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Polygon: Xbox Scorpio will be a ~6 TFLOP system (v PS4K's 4.14), unveil soon, Fall 17

Poor Nintendo...


They should have waited. They should have waited.

Yeah, to be honest I think they are the real losers in this releasing a console that will probably be around Xbox One level while everyone else starts to focus on the upgrades. They better hope this whole venture by MS and Sony fail spectacularly.


Because power was the problem with the Xbox one. Sure.

I don't think anyone is expecting Scorpio to outsell or come close to the PSNeo in anyway; MS will never be able to top that ~1 year head-start the Neo will enjoy, coupled with the fact that Xbox is dead outside NA/UK.

What will happen is that DF and Sales threads will be more entertaining now; performance threads became predictable (PC>PS4>XB1) and sales threads have gotten stale with only two main consoles on the market.


GAF's Bob Woodward
If this end up happening MS giving Sony a year head start is not good.
After a while people will be lock into eco systems and it won't matter what Sony or MS bring out .
Going to be interesting to see what happens .

It's true, the hardware becomes less of a compulsion towards one or the other when there's effectively always something better coming 'soon' on both sides.

So the early rounds here could be important for establishing momentum. And I dare say Neo ought to play the cost card better vs Scorpio next year than Xbox One might vs Neo in its first year (from a price:perf sweetspot point of view). However Microsoft isn't solely dependent on the behaviour of this market for their platform's success, given that they're straddling it over into the PC space too now.

It's also quite possible that after the initial tick-tock, they start to sync up onto similar schedules. However that could require one to short-change one of their revision's time at the top, and tbh it would make for a less diverse/interesting choice of products IMO.
Wow, that woudl be beastly, but what would that cost, and what sort of hardware would it require? Does amd even have APU's with that much muscle to them?


One thing is for sure...

For all the people that say 'Power doesn't matter!'
a) It's clear that the smart decision-making people at Sony and Microsoft have come to the opposite conclusion, and
b) The most powerful console of this gen has utterly dominated it.

That old 'Power doesn't matter' argument looking mighty weak right now. The new truth is 'Exclusives don't matter.' That's one I can get behind.

No, nothing is for sure.
The way I see this, no console will ever hold an power advantage for more than 1-2 years again.
If Scorpio kicks Neo's butt, PS5 will come in 2018. Madness!!!!


Nate followed up with her after the fact of that last thread. It buried in that thread somewhere, but either way no way in hell the NX is anywhere near these monsters coming to market.

Yeah, these just sound like...oof. Way out beyond something nintendo would consider trying.

Just think about it. Every year we get a 300 page thread on the visual differences of Call of Duty and how it looks better on (Xbox or PlayStation) than (PlayStation or Xbox) depending on the year!

You mods just laughing at all the hysteria to come.

Poor Nintendo...


They should have waited. They should have waited.

They could wait forever, it won't change anything. All they can do is try to improve their situation from Wii U levels at the least.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I hope they call it Xbox Scorpio. It sounds great.


If anything - this whole leak just shows how poor Microsoft's planning is in terms of their effectiveness at competing in the market.

Between this and the several new dongle devices they seem like a chicken with no head.


Yeah, to be honest I think they are the real losers in this releasing a console that will probably be around Xbox One level while everyone else starts to focus on the upgrades. They better hope this whole venture by MS and Sony fail spectacularly.

I for one am on Nintendo's side in this matter. Can't help but root for the underdog.


No, nothing is for sure.
The way I see this, no console will ever hold an power advantage for more than 1-2 years again.
If Scorpio kicks Neo's butt, PS5 will come in 2018. Madness!!!!

I think Griss may have forgotten the $100 price difference @ launch as well. If ps4 had been $100 more at launch than x1...
This reads as something that is just too good to be true.

400$ console prices seems the way to go this day and age. There's no way in the world that you can expect a 4x more powerful console in comparison to the Xbone, and then also expect the console to be priced under 600$.

If it does there is going to be some serious CPU bottleneck.

Sounds like an "inside source" wants this to be true, but it will be more of something along the lines of twice as powerful.

I don't know. In 2016, millions people are willing to buy new smartphones every YEAR. Just finance or subsidize your new Xbox Scorpio by locking in a 2-year XBL Gold contract!!!! ;)

Dropping $700 on a single box that gives you high-end PC performance without having to buy all the other PC stuff or assemble it yourself sounds like something that would sell.

And if Microsoft locks down a bunch of AAA exclusives, they could sell the hardware at a loss and get money back through XBL Gold and game licenses/sales.

All we need is that Federal Minimum Wage hike and we're good to go!



Sony could of caught wind of this and rushed out Neo.

Article states that MS was caught off guard about the release of NEO after GDC. NEO could possibly have a 8-12 month head start.

It's why I have no idea why MS would announce this at E3. They'd crater their sales and they'd hand over all the mind and marketshare to PS4. And then pray that people jump on the new box.


So I was hoping they would not release a new Xbox this year. Now I'll just a Xbox Stick for my other room to stream. Then next year get the more powerful Xbox One. Damnit, but I was also going to build a PC. Welp. Either way I was gonna get a Surfacebook 2 for game development. Hmm, this is all interesting but not anything that hasn't been discussed before.


I wish it could just be a Windows PC in small form, so I could run Steam on it. I'd probably decide not to build a new PC then.

I would rather vive support. Oculus is in a terrible place right now and i wouldnt support them after all their recent lies and bullshit.

They sell Vive in their own Microsoft Store, so maybe a marketing deal with Oculus, but official support for both headsets.


Maybe this is the start of bi-annual hardware iterations for both of these companies.
Sony releases new hardware 2016, 2018, 2020, ect..
While Microsoft releases new hardware in 2017, 2019, 2021, ect...

So they'll essentially take turns having the more powerful hardware.

This is what i see happening. Taking turns being the most powerful. Which doesn't mean much as the PC will still triumph all. So the biggest differentiator is still software. So the question remains, which combo will cover the market best.
So, if they announce this at E3 and don't release it until Q3 2017... who's gonna buy an Xbox for the better part of a year?

That's all I thought about while reading through this. I mean, the average consumer might be swayed by a slimmer unit in the meantime for a reasonable price, but I'd imagine most interested people (who haven't bought an XBO yet and don't mind continuing to wait to play its library) would figure that they could just use the gap between releases to save for the objectively better system
These consoles haven't even been released and I'm already hating the fact they released shitty hardware and now will release a decent one.


Gold Member
Just think about it. Every year we get a 300 page thread on the visual differences of Call of Duty and how it looks better on (Xbox or PlayStation) than (PlayStation or Xbox) depending on the year!

Or a new console announcement every E3!

I do feel bad for Nintendo though, hope everything works out for them. :-(
Explain it in Evangelion then ill understand this noise

Nintendo: Better Shinji



If anything - this whole leak just shows how poor Microsoft's planning is in terms of their effectiveness at competing in the market.

Between this and the several new dongle devices they seem like a chicken with no head.

I hope their dongle devices don't show up at E3. Because that mean fuck all as far as gaming goes and could again create a stigma.


So we might get...

PS4 Neo - Fall 2016?
Xbox Scorpion - Fall 2017?
PS5 - Fall 2018/2019?
I don't understand how they expect people to realistically drop 400 to 500 dollars every year on one of these things.

Console market with crash if this happens.
Sounds about right, calling it Scorpio internally and coming out between October - November of 2017. 6TF sounds like a beast, hopefully it also uses a Zen CPU instead of the God awful CPU that the Xbox One and PS4 uses.
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