make a decent living.

If you have a problem with this, Congress is currently considering a bill to make minimum wage mandatory across all industries and will index it to inflation. Support that instead of advocating stiffing people in the service industry.

What's disgusting is someone actually tipped for that.

Consider all those pizzas are going to make the restaurant wealthy which in turn keeps the delivery guy employed.

If you don't like delivering pizzas you can always quit. It's a choice, not a right.

Hey, you sound extremely privileged. Sometimes you have to take what jobs you can to get by.


Dave Ramsey routinely orders from our store and his orders are upwards of a thousand dollars. He (or his people anyway) tips 10-20 bucks too. Not that it really bothers me too much since the drivers at our store don't do shit compared to us inside people. If anything we (the guys busting their asses making the pizzas) deserve more of a tip than the damn drivers.

I think this all comes back to the minimum wage though. Unless you're working upwards of 60-70 hours a week like my manager (and that schedule wasn't easy to get either, even if I wanted to I wouldn't be allowed to work that much) you're in a real tough position on minimum wage in this country. Even with the money he's making my manager hasn't been to a doctor in months and is currently trying to figure out a way to pay $2000 out of pocket to get some new crowns for his teeth. The extra 20-40 bucks you make out delivering really does make a difference.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I seriously doubt it. Americans who don't tip are either oblivious or indifferent towards coming off like a jerk to service people.

True. I'm just weighing that against the common practice of going on the net to complain loudly about something while continuing to take part in it offline.
I'm conflicted, because on the one hand in the US, companies uses tips as an excuse to not pay their employees, so by approving of tipping I'm approving companies not paying their employees. On the other, that also means I approve of people getting no money. Conclusion: blame the politicians for not having a national minimum wage that doesn't have this loophole.
I wonder if those who protest tipping on the internet (provided they're Americans) are pretending to take a stand about it; while still tipping in real life situations so as not to come off as a jerk.

I think the majority of us that don't get it are from Europe or other non tipping places and just find the whole concept bizarre

You may claim our service is crap but I much prefer the system that people get at least minimum wage and a tip if they've done a good job not just a job


these threads are always shocking. where did all of you non tippers come from? are you young, or something? or adults who were raised by rude parents?

Or people just come from different parts of the world where tipping isn't really required since it is already factored into the purchase price from the get go due to the higher minimum wages enforced by law.

The methods of enforcing tipping by trying to hurt the actual employee is utterly disgusting. A tip should be given if whoever is serving you is doing a good job and not just for throwing a pizza in a car. I personally always tip when i am on vacation since i know that the employees are banking on in these countries with a basically non existent minimum vage and actually do a great job of serving you.

Still, the whole idea of tipping for a pizza delivery with practically no human interaction outside of a quick dropoff seems silly to me, i already paid for the delivery and therefore his salary. If the person doing the delivery doesn't think he is getting paid enough it's the employers fault, not the costumer for failing to meet a scam invented to pay employees less.


Back when I used to be a bartender, Quebec changed the laws and taxed any job classification that would received tips. Back then they assumed you made at least 10% so in the OP's scenario it would have cost the delivery dude at least $40 out of his pocket lol.

I'm not up to date with the laws now though, hopefully they smartened the fuck up
Dude is skeptical of society. We need people contributing and trying to make things better in society, enough bad shit happens as is we should be trying to work together for the benefit of us all. Which includes helping out the poor kid with a shit job when he delivers 85 pizzas.

What's to stop you from directing that at the companies employing these individuals? They need to take responsibility for their staff and the conditions they work in.

What does this mean?!?!

Top or bottom.
Working in bars in the U.K, I'd always feel a bit weird about someone tipping me, it's a bit embarrassing. Minimum wage is better here though and you get to keep the tips you do receive.


Perhaps, but that doesn't invalidate what I said that being a delivery person is a consensual decision.

Let me guess, you don't have a job because your parents support you. There are far too many pressures in life to just choose not to work. Sure some homeless people and vegabonds enjoy that lifestyle, but we can't all be bums. Thus the whole trying to work together as a society thing.

You are a drain on society with that attitude, and should move off the grid.


I would have tipped 30 bucks and you better be goddamn happy with that, fucker. Pizza isn't cheap. It's called gratuity for a reason.
I don't tip my junk removal guys anything for moving significantly heavier stuff when I was moving out.

$10 tip seems fine. Pizza guy's just a whiny cunt.


Let me guess, you don't have a job because your parents support you. There are far too many pressures in life to just choose not to work. Sure some homeless people and vegabonds enjoy that lifestyle, but we can't all be bums. Thus the whole trying to work together as a society thing.

You are a drain on society with that attitude, and should move off the grid.
There are hundreds of jobs out there. Each with their own struggle.

Delivering pizzas does not warrant special attention over everyone else. That's a fact and it will not change.
So what? I don't care.

All the nontippers are right tipping is optional, just like being a good person is optional.

Sums it up for me.


As a European I don't see the point in tipping. It's such a horrible way of paying for service. It always irritates me when I visit the states. I forget and make people angry, I give too little and make people angry. It's ridiculous. And I hate it whenever anyone does some actual service. ANYTHING at all. A tip is expected. And people will run after you to do shit that you don't even want them to do to get a damn tip. Omg those fuckers at hotels.

Over here it's general practice to give a tip when the service was great. And then we don't work with damn percentages but give whatever we feel like and they'll be happy because it's a BONUS on what they earn. How hard is it to calculate the price of the service into the bill?

And man it's irritating when they are pretending to be friendly to get tipped better.
What the fuck at that article? Tipping 25-30% is fucking absurd. Who the hell does that?

The amount of service this guy had to do is NOT proportional to a 25%, $350 tip. He did not have to do $350 worth of work to load a bunch of pizzas into a truck and unload them.

Even a 15% tip on this ($150) is way too much. An entire day's wages for one trip?

It should be proportional to the amount of effort someone puts into it. For a $20 meal, a $5, 25% tip is perfectly reasonable. But for a $1400 meal, a $350 tip is NOT. I would have given the guy like $50 or so.


The extend that people will go to convince themselves to not pay a meagre tip is astounding. The scavenger hunt for excuses literally takes more effort than not tipping.

I've never worked in the service industries, but you won't catch me avoiding a tip because: (1) I know people who've worked in this industry and I know the tea on tipping; (2) I'm not a selfish dick; and (3) I realize the basic logic that screwing employees over as a proxy to screw the higher ups is a useless endeavour.

The people living in countries without a tipping culture are exempt from this argument, of course; but the people living in countries where tipping is standard are doing nothing more than clinging to faulty excuses.


Tip thread? Tip thread.

Now that's out of the way, I find it quite disheartening to see the Internet just start attacking both sides here. Wow, all we have is a picture of a receipt, that's it.

Seriously people, take an objective look here. No one knows the full story. For all we know, the employees wages are calculated into the final cost, or perhaps like everyone is stating, the customer is a cheap-skate. Either way, it's just a picture of a receipt. That's it.
Question, how do tips work for online orders if you pay with a card and tip ahead of time? If I ever order from Papa Johns I'll do this as it's the only pizza place that allows you to do that. I live in a small campus area, and usually know the drivers.

But do they still get the tip? When?

Tom Penny

Nobody has justified why if

Server A does the exact same amount of work as server B then why do I have pay server B more just because what I ordered cost more a their restaurant than the other one. There is no logic.


There are hundreds of jobs out there. Each with their own struggle.

Delivering pizzas does not warrant special attention over everyone else. That's a fact and it will not change.

I was more commenting on your sociopath like lack of empathy for somebody working in the service industry by simply dismissing their situation as a consensual choice.

Sky Chief

The tip should have been at least $100. For delivery I always give at least 20%. You would be amazed how much faster you get your food when you tip well.


The extend that people will go to convince themselves to not pay a meagre tip is astounding. The scavenger hunt for excuses literally takes more effort than not tipping.

I've never worked in the service industries, but you won't catch me avoiding a tip because: (1) I know people who've worked in this industry and I know the tea on tipping; (2) I'm not a selfish dick; and (3) I realize the basic logic that screwing employees over as a proxy to screw the higher ups is a useless endeavour.

The people living in countries without a tipping culture are exempt from this argument, of course; but the people living in countries where tipping is standard are doing nothing more than clinging to faulty excuses.
Not tipping doesn't make you selfish.

I expected this reply, the rich often don't perceive themselves as such.
I'm not sure what you're trying to get at tbh, my parents really aren't rich.


I used to deliver over $600 of pizza/salad every Saturday to a huge mega church in town and never once received a tip, let alone a thank you.


I was more commenting on your sociopath like lack of empathy for somebody working in the service industry by simply dismissing their situation as a consensual choice.
My empathy for service people is right up there with everyone else who has a job.
Um....aren't business owners legally obligated to pay the difference up to minimum wage if the tips a person makes for their shift does not add up to at least minimum wage?
And? Minimum wage sucks in this country.

40 hours a week with no vacation barely puts your head above water, and that's if you're only taking care of yourself. You're also likely to not be receiving any healthcare plan so you're stuck on Medicaid.

The 2010 Republican gubernatorial candidate here in Minnesota said waiters were making too much and proposed lowering the minimum wage for waiters to 2.13, in line with the federal standard (state minimum wage is 5.75). The establishment is hardly sympathetic to the plight of the working man.


Question, how do tips work for online orders if you pay with a card and tip ahead of time? If I ever order from Papa Johns I'll do this as it's the only pizza place that allows you to do that. I live in a small campus area, and usually know the drivers.

But do they still get the tip? When?


i cant say for sure, since i've never worked as a pizza driver .. but where i work, lets say somebody orders via internet and indicates a five dollar tip. as soon as i see that, i take five dollars out of the register and put it into the pool of tips that are split between me and my co workers at the end of the night.

The Adder

Not tipping doesn't make you selfish.

In countries with sensible wages? No, not necessarily.

In America? It sure as fuck does.

I'm barely making enough to pay my god damned $490 in rent and utilities every month and I still manage 15% any time I eat out or order in (an extraordinarily rare occurrence, mind).
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