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Pokémon Go |OT| As in "Go Outside"


You know, I feel like a standardized gang sign should be made for each team so everyone's easily identifiable out on the streets
and so the greatest gang war since the bloods and crips can truly begin



I don't know we had tons of lightning here in Norfolk last night and I didn't see any Pikachu. Haven't been to the gas station since the game came out but it would be pretty dope if I caught a Charizard while filling up my car.


I don't know we had tons of lightning here in Norfolk last night and I didn't see any Pikachu. Haven't been to the gas station since the game came out but it would be pretty dope if I caught a Charizard while filling up my car.

That post is just a lie. I've caught one Pikachu in the middle of the day, in a sub-division housing area while walking the dogs. The other one I've gotten was hatched from an egg.


Need to confirm

There are no wild pokemon inside airports?

I traveled recently and the 2 airports I was in had no pokemon, lure/incense worked tho

Jonbo298's pic seems to be the case also


Is this... an actual thing?


Like 6 or so I believe?
Yeah, I was at a small river this afternoon and it was crawling with Water types. Apart from the odd Drowzee and Caterpie, everything else were Goldeen's, Magikarps, Psyducks, Poliwags and Staryu's.
My sister works at an international firm that gives financial advice, today she was asking me for help because she doesnt understand pokemon terminology that she needs for work.
This is getting really really crazy, the App is not official out here in my country and i saw like 100 people playing the game at the park... This is surreal.
Man somebody took out my Chansey that I put up on a gym :( 10 coins a gym and I can barely hold 1 for a short period of time. It's going to be a loooooooooooooooooong time before I can upgrade my bag lol.


Man somebody took out my Chansey that I put up on a gym :( 10 coins a gym and I can barely hold 1 for a short period of time. It's going to be a loooooooooooooooooong time before I can upgrade my bag lol.

Don't you have more gyms around where you can put a foot in?


Went to the mall of america today... just doing some normal shopping. Congrats Pokemon Go players... you have taken over. The age range is insane...
Don't you have more gyms around where you can put a foot in?

I'm not the best at battling yet so I can't take the higher CP ones. Can't quite get dodging down.

Is it me or do special moves kinda suck because you're kinda forced to take a couple of hits. At least it feels like it.


bonus exp when you catch a pokemon with it

Doesn't really work right now though. Often times you get nothing and at times you get a bonus, despite throwing the ball normally.

I'm not the best at battling yet so I can't take the higher CP ones. Can't quite get dodging down.

Is it me or do special moves kinda suck because you're kinda forced to take a couple of hits. At least it feels like it.
I never dodge. Either the animation is off or the server is just laggy because I get hit regardless.

Yeah, some special moves are terrible and not worth using. It's best if they have high damage and are the correct type.


I keep buying PokeCoins. Upgraded my bag for Pokemon and items, dunno why. Anyway, bought some incubators as well so I can crack those eggs down quicker. Wish we could expand the storage for eggs, so it's not limited to 9.


Hm, I was under the impression I would have 21 hours to claim my defender bonus for getting a gym, so I didn't grab it right away. Two hours later and Vaporeon is back in my collection with 1 hp and the defender bonus is not available.
Hm, I was under the impression I would have 21 hours to claim my defender bonus for getting a gym, so I didn't grab it right away. Two hours later and Vaporeon is back in my collection with 1 hp and the defender bonus is not available.

Nope. 21 hours is the cooldown timer between "collecting" bonus coins.
Got a Dragonite today, the long way. 3 days of Dratini collecting at a local park. 1812 CP evolved.

Now sure if I will level it more. Enjoying collecting more right now.


Got a Dragonite today, the long way. 3 days of Dratini collecting at a local park. 1812 CP evolved.

Now sure if I will level it more. Enjoying collecting more right now.

I'd be happy to collect Dratini if I could find a place where they actually spawned frequently enough lol


Is anyone having trouble catching even trash? I'm level 5 and even Pidgey and Rattata are escaping and running away after one shake, am I just really unlucky?


Is anyone having trouble catching even trash? I'm level 5 and even Pidgey and Rattata are escaping and running away after one shake, am I just really unlucky?

It seems to be random rolls on what pokemon are harder to catch. I'm at level 13 now, and I have times when CP 50 Pokemon take like 6 pokeballs each. I found that it picked up around the time I acquired greatballs. Maybe the game is trying to make players move towards using other balls?


The success of others absolutely infuriates me.
Is anyone having trouble catching even trash? I'm level 5 and even Pidgey and Rattata are escaping and running away after one shake, am I just really unlucky?

That seemed to be a problem, yeah.

Man, is nearby still broken? What the hell.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Shaky servers didn't dissuade 200+ people from coming to this event at one of my local parks. And tons of people had come to the park to play anyway and didn't even know there was an event. They had beer and drinks and snacks and were taking donations to fund the next event. Some people had their dogs and one dude every brought his pet snake. Even played some volleyball. It was honestly just like a big ass summer party. Except people were dressed like you'd go to a fan convention and talking about pokemon. I barely even recognized it until getting home just now but I spent the whole goddamn day out there. Met people from all walks of life. Just outstanding.

So many other people were repping team colors. :) I accidentally did a bunch of business for the etsy shop where I got my Mystic shirt. Plus Anker and Powerbear after helping a couple people out with battery woes, one dude was able to catch a Squirtle with 2% battery, he was so thankful for the tiny bit of juice haha.

Also two girls walked by arm in arm with a full on Team Rocket ensemble, everyone was jeering them lol

Ah neat, I added this to the OP. Just as a general to everyone too, if you know of another charity or rewards app that would be a great companion for something like Go, please let me know and I'd be happy to add it to the OP. :D
Does anyone know if there's a way to have your phone send you a notification whenever you open another app?

Once the servers are more stable, I would love be reminded to pop Charity Miles before going out every time.


Got a Dragonite today, the long way. 3 days of Dratini collecting at a local park. 1812 CP evolved.

Now sure if I will level it more. Enjoying collecting more right now.

I caught a dragonite on my partners phone with one pikeball, cp65 or so.... we find dratini sometimes Is it worth leveling up the dragonite?
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