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Play Nintendo - Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014


But you can bet your ass it'll be on VC on every system forever.

It's cool to see them doing a Smash tournament, but how are the Smash community guys going to get into E3? It's probably going to end up being a blogger tournament.

No, its hosted at the Verizon theater, where press conferences are held, not in the conference center.
True. Would this really be a good year to announce a new Nintendo handheld? What's the average lifespan of Nintendo handhelds anyway?

They don't really have a regular release schedule. The Gameboy was 9 when the Gameboy Color came out, the Gameboy Color was 2 and a half when the GBA came out, the GBA was 3 and a half when the DS game out and the DS was a little over 6 when the 3DS came out.


in the source code of their e3 site:

Means absolutely nothing of course, but I thought I'd post it regardless. I'm pretty sure they're going to reveal their new handheld this year and E3 seems like a good venue to do so, but it'll probably be later.



The source code still has the "new system" part in it. Maybe QOL, 3DS/Wii U revisions...or the return of the vitality sensor.

I don't know why people wouldn't expect the QOL thing to be at a game show. It's Nintendo...they had a Vitality Sensor at their presser once, remember?

Miles X

New hardware could be 3DS revision (most likely) QoL or WiiU revision. Or it could be nothing.

Not going to be a new handheld or console tho, I don't think anything expects that surely?
QOL is not going to be revealed on a games show. Completely different market.

No, it's the perfect time. 3DS is getting its last big titles this year (SSB, MH4U, probably Pokemon Z) and declining heavily. It's still fresh in everybody's minds though and has good word of mouth, which is good for its successor as to not repeat a Wii -> Wii U transition where the console has been dead for like 3 years before the new one hit.

Qol devices are connected to gaming. That's what people refuse to understand.
Ultimately disappointing that they not have a conference again. If it's like last year then it will primarily be preaching to the choir and if the current gen is anything to speak of then the only interesting things will strictly be for Nintendo fans. The boat on the most prominent 3rd party games is gone so they hopefully will have some good games since Nintendo doesn't inherently deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore. Especially without a conference and their floundering console.

I don't understand the negativity to this? Who decided that the only way to do e3 was to have a large expensive stage show and only invite industry people?

Different does not mean worse.


El Capitan Todd
QOL is not going to be revealed on a games show. Completely different market.

weeeell, it's Nintendo.
they presented Wii Fit and Vitality Sensor at E3
and we know that they are working on it, officially, unlike a new handheld or home console


Seriously though, use a site that actually works for large amounts of people. I didn't even see SM3DW get revealed last year, I had to watch a horrible youtube upload that was like below 144p in quality, I don't want the same thing to happen for Zelda.

It does make me boggle somewhat that I hear so many people having difficulty with UStream, when I - on the other side of the world - have had no issue whatsoever with it.


It was said by a lot of people last year that we could see a decline in live stage shows. There are already many companies that skip E3 in favor of other events or to hold their own shows. It's a opportunity cost issue in the end. Why sink how many thousands or hundreds of thousands or more into a show that will last an hour to two hours where you won't see any huge benefit from it. Especially when there is a need to put on a huge spectacle and you are just showing videos in the end. Having some people come up on stage and just talking. Padding out time.

I watched Sony and Microsoft's shows last year and a lot of it was wasted money. I pay attention to E3 to learn about upcoming games. Not to see a wannabe MTV award show.

Focusing more on live streaming of demos, people actually playing them vs pretending to play them while on the stage just holding a controller, interviews where you can ask direct questions and not be hurried off stage is better I think. I much rather money be spent on demos at Best Buy. I plan to make it this time. Missed out last year. I just hope they expand the locations so I don't have to go an extra half hour out of my way.


Last year, we all interpreted their absence as being a tactical move to move away from the waterfall of next-gen news. How do we interpret their absence this year? A lack of interesting and show-stealing news and content again?

If they're not confident enough about what they're showing, to the extent of not even holding a press conference at all, I'm not confident much either.

Nintendo's lineup and what publishers generally bring to E3 is a complete mismatch. It's like a nerd walking into a jock's party. Think of when Nintendo went to the VGA's with Retro Studios' new game and how it was received by the press "Nintendo doesn't get it" why would Nintendo waste their time creating a live event that would inevitably get shat on by the same people attending it? The show floor is open for those interested, that's it.


Last year, we all interpreted their absence as being a tactical move to move away from the waterfall of next-gen news. How do we interpret their absence this year? A lack of interesting and show-stealing news and content again?

If they're not confident enough about what they're showing, to the extent of not even holding a press conference at all, I'm not confident much either.

Did we? I assumed it was because they wanted to be more inclusive to a worldwide audience...you know..release a video in every language worldwide so everyone can enjoy it at the same time......as opposed to limit it to those who can only speak English.


hide your water-based mammals
I don't understand the negativity to this? Who decided that the only way to do e3 was to have a large expensive stage show and only invite industry people?

Different does not mean worse.

They definitely have a lot to prove but the ultimate disappointment is the lack of conference and the good will they lack right now.


They needed a big press conference this year to generate hype and get people excited again. Not having one makes it look like they are just fine with where the Wii U is at. I was honestly expecting possibly a new console announcement, but that will likely be next year unless the Wii U completely rebounds.

Far too soon for new hardware when they haven't even given the wiiU a strong push, that may well be seen during e3. I think this format is far preferable to the grandiose theatrics of the usual conferences. Nintendo is directly focusing on the customers and interacting with them, rather than the usual pandering and business talk more directed at press and investors or in some cases even elaborate events and performers with no connection to the games, services or features being promoted. Those things take up a sizeable portion of these conferences that is completely unnecessary.

Obviously last years 40 minute video was lacking in material, but if they have a lot more to discuss, this is a far better format. Already, their announced events are far more interesting and interactive than what we usually see


Why do people say they wish the other two did something like the directs? Don't they both run blogs (which post new videos and new previews) that allow 2-way conversation with fans in comments sections, along with twitter and reddit? Isn't that pretty much the same thing? Or is it more about the scheduled stream aspect, like you're watching a live event with other people on the internet commenting in the comment box with you? I guess that is appealing.


There's really no nice median these days. There was an 11-year gap between the GB and the GBA, a 3-year gap between the GBA and the DS, and a 6ish-year gap between the DS and the 3DS. The 3DS has been out for 3 years now, and it still has a few major titles yet to be released.

So this is really unpredictable huh? It could't be a 3DS revision either since there are already 3 different models of the thing. Maybe it could be a tease for the next handheld that uses that New Nintendo OS.
TREEHOUSE live at E3. ---LIVE, TREEHOUSE. And people asking for a press conference. I prefer this, a million times. I cant wait. But please Nintendo use a good streaming service.
But what about the people that bought it that are waiting for more games and support? If I bought a Wii U at $300 I'd be pissed if Nintendo announced a new console and dropped all support for the Wii U because I wouldn't have enough games to justify the purchase.

If they did announce a new console they would most likely keep supporting the Wii U for at least another 2 or 3 years and the new console could also be backwards compatible with Wii U games, they could even have another ambassador program like they did with the 3DS, but hey it could also just be a new handheld.
in the source code of their e3 site:

Means absolutely nothing of course, but I thought I'd post it regardless. I'm pretty sure they're going to reveal their new handheld this year and E3 seems like a good venue to do so, but it'll probably be later.

I've been expecting a reveal this year as well.
Nice find!


They are streaming on youtube and twitch now. Can you use embed code with livestreams? If yes there shouldn't be an issue with the stream being shown on all gaming sites.
IGN, GS, and GT all have their own live streams with game demos constantly playing when big conferences aren't going on. None of these big sites are going to be embedding some other player into their sites when they have their own players/site layouts for E3 for a single half hour. That sounds like a ton of hassle and a way to fuck things up really fast, especially during such a high traffic period.

Then why were people continually going on about Nintendo not being at E3. Many thought they didn't even put stuff on the show floor last year, because media was reporting lots of "Nintendo skips E3" crap out there.
While that was probably a factor, a lot of the people that say they skipped it didn't just hear that. They probably didn't even see it on the usual E3 streaming sites. GT, IGN, and GS probably didn't even have it on their schedules, and they didn't stream it on their sites. They may have mentioned it on their site, but probably in a separate blog post. If you didn't actively follow Nintendo it might have been hard to even know about it.

I hope Nintendo gets their shit together and either help get their streams running on other gaming site's video players or even doing a live conference. The latter is definitely a next year sort of thing but the former is definitely a must, unless they want a repeat of last year.
Better than last year, but this guarantees no platform annuncements, and guarantees no media will be hyped. Honestly what were they going to do against VR hype? Even playable new Zelda couldnt overcome that.


For guys questioning this move because "a Direct like approach is like preaching to the choir", what exactly are the press conferences from Sony en MS? Call me oblivious, but those conferences have the exact same goal as Nintendo's now "Digital Event". Getting broadcasted and attract new customers, not existing ones.

The only difference between the two is one of them doesn't have a live audience.

Honestly? I can do without audience reactions.


El Capitan Todd
Btw, there is a thread dedicated to the lack of Live conference. Could we focuse on other news at least here?
Haha, I liked it. Sometimes a bit cringe worthy, but funny nonetheless. I like when companies do crazy stuff like this and the Tomodachi Direct. Will miss them at the E3 pre conference, though.
Nintendo doesn't get it. E3 is the pre conference shows. Having booths at E3 is pointless without a pre conference show. Might as well not attend E3 at all since they will generate absolutely little awareness from the event now.

You need journalists on your side and the way to do that is having a kick as press conference.


This is the thing I was talking about in regards to image. E3 is no longer about game reveals or hands-on demos, since they're confirmed to be happening. It's all about image :/

There's no better time than this to truly state that haters are gonna hate.


For guys questioning this move because "a Direct like approach is like preaching to the choir", what exactly are the press conferences from Sony en MS? Call me oblivious, but those conferences have the exact same goal as Nintendo's now "Digital Event". Getting broadcasted and attract new customers, not existing ones.

The only difference between the two is one of them doesn't have a live audience.

Honestly? I can do without audience reactions.

It's about image and recognition in the media...



But you can bet your ass it'll be on VC on every system forever.

It's cool to see them doing a Smash tournament, but how are the Smash community guys going to get into E3? It's probably going to end up being a blogger tournament.

By being invited? It's an invitational touranment after all...
So this is really unpredictable huh? It could't be a 3DS revision either since there are already 3 different models of the thing. Maybe it could be a tease for the next handheld that uses that New Nintendo OS.

Did you see the WIS-009 video display that was rated by a Korean electromagnetic interference test?
I'm half expecting a remodelled/rebranded/redesigned version of the Wii U.


Nintendo doesn't get it. E3 is the pre conference shows. Having booths at E3 is pointless without a pre conference show. Might as well not attend E3 at all since they will generate absolutely little awareness from the event now.

You need journalists on your side and the way to do that is having a kick as press conference.
Right, like all the journalists just ignore any Nintendo Direct...
They didn't ignored it last year, did they ?


Nintendo doesn't get it. E3 is the pre conference shows. Having booths at E3 is pointless without a pre conference show. Might as well not attend E3 at all since they will generate absolutely little awareness from the event now.

You need journalists on your side and the way to do that is having a kick as press conference.

Even when they've had a good press conference, the press has rarely been enthusiastic about their showing.
IGN, GS, and GT all have their own live streams with game demos constantly playing when big conferences aren't going on. None of these big sites are going to be embedding some other player into their sites when they have their own players/site layouts for E3 for a single half hour. That sounds like a ton of hassle and a way to fuck things up really fast, especially during such a high traffic period.

While that was probably a factor, a lot of the people that say they skipped it didn't just hear that. They probably didn't even see it on the usual E3 streaming sites. GT, IGN, and GS probably didn't even have it on their schedules, and they didn't stream it on their sites. They may have mentioned it on their site, but probably in a separate blog post. If you didn't actively follow Nintendo it might have been hard to even know about it.

I hope Nintendo gets their shit together and either help get their streams running on other gaming site's video players or even doing a live conference. The latter is definitely a next year sort of thing but the former is definitely a must, unless they want a repeat of last year.

Didn't IGN stream the Nintendo Direct on their stream last year?
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