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PlayStation Network Thread (Vita/PS4/PS3) | March 2015

My son got a hold of my vita and quit Oreshika while booting up another game (he has no idea, he's just over a year old).

Oreshika does not autosave. All progress (two or three days worth) lost. My only save was just after character creation.


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Buy Oreshika. Save often.

This is one of the draw backs of Suspend and Resume, I tend to to forget to save.


I might not hate FFXV so far. This is weird. This is a weird feeling.

This is one of the draw backs of Suspend and Resume, I tend to to forget to save.

Yeah, I never saved in Link Between Worlds because of suspend/the annoying "TAKE BREAKS" bird when you save. Then I beat the game (which doesn't save your game). Ugh, about 20% completion lost instantly. Wish everything had at least an autosave slot.


Grabbed Citizens of Earth, gotta support the Ontario game makers! (Plus I'm interested in it)

That South Park $5 thing is nuts, anyone who doesn't have it needs to jump on it for that price. Must be a glitch, no?

Edit: Oh, flash sale.

I thought Citizens of Earth was pretty good, but it was incredibly crash-prone when it first came out. I don't know if they've patched it since then, since I haven't played it after getting all the trophies.


That's why I save often and turn my Vita off every night.

I'd actually like a survey on that, I think the percentage of Vita owners turning their Vita off at all is pretty small.

So Toukiden Kiwami should be out tomorrow in the EU, right? I'm already preparing my Vita for it, making space and getting my old Toukiden file on it. Does it have online multiplayer in the demo?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I thought Citizens of Earth was pretty good, but it was incredibly crash-prone when it first came out. I don't know if they've patched it since then, since I haven't played it after getting all the trophies.

Thankfully its a game that obsessively auto saves.
This is one of the draw backs of Suspend and Resume, I tend to to forget to save.

I did this with Y's Memories of Celceta. I never saved thinking it always auto saved when you touched a warp stone (thinking they were also save spots). I got right up to the last dungeon with 100% map completion and I closed the game when I installed a patch on a games. And that was it, haven't touched it since.
I never turn the Vita off unless I know I won't be using it for weeks, mostly when I'm focussing on another system or I'm deep into a game. Otherwise it's just in sleep mode since the battery life is great.


That nun still needs to visit you. I'm the one who lost his progress and I still swear by suspend resume. I just figured the game autosaved like most (pretty much all) do now.

I tried to leave my Vita on like you guys have insisted and it downloaded several patches, not to mention I have the impression my screen gets warmer if I leave it on for too long.
I did this with Y's Memories of Celceta. I never saved thinking it always auto saved when you touched a warp stone (thinking they were also save spots). I got right up to the last dungeon with 100% map completion and I closed the game when I installed a patch on a games. And that was it, haven't touched it since.

Oh god. I think I would have an aneurism if something like that happened to me.


I tried to leave my Vita on like you guys have insisted and it downloaded several patches, not to mention I have the impression my screen gets warmer if I leave it on for too long.

Yes, it autodownloads patches for me too. I consider that a benefit, though. It should not be getting warm in suspend mode... that's either completely in your head or you need to get.out.of.your.house.now before it explodes!

EdiT -- I'm having total game paralysis now. I don't know whether to immediately jump into Oreshika again and 'shake it off', even though i don't feel like replaying the first few dungeons again, or to play something small and risk not going back to Oreshika.... it wouldn't hurt so bad except i took the early going extremely slow and did a lot of grinding/etc for rare items. ugh. feels like a punch to the gut. That ys story is far worse, though. i was still in first gen.


I use suspend/resume exclusively and never turn my vita off, but I also compulsively save my game every chance I get. I am the fool that used every butterfly/saved every night in Dojima's house in P4G. Probably because I hate autosave, I much prefer having full control over when my game saves (both so I can experiment and roll the game back if I need, and so that I always know when the last save was).


I thought Citizens of Earth was pretty good, but it was incredibly crash-prone when it first came out. I don't know if they've patched it since then, since I haven't played it after getting all the trophies.

Just checked, there is no update or update history on the PS4 version, that's a bummer. I'm still excited to dive in, now I'll just be a little nervous apart from the autosaves as Man God mentioned!
Everytime I talk to a NPC I usually save it immediately. One of the things that made me shift from Nintendo portables to PSP before was when I was already battling the Elite four in a Pokemon game when it died. And my last save was way back to the second, third gym leader, with no legendaries and I haven't captured most of my top team.

Hell now, everytime I go back to the live area of the games, I usually hit up the plus icon too so that I can save my savefiles on the net in case an unexpected memory card corrupted happens.


Brazilian woes:

Dracula Chronicles X is finally available! Two sales came and went, it's too late now -.-

Toukiden demo didn't release here, yay -.-


Brazilian woes:

Dracula Chronicles X is finally available! Two sales came and went, it's too late now -.-

Toukiden demo didn't release here, yay -.-

We got Type-0 HD for almost half of the MSRP for a few hours, that's more than plenty.
Just finished the FF XV demo. Man I loved that I finally got to play it after 8 years of waiting, but now I am sad because I want more. I'm sold, this game is gonna be reaaaal good.

Also I pledge here and now that I won't delete the demo from my home until the game drops. Let's see how long that will be...
Just finished the FF XV demo. Man I loved that I finally got to play it after 8 years of waiting, but now I am sad because I want more. I'm sold, this game is gonna be reaaaal good.

Also I pledge here and now that I won't delete the demo from my home until the game drops. Let's see how long that will be...

So I am guessing you had more fun with the demo than the actual game?
Just finished the FF XV demo. Man I loved that I finally got to play it after 8 years of waiting, but now I am sad because I want more. I'm sold, this game is gonna be reaaaal good.

So jelly... if FFXV really is good, I might end up buying a PS4 earlier than expected. I usually buy PS machines when GT are releasing since I can't stand a drought of games to play in the early years.
So I am guessing you had more fun with the demo that the actual game?
Type-0? I am playing it again now, but there are a plethora of things that I find wrong about it. For instance, the camera controls are awful, and this game has this blur effect whenever you move it. Put a bad camera together with a massive blur whenever it moves, and the result is just bad... Also, another issue is how many random low res textures are still in. Like a piece of cloth on an incredibly HD model, or the opposite, an NPC wearing an HD outfit, while the face still seems stuck in PSP mode lol... Bottom line, FF XV was great. Type-0? Eh.

I am happy that I got it for free essentially, I don't know know if that also makes me less interested in even trying to like the game, maybe things would be different if I had payed for it, and if I didn't have Bloodborne coming next week.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Oh wow, Echo Night is up on PSN.

I remember having a hard time with this game. Plus it's scary.
Type-0? I am playing it again now, but there are a plethora of things that I find wrong about it. For instance, the camera controls are awful, and this game has this blur effect whenever you move it. Put a bad camera together with a massive blur whenever it moves, and the result is just bad... Also, another issue is how many random low res textures are still in. Like a piece of cloth on an incredibly HD model, or the opposite, an NPC wearing an HD outfit, while the face still seems stuck in PSP mode lol... Bottom line, FF XV was great. Type-0? Eh.

I am happy that I got it for free essentially, I don't know know if that also makes me less interested in even trying to like the game, maybe things would be different if I had payed for it, and if I didn't have Bloodborne coming next week.

Yeah. I was tempted to buy Type 0, but it's too much for a port of an old game. Plus the camera issues people have been talking about, makes the purchase less urgent.


Can you play Toukiden demo online?

I am happy that I got it for free essentially, I don't know know if that also makes me less interested in even trying to like the game

I don't think buying remorse is a good thing, and essentially it could make you hate the game more.
Yeah. I was tempted to buy Type 0, but it's too much for a port of an old game. Plus the camera issues people have been talking about, makes the purchase less urgent.
For me it was worth experiencing FF XV. I was 13 when they first showed Versus, and since then it's been a constant wait. I had to give that long gone tormented child a proper send off and put him to rest. FF XV exists, and it's gonna be amazing. Wish you were here to see it 13 yr old names.

Now just like you, I can't wait for Bloodborne.

I don't think buying remorse is a good thing, and essentially it could make you hate the game more.
True, heck I shouldn't even be complaining, when tons of others had to pay $70 (or over $100 for the LE) for it.
Playing Kiwami on the Vita to finish this busy gaming day off aha.

I remember vanilla looking good, but I am positive that this looks better than the original. Also, coming from MH, actually being able to see the enemy's health again is nice. I had forgotten how much fun I had with the bow in the base game too.


I don't think buying remorse is a good thing, and essentially it could make you hate the game more.

Sunk Cost Fallacy is a real thing too. It's easy to feel less motivated to put too much effort into something you got free. Humans aren't particularly rational beasts.


You guys are making me feel bad for turning my Vita off every night before I go to bed. Let's see if I can last a week without turning it off.
You guys are making me feel bad for turning my Vita off every night before I go to bed. Let's see if I can last a week without turning it off.
You shouldn't feel bad, it's just a waste since the Vita has one of the best standby features from any device I've ever owned. You should obviously still save your games, but once you are done all you do is put the Vita to sleep, and you are done. The next time you pick it up, you won't have to boot it up, it'll be right where you left it.


Hey guys, picked up South Park: The Stick of Truth alongside SMT: Nocturne (both were at great prices :D), so after letting them download to my PS3 overnight, I will check them out tomorrow to see why many find them so good :).

Got further into Neptunia Rebirth 1 as well and.....I finally got a good grove going with the game :D. Everyone is at least over level 45 (currently at the first dungeon for chapter 6) and right now, I'm going back to a few of the past dungeons with the extra items/harder foes plans enabled (so that way I can get the secret dungeon plans alongside leveling everyone up very high).

Also found that at this point in the game, getting money is very easy (just a fight a few high level monsters on the field a few times, use the EXE Attacks to kill them and bam, fight over :D); not a complaint in the slightest, but just a nice thing to find out after my struggles with the first few hours of the game.

It is also very cool how you have such a huge cast to chose from for fights; the four main CPU's, Compa, IF, Mages, Marvelous, and the three DLC characters (as of right now for me; I think I am going to get at least three-four more joining my party in the final two chapters I think). It makes the fights so interesting and it lets you play around with each characters different attacks and EXE moves (they are really cool to watch).

Overall, I love this game so far and I am very happy that Sir TapTap recommended this to me :D. Once I beat this, I will pick up Rebirth 2 and see how much I enjoy that :).


Overall, I love this game so far and I am very happy that Sir TapTap recommended this to me :D. Once I beat this, I will pick up Rebirth 2 and see how much I enjoy that :).

Glad you like it! The cast is almost TOO big, it's a very good thing they went to 4 party slots...even that's not enough IMO (technically it's 8 with switching, but I never found switching to be a sensible thing to do unless you're in a super tough boss fight and the person at the front is almost dead and healing isn't worth a turn...which is a long way to say "almost never").

Might wait a bit before jumping to Reb 2 depending how fast you get burned out. Since the remakes are all using the same combat system now (for good reason!) the combat can feel a bit samey. I played them both at release and found it a reasonable enough break but take whatever/no break as you see fit.


Just finished Fate/hollow ataraxia for Vita.

I enjoyed it but it reminds me just how ridiculous Type-Moon writing and scenarios are...

The ufotable cutscenes and the 2005 in game visuals clash so badly.

At least it's better than a majority of ASCII/Dengeki Bunko LN/VNs...

Also Tales of Hearts R for iOS, god Shing is bottom tier protagonist alongside Emil... Going off of Graces and Zestiria makes me realize how dated and not as fun the TP system is.

Asbel, Yuri, Sorey, and Leon Magnus top tier protagonists.


Overall, I love this game so far and I am very happy that Sir TapTap recommended this to me :D. Once I beat this, I will pick up Rebirth 2 and see how much I enjoy that :).

It's a fun game. Not amazing in any sense, but fun to play and is an enjoyable experience. Just remember that in NepReb 2, you're not going to play with the old main casts but their little sisters most of the time. There are still interaction with the old goddesses, but it's much later in the game so think if will want to pick up NepReb 2 or not. I've seen people who didn't play it because of that.

Noire is surprisingly mature in NepReb 2, though. Personality, that is. Calm and composed. I guess that's how you will be when you have a little sister.
Best goddess.


Yay Echo Night, anyone play it before?

You would get better answers if you made a thread about the game's release, and while you're at it, mention that another PSX classic released cuz it feels like I'm the ONLY one on GAF who seems to care about PSX classics' releases :p

It's a From Software game, and its gameplay is based on King's Field so that should be good.

Soldner X 2 looks pretty close to the ps3 version. Native and 60 fps, there isnt a framedrop till now. They disable the network though.

Base game is 900 mb and the expansion is 300.


Oh wow, Echo Night is up on PSN.

I remember having a hard time with this game. Plus it's scary.

I stand corrected, I say go grab it, relive the nostalgia and good ol' days of From Software before their Souls era~

Brazilian woes:

Dracula Chronicles X is finally available! Two sales came and went, it's too late now -.-

Toukiden demo didn't release here, yay -.-

Take it from me mate: If a game is on sale but not compatible yet, just buy it.
Hey guys, picked up South Park: The Stick of Truth alongside SMT: Nocturne (both were at great prices :D), so after letting them download to my PS3 overnight, I will check them out tomorrow to see why many find them so good :).

Got further into Neptunia Rebirth 1 as well and.....I finally got a good grove going with the game :D. Everyone is at least over level 45 (currently at the first dungeon for chapter 6) and right now, I'm going back to a few of the past dungeons with the extra items/harder foes plans enabled (so that way I can get the secret dungeon plans alongside leveling everyone up very high).

Also found that at this point in the game, getting money is very easy (just a fight a few high level monsters on the field a few times, use the EXE Attacks to kill them and bam, fight over :D); not a complaint in the slightest, but just a nice thing to find out after my struggles with the first few hours of the game.

It is also very cool how you have such a huge cast to chose from for fights; the four main CPU's, Compa, IF, Mages, Marvelous, and the three DLC characters (as of right now for me; I think I am going to get at least three-four more joining my party in the final two chapters I think). It makes the fights so interesting and it lets you play around with each characters different attacks and EXE moves (they are really cool to watch).

Overall, I love this game so far and I am very happy that Sir TapTap recommended this to me :D. Once I beat this, I will pick up Rebirth 2 and see how much I enjoy that :).

Nocturne was on sale dozens of times in the past months and NOW you buy it?
Go get Raidou K. vs. King Abbadon (Raidou 2), get more SMT in your life, how can you say no to this badass mofo
I've been unusually quiet over the last few pages, and don't know why - but in the spirit of not being so quiet....


That is all.

Also, Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters is fucking confusing me - but none of you care about that because fuck Vita right? :p


Nocturne was on sale dozens of times in the past months and NOW you buy it?
Go get Raidou K. vs. King Abbadon (Raidou 2), get more SMT in your life, how can you say no to this badass mofo

Well, I only played the Persona games (P3P and P4G) in the SMT series, so it is still very new to me :). Loved the Persona games though, so if Nocturne is even a little like that, I should have a great time playing that :D.

...Not that I think about it, I'm on a RPG binge right now XD! The KH2.5 Collection, Neptunia Rebirth 1, and now SMT Nocturne and South Park: The Stick of Truth; all very different games but all top quality regardless.

Great timing too, as it is spring break for me now (so I can put a lot of time into each game before I have to get a lot of college work done).

If I really enjoy Nocturne, I will give the other SMT PS2 games a look :).


Also, Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters is fucking confusing me - but none of you care about that because fuck Vita right? :p

I've been looking for the past week for stores here that're selling the game. It's taking longer than usual, but I can wait since Firefly Diary arrived today.


The special missions in the Toukiden Kiwami demo are a ton of fun. Omega Force should have added more boss fights in the demo for the original game instead of forcing us to go through the boring story missions with only one real boss to fight. I might have actually bought Toukiden if they had done that.

...And now I'm tempted to (also) buy the PS4 version.


After being disappointed with the Ratchet and Clank Collection for the Vita, I have to say im absolutely stunned by how gorgeous Final Fantasy X-2 (and I'm assuming X as well) is. Damn. Looks SO good.

But I'm not playing it quite yet, just wanted to check it out. Right now I'm playing Wild Arms on vita. Since it's so old I was kind of scared to pick it up but its oozing charm and I'm really into it.


I've been unusually quiet over the last few pages, and don't know why - but in the spirit of not being so quiet....


That is all.

Also, Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters is fucking confusing me - but none of you care about that because fuck Vita right? :p

I bought that
on PS3
but haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I will at some point, I really need to stop buying so many games before I finish the ones I already have.


The special missions in the Toukiden Kiwami demo are a ton of fun. Omega Force should have added more boss fights in the demo for the original game instead of forcing us to go through the boring story missions with only one real boss to fight. I might have actually bought Toukiden if they had done that.

...And now I'm tempted to (also) buy the PS4 version.
This has me conflicted. The special missions were fun but the story missions really bored me.. Demo is kinda making me not want the game anymore so far.


I'm in a bad luck zone regarding my latest purchases. Firefly Diary was a target for the customs, my new Vita-2000 had a dead pixel, my HORI filter was a fake, I can't track my 16GB memory card for the life of me.

there's a fake HORI filter? any pics?
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