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PlayStation 4 Pro |Launch Thread| PS4 Reloaded


Man, the console was displaying 2160p when I first booted it up and now after the update, there's no signal to my 4K 60hz input. I've read that quite a few people are experiencing this after the update. Hopefully Sony fixes this because my PRO has basically become a regular PS4.


Friendly advice : before you begin your data transfer, delete your installed games. My transfer is taking 8-9 hours for 370GB of data (wired).


I'm not sure why I thought downloading all my games again would not be a big deal. I am downloading all night and while I am at work tomorrow. I am gonna swing by Best Buy on the way home to pick up Skyrim SE and Dishonored 2 while the 40% off deal is going on. Hopefully it will be done downloading by the time I get home tomorrow.


So I'm unsure of if the IW MP uses super sampling. I think ti looks really sharp but I'm unsure.

Actually wait it's downsampling right? Not sure why I keep saying supersampling...


Fuck me a 7 hour transfer, not even going to get close to playing with this tonight ):

Should have just deleted everything and re-downloaded it piece meal.
I think I may have lost PT.

I did a back up PS4 on my old PS4 to a usb stick.

I then put the usb into the Pro, and did a restore PS4 from usb device. I followed the prompts..and nothing.

Aslo, is it me, or does the light on the front of the Pro look crooked?


I assume the super sampling and stuff is something it does on its own i don't have to check any boxes or do anything outside games like Last of Us right? Cause i tested Mafia 3 and now IW (mafia 3 looks exactly the same with the same pop ins which is why i am asking) and IW looks the same as far as i can tell.


Do I need a premium hdmi cable to get the down scaled benefits? Right now I have two cables attached with a coupler so I can switch back forth with the VR unit easily. One is the premium cable that came with the PlayStation and one is the hdmi cable that came with psvr
Asked in the other thread but maybe should ask here as well

Can anyone help? I hooked the Pro up to my Samsung KS8000 TV and supposedly you need to be in movie mode in order to know if HDR will kick in. I put the TV on movie mode, put Infinite Warfare in that is supposed to have HDR, but the backlight won't go to 20 like it's supposed to for HDR. Anyone have any suggestions? Am I doing this all wrong?


Walks in the Light of the Crystal
Mine only took an hour and a half to transfer 320 GB. Everything seems to be working perfectly. Apparently the Pro update somehow screwed up World of Final Fantasy though, so I hope it's not too bad when I resume playing.

Now to wait for Black Friday so I can get a TV that actually makes use of this power rather than my 32" 720p TV I'm using now.


Fuck me a 7 hour transfer, not even going to get close to playing with this tonight ):

Should have just deleted everything and re-downloaded it piece meal.

Yup, entering hour 4 here. How the absolute fuck is anything in 2016 this fucking slow?


Do I need a premium hdmi cable to get the down scaled benefits? Right now I have two cables attached with a coupler so I can switch back forth with the VR unit easily. One is the premium cable that came with the PlayStation and one is the hdmi cable that came with psvr

PSVR cable is high speed also, so it's fine.
Asked in the other thread but maybe should ask here as well

Can anyone help? I hooked the Pro up to my Samsung KS8000 TV and supposedly you need to be in movie mode in order to know if HDR will kick in. I put the TV on movie mode, put Infinite Warfare in that is supposed to have HDR, but the backlight won't go to 20 like it's supposed to for HDR. Anyone have any suggestions? Am I doing this all wrong?

Make sure that HDR is enabled on the PS4 first. Then make sure your firmware for the TV is update. Basically, make sure all the required options are enabled.

I have a Samsung as well and it doesn't need to be in movie mode for HDR to kick in. I get in PC mode, Game mode, etc.


These screens look so similar to the promotional material and bullshots that are so often used by developers these days.

Absolutely stunning, especially the 4K --> 1080p downsampled shots.


This is insane I was prepared for 8-10 hours but 32 is fucking bullshit
Still pissed GameStop didn't have a midnight release too, only reason I pre ordered there, they are fucking useless without that


How much data are you transfaring? What router?

I'm wired with a Netgear gigabit and doing like 300GB. It seems its a bottleneck with the read/write speeds as opposed to connection, especially since it is copying it.

Would have been better to just do my saves and re-download everything overnight and while I was working.

I'm considering just aborting the process. Anyone know the consequences of that?

550 gigs took me 2 hours to transfer.

Ugh why is mine so much slower. It's running like 80Mbps.
Make sure that HDR is enabled on the PS4 first. Then make sure your firmware for the TV is update. Basically, make sure all the required options are enabled.

I have a Samsung as well and it doesn't need to be in movie mode for HDR to kick in. I get in PC mode, Game mode, etc.

Latest firmware and all that. I read somewhere that it needs to be in movie mode and the backlight will kick up to 20 when HDR is received. The backlight never kicked up to 20 for me on any of the modes, is there any indicator that says if HDR is on?
Friendly advice : before you begin your data transfer, delete your installed games. My transfer is taking 8-9 hours for 370GB of data (wired).
I was about 250ish with installed games.

Finished in 38 minutes, before starting said it would take 34.

This transfer was done with both consoles wired to the ROUTER.

Unsure how it would work if they were connected via WiFi to PSN and Ethernet between the two.

You folks may want to check port settings on your routers to see if any ports are throttled.
So I didn't even use the hdmi cable provided. Just using what I already had in my old PS4. Only using a 1080P TV. Am I good? I know it's a dumb question.
This is insane I was prepared for 8-10 hours but 32 is fucking bullshit
Still pissed GameStop didn't have a midnight release too, only reason I pre ordered there, they are fucking useless without that

ya when I got my PS4pro last sunday it said 9 hours for the transfer. I said fuck that noise, went and copied my save games only


Asked in the other thread but maybe should ask here as well

Can anyone help? I hooked the Pro up to my Samsung KS8000 TV and supposedly you need to be in movie mode in order to know if HDR will kick in. I put the TV on movie mode, put Infinite Warfare in that is supposed to have HDR, but the backlight won't go to 20 like it's supposed to for HDR. Anyone have any suggestions? Am I doing this all wrong?

Have you enabled UHD colour for the HDMI port the PS4 is connected to? Its in the TV settings menu under picture settings, maybe in expert but i can;t remember as im not at the TV.

If not you won;t get any HDR.
I know this isn't the norm, but my first experience on PS4 Pro was a blurrier World of Final Fantasy with freezes lol

Never had to reset or power off or anything, each freeze was about five seconds and very infrequent, but as I was finishing it up it happened a few times. Didn't occur on OG PS4.


Yup, entering hour 4 here. How the absolute fuck is anything in 2016 this fucking slow?

I'm no programmer, but I'm guessing it's a combination of absurd levels of encryption coupled with safety measures to avoid any data loss due to the transfer being interrupted. Regardless, yeah, it still sucks.

I still buy 99% of the triple-A titles I own on disc, so I just deleted most of my install files--my 138GB backup is going to take less than 90 min. Unfortunately, I'm still going to have to deal with patches and DLC *sneers at The Witcher 3*
So I didn't even use the hdmi cable provided. Just using what I already had in my old PS4. Only using a 1080P TV. Am I good? I know it's a dumb question.

i wound use the new cable. you're probably selling the PS4 and might forget that you have the old one hooked up when you either go to sell or get a 4k TV.


I need some Pro games recommendations.

(I already played TR on PC so that's a no and I already own UC4 and TLoU)

I'm reading good thing about infamous first light and I never got around to playing that, so might start off with that.


I need some Pro games recommendations.

(I already played TR on PC so that's a no and I already own UC4 and TLoU)

I'm reading good thing about infamous first light and I never got around to playing that, so might start off with that.

I hear R&C is like playing a Pixar film.
Latest firmware and all that. I read somewhere that it needs to be in movie mode and the backlight will kick up to 20 when HDR is received. The backlight never kicked up to 20 for me on any of the modes, is there any indicator that says if HDR is on?

For my TV, the TV goes black and then a status bar comes up that an HDR video is playing.

Do you have any other HDR capable games that you can toggle HDR on? Like TLoU or Deus Ex? I'm not sure if CoD has a toggle but those games do and whenever I switch that toggle on and off, the status bar comes on.


Asked in the other thread but maybe should ask here as well

Can anyone help? I hooked the Pro up to my Samsung KS8000 TV and supposedly you need to be in movie mode in order to know if HDR will kick in. I put the TV on movie mode, put Infinite Warfare in that is supposed to have HDR, but the backlight won't go to 20 like it's supposed to for HDR. Anyone have any suggestions? Am I doing this all wrong?
I'm not certain but I'm sure infinite warfare doesn't support HDR.


Asked in the other thread but maybe should ask here as well

Can anyone help? I hooked the Pro up to my Samsung KS8000 TV and supposedly you need to be in movie mode in order to know if HDR will kick in. I put the TV on movie mode, put Infinite Warfare in that is supposed to have HDR, but the backlight won't go to 20 like it's supposed to for HDR. Anyone have any suggestions? Am I doing this all wrong?

Not sure if its the same for KS series TVs but I have a KU and I had to go into the settings and set which HDMI port I wanted to use HDR on. Before I did that the PS4 was reporting that my TV didn't support HDR and it didn't turn on at all.

Please share your secrets

No secrets just had both hooked to my router,it can't be that great of a router either. It came from my service provider lol

So what differences am I gonna notice with infinite warfare on a 1080p screen? Do all the modes across the board look better? Or has it even been patched yet?


Make sure that HDR is enabled on the PS4 first. Then make sure your firmware for the TV is update. Basically, make sure all the required options are enabled.

I have a Samsung as well and it doesn't need to be in movie mode for HDR to kick in. I get in PC mode, Game mode, etc.

When yours automatically kicks in and gives you the HDR notification, does your backlight settings should up to 20 automatically?

I get the notification saying HDR, but none of my settings change so I have to manually change the backlight every time. Kind of annoying


Friendly advice : before you begin your data transfer, delete your installed games. My transfer is taking 8-9 hours for 370GB of data (wired).

WTH, i cleared around 300GB in about 45 minutes over my network, one PS4 upstairs in the bedroom and the other downstairs in the living room.
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