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Pizza Hut and Taco Bell eliminating artificial ingredients from their menus

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May 26, 11:58 AM EDT

Taco Bell, Pizza Hut: Artificial ingredients getting booted
AP Food Industry Writer

NEW YORK (AP) -- Taco Bell and Pizza Hut say they're getting rid of artificial colors and flavors, making them the latest big food companies scrambling to distance themselves from ingredients people might find unappetizing.

Instead of "black pepper flavor," for instance, Taco Bell will start using actual black pepper in its seasoned beef, says Liz Matthews, the chain's chief food innovation officer.

The Mexican-style chain also says the artificial dye Yellow No. 6 will be removed from its nacho cheese, Blue No. 1 will be removed from its avocado ranch dressing and carmine, a bright pigment, will be removed from its red tortilla strips.

Matthews said some of the new recipes are being tested in select markets and should be in stores nationally by the end of the year.

The country's biggest food makers are facing pressure from smaller rivals that position themselves as more wholesome alternatives. Chipotle in particular has found success in marketing itself as an antidote to traditional fast food. In April, Chipotle announced it had removed genetically modified organisms from its food, even though the Food and Drug Administration says GMOs are safe.

Critics say the purging of chemicals is a response to unfounded fears over ingredients, but companies are nevertheless rushing to ensure their recipes don't become disadvantages. In recent months, restaurant chains including Panera, McDonald's and Subway have said they're switching recipes for one or more products to use ingredients people can more easily recognize.

Representatives at KFC and Yum's corporate headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky were not immediately available to comment on whether the fried chicken chain would also be removing artificial ingredients.

Pizza Hut says it will remove artificial flavors and colors by the end of July. It said it will start listing all it ingredients online once the changes are completed.

Taco Bell says it will take out artificial colors, artificial flavors, high-fructose corn syrup and unsustainable palm oil from its food by the end of 2015. It says artificial preservatives will be removed "where possible" by 2017. The moves do not affect fountain drinks or co-branded products, such as its Doritos-flavored taco shells.

Brian Niccol, the chain's CEO, said the company would work to keep its menu affordable.

"I do not want to lose any element of being accessible to the masses," Niccol said.

When asked whether the changes would affect taste, a representative for Taco Bell said in an email that "It will be the same great tasting Taco Bell that people love."
They got rid of Baja sauce. Taco Bell can go fuck themselves. And they handed me the food in a paper bag. They think they chipotle now.


In before GAF calls Taco Bell anti science and says artificial flavors and colors are good for you.
I don't even understand why "black pepper flavor" exists over black pepper. Isn't the cheapest & easiest way to get black pepper flavor is to use black pepper? It's a fucking cheap spice!

sorry, this just blows my mind.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
this organic all natural trend makes my eyes roll so hard
This is a good thing for both their sales and for people who don't like artificial flavor. They see the tradewinds blowing in that direction and are starting to unfurl their sails.


This neither increases nor decreases my desire to eat at either of these establishments. Taco Bell will continue to be the place I got Dorito Tacos when I'm drunk, and Pizza Hut will continue to be the place where I eat pizza only if there is literally no other option.
I used to love Taco Bell before I got celiac disease. Even if they were to get corn tortillas I still wouldn't trust them though.

I basically have to eat chipotle. It's the safest "fast food" that I can eat right now.


Who are these people that are health conscious enough to avoid food that doesn't sound "natural" but are fine with eating a massive conveyor belt fast food chain like Taco Bell?

Having a black pepper substitute does seem bizarre though. It's like that myth I heard as a kid about McDonalds not using potatoes for their fries because they found a cheaper alternative.
who cares what's "natural" or "artificial", what should matter is if it's safe enough to eat or not, right?

and it's often the "natural" stuff that is more deadly. just sample some snake or spider venoms and see.
I don't even understand why "black pepper flavor" exists over black pepper. Isn't the cheapest & easiest way to get black pepper flavor is to use black pepper? It's a fucking cheap spice!

sorry, this just blows my mind.

Maybe their suppliers were charging 16th century era prices?


They better not fuck up the Nacho Cheese sauce at Taco Bell, I swear if they touch the flavor of that stuff im gonna be pissed
Who are these people that are health conscious enough to avoid food that doesn't sound "natural" but are fine with eating a massive conveyor belt fast food chain like Taco Bell?

It's not really about appealing to the evangelicals, it's about appealing to the Average Joe™ who has probably heard something from their co-worker Joan about how unnatural everything we eat today is, and will find the "all-natural" label a subconscious plus.


who cares what's "natural" or "artificial", what should matter is if it's safe enough to eat or not, right?

and it's often the "natural" stuff that is more deadly. just sample some snake or spider venoms and see.

You can eat many types of venom, it's often just protein. Just don't get it directly in your bloodstream. But its not just safe but nutrition matters too. HFCS is safe to eat but it's pretty bad for you in the long run.


I cannot imagine that there is anything natural in that delicious, sloppy concoction.

I don't care if the slop is grey by the time I have to eat it, if they fucks with the Nacho Cheese I dont think im ever getting Taco Bell again considering it's the only reason I go to it rather then a place like Taco Johns
I've basically stopped going there since they got rid of the chicken grillers.

Still, I don't get the hullaballoo over artificial ingredients. Even stuff like HCFS isn't worse for you than a similar quantity of sugar from any other source, it's just cheaper so stuff with HCFS tends to have more sugars than stuff that doesn't.
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