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PlayStation VR Launch Thread: Welcome to The Real World

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Well I am thoroughly enjoying Arkham VR at the moment, playing in short sessions as I want to enjoy it rather than rush through it. My friend has offered to sell me Robinson for £30, do you all think it's worth getting? How does it compare graphically to the likes of Arkham? Bare in mind I don't have a Pro...

I really like what I've played of it so far, graphically better than Batman, BUT I am running a Pro.

As for £30, nope not worth that it's £25 on back order on Amazon, £27 on Very.
I'll be buying one of these things as soon as I can find them in stock in Australia but hopefully by the time that happens...

[portbeg] Drinkbox studios will have announced that they are porting Severerd to psvr [portbeg]


They have said (on kinda funny GDC stream) they did not build floor/roof textures etc so would require a lot of work to turn it into a VR game so would not hold your breath but i would love that game would be a major work out with moves was tiring enough on vita moving your finger let alone waving your arms about, but would be soooooo cool.


Fafracer forever
Shoeless said:
it'll be a bit of a drop off in image quality, unfortunately. It'll look similar to the RE7 Kitchen demo that's on the demo
While there's no arguing Pro makes a difference, that particular comparison is crazy talk. Kitchen demo resolution was so low it's comparable to the outer-edge low resolution part of games that do FOV/lens optimized rendering, not to mention having no AA at all, which makes it the only PSVR experience I've seen to do that.
Quick question:

Is someone else's vr-box stays on when you left the PS4 on stand by? I can hear the cooler and the light is white for a few hours after I put the PS4 on stand by, the it turn to yellow(if I don't remember wrong?)
If turn the ps4 off, the light turns red and it doesn't make any sound.

I don't know if it related to left the power of the usb on in settings a few hours when enter stand by mode, or if it's intended to work in this way for some reason, but at night is really annoying, and I have no idea what impact does it have in power consumption.
Hey guys so I played the Driveclub VR demo and didn't feel the motion sickness others felt. Is it worth it? I liked the base game but I just worry the VR version, even at $20, will be lacking stuff the original game has. (Don't even think there is Bikes VR?)

Currently Driveclub VR is the only reason to own PSVR :D best value for money hands down when other titles are 60$ and only have a couple short missions and modes.
Quick question:

Is someone else's vr-box stays on when you left the PS4 on stand by? I can hear the cooler and the light is white for a few hours after I put the PS4 on stand by, the it turn to yellow(if I don't remember wrong?)
If turn the ps4 off, the light turns red and it doesn't make any sound.

I don't know if it related to left the power of the usb on in settings a few hours when enter stand by mode, or if it's intended to work in this way for some reason, but at night is really annoying, and I have no idea what impact does it have in power consumption.
It's only on for me when the PS4 is downloading something
Is there a way to turn it off?

I just un-plug mine, but that means to have to swap the hdmi cables, and that's a deal breaker to use VR, to much hustle.
Is there a way to turn it off?

I just un-plug mine, but that means to have to swap the hdmi cables, and that's a deal breaker to use VR, to much hustle.

...press the off button? :D

i just pull the headset from the breakout box to avoid having that one cable on the floor, no need to pull any HDMI cables ever.
...press the off button? :D

i just pull the headset from the breakout box to avoid having that one cable on the floor, no need to pull any HDMI cables ever.

I think he meant if there is a way to turn off the breakoutbox completly

Sadly if you remove the power there is no HDMI passthrough, so when turning it off by unplugging the power you have to swap cables
Two biggest issues for me are the constant drop in signal (PS4 Pro) and also lack of HDR passthrough, which when the Pro is wired direct to the TV the signal issue is gone. This pretty much leads me to believe that it's a breakout box issue and I'm surprised Sony hasn't fixed it yet.
oh yeah, that. Still, i wouldn't be bothered as it only runs when the PS4 itself is on too?

My issue is that runs when the ps4 is in stand by, and at night it gets noisy.. (it has a fan/cooler), of course I don't mind it if I'm using the ps4, but when it's on stand by it's unnecessary.

Hold the powerbutton on the headset for about 5-8 seconds. The breakout box will shut down.

Cool, will try that.
Now that I remember, I usually don't have the headset connected to it (so i can store it in a cupboard when not in use), maybe that's part of the issue? that the box it's constantly waiting for some reply from the headset?
Quick question:

Is someone else's vr-box stays on when you left the PS4 on stand by? I can hear the cooler and the light is white for a few hours after I put the PS4 on stand by, the it turn to yellow(if I don't remember wrong?)
If turn the ps4 off, the light turns red and it doesn't make any sound.

I don't know if it related to left the power of the usb on in settings a few hours when enter stand by mode, or if it's intended to work in this way for some reason, but at night is really annoying, and I have no idea what impact does it have in power consumption.

Hold the powerbutton on the headset for about 5-8 seconds. The breakout box will shut down.

down 2 orth

If a popular game has already been released on both the Vive and Oculus, does that mean there's a good chance that it will release on PSVR eventually as well?

I'm just reading through the favorite VR game thread, and people keep bringing up Elite: Dangerous and a few other interesting games. I'm wondering if there's no apparent exclusivity agreement, how likely it is a VR game will port to all three major platforms.


Quick question:

I bought PSVR just a few days ago and it's really, really awesome....for me it's a true next-gen experience, comparable in magnitude maybe with the step from 8 to 16-bit, or from 16 to 32.
Anyway. It"s really awesome.
But is it supposed to be THIS blurry?

I'm well aware I shouldn't expect 1080 sharpness but this is PS1 FMV levels of blurriness.
Yes, I've had the system measure eye distance.
Yes, I've moved the headset around.
No, there is no plastic protection foil on the lenses to pull off.

The text on the test screen is pretty clear, albeit a bit "shimmery", but everything else in-game is really, really blurry, except for some rare instances maybe.

Is this okay or should I be worried my headset is defective...?

(To be clear, it's very very awesome nonetheless)
Two biggest issues for me are the constant drop in signal (PS4 Pro) and also lack of HDR passthrough, which when the Pro is wired direct to the TV the signal issue is gone. This pretty much leads me to believe that it's a breakout box issue and I'm surprised Sony hasn't fixed it yet.
If you turn off HDCP that may fix the blackout issue.
Quick question:

But is it supposed to be THIS blurry?

I'm well aware I shouldn't expect 1080 sharpness but this is PS1 FMV levels of blurriness.
Yes, I've had the system measure eye distance.
Yes, I've moved the headset around.
No, there is no plastic protection foil on the lenses to pull off.

The text on the test screen is pretty clear, albeit a bit "shimmery", but everything else in-game is really, really blurry, except for some rare instances maybe.

Is this okay or should I be worried my headset is defective...?

(To be clear, it's very very awesome nonetheless)

It's normal, that because the resolution isn't good enough to see at that distance and with lenses, also it's really hardware demanding (it should run abobe 90fps to avoid sickness) so most games doesn't even have AA or filters, so the image quality it's simpler (worse) overall.
Currently Driveclub VR is the only reason to own PSVR :D best value for money hands down when other titles are 60$ and only have a couple short missions and modes.

Well DC is the only PSVR game I regret buying. Tried to love it but the regular version is way better imo. Maybe if a pro patch is applied I'll like it better because the game looks really rough compared to other big PSVR titles.
Quick question:

But is it supposed to be THIS blurry?

Depends what you mean by blurry. If you mean low res, then yes, VR looks low res... But, it should be sharp when looking in front of you. If you look at the edges (without moving your head) it's supposed to be blurry.
Although, if I look really close at an object it's blurry.

And video (like Youtube) in general is blurry in VR, realtime 3D graphics should be clear though.
Weirdly I think the one game so far that gets me with motion sickness is RIGS. Like I played that game and had to lie down for the rest of the day. Resident Evil 7 I'm pretty ok with and was surprised at how smooth it felt for me.

Something that does really annoy me, is I can feel my eyelashes on my right eye touch the lens. When I readjust the image isn't clear :-/


Depends what you mean by blurry. If you mean low res, then yes, VR looks low res... But, it should be sharp when looking in front of you. If you look at the edges (without moving your head) it's supposed to be blurry.
Although, if I look really close at an object it's blurry.

And video (like Youtube) in general is blurry in VR, realtime 3D graphics should be clear though.

Wait....what? Your first paragraph makes it sound like I'm fine....but in the end you say in-game graphics should be clear? To be precise, I'm only talking about games....haven't used YouTube or anything else.

The image is sharper in front of me, yes, but it's pretty low-res at the same time. But if that's to be expected then that's okay....as long as my unit's fine, I'll have fun. :)

As a sidenote, I've been experiencing some nausea in games with somewhat free movement.....talking about "Robinson: The Journey" and especially "Here They Lie". Latter really knocked me out a little....awesome game from what I saw, but boy, was that unpleasent. :) Especially coming close to an object or a wall triggered a strange sensation in me.
All games in "VR Words" as well as "Rez Infinite", "Super Stardust VR", "VR Playroom", "Batman" and "Until Dawn" were fine though, and even "Driveclub" caused no troubles. I hope it just takes a bit getting used to.

Haven't tried "X-Wing VR Missions" and "Bound" yet.
Wait....what? Your first paragraph makes it sound like I'm fine....but in the end you say in-game graphics should be clear? To be precise, I'm only talking about games....haven't used YouTube or anything else.

The image is sharper in front of me, yes, but it's pretty low-res at the same time. But if that's to be expected then that's okay....as long as my unit's fine, I'll have fun. :)

As a sidenote, I've been experiencing some nausea in games with somewhat free movement.....talking about "Robinson: The Journey" and especially "Here They Lie". Latter really knocked me out a little....awesome game from what I saw, but boy, was that unpleasent. :) Especially coming close to an object or a wall triggered a strange sensation in me.
All games in "VR Words" as well as "Rez Infinite", "Super Stardust VR", "VR Playroom", "Batman" and "Until Dawn" were fine though, and even "Driveclub" caused no troubles. I hope it just takes a bit getting used to.

Haven't tried "X-Wing VR Missions" and "Bound" yet.

I HIGHLY recommend Bound, but an update is coming soon that fixes a lot of the camera issues so maybe wait for that? I know one of the devs on these forums, not sure when that is slated to be released.


I HIGHLY recommend Bound, but an update is coming soon that fixes a lot of the camera issues so maybe wait for that? I know one of the devs on these forums, not sure when that is slated to be released.

Well, it kind of depends on your personal response to the camera movement. Right now, even though it can feel a little tedious to constantly readjust the stationary camera configuration they have currently implemented that's pretty much at maximum comfort setting.

They're patching in a traditional 3rd person "following" camera like in the non-VR version of the game, but it's quite possible that, once implemented, it may cause some motion sickness issues for some players, and they'll end up having to switch back to the stationary camera anyway. Everyone's response is different. However, for the people that can play VR games with all comfort settings off, it's a welcome addition. Won't do much for the more sensitive people except make them sick, unfortunately.


I HIGHLY recommend Bound, but an update is coming soon that fixes a lot of the camera issues so maybe wait for that? I know one of the devs on these forums, not sure when that is slated to be released.
Bound kind of bored me. I don't know if it was due to my annoyance with fighting the camera or what.
Quick question:

I bought PSVR just a few days ago and it's really, really awesome....for me it's a true next-gen experience, comparable in magnitude maybe with the step from 8 to 16-bit, or from 16 to 32.
Anyway. It"s really awesome.
But is it supposed to be THIS blurry?

I'm well aware I shouldn't expect 1080 sharpness but this is PS1 FMV levels of blurriness.
Yes, I've had the system measure eye distance.
Yes, I've moved the headset around.
No, there is no plastic protection foil on the lenses to pull off.

The text on the test screen is pretty clear, albeit a bit "shimmery", but everything else in-game is really, really blurry, except for some rare instances maybe.

Is this okay or should I be worried my headset is defective...?

(To be clear, it's very very awesome nonetheless)

what game? you're saying its blurry but you don't mention a game. Only game that's really super blurry is driveclub VR.

on PS4pro. Visuals are pretty great.
Well, it kind of depends on your personal response to the camera movement. Right now, even though it can feel a little tedious to constantly readjust the stationary camera configuration they have currently implemented that's pretty much at maximum comfort setting.

They're patching in a traditional 3rd person "following" camera like in the non-VR version of the game, but it's quite possible that, once implemented, it may cause some motion sickness issues for some players, and they'll end up having to switch back to the stationary camera anyway. Everyone's response is different. However, for the people that can play VR games with all comfort settings off, it's a welcome addition. Won't do much for the more sensitive people except make them sick, unfortunately.

Good point. I think I take for granted that I don't really get motion sickness. I can actually see myself going between camera options. I'd like the following camera but I also enjoy having a stationary camera and the girl just dancing around.


Tried the Infinite Warfare Jackal Assault VR mission today (You don't actually need to own CoD on the PS4 to download it, the Jackal Assault VR Mission is free and standalone), another really great VR dogfighter that I'd quite easily put on par with the Battlefront VR mission!
Once again it made me want an entire Call of Duty game like that.


Two biggest issues for me are the constant drop in signal (PS4 Pro) and also lack of HDR passthrough, which when the Pro is wired direct to the TV the signal issue is gone. This pretty much leads me to believe that it's a breakout box issue and I'm surprised Sony hasn't fixed it yet.

Had this problem last night. Screen would blackout literally every 30 seconds. Turned off HDCP and it never happened again.
I don't know what game to buy next, but I am still itching way too hard for SuperHyperCube. The games I own outside of the demo disc experiences are: Job Simulator, Rez, Thumper, Bound, and if it counts as a "game" the free Star Wars Battlefront mission. So far I'm getting the most mileage out of Thumper. That game is my jam (I'm a music nerd). Rez is my euphoria, Bound is my art room (I mostly just boot that up to ogle at vast spaces of surrealism), and Job Simulator is still acting finicky with me and I'm not sure how to save progress for each job.

I've really enjoyed the immersion present in the demos that involve cockpits. Battlezone felt cool, and Eve Valkyrie felt even more amazing because of the ability to roll (which makes me feel like I'm riding a rollercoaster that I am controlling in real time), but those prices are just too much for me (even if Battlezone seems to actually have a decent amount of content).

The overall most impressive experience I think is weirdly enough, the Resident Evil 7 demo. Here is my dilemma...should I just wait and get the full RE7 game, or bite on SuperHyperCube? SHC appeals to me because it's by far the most sublime feeling that VR has given me. It's like some sort of delicious candy...even more so than Rez. The presentation is just so clean and impressive looking in VR (also the sound design is masterful). But 30$ still seems like a lot for a candy bar.


Should I just wait and get the full RE7 game, or bite on SuperHyperCube? SHC appeals to me because it's by far the most sublime feeling that VR has given me. It's like some sort of delicious candy...even more so than Rez. The presentation is just so clean and impressive looking in VR (also the sound design is masterful). But 30$ still seems like a lot for a candy bar.

In my opinion, I would wait for RE7. There are only so many levels in SHC and so the replay value is low unless you are crazy about leaderboards. RE7 on the other hand promises to be a full length game with puzzles and a narrative complete with different locations.


I have shown my PSVR to probably about 15 people now. They all come away impressed but only 1 person is seriously considering buying. Price is just too high, especially in Canada...

:( I really want VR to succeed though.
A random question - why can the breakout box be 'switched'. The instructions says to pull one half way from the other - but why? And why can I actually pull it back in a normal configuration ? (Not sure if this is clear)


Thinking about Batman, is it good?
Dunno if I'm gonna get it or wait for a discount though.

Batman is really enjoyable. Tough I do recommend Move controllers, makes the experience 10 times better. It's also one of the most comfortable VR experiences while being very immersive.
Had this problem last night. Screen would blackout literally every 30 seconds. Turned off HDCP and it never happened again.

Yeah but in doing that you then limit the functionality of the PS4, I normally run with it off, but over Christmas wanted to use Vidzone so had to turn back on, this shouldn't be a choice I need to be making.


That sounds like you have a 1080p TV and a PS4 Pro. I had similar issues, until I limited HDCP in safe menu (hold power button on boot until it beeps again) to HDCP 1.4 only.


That sounds like you have a 1080p TV and a PS4 Pro. I had similar issues, until I limited HDCP in safe menu (hold power button on boot until it beeps again) to HDCP 1.4 only.
The screen/audio cut outs can happen with the Pro plugged into a 4K tv also. Hell, I have a Sony 4K set and it happens. The fix is to just reboot the PS4 Pro. Rest Mode and PSVR don't like each other. I just hope this is something they can iron out with a firmware update.
If a popular game has already been released on both the Vive and Oculus, does that mean there's a good chance that it will release on PSVR eventually as well?

I'm just reading through the favorite VR game thread, and people keep bringing up Elite: Dangerous and a few other interesting games. I'm wondering if there's no apparent exclusivity agreement, how likely it is a VR game will port to all three major platforms.

Well, in theory yeah, the tech and the gadgets are pretty much the same.

However the PS4 is much more strict when it comes to framerates, and so far it seems not too many big devs are making content for VR. So the small devs that currently populate the majority of Steam VR, might not be able to get it to run on the console or don't have the resources to support multiple platforms.
That sounds like you have a 1080p TV and a PS4 Pro. I had similar issues, until I limited HDCP in safe menu (hold power button on boot until it beeps again) to HDCP 1.4 only.

The screen/audio cut outs can happen with the Pro plugged into a 4K tv also. Hell, I have a Sony 4K set and it happens. The fix is to just reboot the PS4 Pro. Rest Mode and PSVR don't like each other. I just hope this is something they can iron out with a firmware update.

Yep same here, have a PS4 Pro and also THIS 4K Bravia, the issue is still there regardless, so it's not the worst issue as to get the HDR I disconnect from the VR box anyway.


A random question - why can the breakout box be 'switched'. The instructions says to pull one half way from the other - but why? And why can I actually pull it back in a normal configuration ? (Not sure if this is clear)

Are you talking about the half of the casing that slides over the hdmi ports? Not really sure why that is. Im guessing its some aesthetics thing. Like it hides the end plugs from protruding out of the PU. Looks cleaner. And it slides back to make it easier to see and plug into those ports.
If a popular game has already been released on both the Vive and Oculus, does that mean there's a good chance that it will release on PSVR eventually as well?

I'm just reading through the favorite VR game thread, and people keep bringing up Elite: Dangerous and a few other interesting games. I'm wondering if there's no apparent exclusivity agreement, how likely it is a VR game will port to all three major platforms.

Potentially. Some might not due to them taking the brute force approach like Project Cars and require beefy rigs to run, to get them running on the PS4 the games would have to be super optimised and have to cut a lot. There are exclusivity deals such as Chronos and The Climb, two games I'd love to play but are currently exclusives for the Rift. Others there is the problem of PSVR not supporting roomscale where it is required such as Vanishing Realms. Some have been seen running on PSVR and the devs stated awhile back that they would be supporting the hardware but the companies have gone quite on the subject.

I hope a lot do as currently the Rift and the Vive have some interesting looking games, here are a few that have me interested:

Dirt Rally
Superhot VR (hope the base game comes to PS4 as well, I'd rebuy)
War Thunder
Obduction (this is coming to PSVR)
The Climb
Edge of Nowhere
Project Cars
Call of Starseed: The Gallery
Tilt Brush/Oculus Medium
FATED: The Silent Oath (I think this might be coming to PSVR, not sure)


Thinking about Batman, is it good?
Dunno if I'm gonna get it or wait for a discount though.

Probably the biggest "wow!"-experience I have had with my VR headset. It's short, but it has a pretty low price. It realy shows the potential of the PSVR.
Probably the biggest "wow!"-experience I have had with my VR headset. It's short, but it has a pretty low price. It realy shows the potential of the PSVR.

I agree. Still my favourite VR experience.

I know they are still in early stages of VR gaming but I love these high-production value, short duration (2/3 hr or so) games. Set at £15 or so, I'd buy loads of this type of thing.
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