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PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS Early Access Thread: This Is Battle Royale


Finally....after 281 rounds, 86 hours played, 42 top tens including 4 second place finishes...


If there is a more exhilarating game out there I haven't played it yet.

That said, I think there is something really messed up with the game's net code / lag compensation. I've posted before about some really obnoxious deaths where I was in extremely advantageous positions and still lost the gun fight. If I search online there are plenty of people claiming that the game favors higher pings and punishes better connections. The vast majority of my games played have been on the North America servers and I made the top 10 about ~ 13% of the time due to mostly avoiding people but I was constantly victimized by what felt like being impossibly behind my opponents in 1 on 1's. So for 12 matches I tried playing on the Asia servers and the game felt night and day different. I could actually land shots and win fights. I could take a hit or two and get to cover. I could maneuver and outflank people. When I died it never felt cheap. The other guy just outplayed me or I didn't see him. Instead of getting a kill once out of ever 3 matches, I was getting several per match with a k/d over 2. Instead of getting top ten only once out of ever 9 matches or so I got it 2 out of every 3....and I finally got a win. I know it's a small sample and you could blame it on weaker competition or something else but I really don't think that's it. I've played enough shooters that I think I can tell when I'm getting screwed by the netcode or something else outside my control. Anyway, if I'm right I hope the devs get it straightened out. They've made a really amazing game. But if the game is giving anyone an advantage it should be the players with the best pings, not the other way around.
Is H1Z1 worth getting if I like PUBG or is PUBG a better game?

PUBG is already better and seems to have a more focused development team.

I played H1Z1 for about 400 hours. It's fun but a lot faster paced with (imo) horrible gunplay. Development has been a mess and they are very slow to fix and add features. I haven't touched it since I bought PUBG.


Man, I just drop into the military base every time now. Fuck it. I either die immediately or get geared up really well and make top 10. Making me much better at combat too.


I could actually land shots and win fights. I could take a hit or two and get to cover.

What? o_O

In my mere 42 hours (NA, solo, good ping) I have never had this happen. Either A) My bullets feel like they never leave the gun, so I lose most encounters, or B) when I die it is 1/10th of a second after I hear ONE shot that I never know where it came from.

I just assumed all of that was A) My 3rd person aim sucks (TPS "aim" is bad, but the controls suck. I wish I could flip the aim button operations), can't wait for first person only servers, B) Working as intended, everyone but me has 8x scopes, sniper rifles, and amazing aim.


What? o_O

In my mere 42 hours (NA, solo, good ping) I have never had this happen. Either A) My bullets feel like they never leave the gun, so I lose most encounters, or B) when I die it is 1/10th of a second after I hear ONE shot that I never know where it came from.

I just assumed all of that was A) My 3rd person aim sucks (TPS "aim" is bad, but the controls suck. I wish I could flip the aim button operations), can't wait for first person only servers, B) Working as intended, everyone but me has 8x scopes, sniper rifles, and amazing aim.
They're saying that happened as soon as they went to a non-NA server, which meant they were getting favored because of high ping. e.g. you get better results if you have high ping.

I'm in NA and play on NA servers and I have mixed results. Sometimes it feels bad, sometimes it feels responsive.


Man, I really hope this game gets optimized better in the future for people like me with old PCs because ouch. Lowest settings are NOT pretty :(


Man, I really hope this game gets optimized better in the future for people like me with old PCs because ouch. Lowest settings are NOT pretty :(

They aren't but they also have done a good job of making them not have disadvantages like draw distance issues and stuff. You can still shoot people from across the map and I've never had an issues related specifically to graphics not being up high or anything which is really great.

The game will never be a looker but it IS extremely well made. They had their priorities straight as hell.


When the zombies mode releases this games population will double. Mark my words.

I doubt it, it's a fun mode but a lot of people want to be human so they'll just keep leaving games until they do it.

That and the mode might stay as a custom so it's going to not be as easy as playing the regular game.


They aren't but they also have done a good job of making them not have disadvantages like draw distance issues and stuff. You can still shoot people from across the map and I've never had an issues related specifically to graphics not being up high or anything which is really great.

The game will never be a looker but it IS extremely well made. They had their priorities straight as hell.

I thought there was an advantage to reducing foliage etc.

Daffy Duck

I thought there was an advantage to reducing foliage etc.

I think there was at the very start, but they fixed it quite a while ago.

Finally....after 281 rounds, 86 hours played, 42 top tens including 4 second place finishes...


If there is a more exhilarating game out there I haven't played it yet.

That said, I think there is something really messed up with the game's net code / lag compensation. I've posted before about some really obnoxious deaths where I was in extremely advantageous positions and still lost the gun fight. If I search online there are plenty of people claiming that the game favors higher pings and punishes better connections. The vast majority of my games played have been on the North America servers and I made the top 10 about ~ 13% of the time due to mostly avoiding people but I was constantly victimized by what felt like being impossibly behind my opponents in 1 on 1's. So for 12 matches I tried playing on the Asia servers and the game felt night and day different. I could actually land shots and win fights. I could take a hit or two and get to cover. I could maneuver and outflank people. When I died it never felt cheap. The other guy just outplayed me or I didn't see him. Instead of getting a kill once out of ever 3 matches, I was getting several per match with a k/d over 2. Instead of getting top ten only once out of ever 9 matches or so I got it 2 out of every 3....and I finally got a win. I know it's a small sample and you could blame it on weaker competition or something else but I really don't think that's it. I've played enough shooters that I think I can tell when I'm getting screwed by the netcode or something else outside my control. Anyway, if I'm right I hope the devs get it straightened out. They've made a really amazing game. But if the game is giving anyone an advantage it should be the players with the best pings, not the other way around.

Congrats, I'm still searching for my first.

I know what you mean, after reading the posts here about the Asian servers I jumped on them yesterday and it does feel vastly different to when I play on EU servers.
It took 126 games to get my first Solo ChickenDinner. Stats were reset soon after. My second Solo ChickenDinner came after 46 games, with a 23% Top 10 rate. So I guess that is progress. Watching Will Smith's streams have actually helped hone my game, tho.


Woooooow. Tried to redeem two crates from my reward points and it said something like "unable to open crate," and then both disappeared from my inventory. NEAT.

Daffy Duck

Just started playing yestarday and I'm a bit lost. Any tips for a beginner?

Also, when should I jump from the plane? I usually end up landing near other players and dying pretty quickly.

I find strange that you can't spectate the game after dying, I would love to do it to learn.

Two schools of thought for me:

1) drop somewhere like Pochinki, the school, military base to get into fights early and force yourself to fight, gets you to learn things pretty quickly
2) drop in quieter places that don't get much traffic in the hope you can gear up, then make your way to somewhere that will be near the final circle and wait.

I have a list of quieter places like the buildings north west of the military base, north east of military base the comms tower, hospital south of Georgepol are areas I tend to like to visit which are normally pretty quiet.

This is also a handy interactive map that you can use to look at hot areas etc

Loving the game but I'm never gonna be able to be "good" until I get a new PC.

Runs great once I get going but upon landing all of the buildings are textureless and I have to wait a good ~2 minutes before I can even enter any buildings.


Loving the game but I'm never gonna be able to be "good" until I get a new PC.

Runs great once I get going but upon landing all of the buildings are textureless and I have to wait a good ~2 minutes before I can even enter any buildings.
This happens to a lot of people, but an SSD (and 16GB of memory if possible) helps a ton.
Glad it's not just me!

I'll be upgrading before the end of the year so 16gb and an SSD shouldn't be a super tall order. Thanks!

I can't upgrade my RAM but I do have a free mSATA slot on my laptop as it turns out, so I'm gonna see if Prime Day has a deal for it, and then jump on 256Gb of sweet sweet SSD


it's not particularly a looker on max settings either. you aren't missing out on too much

That's bullshit. The difference between ultra and very low is huge, particularly textures and lighting.

So, personally, I'd love to be able to play on ultra settings.


Loving the game but I'm never gonna be able to be "good" until I get a new PC.

Runs great once I get going but upon landing all of the buildings are textureless and I have to wait a good ~2 minutes before I can even enter any buildings.

I solved this problem for my friend by moving the installation from his HDD to his SSD. Do you have an SSD?


Well last night I got my first team chicken dinner with workmates. I wasn't alive at the end though, so it feels like a cheat.

Fifth is still my best solo.

I would kill for some kind of stats page. I'd love to know where I go most. Hell, even a map of where I went in the match that had just ended.
Playing as a zombi does sound ridiculously boring. You spend 20 minutes trying to chase down the humans just to 90% of time get shot to death before you can land a hit. Oh boy! Watching the humans get eventually overrun is kind of interesting but that is one note as well.


Speaking to the discussion earlier I don't think it'd be a good idea to add much more randomisation to weapon spawning or bonuses. Having the knowledge that the person you are going up against only has what is available for the most part on the ground means I don't have to worry about stat differences. Only knowing about the existence of attachments means it comes down to pure skill, and even then attachments are only of severe impact with scopes which for some doesn't seem to be a barrier for skill.

Where PUBG is at now is extremely positive for the community. It is incredibly easy to pick up and play but still challenge veterans because of its evolving gameplay on each round. Additions to maps and weaponry is I believe all that needs to be added, alongside the already coming climbing mechanics. Essentially the age old "keep it simple stupid" statement rings true for PUBG, any more bloated and it's ease of access is lost entirely.
zombie mode should have been players vs ai
Then it's just DayZ no? Honestly keeping it custom mode and to the style it currently is works perfectly fine. The core mode of PUBG needs to be battle royale, keeping the gameplay fresh on each round played.
Any tips on aiming?

I've put around 40 hours or so into PUBG so far according to Steam and I still suck at aiming shots with any kind of scope on an assault rifle like a SCAR or M16 or M4.

Lately I've noticed when I have an 8x scope on an M16, I'll have a guy seemingly lined up- just right in the chest, no fancy headshot or anything- and I always miss. And it seems like they're going high. That's whether the person is stationary or on the move. Almost all of my shots with scoped ARs seem to wind up missing high and I just don't get it. Does elevation play a big role? Like if I'm on a hill shooting down on a guy running, should I have to compensate for the elevation difference in a significant way?

It's just so frustrating when I feel like I have the jump on somebody and have them lined up but consistently miss.


Neo Member
Anyone got any tips for getting this game to run more consistently? I have an R7 1700x and a 1080 but still have FPS dips to the mid 50s at 1080p.
I solved this problem for my friend by moving the installation from his HDD to his SSD. Do you have an SSD?

I don't have one available. I'm playing on a new-ish laptop and have a desktop with an SSD but that computer has an assortment of problems and won't work until I swap out some stuff.
Anyone got any tips for getting this game to run more consistently? I have an R7 1700x and a 1080 but still have FPS dips to the mid 50s at 1080p.

Whu-? Your specs are a bump up from mine (R7 1700, GTX 1070) and I get a very consistent 60fps. Only drops occasionally, but that's server-wide and experienced by my friends too - just a symptom of being in early access!
Any tips on aiming?

I've put around 40 hours or so into PUBG so far according to Steam and I still suck at aiming shots with any kind of scope on an assault rifle like a SCAR or M16 or M4.

Lately I've noticed when I have an 8x scope on an M16, I'll have a guy seemingly lined up- just right in the chest, no fancy headshot or anything- and I always miss. And it seems like they're going high. That's whether the person is stationary or on the move. Almost all of my shots with scoped ARs seem to wind up missing high and I just don't get it. Does elevation play a big role? Like if I'm on a hill shooting down on a guy running, should I have to compensate for the elevation difference in a significant way?

It's just so frustrating when I feel like I have the jump on somebody and have them lined up but consistently miss.

How far away are they? Each white square on the map is 100m, so gauge their distance and adjust your scope accordingly. Page Up and Page Down keys cycle through zeroing distance on the scopes, so with that set up appropriately you should only have to make minor adjustments to where you're pointing the crosshair.
Any tips on aiming?

I've put around 40 hours or so into PUBG so far according to Steam and I still suck at aiming shots with any kind of scope on an assault rifle like a SCAR or M16 or M4.

Lately I've noticed when I have an 8x scope on an M16, I'll have a guy seemingly lined up- just right in the chest, no fancy headshot or anything- and I always miss. And it seems like they're going high. That's whether the person is stationary or on the move. Almost all of my shots with scoped ARs seem to wind up missing high and I just don't get it. Does elevation play a big role? Like if I'm on a hill shooting down on a guy running, should I have to compensate for the elevation difference in a significant way?

It's just so frustrating when I feel like I have the jump on somebody and have them lined up but consistently miss.
Bullet drop depends how far away you are and which weapon you're using. Don't think there's any other factors. Although shooting high sounds weird--are you looking at the wrong place in the reticle or something? For an average shot at or below optimal distance, it should be in the center of the reticle. Another possibility is server lag, displacing where you and your target actually are in the game's mind.

That said, note that on anything other than a sniper rifle, such a good scope will probably be a waste. Assault rifles, etc. aren't meant for such an extreme distance and will be terribly inaccurate, on top of whatever bullet drop is happening.

Here's a chart on weapon stats, although it might be a little different by now; not sure. Just to give a rough idea on what they can do.


Any tips on aiming?

I've put around 40 hours or so into PUBG so far according to Steam and I still suck at aiming shots with any kind of scope on an assault rifle like a SCAR or M16 or M4.

Lately I've noticed when I have an 8x scope on an M16, I'll have a guy seemingly lined up- just right in the chest, no fancy headshot or anything- and I always miss. And it seems like they're going high. That's whether the person is stationary or on the move. Almost all of my shots with scoped ARs seem to wind up missing high and I just don't get it. Does elevation play a big role? Like if I'm on a hill shooting down on a guy running, should I have to compensate for the elevation difference in a significant way?

It's just so frustrating when I feel like I have the jump on somebody and have them lined up but consistently miss.
  • Try not to move at all when firing
  • Hold shift down before firing
  • Crouch
  • Take range into count as AR accuracy over long range can be lousy leading bullets hitting to side
  • Bullets fly in arc so aim e.g. to neck when going for headshot from above the target down the range
How is the skill ceiling in this game and will the community shit on me in-game if I'm bad?

You see, I suck at mouse and keyboard due to multiple button inputs and the only recent PC game I have been able to master with mouse and keyboard os Overwatch since it doesn't really have a lot of button inputs.

I just want a fun multiplayer game to jump in and out of.
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