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Play Nintendo - Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014

Buggy Loop

Oh and the media will say its a mistake (because its not coverage made directly by them), but for gamers like me, who will return home after work and launch the video, i'll enjoy a streamlined, no awkward moments, no pause, no sales powerpoints, but pure fun gaming presentation. I WANT that.


Nintendo doesn't get it.


You need journalists on your side and the way to do that is having a kick as press conference.

Exactly why they do get it. Press coverage shouldn't depend on how special you make the journalists feel. Their job is to report on the information that's given, regardless of whether they get a nice seat and a goody bag at the end of the show.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Aw man. Now Nintendo will only get a C+ on the Bonus Round Round Up because they didn't give out free swag at a live conference.

Lol, this! For us it doesnt matter at all if its live or not, but on the bonus round it is really all that matters.


We finally know what Nintendo has planned for E3!

Important notice :

That's it, I'm selling my WiiU tomorrow. I constantly buy your products for the vague hope that we'll get a second Urban Champion. To have my dreams shat on like that is the final blow. Goodbye.

I think Nintendo's finally lost their minds, judging by that video and Tomodatchi life.


From the other thread.

I don't understand comments like this. I feel like Nintendo is looking at the supposedly millions of dollars that go into investing so much into a press conference and want to know how they can use that money to instead get the games from the conference in the hands of the actual consumers. Its a brave new method for them to try during a time when people have already counted them out, but shows that Nintendo is all about changing paradigms whether it seems like a good idea or not lol and we need that freshness.

So no, they're not fucking giving up. What does that even mean in reaction to this move?


Exactly. Shit, if Nintendo said all the money saved from E3 they will invest in indies, I would be all over that.

Plus Nintendo is embracing Smash tournaments especially after all the backlash they got from EVO.

Mory Dunz

Man, their direct conference thing was nowhere near as exciting as normal E3 on stage conferences. Too bad.

That may have been more the content.
Only Smash and MK looked good back then.

3D World had a bad trailer. People knew about Bayo. They knew about Pokemon. They knew about X. Donkey Kong got hate for being DK.


The lack of a "proper" press conference is a bit of a let down, but all the content they've announced already beats last year's showing handily.

If I wasn't hyped before, I sure as hell am now.

For those, "I'm not arguing with you" moments
For Nintendo to generate hype they need their digital event to be like the old 90 VHS tapes and like this pre hype reel in the OP.

Having Iwata stand in front of a white background and awkwardly deliver news is the worst approach ever.


Didn't IGN stream the Nintendo Direct on their stream last year?
Nooe. It was only on Ustream and it was a hot mess. IGN did link to the show though in a separate blog post. Of course their team was probably going game demos on their own player though (and the direct was probably not on their player's schedule), so I assume few people left their site.

I hope this year Nintendo gets it and lets IGN, GS, GT, etc stream the stream from their players. Because as it is, only the people currently interested in the Wii U will be seeing the stream. It'll essentially be them preaching to the choir.


Amazing video. That went way crazier than I imagined. lol

I'm honestly totally fine with them forgoing the traditional on-stage press conference. It means nothing in the long run. Just get me the information about the new games and I'm happy.


They should just edit in crowd noise or something during the "digital event" and have silhouettes in front of the stage. Maybe a live twitter feed of people freaking out too.

I'm now imagining MST3k - or, as it'd be now, Rifftrax - covering the press conferences.

For Nintendo to generate hype they need their digital event to be like the old 90 VHS tapes and like this pre hype reel in the OP.

Having Iwata stand in front of a white background and awkwardly deliver news is the worst approach ever.

They are not doing a direct this time.


Nooe. It was only on Ustream and it was a hot mess. IGN did link to the show though in a separate blog post. Of course their team was probably going game demos on their own player though (and the direct was probably not on their player's schedule), so I assume few people left their site.

I hope this year Nintendo gets it and lets IGN, GS, GT, etc stream the stream from their players. Because as it is, only the people currently interested in the Wii U will be seeing the stream. It'll essentially be them preaching to the choir.

As it's been mentioned several times already, Nintendo streams to Youtube and Twitch now.


I figured we would have gotten an actual press conference due to whatever the QOL thing is.

If they intended to show it.

It's not a gaming device, if I understand correctly. I'd expect something either at CES or at their own event.


Haha that was a fantastic video. Hopefully the digital event is a little more expansive then the Direct last year. I'm cool with no conference, it's mostly fluff and awkward pauses. But SMASH AT BEST BUY! And Treehouse live streaming EVERY HOUR OF E3! If they pull this off right this could be great. E3 hype start


It's no press conference, but so far they've completely nailed the announcements on hand and gone above and beyond what that alone can provide.

This isn't just a Direct, Nintendo are practically running their own completely special event to coincide with E3. The prospect of that is incredibly exciting, and considering the incredible confidence they've gone with providing this information to us, I can't wait to see what they have in store. I feel this is going to be big.

Dr. Buni

Btw, loving the Skyward Sword music in the Play Nintendo video. That amazing game had an amazing soundtrack (haters gonna hate).


I do wonder what they mean by "building upon" last year's direct. They're definitely trying to say that it's "not just a nintendo direct", but I have no idea what that means.

I'm not putting much stock in it or over thinking it, but they're definitely trying to re-brand the whole thing, at least.
While that was probably a factor, a lot of the people that say they skipped it didn't just hear that. They probably didn't even see it on the usual E3 streaming sites. GT, IGN, and GS probably didn't even have it on their schedules, and they didn't stream it on their sites. They may have mentioned it on their site, but probably in a separate blog post. If you didn't actively follow Nintendo it might have been hard to even know about it.

I hope Nintendo gets their shit together and either help get their streams running on other gaming site's video players or even doing a live conference. The latter is definitely a next year sort of thing but the former is definitely a must, unless they want a repeat of last year.

Yeah, the decision to have their public-facing presentation be a fairly standard Nintendo Direct (the January one was probably better) was... interesting, but that they didn't have a simulcast with Gamespot, IGN et al was insane. Not just because their streaming setup died within seconds, but it not being featured on those sites, combined with the "no Nintendo press conference this year" stories, gave the impression that Nintendo were barely attending E3 that year.
So we'll probably see:

New 3DS revision

Anything else what we'll probably see?

You might get Brothers of the Band P and Fossil Fighters localizations.
More news on X, Bayonetta, Hyrule Warriors.
Hopefully Yarn Yoshi and SMT X FE.
For 3DS, maybe some Glory of Heracles, Rhythm Heaven, Metroid, or something else?
Maybe an announcement from Next Level Games.
The 3rd Sonic game (which I don't think is Boom, because the 3rd one is supposed to be coming to Japan, but Boom is not)
Maybe Paper Mario or Animal Crossing for Wii U
Oh, there also supposed to be a full(er) version of Art Academy for Wii U.


I do wonder what they mean by "building upon" last year's direct. They're definitely trying to say that it's "not just a nintendo direct", but I have no idea what that means.

I'm not putting much stock in it or over thinking it, but they're definitely trying to re-brand the whole thing, at least.

Well the main complaints last year were that it didn't have the wow factor of a live event and that the stream was rubbish. So I'm inclined to think (hope) that it will be more orientated around live segments and big reveals and will not be on a hot mess of a stream.
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