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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Discussion Thread 2 (read OP first)

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You burned Paul Gale at the stake, yet you're putting faith in cartoon snake vids? It's not a matter of one person fooling while the other isn't; they're literally doing the exact same thing. Granted TheRumbaLumba is providing cool audio videos, but weren't those were ripped from the beta? If so, why not expose specific information rather than vague? If he got those audio tracks/samples from SuperBot as well as more character info, why would they be cool with him disclosing audio under a pseudonym as well as vague character hints? You just fell for this same chicanery from someone else!


Out of curiosity, is the beta still live and is there a way to get the code for the EU version?


No and no. Sorry •~•

If it makes you feel better, the public beta is supposedly starting soon.
Thanks for the information. Good thing there'll be a public beta, since I was separated from my PS3 for a year and will probably get this one.
They should have just put the public beta live when this PR shitstorm started. Now a lot of us have zero hype left and having beta access could have alleviated that :p


So I'm going to do a full 180 and give my other perspective on how PSASBR has been turning out. Sure it's a great game and there's a lot more to see. But another thought that crossed my mind was that this title is "first-party" and represents the entire face of Playstation in its roster--at least it's supposed to.

So you'd think that something as grand of an idea should have a really strong backing by Sony itself, but it doesn't look like they're putting their all into this title. I mean, ideally, Sony should be waiting hand and foot on this title, putting in their money and time to make it as polished as possible.

Sure Superbot is probably pouring tons of soul into the game, but I wonder, how much is Sony actually supporting this title that pulls everything that represents them in one piece?


I just realized two of my absolute favorite PS franchises gets no love in this game. Socom and Gran Turismo. :(

I honestly don't know how they would fit in anyway.


So I'm going to do a full 180 and give my other perspective on how PSASBR has been turning out. Sure it's a great game and there's a lot more to see. But another thought that crossed my mind was that this title is "first-party" and represents the entire face of Playstation in its roster--at least it's supposed to.

So you'd think that something as grand of an idea should have a really strong backing by Sony itself, but it doesn't look like they're putting their all into this title. I mean, ideally, Sony should be waiting hand and foot on this title, putting in their money and time to make it as polished as possible.

Sure Superbot is probably pouring tons of soul into the game, but I wonder, how much is Sony actually supporting this title that pulls everything that represents them in one piece?

I think most of the roster complaints can be explained solely to the fact this is a new IP. You dont just throw tons of money at it like God of War 3 or Uncharted 2/3. You need to see if the franchise is at the point where a heavy investment is worth the return. I have no doubt that if PSABR is a success you will see one hell of a roster for PSABR 2, because 3rd parties will be offering characters instead of being asked.
I just realized two of my absolute favorite PS franchises gets no love in this game. Socom and Gran Turismo. :(

I honestly don't know how they would fit in anyway.

Translator-san could be DLC character.

Oh and Paul Gale at it again :3:

Déjà vu
Battle Royale's Top 5 Most Glaringly Absent Sony IPs

  1. Gran Turismo
  2. WipEout
  3. Shadow of the Colossus
  4. The Legend of Dragon
  5. Gravity Rush

Edit - Crap, I just remembered that WipEout makes an appearance in item form with that shield you can pick up.
At this point I wish we didn't get anymore 'hints' from him

I don't really care for hints. I mean they can be nice but honestly I'm waiting for superbot's announcement. I really want more than 2 females in this game, just give me Kat and Wanderer and I'll be good to go.
I don't really care for hints. I mean they can be nice but honestly I'm waiting for superbot's announcement. I really want more than 2 females in this game, just give me Kat and Wanderer and I'll be good to go.

Excuse me if I'm missing your point, but are you implying Wander is a girl, or is he just on your most-wanted list?

If it's the former, he's not; the latter, you're awesome.


Unconfirmed Member
They should have just put the public beta live when this PR shitstorm started. Now a lot of us have zero hype left and having beta access could have alleviated that :p

It really is interesting they didn't try to distract the bad news announcement with a good news one, like yeah there's no more characters left, but look at what we've done with minions! Or something like that.


I would say that's partially because SCEA fired their PR team, but then again those guys weren't exactly doing a tremendous job with this game either.
Excuse me if I'm missing your point, but are you implying Wander is a girl, or is he just on your most-wanted list?

If it's the former, he's not; the latter, you're awesome.

The latter. Kat is the girl I want in the game. Sony owns the IP, and her inclusion would make sense considering that GR was a success for the vita, and is starred by a female character. Sorry for the confusion.

Wanderer because SOTC or ICO need a huge representation for what they have done for the Playstation brand.


I am actually pretty happy with the current roster but yes more female representation would be great, especially Kat.


Battle Royale's Top 5 Most Glaringly Absent Sony IPs

  1. Gran Turismo
  2. WipEout
  3. Shadow of the Colossus
  4. The Legend of Dragon
  5. Gravity Rush

Edit - Crap, I just remembered that WipEout makes an appearance in item form with that shield you can pick up.

People are speculating this stage mashes Twisted Metal and WipEout:

I'd love for this to be true. The Welcome Back package sold me on the WipEout franchise and HD is the best racing game I've ever played.
It really is interesting they didn't try to distract the bad news announcement with a good news one, like yeah there's no more characters left, but look at what we've done with minions! Or something like that.

Seriously. First the tweet, mind you, not even a real post or anything, saying they've shown the default roster for All-Stars. Tons of people were upset, if you want an example, just go look at IGN's article for it ... it's over a thousand comments now and the most replied/thumbed up ones are saying NO CRASH??! NO SPYRO!?

They could have said - hey, we're going to show off some new modes! Or, hey, the public beta is going live on this date! You know, to get us hyped again and hopefully forget about the burning disappointment that the default roster isn't all it could be. I mean, there isn't a single rep from Sony's extensive wholly owned RPG roster ... it makes zero sense to not include something from them, you know? We got that guy's polearm from that unknown PS2 game - why couldn't we get something from Wild Arms, or Arc the Lad? Or maybe a character from either? I think reps from either would translate very well and be very fun. I guess spending more time to make another Cole was more important than an entirely different character, because he has a whole new moveset..

Then the whole shitstorm with Paul Gale, insiders on 'Gaf, rumors swirling about Sony firing their PR people because of the whole All-Stars leak, etc etc. Not a peep out of Sony or Superbot regarding this whole thing - AFAIK.

Nothing. We got an ambiguous blog post with an old interview they did with Omar, talking about stuff we already know about. They showed like three seconds of something new, right? We basically got three seconds, after having our hype annihilated and our hope questioned for the game because the lack of ... well, anything.


The moral of this story is never trust people with 'inside sources' for fighting games ever again!

I'll just call it a series of coincidences if someone happens to get the SSB4 character roster right.


You guys really need to learn your fucking lesson when it comes to Paul Gale, lol.
I'm never put much stock into "leaks" unless there was some hard proof to back it up; such as images or data files. Believing things that people say on the internet without any sort of proof like that, despite the reputation they might have seems rather silly to me.
You guys really need to learn your fucking lesson when it comes to Paul Gale, lol.

well if what you said is true then I would suspect one paul gale is a sell out and two what he is saying NOW is true. If they did in fact contact gale then I am sure he does in fact know the roster and after all the firings I doubt he still being bribed so if there is no bribe money then he has no reason to lie. You also stated the Japan is making superbot add all the fake hints to the roster to live up to the fake hyped material, so that makes the faked material real now.

if what you say is wrong and paul gale is right then it means that his info is accurate or unknowingly fake info giving to him by superbot.

I would not see any reason why his info would be fake now if he trying to save face then to save face his info he is giving now must be accurate.
More female representation is just one of the many reasons Lightning and Kat need to be in this game.

Honestly, they'd both be perfect for it. Oh, Superbot/Sony/Square Enix whoever dropped the ball on this. :(
It makes zero sense that they neglected so many wholly owned properties for the default roster, and instead got four third party reps. 20% of the roster is third party and even more depressing, to reiterate, 10% of the roster is Cole. Again, I love Cole and inFAMOUS but the time and effort that was spent to make an entirely unique second Cole could've been applied to someone unique and different.

So honestly that's like 25% of the roster that basically makes no sense, that made the cut before the decision was made that 20 was enough, pre DLC.


Aftershock LA
Battle Royale's Top 5 Most Glaringly Absent Sony IPs

  1. Gran Turismo
  2. WipEout
  3. Shadow of the Colossus
  4. The Legend of Dragon
  5. Gravity Rush

Edit - Crap, I just remembered that WipEout makes an appearance in item form with that shield you can pick up.

We haven't seen the entire game. We've seen stages, and characters. There's more to a game like this than stages and characters.

And as you've mentioned, the wipEout shield is in the game. We have no idea if there will be no references to Gran Turismo, SOTC, or The Legend of Dragoon. It's looking like Kat will be a DLC character, so that covers Gravity Rush.

I'm willing to wait it out, and see if there will be more PlayStation homages via items, trophies (as in, collectible items/figures like in SSB, not so much "Trophy" trophies, although I suppose some Trophy names could be references and homages as well), and other unlockables.

We seem entirely too eager to make blanket judgments based off of only a portion of what the full game will offer.

Mr. Fix

There's more to a game like this than stages and characters.

In a party-fighting game (mascot brawler, no less), I'm pretty sure both are the biggest factors. Those, and balancing of course. These are things that'll actually matter in the long-run at least.


Aftershock LA
In a party-fighting game (mascot brawler, no less), I'm pretty sure both are the biggest factors. Those, and balancing of course. These are things that'll actually matter in the long-run at least.

I didn't say they weren't the biggest. I just said that there's more to a game like this than characters and stages. People are upset over a lack of certain PlayStation franchise appearances in this game, but we actually don't know if they are in or not.

As is the case with the Hedgehog grenade from Resistance, the wipEout shield, and Bamusu's Axe, franchises like Dark Cloud, Legend of Dragoon, Gran Turismo, Shadow of the Colossus, could be referenced in this game in some way we just haven't seen yet.

@ Noi: Who's fault? Conclusion jumpers, I guess. People prone to kneejerk reactions to the smallest of news.

Evidenced by this brand new fervor over "hints" from yet another "inside man." It's kind of silly to me. I'm just going to sit and wait for Superbot to show us what they are going to show us, and then discover the rest when I have my copy of the game on my Vita and PS3.


I'm just a little peeved about the lack of information and well mostly not being able to play the beta.

It's no wonder people are jumping to conclusions from what little we've seen apart from one mode and the reveal of the alleged full roster.

The final list of characters that Paul Gale Network has in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, has been sent to SuperBot. Here’s the e-mail.
First of all, due to a discussion that I had with my friend over the weekend, I had to refrain from sending SuperBot any e-mail until today. That being said, here’s what I sent them.


**** *********** Division:

*** *********** Division:

*** *********** Division:

That rounded out the complete list that I was given, tallying XX characters for the game in total. It was not mentioned to me whom from that list would be available on the disc, as is, whom might be unlockable if you went that route, or whom would me made available exclusively as DLC. Furthermore, it was being speculated that your team was in a negotiation state with *******, in determining whether to use ******, ****, or ******. ****** was said to be the most likely ********** ***** candidate, as it would correlate with *** *** ****** release. Finally, ***** inclusion was unknown, but being considered after SuperBot began to read fans’ own wishlists across the internet…but unknown as to whether or not *** made it in. That’s what I was given. With those last two, IF they made it, and IF all information that was provided to me was as correct as the first batch of 20 that I received periodically, the complete roster of PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale would equal ** when all DLC was complete.

I really don’t want to put this story up if it’s going to spoil anything for you. I know you all worked hard and believe me, for one single person to come from one relatively small site in comparison to what’s out there and to be the “voice” behind this game for a year now, it’s been a great experience affecting millions world wide, all the while building up hype for your game, creating early talk, pre-orders, a hopeful increase in sales, and a linkage and story unlike any other in this industry before. It’s been an honor, being chosen and given the information by my friend, to promote the game and even know about it for as long as I have.

Unless you tell me not to put up the aforementioned list, I will put up the information by October 10th. You don’t have to confirm or deny anyone to me. I will abide by your rules if you respond, even with a quote that I would turn into an article, saying that SuperBot told me, “**Here goes what you’d address my audience with**.” Nothing will get out (whether the information I have remaining is accurate or not) and your fans will respect that move by both you and see that I have to remain silent, simultaneously understanding my decision to comply.

Thank you for your time as usual.
Best regards,
Paul Gale
Paul Gale Network


I sent that exact e-mail a little while ago, of course…without the *’s throughout it. What happens next is completely up to SuperBot. All that I’ve ever shared from the beginning was information that I’ve believed to be accurate. My hints were structured a certain way all this time and with each reveal that passed, they proved to make sense. What is yet to be revealed by me, apparently may or may not be what’s left in the game, but unless SuperBot tells me not to reveal that final list (or share the alleged “final poster” which I still have not seen…assuming I do eventually get it), I will share what remaining information I have with you, by October 10th. Thank you…all of you.
So hey guess what. Paul Gale had the same number of characters that Minks source did. If DLC characters will be revealed as Kat and Ryu then WHOOPS.
Unless of course I read it wrong. He lists 3 but still uses ''XX'' ._. In the end the negotiations part is just speculation and far from what should be added to the total number. We allready pretty much know SB has had talks with Activision regarding Crash but I wouldn't add him to the potential list. Especially since it sounded like nothing had come of it.


Unconfirmed Member
Of course they'll deny his request and of course in the end all he'll have helped with is telling us there is probably going to be DLC for this game, which is what pretty much everyone assumes is the case anyhow.


Unconfirmed Member
Battle Royale's Top 5 Most Glaringly Absent Sony IPs

  1. Gran Turismo
  2. WipEout
  3. Shadow of the Colossus
  4. The Legend of Dragon
  5. Gravity Rush

Edit - Crap, I just remembered that WipEout makes an appearance in item form with that shield you can pick up.

Honestly is Legend of Dragoon that glaring of an omission? It only had one fairly niche game a long time ago with pretty middling reviews and apparently hasn't aged very well. I guess Wild Arms and Gravity Rush is kind of in the same position, but at least Wild Arms got plenty of sequels and Gravity Rush is new and is looking like it'll get a sequel too.
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