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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale


Has anyone ever brought up the idea of adding a defibrillator into the game, maybe as a rare spawn or crate drop? My thought is that it could turn the tides of the late game. If one of your squad dies, maybe the defib could bring them back to life only for a few seconds. Just enough time to maybe get some shots off, maybe get a last kill, and then die for good.

I know that in real life, defibs don't bring the dead back to life, but this game is about to incorporate space suits for armor, so it's just a random thought lmao

That, or the adrenaline shot could insta-revive a downed teammate.
My crazy game suggestion? Shoes that affect your movement speed, and armoured gloves that provide armour boosts. Minor stat boosts for both, but enough to be worthwhile. It would be similar to armour vests and headgear--a straight upgrade to what you deploy with.
Has anyone ever brought up the idea of adding a defibrillator into the game, maybe as a rare spawn or crate drop? My thought is that it could turn the tides of the late game. If one of your squad dies, maybe the defib could bring them back to life only for a few seconds. Just enough time to maybe get some shots off, maybe get a last kill, and then die for good.

I know that in real life, defibs don't bring the dead back to life, but this game is about to incorporate space suits for armor, so it's just a random thought lmao

Having exclusively played solo PUB, I feel like introducing items specific to those modes would screw up balance. They already compensate groups with one-off(?) revives after being downed; adjusting loot tables or distribution would just skew game balance and balance suggestions, in turn affecting the rest of the game.

And another thing, no consmables are instant, are they? It seems weird to throw in one that is. Like that would be the whole reason it's useful, but the same could be said for medkits or boost items.


Having exclusively played solo PUB, I feel like introducing items specific to those modes would screw up balance. They already compensate groups with one-off(?) revives after being downed; adjusting loot tables or distribution would just skew game balance and balance suggestions, in turn affecting the rest of the game.

And another thing, no consmables are instant, are they? It seems weird to throw in one that is. Like that would be the whole reason it's useful, but the same could be said for medkits or boost items.
it doesn't have to be instant. It could take, I dunno, 7 seconds to rub them together and do the action. If we wanna get real, there could be a 50% chance that it even works you know? With that being the case, it ends up being up to the player to use the defibrillator and risk being vulnerable for those seven seconds of endgame action when the thing may or may not revive the player. It could help immensely, or it could end your round.


970 and 8GB of RAM here and I've got a pretty smooth 60fps for the most part once I've landed. It occasionally dips a bit, but it gets more stable with each patch.

I have a 970 and had 8GB until yesterday, the game would take ages to load and get back to the menu after a game. Also, I'd frequently have assets not load in at the start of the game, such as the building textures so I'd be stuck waiting around before I could even enter a building and get some loot.

I ordered 16GB RAM, it arrived yesterday, installed it and the game runs much better now. Everything loads quickly, had no issues with textures not loading in.
Is there a bigger let down in gaming?



I have a 970 and had 8GB until yesterday, the game would take ages to load and get back to the menu after a game. Also, I'd frequently have assets not load in at the start of the game, such as the building textures so I'd be stuck waiting around before I could even enter a building and get some loot.

I ordered 16GB RAM, it arrived yesterday, installed it and the game runs much better now. Everything loads quickly, had no issues with textures not loading in.
An SSD also fixes those problems you've mentioned.
Another ~~~craaazy~~~ suggestion: occasionally spawn weapons with random attachments.

This reminds me, I'd love a tooltip on attachment slots stating what's valid. e.g. I still don't know what goes into that revolver's attachment space(s?).

I know there's one on each attachment stating what's valid, but most of the guns have such similar names that it's hell to remember.
it doesn't have to be instant. It could take, I dunno, 7 seconds to rub them together and do the action. If we wanna get real, there could be a 50% chance that it even works you know? With that being the case, it ends up being up to the player to use the defibrillator and risk being vulnerable for those seven seconds of endgame action when the thing may or may not revive the player. It could help immensely, or it could end your round.
Y'know, it would certainly be an interesting addition. I watch Giant Bomb's PUB videos, and I'd love to see them fumble with risky revives like that.

If they do start adding group-only items, I hope they add a vehicle with a mounted weapon. Just go all in with group shenanigans.


This reminds me, I'd love a tooltip on attachment slots stating what's valid. e.g. I still don't know what goes into that revolver's attachment space(s?).

I know there's one on each attachment stating what's valid, but most of the guns have such similar names that it's hell to remember.

Revolved only takes pistol suppressor.

Other handguns take mags and reddot (not holo!) attachments.

After a while you just start to remember what attachments are for what weapons and which grip is better one.


This reminds me, I'd love a tooltip on attachment slots stating what's valid. e.g. I still don't know what goes into that revolver's attachment space(s?).

I know there's one on each attachment stating what's valid, but most of the guns have such similar names that it's hell to remember.
The revolver only takes the suppressor. If you look at an attachment on the ground while having a weapon that takes it it'll show that weapon's icon. I wouldn't mind if they added what weapons an attachment can be used on in its description of something, though.
Revolved only takes pistol suppressor.

Other handguns take mags and reddot (not holo!) attachments.

After a while you just start to remember what attachments are for what weapons and which grip is better one.

The revolver only takes the suppressor. If you look at an attachment on the ground while having a weapon that takes it it'll show that weapon's icon. I wouldn't mind if they added what weapons an attachment can be used on in its description of something, though.
Thanks y'all.

That revolver is my GOAT. IT's saved my life twice now... which is a lot on the endless battlefields of PUB.
I always thought the racist pieces of shit were mostly little kids on consoles. But my God, I literally have not played a single game without hearing a handful of people yelling the N word or making jokes about killing or raping black people. Like literally every single game, in that load screen, it's 100% going to happen. So many fucking assholes it's astonishing.
I always thought the racist pieces of shit were mostly little kids on consoles. But my God, I literally have not played a single game without hearing a handful of people yelling the N word or making jokes about killing or raping black people. Like literally every single game, in that load screen, it's 100% going to happen. So many fucking assholes it's astonishing.

That fucking sucks.

Any way to report them?

There should be a way to name and shame these morons even if it's not through official channels.


I always thought the racist pieces of shit were mostly little kids on consoles. But my God, I literally have not played a single game without hearing a handful of people yelling the N word or making jokes about killing or raping black people. Like literally every single game, in that load screen, it's 100% going to happen. So many fucking assholes it's astonishing.

Muted that shit on Day 1. Popular games inevitably attract the sewage of the internet. I wish Valve actually got off their asses and did something about it in their games at least.


I always thought the racist pieces of shit were mostly little kids on consoles. But my God, I literally have not played a single game without hearing a handful of people yelling the N word or making jokes about killing or raping black people. Like literally every single game, in that load screen, it's 100% going to happen. So many fucking assholes it's astonishing.
Yeah, 99% of people talking in the lobby are just saying anything to get a reaction. I wish there was an option that turned off voice chat until you drop out of the plane. Nothing on the island or the plane is worth your time.
Muted that shit on Day 1. Popular games inevitably attract the sewage of the internet. I wish Valve actually got off their asses and did something.

Only reason I don't mute it is because I think In game if someone is near you and they talk you can hear them, right? So I just take my headset off now until that screen passes.

That fucking sucks.

Any way to report them?

There should be a way to name and shame these morons even if it's not through official channels.

Unfortunately there's no way to know who's saying it.


For you.
That fucking sucks.

Any way to report them?

There should be a way to name and shame these morons even if it's not through official channels.

Sadly you can't report them. The voice chat in the island/plane is completely anonymous, you can't even tell from whose avatar it's coming from, much less their nickname since nicknames are only revealed when you kill someone. That's part of the reason why the chat at the beggining is so garbage, you can just spew whatever bullshit you want and no one will be able to report you or block you or anything.
They really just should mute all voice chat until you reach the ground.


Has anyone encountered an issue where you can't hear the lobby OR any auto-matched teammates regardless of the chat settings? In the past I switched from 'all' to 'team-only' and recently noticed that I get no chat audio period. A most recent example is: I partied up with some discord friends and we automatched with one guy, and my friend on discord was talking to him and apparently the guy was talking back but i heard nothing. It's been this way for a couple weeks now.

Anyone have this issue and or fixed it?


Has anyone encountered an issue where you can't hear the lobby OR any auto-matched teammates regardless of the chat settings? In the past I switched from 'all' to 'team-only' and recently noticed that I get no chat audio period. A most recent example is: I partied up with some discord friends and we automatched with one guy, and my friend on discord was talking to him and apparently the guy was talking back but i heard nothing. It's been this way for a couple weeks now.

Anyone have this issue and or fixed it?

ctrl t to unmute. you honestly might have just muted it by accident
Keep telling my team I've been hearing footsteps outside of Georgopol apartments, swear I'm not crazy... Paranoid as fuck, the time eventually comes for us to leave through the backdoor.

M249 rips us and our vehicle to shreds in about .35 seconds.

Absolutely destroyed.

In other news, we won a dinner last night through our team mate driving over the last 2 guys on his own. Was a kind of "Oh what, we won!?" moment as we desperately healed under the cover of smoke.
I just had the worst circle ever, where the circle went from being 75% top island to 75% south island all at once, and both bridges were outside of the blue. I ran to a UAZ and the red zone instantly popped up and pinpoint struck me between the eyes on the first bombardment.


I just had the worst circle ever, where the circle went from being 75% top island to 75% south island all at once, and both bridges were outside of the blue. I ran to a UAZ and the red zone instantly popped up and pinpoint struck me between the eyes on the first bombardment.

your game angered the rngesus


so I was having kind of a shitty match earlier where I couldn't really find any ammo or armor or healing items, and a decent chunk of the way in I realized that the rifle I thought I had was actually a shotgun (hey, I don't know much about guns) which meant I actually had two shotguns. Somehow ended up staying alive but could never find another gun. It ended up with me being in the final two without having killed a single person the whole match with the other person on the opposite side of the circle with a rifle and me with two shotguns lol.
I did not win.


fascinated by how shitty i am at this game but keep winding up in the top 5 or so based on dumb luck. like, i'm the Forrest Gump of PUBG


Some dude took out two of us at the beginning with a pan. Our friend came up with a shotgun, the pan deflected the blast and the next swing nailed my friend in the head for a one-shot kill. I wasn't even mad.


What's the best microphone? I have a pair of Sennheisers already so no need for headphones.

If your headphone has a replaceable 3.5mm cable, get vmoda boompro. It's a $30 wire with a decent mic on it, turns your headphone to a headset.

If not, you can try Sony ECMCS3 Clip mic, it's below $20 and it's stereo, the sound is a bit better than vmoda but it's a clip mic, two wires go toward your head, it's not a clean solution.

If your headphone isn't boompro compatible, I'd just get a on-desk mic instead of adding more wires, you can do proper voice recording with those for content making and similar but it's a lot more expensive. How much you want to spend?

just look at the list down here. https://www.reddit.com/r/Zeos/comments/66x9c0/guide_headphones_gaming/


For you.
Going on solo in squads is such a rush. Just managed to wipe out a entire squad. I had spotted one of them in a rooftop looting. Quickly downed him with a sniper, but didn't manage to kill him. I know they will be coming for my ass shortly, so I jump from the roof to the small roof of the entrance of the building. From there I could safely overlook the stairs. One comes, i quickly gun him down. Then each member of the squad comes one by one and every single gets gunned down by me. What a adrenaline rush.


Ended my game like this. Nice to feel like Grimmmz for a brief match at least. It was insane. I never though I would barely be able to fight off one squad, nevermind managing to kill 13 people by myself.
Er. With the new news when is this supposed to release on Xbox? I see op says winter but did that change? Sorry if this is a repeat but I just got an Xbox


YEAAAAAH! FINALLY! got my first W after ~7hrs of gameplay. long time coming lol. 2nd last night, 3rd earlier today, then BAM! i'm eating chicken tonight!

what a rush. My hands turned numb after killing the last guy lol
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