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Plasma, LCD, OLED, LED, best tv for next gen

65" Panasonic ZT60 was delivered today.

Looks absolutely amazing, blu-rays are magnificent and the blacks are super black compared to my previous local dimming LED set.

Played some MP and the reduced input lag destroys the 55" Samsung it is replacing. Has much better color options in Game Mode too. Kinda cool to get something bigger and more responsive.

Not a fan of 3D in general, but I threw on GT5 and KZ3 - a big urggh in both cases. Low res, and most of the 3D seemed to be in floating HUDs (or ADS scopes in Killzone). I found it REALLY hard to pick out enemies in Killzone, moreso than usual. Maybe it was just the low-res nature of the 3D rendering. I'll pass, unless someone can recommend any better 3D gaming experiences.


65" Panasonic ZT60 was delivered today.

Looks absolutely amazing, blu-rays are magnificent and the blacks are super black compared to my previous local dimming LED set.

Played some MP and the reduced input lag destroys the 55" Samsung it is replacing. Has much better color options in Game Mode too. Kinda cool to get something bigger and more responsive.

Not a fan of 3D in general, but I threw on GT5 and KZ3 - a big urggh in both cases. Low res, and most of the 3D seemed to be in floating HUDs (or ADS scopes in Killzone). I found it REALLY hard to pick out enemies in Killzone, moreso than usual. Maybe it was just the low-res nature of the 3D rendering. I'll pass, unless someone can recommend any better 3D gaming experiences.

Current gen 3d on console is TRASH. The hardware is not there to do it justice. If you want to experience true 3d gaming, then you need a PC. There you can run it at 1080p @ 60fps. Completely different experience.


anyone know anything about tv can i pm someone need help buying a 60 inch + tv plasma for gaming with a 1080p screen no extras need


got a panny st50 here and the buzzing from white screens when I first bought it made me want to return it. I called tv repair to come tighten the screws in back but they said it looks like they were already tight as they were aware of the problem on these panny plasmas. After a few months the buzzing is almost nonexistant and can barely be heard anymore. I'm glad I held on to it :)

Ah that's great to hear. I've also read that you can put hot glue on the screws to minimize the vibrations. I'm hoping my buzzing are just from loose screws. It comes and goes, as of right now it's not buzzing.


I figure that this belongs here, but I'm thinking about going with a Plasma TV from either Panasonic, Samsung, or LG. Does anyone know any good TV's in that category that are between 42" to 50" long, & has Energy Star?


I'm intrigued by all this talk of the input lag on the Sony 800 and 900 series sets. Any info on the input lag for the 4K models?


My personal experience: I bought a new TV this year. I wanted to replace my 720p tv with a 1080p tv, and my old TV was having issues anyway. I bought a Panasonic plasma TV. This thing drove me completely insane. It made a loud buzzing sound constantly, and it would get very loud in bright scenes. I would turn on my Wii U to a loud buzz. It was so distracting to me. I called Panasonic to have it repaired. The buzzing remained. I sent that plasma back to Amazon, sure that it was a defective unit. I was told that the buzzing issue is caused by the way the TV is shipped.

I then went to Costco and bought the same model. It was manufactured later than the one I bought originally, so I had hope. It had the same buzzing noise. I don't know if it is because the wiring in my crappy apartment is bad or if it's my elevation (I'm in Utah), but both Panasonic plasmas created so much noise that I could never enjoy what I was doing.

I bought an LCD and it's not as pretty, but I can actually get into what I'm doing. Plasmas looks significantly better, but they're completely worthless to me because of the noise they make. Maybe it was just bad luck, but I will never try a plasma again.

This is the TV I bought twice. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00752VKFK/ref=oh_details_o08_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Typical COD gamer
Just get a Panasonic plasma :D
Yeah, it's not that easy unfortunately. I got a Panasonic ST60 but right now I'm reading it's got a terrible lag :(. Does the european version has the same lag issues as the american? I've read somewhere that the ST60E has a little less of lag. Is this true?


Does anyone here have the 2013 Samsung 60F6300 or 60F7100 and are willing to share impressions? There's a $500 price difference, and as far as I can tell, the major difference is the refresh rate (120 versus 240).

Plasma is a no-go for me as the room is way too bright. I've been happy with my 52" Samsung LCD, but it's in need of replacing after nearly 7 years.


My personal experience: I bought a new TV this year. I wanted to replace my 720p tv with a 1080p tv, and my old TV was having issues anyway. I bought a Panasonic plasma TV. This thing drove me completely insane. It made a loud buzzing sound constantly, and it would get very loud in bright scenes. I would turn on my Wii U to a loud buzz. It was so distracting to me. I called Panasonic to have it repaired. The buzzing remained. I sent that plasma back to Amazon, sure that it was a defective unit. I was told that the buzzing issue is caused by the way the TV is shipped.

I then went to Costco and bought the same model. It was manufactured later than the one I bought originally, so I had hope. It had the same buzzing noise. I don't know if it is because the wiring in my crappy apartment is bad or if it's my elevation (I'm in Utah), but both Panasonic plasmas created so much noise that I could never enjoy what I was doing.

I bought an LCD and it's not as pretty, but I can actually get into what I'm doing. Plasmas looks significantly better, but they're completely worthless to me because of the noise they make. Maybe it was just bad luck, but I will never try a plasma again.

This is the TV I bought twice. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00752VKFK/ref=oh_details_o08_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

The buzzing on bright/white screens is an issue that's common to many/most plasma screens. Some people are more sensitive to it than others, but usually it's not an issue for most people when sitting at a normal viewing distance away. My 55UT50 has it, but from 7+ feet away and with sound on during normal use, it's never been a problem. And in basically all other respects (except reflectivity) the TV is fantastic.


if you're concerned about input lag join the discussion here


I just went with a 24" PC gaming monitor. Does me NO WRONG. My friend got me hooked during BF3 for PS3. (yeah yeah, I have it on PC but i have two groups of gaming friends). Never looked back. He is rolling a Samsung that's about 2 years old and I have a BenQ GL2450HM - Nice for the price and I had to re-learn virtually every game that requires precision. Night/day compared to both of my HDTVs.


The buzzing on bright/white screens is an issue that's common to many/most plasma screens. Some people are more sensitive to it than others, but usually it's not an issue for most people when sitting at a normal viewing distance away. My 55UT50 has it, but from 7+ feet away and with sound on during normal use, it's never been a problem. And in basically all other respects (except reflectivity) the TV is fantastic.

Yeah, my living room is pretty small. I also realize that I'm probably more sensitive to the buzzing than other people are. I heard a clear buzz even when the screen was dark and that drove me crazy. Other than the noise, I agree with you that the TV is awesome minus the reflections.



I require a better television for next gen, since my 400$ Samsung LED is pretty horrible. Colors get washed out a lot etc when playing fast video games. Same thing for 2D platformers and stuff

Anyway, I'd really love a plasma but those 50" monsters are pretty big for my room. Is the smaller version (42" ?) still as good? And what model should I take? I really want the best television with the lowest response rate (the speed which pixels change colors)

Max. budget would be 1000$ or € as I live in Europe. Seems like a lot of money for a Tv so I don't want to go any higher :p


Plasma (I haz one).

I didn't know this but I was told that the IQ of upscaled games look better on plasma than it doesn on LCD.

Only caveat is image retention (so play on lower contrast level).

I require a better television for next gen, since my 400$ Samsung LED is pretty horrible. Colors get washed out a lot etc when playing fast video games. Same thing for 2D platformers and stuff

Anyway, I'd really love a plasma but those 50" monsters are pretty big for my room. Is the smaller version (42" ?) still as good? And what model should I take? I really want the best television with the lowest response rate (the speed which pixels change colors)

Max. budget would be 1000$ or € as I live in Europe. Seems like a lot of money for a Tv so I don't want to go any higher :p

FYI the smaller sized LCD are usually outsourced to cheap manufacturers & just branded with the brand logo & aren't indicative of their main line of products. Samsung, Sony, Sharp etc.. all do this.


FYI the smaller sized LCD are usually outsourced to cheap manufacturers & just branded with the brand logo & aren't indicative of their main line of products. Samsung, Sony, Sharp etc.. all do this.

Are 40" and 37" small? I've owned both sizes and I know the 37" models usually get outsourced, but the 40" is pretty bad as well and that seems to be a popular size. I owned a panasonic gt20 back in the day, and besides the double images effect (which is normal for 30fps games, I've heard) it was muuuuch better.


After reading this entire thread, I can safely say that I'm more confused about televisions than ever.

It sure ain't easy, I will be waiting for OLED to come down a bit in price, and upgrade when I have a PS4, maybe early sometime next year.


It sure ain't easy, I will be waiting for OLED to come down a bit in price, and upgrade when I have a PS4, maybe early sometime next year.

After seeing how amazing things look on my Vita, I'm also waiting for OLED to come down in price before buying a new TV. I bought my 50" LCD to have something while I wait.


After seeing how amazing things look on my Vita, I'm also waiting for OLED to come down in price before buying a new TV. I bought my 50" LCD to have something while I wait.

OLED still have some serious burn in issue. Just look at all the OLED cellphones. Until that's fix, don't know if it's even possible, we have to look somewhere else.


I wonder how long until we get a side by side comparison between OLED TVs and Sonys triluminos tech to see just how closely matched they are for colour reproduction. I've seen the Sony 4K models in stores and the colours do look impressive, but side by side comparisons can tell you just how good it is.


OLED still have some serious burn in issue. Just look at all the OLED cellphones. Until that's fix, don't know if it's even possible, we have to look somewhere else.

Yeah, I'm assuming they'd be able to do some fixes like they did for plasma. I know all about OLED burn in. I have burn in on my Vita from the web browser. Definitely not an option if they can't fix it. I'd have to stick to LCD, personally.

I wonder how long until we get a side by side comparison between OLED TVs and Sonys triluminos tech to see just how closely matched they are for colour reproduction. I've seen the Sony 4K models in stores and the colours do look impressive, but side by side comparisons can tell you just how good it is.

I haven't heard about that tech. I'm gonna go read about it now.
65" Panasonic ZT60 was delivered today.

Looks absolutely amazing, blu-rays are magnificent and the blacks are super black compared to my previous local dimming LED set.

Played some MP and the reduced input lag destroys the 55" Samsung it is replacing. Has much better color options in Game Mode too. Kinda cool to get something bigger and more responsive.

Not a fan of 3D in general, but I threw on GT5 and KZ3 - a big urggh in both cases. Low res, and most of the 3D seemed to be in floating HUDs (or ADS scopes in Killzone). I found it REALLY hard to pick out enemies in Killzone, moreso than usual. Maybe it was just the low-res nature of the 3D rendering. I'll pass, unless someone can recommend any better 3D gaming experiences.

Welcome to the club man. I got my 65ZT60 last month. You should check out SSHD still IMHO one of the best 3D experiences


My old Panasonic Plasma has started acting up. The image is fluxuating a lot. Well not a lot but I notice it. I want a new Panasonic plasma and the TX-P50UT50 seems like a great tv except for the Input Lag.
Input lag is high priority. What are the best right now?
I don't need 3D, media player or anything. Just a large monitor.
Panasonic Plasma is optional. If another plasma or even a LCD is better then that is fine.

Vast Deference

Neo Member
Just bought a 40" 6400 series Samsung as my first foray into this-gen gaming along with a PS3 & Bioshock Infinite. Jagged edges everywhere. Is this a symptom of the quality of the TV set? I thought this was supposed to be relatively good. I've messed around with every possible picture quality, smoothing, and resolution option.

Do I need to upgrade? How do I know what to look for?
Turn sharpness and edge enhancements off, chances are if you are playing on 360/PS3 the game is 720p or below and there's not a lot you can do about it.


I need some help, TVGAF. I want to get a plasma, but I keep hearing all of these caveats. Between burn-in, input lag, and 100 hour "break in" phase, it just seems like the high picture quality isn't really worth it. Are these things blown out of proportion, or should I just get a LED?

The Boat

I need some help, TVGAF. I want to get a plasma, but I keep hearing all of these caveats. Between burn-in, input lag, and 100 hour "break in" phase, it just seems like the high picture quality isn't really worth it. Are these things blown out of proportion, or should I just get a LED?
You seem to be a bit mixed up. LEds have worse input lag and plasmas don't have burn in anymore, just image retention, which is a problem nonetheless.


You seem to be a bit mixed up. LEds have worse input lag and plasmas don't have burn in anymore, just image retention, which is a problem nonetheless.

Most Plasma's have a slower response time which i think is what he is referring to? Such as the ST60, which Cnet has stated may not be the best for competitive gamers. (or something like that)


You seem to be a bit mixed up. LEds have worse input lag and plasmas don't have burn in anymore, just image retention, which is a problem nonetheless.

Ah, I guess I was a bit confused. For some reason, I thought that when people talked about image retention, that meant burn-in. Just to clarify, image retention is like a temporary burn-in? Or am I completely out in left field?


Most Plasma's have a slower response time which i think is what he is referring to? Such as the ST60, which Cnet has stated may not be the best for competitive gamers. (or something like that)

the problem with the st60 is that everything goes through their cheap chip they put in for running smart apps and image processing. lets hope that panasonic is able to put out a firmware updates so that game mode disable all the smart app when you're in that mode.


I need some help, TVGAF. I want to get a plasma, but I keep hearing all of these caveats. Between burn-in, input lag, and 100 hour "break in" phase, it just seems like the high picture quality isn't really worth it. Are these things blown out of proportion, or should I just get a LED?

burnin VERY rarely happens on plasma's now.
input lag- again set it to game and most tv's are fine.
the break in phase..skip it, unless you are a videophile obsessive about it.

I have had a plasma since early december- 60" LG, it works great, never have had Burn in/image retention issues. using the WiiU to show the same screen, to ME they change at the same rate- so that is fine, and i skipped the breakin - it is not necessary unless you want to do it, just get the plasma- calibrate the screen- or use someone else's presets from a place like AVforums, in ~2 months of regular use, calibrate again if you think it is necessary, i have not Touched a screen setting since i got the tv setup.


burnin VERY rarely happens on plasma's now.
input lag- again set it to game and most tv's are fine.
the break in phase..skip it, unless you are a videophile obsessive about it.

I have had a plasma since early december- 60" LG, it works great, never have had Burn in/image retention issues. using the WiiU to show the same screen, to ME they change at the same rate- so that is fine, and i skipped the breakin - it is not necessary unless you want to do it, just get the plasma- calibrate the screen- or use someone else's presets from a place like AVforums, in ~2 months of regular use, calibrate again if you think it is necessary, i have not Touched a screen setting since i got the tv setup.

Alright, I think I'm going to pull the trigger, then. I'll let you guys know how it works out once I get it set up. Thanks for the help!
Hey guys,

I don't know where to even start looking for a new TV. I'm budgeting about $600 for one, and I'm not looking for anything too fancy or huge (Maybe around 50 inch at the biggest?). I have a pretty decent 22inch Vizio at the moment that I got for free from some friends, so anything is a upgrade. Don't really know too much about TVs, and this is the first time I've ever bought one myself.

Any advice?


Hey guys,

I don't know where to even start looking for a new TV. I'm budgeting about $600 for one, and I'm not looking for anything too fancy or huge (Maybe around 50 inch at the biggest?). I have a pretty decent 22inch Vizio at the moment that I got for free from some friends, so anything is a upgrade. Don't really know too much about TVs, and this is the first time I've ever bought one myself.

Any advice?

Would start here.

Welp, I just got back from best buy. Took a at the Sony xbr65hx900 4k television. Though I'd post a view quick impressions, just because.

After earth trailer
Japanese scenic stuff
Color Demo type things
Soccer match
Forest Scenery
Underwater footage
Fountain show in from front of a Las Vegas hotel

Please note, I am by no means an expert. These are just casual observations.
I do have a 120hz monitor in my gaming laptop, and a ps vita, just saying

Color: Good lord, the saturation on this thing is up to 11! Specific demo clips made to show off the color of the television made my eyes water (an entire room made of red furniture/food, a closeup of astroturf/grass). Regular content was much more balanced in terms of color, and looked nice, so it just must have been specific clips. Blacks looked fine (nothing looked out of place really) during the nighttime fountain show.

Motion Blurring: Noticeable on moving blacks (lanterns moving in camera pans during the fountain show), but not anything else. They had their BRAVIA motion shenanigans turned on, I could tell. Surprisingly, the artifacts from this were not that bad, really smooth actually. I wouldn't use it though.

4K: The big one. This is what I thought in order:

*After Earth trailer* "Huh... is this in 4k right now?"

*Demo resets, shows 3840X2160p 16:9* "Okay."

"Well... I can't see gridlines anymore." All the SHARP AQUOS 70"+ sized TV's I have seen have visible gridlines from about 6-10 feet away. I was sitting about 5-6 feet away from the Sony.

*After watching for about 15 minutes* "Looks nice...I'm bored, when's 8k again?"

No content, not even the soccer match, was 60fps. No HDMI 2.0 makes me sad.

In short, the tv itself is REALLY nice. $7,000 makes for a large pill to swallow. Bad 4k PC gaming tv, due to HDMI limitations.

If you really need 4k for PC gaming, wait until HDMI 2.0.

I would personally take a 1080p OLED over a 4k LED. Otherwise, keep what you have.

For PC gaming, I would personally put monitor features in order like this:

120hz TN > 60hz IPS

120hz IPS> 120 hz TN > 60Hz IPS


I would say plasma since they seem to have much better response times than LCDs. I have a Panasonic plasma and a Samsung LCD and gaming on the LCD is a terrible experience, even in "game mode". Using an LCD monitor seems to work well for me too. Once OLEDs come out and get cheaper, those will probably be better.
I'm still rocking my Panasonic 50v10 that is 3 years old now? Maybe 4?

I was content with using it for next gen but when Panasonic said they were going to cease making TVs it's making me want to get a new one :\


Anyone owning a VT60 and can confirm if it works well as a PC monitor?

I do all my gaming and media consumtion from my HTPC so this is quite important for me.


Is this most active the thread for TV buying advice? I have a Pioneer Kuro in the living room but I'm looking to upgrade my bedroom television from the Panasonic Viera LCD I have right now...

After reading CNet reviews I am leaning towards the Panasonic TC-PS60 (50" is $699 on Amazon) over the Panasonic TC-PST60 (50" is $999 on Amazon) based on the difference in input lag. Unfortunately two of the bad points for the TC-PS60 are really bad for me: "Picture quality in bright rooms isn't as good as many other TVs; only two HDMI inputs".. my room is very bright and I want to plug in my X360/PS3 now plus eventually XB1/PS4.

I'm willing to spend more ($600-1200 range) for the right TV but I want to get something in the next few days... Any advice?
Is this most active the thread for TV buying advice?

After reading CNet reviews I am leaning towards the Panasonic TC-PS60 (50" is $699 on Amazon) over the Panasonic TC-PST60 (50" is $999 on Amazon) based on the difference in input lag. Unfortunately two of the bad points for the TC-PS60 are really bad for me: "Picture quality in bright rooms isn't as good as many other TVs; only two HDMI inputs".. my room is very bright and I want to plug in my X360/PS3 now plus eventually XB1/PS4.

I'm willing to spend more ($600-1200 range) for the right TV but I want to get something in the next few days... Any advice?

Go to Costco and get the new 50" S64. Same panel as the S60, but with the AR filter on the more expensive panasonic plasmas that's reduces glare for bright rooms. $699 and it was a steal at that price.


Go to Costco and get the new 50" S64. Same panel as the S60, but with the AR filter on the more expensive panasonic plasmas that's reduces glare for bright rooms. $699 and it was a steal at that price.

I hate going into stores and I don't have a Costco membership... I can't find that on Amazon and I just searched costco.com for and found a 65" for $1,299 but not the 50" S64 for $699 that you mentioned...

Edit: found this thread which has a ton of info...
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