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Polygon: Xbox Scorpio will be a ~6 TFLOP system (v PS4K's 4.14), unveil soon, Fall 17


Nope, not unless they simplify the graphics.
We are talking 4 times the resolution and twice the framerate.

Then you have the fact that this is AMD flop, weaker than Nvidia flops. A 980Ti is a 5.6 Tflop yet it outdoes the FuryX which has 8.5 Tflop.

So a 6Tflop machine using AMD GPU is more like 4Tflop using Nvidia GPu...which really isn't enough for 4K./60FPS with complex graphics.
980ti isn't even enough for 4k/60 unless you are playing some low demanding games. I usually run stuff at 1440p


But if MS shows demos at E3 that blows Neo out of the water then it shouldn't matter that much.

Remember how crazy Quantum Break E3 "demo" looked in 2013? Remember that? Some people even said that it looked better than anything shown on PS4. Point is, if it's not coming out this year than it's not coming out this year and no one will care. In fact, expect healthy skepticism as to whether those demos are running on actual hardware or not.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I'm currently imagining each system on an alternating two year iterative release cycle with continual fortune-reversal anxiety threads.

Ha, yes! This is basically a neat encapsulation of my last post.

If this model gains traction on the market I can easily see a two yearly cycle, and if MS and Sony are releasing on alternate year's, nobody's performance crown is going to last very long (all else being equal).

Just buy into the platform(s) and iteration(s) that suits you, and upgrade when you want. Barring catastrophic software compatibility issues, you're not forced to chase every upgrade. Otherwise you'll end up in a kind of PC-lite-like 'there's always something better around the corner' hesitancy/anxiety.


Just think about it. Every year we get a 300 page thread on the visual differences of Call of Duty and how it looks better on (Xbox or PlayStation) than (PlayStation or Xbox) depending on the year!

More moderator banning satisfaction though with the constant crazies going off the rails?

NeoGAF mods are the real winners here.


PS5 is probably 2019. 3 years after the nero. My guess is it will have something like 10 tflops of performance

Exactly! I think 10 TF absolutely HAS to be the goal for PS5. Otherwise don't release it until then, because according to history it should really be over 12 TFs.


So, if they announce this at E3 and don't release it until Q3 2017... who's gonna buy an Xbox for the better part of a year?


they might drop the xbone with the release of the new console. i mean for all we know it could be a completely new console for MS. from 1.41 to 6 is not exactly a small jump

It sure sounds like a next-gen system, so I would not be surprised. I can't imagine that all Xbox One owners would be very pleased, either.

Rebel Leader

Just think about it. Every year we get a 300 page thread on the visual differences of Call of Duty and how it looks better on (Xbox or PlayStation) than (PlayStation or Xbox) depending on the year!

6 teraflops is hardly mind blowing, I wouldn't expect miracles from this thing. You can soon use a couple of teraflops up using modern rendering techniques. The PlayStation wont be far behind in real world terms.

Still interesting though.

With what they're pulling off currently, why wouldnt the graphical change be exponential?


they might drop the xbone with the release of the new console. i mean for all we know it could be a completely new console for MS. from 1.41 to 6 is not exactly a small jump

I think it would absolutely stupid for them to drop the Xbox 1 support this soon. Especially with Sony doing the complete opposite with regards to the NEO. Sony can increase it's Market share and gain profit. The OG PS4 will no doubt be cheaper while NEO allows them to keep their margins up.

If MS drops support for the One then they are taking a huge risk in hoping that playerbase moves over while Sony continues their domination.

Sony's plan has very little risk. They lose nothing on this whole thing.

If what you're suggesting is true. MS loses whatever playerbase they have now and banking on the Scorpio replicating PS4 success.
Just think about it. Every year we get a 300 page thread on the visual differences of Call of Duty and how it looks better on (Xbox or PlayStation) than (PlayStation or Xbox) depending on the year!
Brave New World...

Staying up to date on all systems is going to be so freaking expensive, and that's only for the hardware.


Ha, yes! This is basically a neat encapsulation of my last post.

If this model gains traction on the market I can easily see a two yearly cycle, and if MS and Sony are releasing on alternate year's, nobody's performance crown is going to last very long (all else being equal).

Just buy into the platform(s) and iteration(s) that suits you, and upgrade when you want. Barring catastrophic software compatibility issues, you're not forced to chase every upgrade. Otherwise you'll end up in a kind of PC-lite-like 'there's always something better around the corner' hesitancy/anxiety.

And that is why, when this happens I'm going all PC all the time. May be with a side of Nintendo.
Aren't developers going to hate this, especially if Sony and Microsoft are on a year apart incremental update schedule? Constantly shifting goalposts in terms of optimising their games.
Yeah, I'm curious to see what devs say about this going forward.

Just think about it. Every year we get a 300 page thread on the visual differences of Call of Duty and how it looks better on (Xbox or PlayStation) than (PlayStation or Xbox) depending on the year!
Oooooooh boy.
Ha, yes! This is basically a neat encapsulation of my last post.

If this model gains traction on the market I can easily see a two yearly cycle, and if MS and Sony are releasing on alternate year's, nobody's performance crown is going to last very long (all else being equal).

Just buy into the platform(s) and iteration(s) that suits you, and upgrade when you want. Barring catastrophic software compatibility issues, you're not forced to chase every upgrade. Otherwise you'll end up in a kind of PC-lite-like 'there's always something better around the corner' hesitancy/anxiety.

If this end up happening MS giving Sony a year head start is not good.
After a while people will be lock into eco systems and it won't matter what Sony or MS bring out .
Going to be interesting to see what happens .


I'm currently imagining each system on an alternating two year iterative release cycle with continual fortune-reversal anxiety threads.

Idk about that. Previously, the stakes were huge because of the 5-6 year locked-in hardware cycle. Once that is done, the most powerful console will always be the one releasing next year.

I think it will be more like iOS v Android, where it is the ecosystem that matters and the hardware is just a vehicle for that. And MS' ecosystem is going to be uwp; Sony's will be entertainment!entertainment!entertainment!


Just think about it. Every year we get a 300 page thread on the visual differences of Call of Duty and how it looks better on (Xbox or PlayStation) than (PlayStation or Xbox) depending on the year!

Will you be tending your NeoGAF resignation!? Or maybe a regular therapist appointment!


It sure sounds like a next-gen system, so I would not be surprised. I can't imagine that all Xbox One owners would be very pleased, either.

yea i bought xbone on launch day so im def ready for a new one lol

if this thing can play xbone AND 360 games though .... holy shit
Sigh...I might have to seriously rethink my gaming purchases with the new way things seem to be headed. I've always bought 1 or 2 of the latest gen consoles and then had a PC I built and upgraded. I just don't think I can financially keep up with these iterative consoles every couple years plus keep my PC fresh. Even if games are still released on the older version consoles my OCD will drive me nuts not having the latest/greatest.

I'm sure there is a lot more info we don't know yet but I hope consoles exclusives start coming to the PC more so I can just stick to PC gaming and hope they have more cross platform play so I can play with my friends who don't play on PC. My wallet hurts thinking of all these new upgraded consoles.
This reads as something that is just too good to be true.

400$ console prices seems the way to go this day and age. There's no way in the world that you can expect a 4x more powerful console in comparison to the Xbone, and then also expect the console to be priced under 600$.

If it does there is going to be some serious CPU bottleneck.

Sounds like an "inside source" wants this to be true, but it will be more of something along the lines of twice as powerful.


Just think about it. Every year we get a 300 page thread on the visual differences of Call of Duty and how it looks better on (Xbox or PlayStation) than (PlayStation or Xbox) depending on the year!

Then I will prob stop playing games and just get my fun from reading those threads

I guess thats good enough


I would rather vive support. Oculus is in a terrible place right now and i wouldnt support them after all their recent lies and bullshit.
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