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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale


Neo Member
Bullet drop depends how far away you are and which weapon you're using. Don't think there's any other factors. Although shooting high sounds weird--are you looking at the wrong place in the reticle or something? For an average shot at or below optimal distance, it should be in the center of the reticle. Another possibility is server lag, displacing where you and your target actually are in the game's mind.

That said, note that on anything other than a sniper rifle, such a good scope will probably be a waste. Assault rifles, etc. aren't meant for such an extreme distance and will be terribly inaccurate, on top of whatever bullet drop is happening.

Here's a chart on weapon stats, although it might be a little different by now; not sure. Just to give a rough idea on what they can do.

https://pubg.me/ <- is probably the best resource for weapon damge/recoil/bullet velocity etc. As well as player stats


How is the skill ceiling in this game and will the community shit on me in-game if I'm bad?

You see, I suck at mouse and keyboard due to multiple button inputs and the only recent PC game I have been able to master with mouse and keyboard os Overwatch since it doesn't really have a lot of button inputs.

I just want a fun multiplayer game to jump in and out of.

The skill ceiling can be pretty high, but mostly from a strategic standpoint. You can play to not really encounter a lot of other players, avoiding the potential to be shat on immediately. Play smart, and your lousy m/k skills won't be too much of a hindrance until the final 20.


The skill ceiling can be pretty high, but mostly from a strategic standpoint. You can play to not really encounter a lot of other players, avoiding the potential to be shat on immediately. Play smart, and your lousy m/k skills won't be too much of a hindrance until the final 20.

Only times when someone will call you bad is if your streaming your gameplay and it doesn't follow suit on how they play or just say in the lobby "hey can anyone hear me" and they'll start trolling you
Twitch aiming skills are useful, but most of the battle is strategic. Knowing where to be, where to go, and what to avoid are essential in reaching the final circles.

And don't worry about what other players think. Unless you have voice chat on, you'll never hear or see another thing from them. (I've never actually tried text chat, but I've been assuming it's group-only.)
https://pubg.me/ <- is probably the best resource for weapon damge/recoil/bullet velocity etc. As well as player stats

Omg this website is awesome, thanks for the link!
Übermatik;242993200 said:
How far away are they? Each white square on the map is 100m, so gauge their distance and adjust your scope accordingly. Page Up and Page Down keys cycle through zeroing distance on the scopes, so with that set up appropriately you should only have to make minor adjustments to where you're pointing the crosshair.

That could be part of it- I've never messed around with zeroing the distance on the scopes, so that might be at least part of the reason why I seemingly can't hit anyone at range with a scope with any reliability.


I really hope one of the new maps will be a full city map, no open fields. It would drastically change gameplay and tactics. If the new maps are the same open fields + occasionally house cluster that would be pretty dissapointing.


That could be part of it- I've never messed around with zeroing the distance on the scopes, so that might be at least part of the reason why I seemingly can't hit anyone at range with a scope with any reliability.

Most guns are zeroed to 100 meters by default. 100 meters is one small square on the map. At 300 or more meters I agree that rifles can be tough but below that they are still very good and I would say pretty essential. I believe at below 100 meters bullets will be slightly high because of the default zeroing.
I had a funny moment where I shot a guy out of a Dacia, except his ragdoll was still inside and freaking out in the backseat and the camera for some reason kept adjusting because of it, like it saw the ragdoll as level geometry to adjust for. My view kept going essentially first person because of it until it fell out.
Eatin again

How is the skill ceiling in this game and will the community shit on me in-game if I'm bad?

You see, I suck at mouse and keyboard due to multiple button inputs and the only recent PC game I have been able to master with mouse and keyboard os Overwatch since it doesn't really have a lot of button inputs.

I just want a fun multiplayer game to jump in and out of.

Play solo queue PUBG for a while, thats what I do. Its not like overwatch in that solo play is entirely solo, no teams are allowed so everyone you face also solo queued so there is no issue of "goddamn it, your shitty play brought me down". If anything people love crappy players in PUBG since its essentially free kills.

I'd recommend just watching twitch streams for a while, I learned a lot about fast looting (press tab to bring up inv screen instead of hovering over items!), when to move, where some cars are, what good weapons are, etc.

For me most games is mostly thrilling at the start hoping few to none people land where I land, looting everything I can, and then making a beeline to the center of the circle and constantly following that center, preferably with a vehicle. Then picking a spot to ambush people. I've gotten to top 10 and top 2 probably 20-30 times that way in 2 weeks, many times with 0-1 kills. Its kind of stupid and silly, but in many ways its fun just being some weird scavenger who lets everyone kill each other and then sit around like some weird psycho with a shotgun waiting by a door for someone to open it and walk in. Going from top 10 to first is almost a totally different game and requires different strats, but just the first part (getting to top 10) is fun enough for me.

Once you've played a lot of solo and mastered the basic elements of the game like guns, looting, map position, circle timing, etc its almost a totally different game when you start queuing in 2s and 5s, but I really don't like competitive multiplayer so I rarely do that, even when friends ask since I feel like me dying (to my stupidity) is letting them down.


I really hope one of the new maps will be a full city map, no open fields. It would drastically change gameplay and tactics. If the new maps are the same open fields + occasionally house cluster that would be pretty dissapointing.

A full city map would be class. 1 high rise building.

The mayhem would be intense


I've given up on tryna win. Did a drop into a crowd earlier and had a lot more fun in the thick of it.

Get a decent loot and a few fire fights so much more enjoyable


I've given up on tryna win. Did a drop into a crowd earlier and had a lot more fun in the thick of it.

Get a decent loot and a few fire fights so much more enjoyable
It's good practice, and the only win I've had (in solo mode on NA server) came from diving into a crowded area, immediately finding an 8x scope, and promptly changing my plans for that game (e.g. I ran away and hid like a coward). :p
They said that while prototyping one of the new maps they actually had some massive 50 story buildings in there, but cut them out because of how impossible it would be to loot them.

Hopefully mod support would get some cool unofficial setups. Maybe an archipelago, sewer system, some place more sci-fi... Problem in that case would be playerbase for mods but then again with 300K+ peak players then maybe there wouldn't be a problem.


I cant wait till they add a kill cam or enemy highlight. I really hate not knowing where the heck I got shot from... &#128556;


I must say that rebinding zeroing to my mouse has helped my sniping greatly. Definitely recommend doing this (or otherwise easily accessible buttons)


I feel like I can't see shit sometimes in this game. I've messed with my settings: reduced/turned off post-processing, messed with shadows, screen scale, anti-aliasing, etc.


Man, I consistently can't locate people shooting at me. Like, in 90% of the cases I can't.
You're not the only one, getting shot at from distance I rarely know where its coming from. Whats even worse is that 9 times out of 10 shooting sometime from distance and motherfuckers are on me like white on rice.


A full city map would be class. 1 high rise building.

The mayhem would be intense

A full city map would make sniping /range less important and instead force a more guerilla warfare play style, completely changing the feel of the game without changing anything about the actual mechanics. It would be perfect.
A full city map would make sniping /range less important and instead force a more guerilla warfare play style, completely changing the feel of the game without changing anything about the actual mechanics. It would be perfect.

Then just think if they add claymores and C4...

Shit would get so tense.

I now know the frustration that comes with second place

Man, me and two others were still there, and I spotted one of em next to a tree, looking away from me shooting somewhere. Should have let him focus on killing the other guy instead of picking him off. Other guy circled around me and got me.


I'm really afraid they'll add RPGs at some point. Hope not. I reckon C4's might be okay as long as they beep really loudly or something. Claymores would be a pain in the ass.

If they add RPGs to the game, it'll surely be a packet drop and only a single rocket. Probably only really effective against vehicles.

The day they either add C4 or claymores I'll uninstall this game.


Duos seems to the the sweet spot for me. Buddy to help you loot faster and avenge your death. Not as slow paced as solo but not the constant fighting/struggle that squads are for me usually.


Is there any way to move around in this while making 0 sound? If not, what is the quietest method of movement? So far I've been crouching+aiming+leaning and that seems to be the stealthiest approach.


If they add RPGs to the game, it'll surely be a packet drop and only a single rocket. Probably only really effective against vehicles.

The day they either add C4 or claymores I'll uninstall this game.

Yeah, in a single shot scenario where there are no respawns Claymores would be really bad


Gold Member
Man, I consistently can't locate people shooting at me. Like, in 90% of the cases I can't.

Crack... Boom! Crack... Boom!

Crack being the bullet whizzing past your noggin, boom being the actual shot. Volume of the boom and the time it takes to hear it after the crack will help determine where the bullets are coming from.

Also remember you might be getting shot by multiple people if you're out in the open.
That is awesome!!

What have they directly said/Released ?


The conversation covers the game's in-development maps, the idea of implementing lore, colour-coding ammo, the possibility of a single-player campaign and, most interestingly, the apparently incoming 2D and 3D replay systems. On the two dimensional front, Greene says to expect something similar to Arma, whereby players can track their movements up and down the map. The 3D variation will however include slow motion, cinematic camera angles and will provide scope for Machinima-style player videos.

"We have 2D and 3D replays planned for the game," Greene tells GI. "We have a team that just joined that are working on a 3D replay system at the moment, which is great because while they're doing that, we don't need to spend resources on it. It's something I feel is really essential to the game—having this ability to watch your own round back in the game and have a spectator camera where you can just watch yourself, and watch any round, basically.

"I think this will help the game in the long-term where it'll provide content creators and players with ways to create interesting videos... Also, going forward, we plan to add modding in. We feel that can help our game survive that one year flash in the pan, so to speak. We want to provide a platform for game modes—you already see it with our custom games. We don't want to restrict people to just the battle royale game mode or just the game modes we make. We want to see what everyone can create."
They need to add a firing range eventually, if only because it gets embarrassing when one minute you can headshot a guy behind a tree from far away and then the next you can dump 40 rounds of 9mm into a slow moving Dacia less than 30m away and somehow only graze the driver.


They need to add a firing range eventually, if only because it gets embarrassing when one minute you can headshot a guy behind a tree from far away and then the next you can dump 40 rounds of 9mm into a slow moving Dacia less than 30m away and somehow only graze the driver.

If they added moving targets that'd be great.

And extremely far away ones as well.


Does PUBG support surround sound? I swear that I can hear surround when I use my 7.1 headset. Some guy on Reddit said that it does not.


If you're caught in a red zone, does hiding inside a building keep you protected from the mortar explosions?

yeah. Actually you can walk in the open and stay alive with some luck. They hit a wide area.

Red zones are more of an opportunity to conceal yourself and your noise. Best moment to snipe some distant target to figure out the fall off or sneak up on someone.
If you're caught in a red zone, does hiding inside a building keep you protected from the mortar explosions?

Yes, but I've seen people get killed from standing too close to doorways from inside a building. Not sure if that's intended or not. The blasts will blow up the doors.


Yaaasszzzz, finally got the monkey off my back! I'm going to savor this one.

Killed a guy picking up a late supply drop to get a Karak98 and 8x scope. Used that and grenades to flush out the final player into the open and finished the job with a SCAR.
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