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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale |OT| Use Supers to Smash your Bros!


Just waiting for the next B2G1 free sale somewhere and will pick this, Hitman, and Persona 4 Golden. Can't wait!


Unconfirmed Member
This thread has really turned into a nice little place.

Kat really rounds out the roster so so much that most of the roster haters have at least become more neutral on it. She's a lady, has a modern japanese artstyle, she has a unique personality and background, and she represents a niche fanbase that can be looked at as a character for the fans.

I doubt we've really completely forgiven them for evil cole or the advertisement heavy third party lineup, or the bland stage selection but at this point its been discussed to death.

Other grievances, like poor presentation or lack of content, might as well wait until launch to see exactly what extent those are worth complaining about.

A.E Suggs

Any details about said tournament? :D

By the way, the top 5 PSN PASBR beta players are (in order):


I personally sent them messages on PSN (name: Strider_Doom) to reward them with a SuperBot gift, but only one responded! If you know any of these beta monsters, tell them to check their PSN messages to claim their prize.

Also, a few weeks ago we had an event where I played the beta online and recorded the matches of me losing for our YouTube page. Unfortunately, there was a technical glitch and that footage was unusable. My record that night was 10-2 FFA and doubles was 6-0 (I had Ed and Maj on my team!). The two players that beat me were kupomogli, who had a really impressive PaRappa, and xTatsumaki, who won with Kratos. We'll be doing these more in the future, and we've already made sure that glitch won't happen again. Sorry about that.

I don't know any of those players except Kupomogli and xTatsumaki.
Played a bit of the beta and it was really great, tho lots of times I felt as if I lost where my character was at. I will get this soon but unfortunatly not at launch since I am focusing on WiiU, NSMBU, and ZombiU at launch. The latest I will get this is February but I may go ahead and get it next month over another game.

So glad Kat was confirmed. Don't have a Vita so obviously I haven't played her game but she seems like a cool character from what I've seen. The characters I think I'll like the most is either Spike, Sly, or Drake. I haven't played most PS franchise games tho I tend to rectify that soon.

Well...anywayz: I hope to see yall soon when I get it! :)


I always miss the good threads.

Great job Mink! I'm always pissing you off because of YOU KNOW WHAT, but you know its all good. :p
great work on the OT, Mink. :)

and was too sleepy to discuss about the dlc but... DAT DLC.

Such great additions. Although I'm not a fan of Emmett, I'd rather have Emmett than no Emmett. :)

Next DLC that looks likely is Assassins Creed rep, Ryu H. and/or Lightning. :D


Looks like we finally learned from past non OT All stars threads. I thought the first couple pages where going to be a shit fest from both sides. Glad I was wrong.

Cant wait to get the game.


Nice OT.

Also while you don't need to change the OT, I have a feeling you can give the Vita copy away.
If no one else tests it out I will. Since I believe you could start the game on a friends account (Who wants the vita game) do that, and then just go back and play the game on your PS3.
However that'll depend on if the Online Play code is connected to the Vita code or not.
Since no one has answered that yet.

(Since Portal 2 was sort of the same way and that's what I did to give it to a friend)
Awesome OP, grats!

I've been to heaps of forums to look for the answers to a couple of questions, maybe someone here will be more knowledgeable :D

1. Does every copy of the game (first-print) come with the preorder costumes? I preordered from Amazon (UK) which didn't mention costumes so I was just wondering?

2. Does anyone know what exactly you have to do to redeem the Vita version from the PS3 one? I know you have to follow a set of instructions but what exactly are they?



Awesome OP, grats!

I've been to heaps of forums to look for the answers to a couple of questions, maybe someone here will be more knowledgeable :D

1. Does every copy of the game (first-print) come with the preorder costumes? I preordered from Amazon which didn't mention costumes so I was just wondering?

2. Does anyone know what exactly you have to do to redeem the Vita version from the PS3 one? I know you have to follow a set of instructions but what exactly are they?

I want to know the exact details as well. Since we know how to do i but not all the information is there on what it entails.

As for 1 if you preordered on Amazon you're getting a code.


I want in on this tourney for sure, and I'll need a partner.

EDIT- If possible can my partner be a friend of mine who currently lurks this thread? He's waiting on his account to be activated after all. Though that's if he gets it on release.

Ya'know it's probably easier I just team up with one of you guys, any takers?
1v1 and FFA tourneys would certainly be fun as well. Maybe after the 2v2?

For sure! We need to figure out how the set up on these work. Sounds like there is a tournament mode set up in game right? Or else we will need someone to organize everything and set up and monitor the brackets.
For sure! We need to figure out how the set up on these work. Sounds like there is a tournament mode set up in game right? Or else we will need someone to organize everything and set up and monitor the brackets.

Man, we could make it big with official team logos and all but aint nobody got time for that.


For sure! We need to figure out how the set up on these work. Sounds like there is a tournament mode set up in game right? Or else we will need someone to organize everything and set up and monitor the brackets.

Yeah, right now I'm hoping the tourney system is easy to use, but with people's schedules it would be hard to make it work, so it'll have to be monitored.

The ingame tourney mode will be fun for spontaneous tourneys though.


Man, we could make it big with official team logos and all but aint nobody got time for that.

My friend (who I really hope gets this on release) are pretty decent at art and will totally make a logo for ourselves for sure.

If he doesn't, I'll just make one for whoever partners with me.
Can we get Gunstar & I on the ladder?

Sure thing.

2 vs 2 Teams
Time-is-Obsolete - Man is Obsolete and TimeEffect
ScraftyDesmond - Desmond and ScraftyDevil
Mink 'n' Stein - TheMink and JStein
BaHeathMut - Bahamut_24 and IntelliHeath (IntelliHeath)
SmithnCow - SmithnCo (smithnco) and KevinCow
The Jentlefriends - Jtir123 and J's brother
Toronto Bros. - AnkiRendan (AnkiRendan) and SSReborn (Klipz-Wish)
Tagg Your Sis - Tagg9 (Tagg7) and Tagg9's sister (SlyHobbes)
Team InFAMOUS - Chamber and RazOmari
Itchypads - Mik_Pad and Kouichi
Då Viking'š - Drencom and Napalm_Frank
Gunny Balboa - Gunstarhero and KalBalboa


Man, sucks growing up with these characters and currently dont have a ps3 (still cant justify the expense for a console or HDTV while on my current college budget)

My Era of Playstation

PlayStation- My parents were always wary of getting us a console as kids, I understand now that they wanted us to get into books, but I always thought it was weird that everyone else had a Nintendo or SEGA and all I had was a Gameboy. Then one day one of my moms cousins came over and noticed we didnt have any sort of gaming system, she gave my parents $200 in Toys R' Us bucks and told my parents to get us one. So my dad, always one to test products, rented an N64 and a Playstation one weekend after the other. Mario 64 was amazing to me as a kid and my dad seemed to have a lot of fun. Then we rented a Playstaion. Lets just say we had to return the Playstation because we thought we had broken it, turns out we had just overheated it from playing too much Crash Bandicoot and Tomb Raider. And thus we wind up with a Playstation, with a copy of Crash Bandicoot, Street Racers, and Ship Wreckers as my families first console and games.

Sir Dan- Oh boy, one of THE games I played with my dad. Always thought the game was a little to creepy, but my and my dad bustled through it, dont know if we ever beat it, but i remember printing off many strategy guides that I would use to help my dad beat bosses and find treasures

Parappa the Rapper- remember playing the demo for Um Jammer Lammy tons of times, I never bought it, just thought how weird a simon says game was, then I played Guitar Hero and realized how much fun rhythm games could be

Heihachi- I remember playing Tekken 3 for many weekends with friends trying to unlock Dr. B and Gon...Paul god fisting through Tekken Force...only to be beat by Dr. B time after time at the end...never got Dr. B.

Hot Shots- A game I would play with my family all of the time, and boy did we play them. I think we owned only one actual Hot Shots golf game, but every year, without fail, my dad and I would rent the latest Hot Shots Golf game...and every year we got my sisters and my dad to play some incredibly competitive games of putt putt that would end in cheers, yelling, and some cursing from my dad

Spike- tried renting Ape Escape one time with my dad and we didnt have a dualshock...so my dad went out and bought one for me (thanks dad)...I remember thinking how weird two sticks were and it took me forever to figure out the controls, but once I did tons of fun was had....dad still remembers the "catching monkeys" game with the annoying noises and the weird controller...

Playstation 2- Again my dad. PS2 had been out for a few years, and the $300 price tag kept my parents away from it. I would always walk past the PS2 section at our local "Value Video" rental store and ask my dad if we could rent a PS2. It was always a no. It ended up becoming a joke for a few years, where I would skim through the PS2 games, ask to rent a PS2 after we got some movies, and of course the answer was always no. Then one night we are renting movies (it was something we did almost every Friday) we are at the cash register, and my dad says "Go grab some PS2 game to rent", my eyes light up. I run over and grab some games to rent, I honestly dont even remember what they were probably Tony Hawk, as I bring them up to register, I ask my dad "So dont we need to rent a PS2"..."No," and he just grinned... I excitedly race to the car where my sisters are sitting in the back seat where they waited while we got movies ....laughing...and holding a brand new PS2 with the game that finally got my Dad to buy it...ICO

Sweet Tooth- Oh man Twisted Metal Black, I remember I was having a hard time in karate class, I was working towards a green belt, failed a few of my tests and was pretty down, my dad was driving me home and he said to flip down the sun visor as it was getting toward sun down and the sun was in my eyes. I flipped it down and out fell a Greatest Hits copy of Twisted Metal Black... thanks dad

Dante- Another karate story. I had just earned a belt. Cant remember what color, but it was one of the higher ones. I was excited and had worked hard for it. By this time I was running a few of the classes, helping people with techniques and running people through drills...at the age of 13...haha...anyway...Im getting a ride home from my dad and there is a bag sitting on the floor from Funcoland....my eyes widen as I open the bag...a greatest hits copy of DMC1... I was so excited...my dad said "well I asked the guy at the desk if I should get DMC2, he said it sucked and to get you this instead"...thanks Funcoland guy...and thanks dad for another memory

Ratchet and Clank- Christmas was coming up, and guess what game had just been released, by none other than the guys who made one of my favorite games...Spyro....Holy Crap... I had poured over magazines looking at this new beast of a game...Spyro...in the future..with guns...damn I just had to have this....we were in the car heading home from church and my Christmas sense was tingling...bags were in the back...and that could mean only one thing...presents...that hadn't been hidden yet...as I peaked through the bags I heard my mom turn around and start yelling to leave those bags alone...and there at the bottom I saw it...a black bar that said PlayStation 2....and just below that...Ratchet and Clank

Jak And Daxter- Jak and Daxter had blown my prepubescent mind through the roof....an open world, before open world became common...graphics at least a billion times better than Crash Bandicoot...and it was a ton of fun....anyway Jak 2 was being released soon....I was pining for it...finally a game that had grown up with me....I mean how many games series went from E to T just as I had become a teenager?....CHristmas morning comes and first present I open is a brand spanking new copy of Jak 2...I pop it into the tray, my mom just as excited to see (she loved watching me play through the first one)....and the first cutscene plays...My mom- "Ooo he got mean didnt he? I liked him when he was cute and friendly"...damn right he did...damn right he did..Jak 2 is one of my favorite games

Kratos- haha...the one game my mom hated to watch and my dad thought was just trash...but I rented both God of War 1 and 2 and played them through in the dead of night when no one was awake so I wouldnt hear complaints about hogging the tv....but one family member was interested..my little sister...we would play the game at the same time on different saves, she playing on hers when I wasnt home and I on mine when she was a sleep....she blew through the games on easy and would make fun of me as I would get stuck on parts she said were a cinch...damn girl going through games on easy

Big Daddy- It was my freshman year of college...dad had stopped playing games all together, my PS2 was barely working and had been long replaced by a cheap DVD player....I was in my first year of college...scholarships were good, resulting in a little bit left over...my parents thought I needed a computer for college...it was my second build and the first time I had an actual top of the line GPU,.... an 8800...GTS...eh....but that didnt matter...fuck it I could finally play PC games again...my first game on my new computer...Bioshock....I had played the demo many times before on my older computer...an aging ATI 9800...and I was still amazed at the opening sequence as it chugged on at 10 frames a second....but with my brand spanking new 8800GTS I was seeing the opening at hi resolution and sorta 60 fps....blew my mind once again.... I brought my computer home for the holidays and I just had to show this new game to my dad...I loaded up the game... "Putting on Easy"..."okay Dad"....the opening sequence begins....and that was the last game my Dad finished

My Dad isnt dead or anything, but he is no longer interested in gaming. Im now in graduate school and I play primarily PC games (still on my trusty 8800GTS), still conscious about spending money on games (my steam list is big, but havent spent more than $20 on a game in years) and havent found the money to get an HD tv or a PS3...maybe Ill pick one up once the PS4 comes out and I have more time to spend on games instead of school, gf, and life.

Playstation All Stars may not have the perfect roster, I have plenty of memories that include certain furry, scaly, and twin pistol toting characters, but the characters included hold enough memories that makes the 10,12,16, and 23 year old inside me get excited as the game they've been waiting for for 13 years is finally coming out.
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