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Pizza |OT| Food of the Gods


Home made from the other day



Looks very, very good, man. But put that picture in quotes! It's enormous.
Since it has yet to be mentioned, look what Canada just got! -_-;;


hoooly shit they actually did it!? NICE.

anyone know what type of meat the hotdog is?

edit: heey it looks like this may a limited time thing ;_______;

Have any of you actually tried this? It seems so wrong.

i've tried it at an overseas location, its freaking amazing. then again, the entire pizza was better overseas than anything i've had locally lol.

My pizza from last night watching the NBA. Too bad the Lakers lost and the Princeton looked like shit. Anyways,


bro the offense was fine it the defense where they broke down. anyways, looks like you got too much sauce on your pie >_>


Just ordered another one. Chopped chicken, chopped bacon, and garlic on a hand tossed crust. My pizza bender continues.


hoooly shit they actually did it!? NICE.

anyone know what type of meat the hotdog is?

edit: heey it looks like this may a limited time thing ;_______;

i've tried it at an overseas location, its freaking amazing. then again, the entire pizza was better overseas than anything i've had locally lol.

bro the offense was fine it the defense where they broke down. anyways, looks like you got too much sauce on your pie >_>

There can never be too much sauce.


This thread is offensive to me, since I am incapable of making pizza myself...because I'm stupid.

It's not hard to make your own pizza, and it's relatively cheap. Making the dough is the only tricky part, but it's not too difficult. It's actually a lot of fun experimenting with different toppings and sauces, cheese and whatnot.


Home made from the other day


If you're gonna post a picture that looks as delicious as that, you also better post the recipe.

Everyone, please. If you make your own delicious pizza's post the recipe. Maybe they could be added to the OP?
Can we all be honest for a moment? This thread's purpose is taunt those who are not currently eating pizza.

Of course it's not.
It is.

If you're gonna post a picture that looks as delicious as that, you also better post the recipe.

Everyone, please. If you make your own delicious pizza's post the recipe. Maybe they could be added to the OP?

Excellent idea!
It is now a rule.

I used the following recipe for my pizza on this page:


Unconfirmed Member
Can we all be honest for a moment? This thread's purpose is taunt those who are not currently eating pizza.

So that's why I always see this thread bumped to the top at 3am when I can't get pizza anymore. It gets me every time too. >_<
Goddamnit I got to stop entering this thread when I'm hungry.

Edit: I got to stop entering this thread when im not full. Any slight hint of hunger then i get the craving.


Tonight's was chopped chicken, bacon and jalepenos on a hand tossed crust while watching Return of the Jedi and drinking beer. It was absolutely glorious.
Went out clubbing last night and caved in at 3am at Artichoke Pizza in NYC. This shit is bomb and I always try to avoid eating it. Was awesome for the 5 minutes I ate it, now I feel like a fat ass.



Went out clubbing last night and caved in at 3am at Artichoke Pizza in NYC. This shit is bomb and I always try to avoid eating it. Was awesome for the 5 minutes I ate it, now I feel like a fat ass.



I knew where that was from before even reading your posts.

Mothercuking ARTICHOKE pizza.....UGH. Most over hyped bullshit on Earth. I was drunk and it still tasted foul. I ended up puking it up, TWICE, on NJ Tranist back home. Never again. God damn, I can taste it in my mouth right now. I can smell it. Fuck.



I knew where that was from before even reading your posts.

Mothercuking ARTICHOKE pizza.....UGH. Most over hyped bullshit on Earth. I was drunk and it still tasted foul. I ended up puking it up, TWICE, on NJ Tranist back home. Never again. God damn, I can taste it in my mouth right now. I can smell it. Fuck.

Word. If I'm down by Bleeker/McDougal, no way in heck am I going to Artichoke for a late night snack. I'm going to Mamouns for some shwarma. Tons of better places for a slice of pizza as well.

NY GAF - If you're ever in Long Beach, NY, you owe it to yourself to try Sorrento's. Fantastic brick oven pies. Not sure if they're back open since the storm, but it's worth the trip if they're back in business.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
This thread is glorious, pizza is probably my favourite food.

But I'm on a low carb diet and I miss pizza so much!


A while back my mom bought one of these:


So you can make your own mini-pizza's. It's actually a lot of fun and you can eat multiple pizza's with different stuff on it. We just prepare a lot of ingredients (paprika/salmon/chicken/onion/mushrooms/cheeses/etc) and you can go crazy.

I love pizza.


I ordered a chicken, bacon, and sausage pizza for some reason that I'm not even sure of. They messed up the order and put pepperoni on it instead of chicken. It's a greasy mess. Yuck!


I ordered a chicken, bacon, and sausage pizza for some reason that I'm not even sure of. They messed up the order and put pepperoni on it instead of chicken. It's a greasy mess. Yuck!

haha. I had similar myself. Bought one for today's lunch and the other half I'll have for my lunch tomorrow. I realize to avoid spicy toppings with chicken. Mine was a nice large with grilled chicken, Bacon, Beef, and Canadian Bacon, and of course extra cheese. Talk about so damn delicious.

Sometimes having a fridge in your office is so good. lol
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