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Polygon: Xbox Scorpio will be a ~6 TFLOP system (v PS4K's 4.14), unveil soon, Fall 17


Where the hell does this leave Nintendo?

Either they provide a supplementary device to upgrade the NX like the recent patents show or NX is absolutely a platform that involves iterative upgrades.

NX and SCD is designed to be scaleable. If Nintendo makes the SDC patent into a realized product, users can physically connect multiple SCDs to the console.

Here's the SCD patent, but I pasted in 3 more SCDs and drew wires, just for fun.


Each SCD can have one or more "processors". These are assumed to be CPUs, and we don't know if that means an APU with GPU or what.
Quote your references because I don't believe you.

Xbox One has done wonder with it's 1.3TF. I can't imagine how good looking a game would be with a console powered 6TF powering it.

I'm not stating any facts here. Just making an informed guess. What I've read suggests that AMD's measurement of teraflops is different than Nvidia's, and Nvidia usually ends up with better performance with a lower TF figure. Someone early on in the thread pointed out how a 8.5TF Fury X is matched or even outperformed by a 6TF 980Ti. You can look up the benchmarks if you don't believe me.


I'm currently imagining each system on an alternating two year iterative release cycle with continual fortune-reversal anxiety threads.


Holy fuck gaming in 2017/2018 is going to be crazy.
With all this new tech coming developers are going to be aimer higher and higher and then scaling it down for PS4/XB1.

If you have a high-end pc or one of the 2 new consoles graphics are going to improve A LOT the next 1-2 years.


I dont like this, where will the gen begin and end if every two years sony and ms are releaasing better consoles?
because sony release ps4k
ms releases xbox 1.5
sony releases p4k+
xbox 1.5+

and they will always be a year apart now?

I feel like the PS4 is finally taking off with games and content and now we are already talking about the next PS4s and XB1s?!?!? I don't like this at all. By the time the XB1 and PS4 were announced, I was barely using my X360 for games and mainly for Netflix, so the next gen was more than welcome. I'm gaming more now than ever... there is no need for this.

This is WAY too soon for this garbage.


so neo in 17 and ps5 in 18 ? are you kidding ?

My wallet wants me to be but I can see a PS5 in 2018. Neo is coming this year, not next. Quite confident on Neo in September/October.

It's getting fired out for VR IMO.

PS5 September or October 2018. So that will be 2 years gap.


But I guess if MS can get a big player like EA not to support the Neo until the XB2 is out that could be big
Sure, that's IF they could do that. Wouldn't happen in a million years as not supporting the Neo = not being able to release games on the base ps4.


Sounds like a bs leak to keep people from buying a neo.

1) there is not going to be a new graphics Tech in 2017 to be 50% more powerful than neo and fit within console price points

2) announcing this far in advance would just kill whatever momentum Xbox has.

I still don't understand the position a lot here have that they shouldn't even announce these consoles until weeks before going on sale!

This is such a seismic shift in this market they will have to educate and prepare consumers. I work with a couple of casual Xone/PS4 owners who are up in arms and confused about all this.


I just can't wrap my head around the release date of this thing.

Sony are going to launch the NEO this Fall or early 2017.

That gives the NEO anywhere from 8-12 months on the market completely unchallenged.

MS are ceding way too much market-share to the NEO before launching their own iterative console.

From their POV.

They get to launch a more powerful newer machine next year. Meaning Sony will themselves have to wait until 2018-19 to release a new one.

Unless they're planning to release another neo in 2017 or 2018 as well? They both have to face up to the idea of 'losing' market share whenever they release a new machine.


But if MS shows demos at E3 that blows Neo out of the water then it shouldn't matter that much.

First off I doubt they do this so soon. Second if it launches a year later it means very little to Sony and their plans or consumers imo. NEO will be the new hotness. Yet Sony will still be selling the OG PS4 at a cheaper price and NEO at $399. Sony increases their userbase AND gets profit while games still sell better on their platform.

MS is essentially rebooting with no promise that their Scorpio will even move the needle considerably.
I could believe it depending on the price tag. The higher the price the more appealing building a PC becomes though. Even more so because of the unified ecosystems. At a certain price, an Xbox becomes, unnecessary.


It might on a console.

Nope, not unless they simplify the graphics. We are talking 4 times the resolution and twice the framerate.
There isn't much of a performance overhead on PC or a hidden advantage on the console now considering consoles use x86 architecture and PC has Dx12 which is pretty damn low level (*which the Xbox will be using as well). Not to mention none of this matters for games made for both Xbox and PC. This new Xbox will be pretty much a locked down Windows 10 PC.

Then you have the fact that this is AMD flop, weaker than Nvidia flops. A 980Ti is a 5.6 Tflop yet it outdoes the FuryX which has 8.5 Tflop. So a 6Tflop machine using AMD GPU is more like 4Tflop using Nvidia GPu...which really isn't enough for 4K./60FPS with complex graphics.


After thinking about all of this long and hard for awhile, it sounds completely fucking nuts to me.

they might drop the xbone with the release of the new console. i mean for all we know it could be a completely new console for MS. from 1.41 to 6 is not exactly a small jump


extra source of jiggaflops
Maybe they will release these new systems with disposable shells so you can just wad them up and toss them in the trash every 2 years or so when you are ready to drop hundreds more on another one.
Can I get a unique disposable shell when I prestige in Call of Duty???


Neo Member
Aren't developers going to hate this, especially if Sony and Microsoft are on a year apart incremental update schedule? Constantly shifting goalposts in terms of optimising their games.
6 teraflops is hardly mind blowing, I wouldn't expect miracles from this thing. You can soon use a couple of teraflops up using modern rendering techniques. The PlayStation wont be far behind in real world terms.

Still interesting though.
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